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RE: [SUMADHWASEVA] Query - Getting blessings from Non-Madhwa Scholars and Swamijis

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Dear Sri Krishna and other members of the forum, Thanks for your responses and I wish to hear more from other members. References to Raghavendra Swamigalu, Raghuttama theertharu and Narayana Pandithacharyaru is very promising to understand the subject better. I wish to receive more pointers towards this. Krishna: Certainly, my intention was to get a Shastric perspective on this subject. Thanks and regardsSathya Sathyanathan Jayatheerthan > SUMADHWASEVA krishna.kadiri Sun, 7 Jun 2009 23:39:19 +0530> Re: [sUMADHWASEVA] Query - Getting blessings from Non-Madhwa Scholars and Swamijis> > Dear Sri Sathyanathan,> > If you go strictly by a shAstra perspective, you shouldn't be doing> any namaskArAs to non-mAdhvAs. Sri Raghavendra SwamigaLu, in his> TippaNi on the very first suutra-bhAShya-Tika, says unhesitatingly> that non-vaiShNavas do not have veda-adhikaara. The same opinion is> explicitly made by Sri Raghuttamaru. So it doesn't matter, how old or> how well-versed they are. There is a standard illustration given, of a> donkey carrying a sandalwood-log, to a person who doesn't know (the> right) vedArtha. But still you might appreciate the 'sandalwood' part> and leave the donkey aside. Which is what, some of our prAchIna-yatis> have done (some of our modern yatis imitate the same but to increase> their fanbase). They have honored scholars of other schools, purely on> the grounds of 'secular' virtues like hardwork, veda-text-jnAna etc.,> and kept away from them by default. This is their direction on this> matter. If you can't avoid meeting non-mAdhva scholars, and worse,> cannot avoid bowing to them (in case, that creates an unnecessary> scene), bow to them with the namaskara to the antaryAmi - guhAshayAyai> eva na dehamAnine, and leave it there.> > That is from a shAstra perspective. Other perspectives, based on> 'social harmony', 'universal brotherhood', 'avoiding hurting> differences' are, in my opinion, ridiculous and not shAstra based, and> are parroted by those who live away from shAstra. I'd recommend a> reading of Sri Narayana Panditacharya's madhvAmRta-maharNava, where he> tells us how non-vaiShNavas, particularly mAyAvAdis, have to be> treated.> > I also hope that you asked this question on this forum to get a> shAstric perspective, and not for personal opinions - which I am sure> you have one, perhaps a one closer to the situation and therefore more> valid.> > Regards,> Krishna> > On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 6:46 PM, <canamedi wrote:> >> >> > Yes, I fully agree & endorse the view of Kadalbal Praneshachar.Such issues, if possible, I wish, should not be discussed at all,in this forum, in my personal view.The strong conviction of your faith will guide in the matter as how you can go about such issues, & you are the best judge.I do not wish to to non participation or non visiting such sacred places only by madhwa out look or angle as thought by some & high lighted unnecessarily which only creates cleavages and divisions among Brahmin's of different faith & belief, not well conducive to Brahman society if you wish to protect & promote unity in the interest of of community as a whole.This is my personal view.Thank you for bearing with me if felt so.> > Govindarao> >> > --- On Sat, 6/6/09, gop madhu <gmad864 wrote:> >> > gop madhu <gmad864> > Re: [sUMADHWASEVA] Query - Getting blessings from Non-Madhwa Scholars and Swamijis> > SUMADHWASEVA > Saturday, June 6, 2009, 11:34 PM> >> > ಅಂಜಬೇಡ ಬೇಡೆಲೊ ಜೀವ | ಭವ | ಭಂಜನ ಹರಿ ಶರಣರ ಕಾವ || ಪ ||> > ಬಂದ ಕಷà³à²Ÿà²—ಳೆಲà³à²² ತಾಳಿಕೋ | ಬಲೠ| ಸಂದೇಹ ಬಂದಲà³à²²à²¿ ಕೇಳಿಕೋ || ನಿಂದಾಸà³à²¤à³à²¤à²¿à²—ಳ ತಾಳಿಕೋ | ಗೋ | ವಿಂದ ನಮà³à²®à²µà²¨à³†à²‚ದೠಹೇಳಿಕೋ || ೧ ||> > ಮಾಧವನಿಗೆ ತನೠಮನ ಮೆಚà³à²šà³|ಕà³à²°à³‹à²§ | ರೂಪದ ಮಾಯಿಗಳ ಕಚà³à²šà³ || ಮೋದತೀರà³à²¥à²° ಪಾದವೆ ಹೆಚà³à²šà³ | ಮಾಯಾ | ವಾದಿ ಮತಕà³à²•à³† ಬೆಂಕಿಯ ಹಚà³à²šà³ || ೨||> > ಪರನಾರಿಯರ ಆಸೆಯ ಬಿಡೠ| ನೀನೠಪರಮಾತà³à²®à²¨ ಧà³à²¯à²¾à²¨à²µ ಮಾಡೠ|| ಹರಿ ಸರà³à²µà³‹à²¤à³à²¤à²®à²¨à³†à²‚ದೠಕೊಂಡಾಡೠ| ವರದ | ಪà³à²°à²‚ದರವಿಠಲನ ಮೂರà³à²¤à²¿à²¯ ನೋಡೠ||೩||> >> > --- On Fri, 6/5/09, Kadalabal Praneshachar <kadalabalpranesh@ gmail.com> wrote:> >> > Kadalabal Praneshachar <kadalabalpranesh@ gmail.com>> > Re: [sUMADHWASEVA] Query - Getting blessings from Non-Madhwa Scholars and Swamijis> > SUMADHWASEVA@ . co.in> > Friday, June 5, 2009, 7:59 PM> >> > Dear All> > These questions can not be put to vote. first if someone asks this Q first is he or she following madhwa tradition in toto and doing anushtana as needed. definitely answer is NO in many cases. then why all this ? If u wish and desire and some one is very pious and aged> >> > Getting blessings from Non-Madhwa Scholars and Swamijis> >> > here to there is no answer if someone is a gr8 scholar for ordinary people like us getting blessings from them is just right. only if some one is a great scholoar in madhwa philosophy then such doubts can come to them. I have seen some gr8 scholoars in adviatha and some are really hihgly accomplished too. but never discuss these issues> > they always say it is wish of god we are here u r there no point in going on debating who is up and who is down.> > A> > s indicated earlier by me in this forum I believe need of the hour & day unbification of brahmins in general madhwas in particulary for MYP and this is for betterment of humanity in toto and world at large.> > Dear All> > These questions can not be put to vote. first if someone asks this Q first is he or she following madhwa tradition in toto and doing anushtana as needed. definitely answer is NO in many cases. then why all this ? If u wish and desire visit have darshan seen sceneric beauty and just it is a wonderful place. Yes I have visited and I am not a scholoar or that big to express opinion whether one should go or not. One thing I can say u just love the place enjoy the beautiful riven tunga and astounding beauty of malnad. Plese avoid such discussion on board which have no definite answers and all will express their views.> > For such Q u r the best judge and u decide what is best> >> > Ninu yenadarenu modalu madhwanagiru> > devarannu nambu yella dharmagalannu adarisu> > devanobba nama halavu> > nimma anushtana nivu madi> > bere yella ille bidi> > sri hari vayu gurugal hellarigu> > olleyadannu madali> > shubhamasthu> >> > praneshachar kadalabal> >> >> > On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 7:48 PM, Sathyanathan Jayatheerthan <nsathya (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:> >>> >>> >> Dear Members,> >>> >> Can we do Namaskara to Non-Madhwa Scholars and Swamiji's and seek their blessings.> >>> >> Many a times we come across Pandits, Prohiths, Scholars and Non-Madhwa Mutt Swamijis in our life during various occasions.> >>> >> Can we do Namaskara to them and get their blessings.> >>> >> I had recently been to a Upanayanam of one of my close friends son (he is an Advaithi). The upanayanam was performed by a 83 years old Prohith. The Grand father of the kid announced that he is a reputed prohith and a great scholar of Advaitha philosophy and several other credits and he has been a guiding force for several families etc.> >>> >> Everyone from the gathering started falling on his feet and took blessings. To be honest, he is very kind, affectionate, very patient, took time to listen to everyone's name and how they are connected to this family etc and with full sincerity he blessed them. That includes me, my wife and kid.> >>> >> Also I have been in occasions with the presence of several Swamijis and Jeeyars of Sankara and Sri Vaishnava mutts.> >>> >> Will it be a dis-respect to our Acharya and Guru Parampare and in turn to Lord Sri Hari to get blessings from a Non Madhwa scholar/swamiji. Will it have any negative effect?> >>> >> As far as my intention goes while seeking blessings, it is nothing beyond a peaceful life, the least..> >>> >> Thanks and regards> >> Sathya> >>> >> Sathyanathan Jayatheerthan> >> Chennai> >>> >> A Note to Moderators: If you can answer this question directly and felt that this doesn't qualify for a discussion with the forum, Please do so.> > > ---> > ||"Madhva Mathave Mathavu Sakala Shruthi Sammathavu"||> || Hari Sarvottama, Vayu Jeevottama, Panchabedha, Taratamya, Jagatsatya||> || Madhwa Raayara Karuna Padeyadava Dhareyolage Iddarenu? illadiddarenu|||

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