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Sri Mohana Dasaru's composition- paramaharushavaayithu

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Hare Srinivsa!Sri Mohanadasa gurubhyoh namah


Jagannatha Dasaru has told in the mangalacharana sandhi



viTTalana karuNa paDeva mumukshu jivaru


bhAgavataranu koMDADuvudu pratidinadI


Those desirous of reaching the state of moksha, have to sing the

glory of the great bhaktas of the Lord everyday . Instead of saying

'dinadi' , he say pratidinadi, means repeatedly, again and again, every single day of the

anAdikAla of the jivas now as well as in future. Such is the

importance of the grace of the bhaktas to the one who seeks the

Lord's grace.




Mohana Dasaru was brought up by Sri Vijayadasaru since when he was a

toddler. Sri Vijayadasaru has fondly blessed him by singing the song


chinna neenu


padadhUli dharisutali


too has disclosed the secret of eternalality to Mohanadasaru in the

very begiining of his blessing. To obtain release from samsaara, one

needs to bow down to the feet of the great bhagavathas meaning the

bhagavad bhakthas who are continuously aware of the Lord's supremacy

and glory always.


Mohana dasaru who flowered under the loving care of Sri Vijayadasaru

has composed many kritis to show his affectionate devotion to his

father and guru. This composition by Sri Mohana Dasaru is heart

rending . It clearly shows the deep feeling contentment that Sri Mohana Dasaru felt

just contemplating on the feet of his guru. It could be

contemplating, it could be actually seeing his guru.





three wish yeilding objects in heaven are the kAmadhenu, kalpataru

and chitAmani. They bestow the desire on the people who seek from it.


Mohanadasaru cites the expereinces of these gifts to people who are

in dire need of a lifeline .He compares his bliss of having the

vision of the feet of his guru to the bliss of the expereince of such

people in need when their overpowering need is fulfilled. The

difference between "wanting" and "needing" should

be understood clearly to understand the impact of the comparison. To

highlight the meaning of the word 'need' Dasaru gives the plight of

the people in situations of misery where nothing other than a release

from such misery is sought after. No other desire plagues such a

person who is tormented by a misery.



Mohana Dasaru who is fully aware of the misery of this samsaara, who

has also expereinced such misery since birth, is clearly highlighting

that the need to be free from material desire, as well as the need to be free

from bondage should be overpowering. Nothing else should matter. Then

the guru's grace is like the kAmadhenu, kalpataru and chiMtAmaNi to

the disciple. In the three charaNams he compares his state to that 1)of

a child lost in a dense forest, 2)a person who is exposed to scorching

heat and is almost dying of thirst and 3)finally a person who has lost

all his wealth suddenly.










terali podavuyiMdu




says ," I am extremely happy at seeing the feet of my gurugalu."

Just by the vision, the agonies in store for me due to my various

wrongdoings in countless births have run away. There is no trace of

misery for me anymore."


lines give confidence to the devotee . By placing firm faith in

Vijayagurugalu, Dasaru is able to say this. He has expereinced this

removal of misery by the spiritual power of his guru. The wonderful

phrase 'paramaharushavAyithu" tells us all. harusha means an

immersion of the mind in blissfulness. It is above ephemeral

pleasures which satisfy the senses and agitate the mind after the

expereince. It is something which gives peace. Dasaru here says

'parama +harusha" indicate that the biggest happiness for him is

to keep the feet of his guru in sight.


has always heard of the great powers of the guru and each one expereinces it upto the level, Sri Mohana Dasaru

has expereinced it . He received the grace of the guru which gave him

lease of life twice as well as his guru gave him direction for

spiritual progress.




Vyasavittala Dasaru echoes the same thoughts


badukiro divya charaNakeragiro


toredu poreva vijaya gurugalembarA




one cannot just understand what his expereince is, then he could give

examples .




tirugi tanna mAteyanu


kANade chiMtisi dhenisi


arasilu AkshaNadolagavala vatsa



kUgalu kAmadhenu odagidaMte


child loses its way in a forest nad is full of agony at not finding

its mother. It knows that finding the mother is the only way to

escape from the dangers of the forest.It feels agitated and

understands that only the mother would lead it to safety. If at that

point the child calls out loudly calling for the mother and the

mother comes immediately . Then the expereince is as if a miracle has

happened. It is asif the kAmadhenu answered the prayers of the child. The moment the person asks, the heavenly cow showers the

wish on the person.





guru is like the kAmadhenu. Even though I am lost in this forest called

samsaara, I can feel secure knowing that he will guide me the moment

I seek his help.





kriraNadiMda tapisi


bAyabiDuvuta bapparana


piDidu surataruvinaDiyalli ku


kuDiye divya sasiyanittaMte


person has been tortured by the heat of the sun and is terribly

thirsty. If such a person is offered pure water after being made to

sit under the shade of a heavenly tree, then imagine the effect of

the cool, soothing shade and clear cool water on his lips and throat.

It would be sheer bliss. There is nothing more that could make such a

person more contented than one already is. Here Dasaru says that it

is as if one is made to sit under the specail divine tree, which

satisfies all wishes to the point that there is no further wish .

Such is the great bliss of Sri Mohanadasaru when he has the vision of

the feet of his guru.



says,"Nothing can make me more contented than the vision of the

feet of my guru."


bane of a human being's existence is unfulfilled wishes. Desires keep

plaguing the mind continuously. The secret of removing this disease

of the mind is to do the dhyAna of the guru's feet as indicated by

Sri Mohana dasaru in this devaranama.




pOgADikoMDu naranu



manaklEshdiM diraalu


mahimane namma mohanna viTTala


kaiyolage chiMtAmaNiyanu yittaMte




person has lost all wealth and property. Such a person would feel

totally devastated. Being in poverty from birth makes poverty

tolerable. Never being in power or never having held any position of

respect in society makes it easy to take disrespect or a state of no

social identity easily. But one in power, one who had wealth, to such

a person losing it all is like dying. Dasaru is saying, "Imagine

the state of happiness of this person, if suddenly the Lord Himself

appears and gives the chiMtAmaNi which is the divine gemstone which

can grant any wish." The person is exhalted and in bliss. So

also I am in bliss . I am in bliss, not because of any of these but I

am in bliss because my gurugalu is Sri Viajaydasaru and I have seen

the feet of my guru .




may wonder why should Dasaru say the feet of the guru and not the

guru. One should understand the extent of humility required by the

shishya to be able to open oneself for learning from the guru. The

place of the disciple is at the feet of the guru. This is not limited

to Sri Mohanadasaru. Anyone who can sing this song with the same

feeling of devotion, faith and total trust can definitely expereince

Sri Vijayadasaru's grace. Contemplating on the feet of this guru

while singing this devaranama is an excellent way to seek the guru's




path to follow is also told by Sri Purandara Dasaru.


guLAma nAguva tanaka doreyadanna mukuthisri krishnArpaNamastuI am not the doer, Lord Hari is the doerEven so, whatever He makes me do is His worship by His graceR.Parimala


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