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Sri Narasimha suladhi-Part 1 composed by Sri Vijayadasaru

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Hare Srinivasa,Suladhis

are special compositions of Haridasas of Karnataka. They consist of

poetical text, grouped into paragraphs that can be sung in a different beat and they are referred

to as tAlamAlika. The concept of suladhi is such that it handles one

main concept in detail, which is elaborated with instances from puranas as well

as simple examples from nature Suladhis too have different themes

like – guru vandana, praarthana, sadhana, devuru mahatmya ,

taratamya, atmabhodana etc.





suladhi is on the mahatmya of Sri Narasimha devuru . It is a

beautifully crafted piece of poetry. The irony is it is not crafted

but must have flowed from the heart of Dasaru as he contemplated on

this avatara. Let us contemplate on the first paragraph of this suladhi within our limited

capacity.Those who are interested to view the entire suladhi in kannada font or to listen to it, please visit the following link:





siMhane nArasiMhane daya pArA


Lord who is the foremost in valour, who is foremost in the special

attribute of being blemishless, who is full of endless compassion.


bhaya nivAraNa nigurNa


is the kavacha or armour of compassion to His devotees and He removes

fear in the minds of His devotees. He is above the trigunas

–satwa,rajas and tamas of which the entire universe of sentient and

insentient beings is composed of.


Gopala Dasaru in one devurunama says





marthAMda sri nArasimhA kAyo



immortal Lord and the Lord of other immortal kings(devatas) and the

controller of the three eyed devata(Rudra). Just as the sun dispels

gloom, darkness and fearing by shining on all things and making us

aware or giving us knowledge about our surroundings , so also You

dispel the fear and darkness of death on Your favoured devotees by

granting them the light of knowledge. "



saMsAra vrikshada mUla


is the one who can uproot the tree of samsaara of His true devotees

who truly understand His Supreme power.


Kanaka Dasaru entreats the Lord to bestow this beautitude of moksha

on him by giving him the vision of the Lord at the end of his life.

The condition of surrender to the Lord is a must if the Lord must

grace the devotee as seen in the following lines .


charaNa tOri enage pAru kAnisaiyya konege


ninage nArasimhane


kILuva bhiridu bhayaMkara


removes all traces of bondage implying that He removes the sheath of

ajnAna which covers the swaroopa of the soul. His prowess in this is

well known among the jNAnis.


Madhva describes the glories of Lord Narasimha in a similar way.









Narasimha is the brilliant sun who drives away the darkness called

ignorance and brings in victory, right knowledge,

happiness,valour,strength because He is the infinite treasure house

of all these sadgunas




karALavadana A


has a ferocious form which strikes fear in the heart of the wicked.

His face is itself very magnificient in its fury caused by the

rakshas who was troubling His bhakta. This is not a dosha as seen by

the following line which descirbes that He appears as He likes with a

view to cause a certain effect because of His great omnipotence.


durita saMhAra mAyAkAra


is the force which destroys the wicked people as well as the wicked

tendencies of the good when they seek His grace . He is such a wizard

that He appears differently to the people depending on their mental

frames of mind. He is hence referred to as mayAkara- a magical



Purandara Dasaru syas,


daha veMdenna pApada rAshiya


karuNadi narahari doreye"


Lord Narahari, I entreat You to shower Your compassion on me. Please

destroy and burn the heaps of papa that I have accumulated."


shOka kAraNa udubhava


is the cause of the grief of the cruel demons.


bhuvana sAgaradoDeya


is the cause of the creation of the 14 worlds. He is the magnificient

Lord of the entire universes consisting of land masses and oceans.


vIjaya viThThala narasiMga


one with the fame of being full of fury is the same “vijayavittalaâ€

who is the bimba muruthi of Sri Vijaya Dasaru.




is height of valour at the same time His compassion is depthless. If

there is not valour then any amount of compassion would be futile. So

Dasaru clearly says that He does not lack in either and can bring His

wish to completion by the strength of His will.




the same devurunama Sri Purandara Dasaru talks of this karuNa of the





sujana rakshNakAgi


biTTu allalLi niMtiruvi


bhaktara kshema vahisuta en taMde


hE muddu bAlakrishnA




are so full of mercy that you left Your beautiful abode at VaikuMTa

and are are accepting the service of Your devotees in different

adhishtanas in the world. Whosoever worships You with the thought of

being completely at Your mercy and with full devotion ,You make it

Your duty to offer them protection without fail."

sri krishnArpanamastuI am not the doer,Lord Hari is the doerEven so, whatever He makes me do is His worship by His graceR.Parimala



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