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Madhwa’s Teachings-His Holiness Shri Satyatma Teertha Swamiji’s chaturmasya, 2009.Proposed vaishnava deeksha from His Holiness on 30-08-09.

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Madhwa’s Teachings


His Holiness Shri Satyatma Teertha Swamiji’s chaturmasya, 2009.


Proposed vaishnava deeksha from His Holiness on 30-08-09.




Dear Reader,


Socrates, the renowned ancient Greek philosopher, it is said, remained unperturbed, when capital punishment was pronounced on him that was highly disproportionate to the gravity of the so-called crime committed. So much so that later, on the appointed day, he asked the dungeon authorities for the cup of Hemlock, drank it, and soon lay lifeless with a placid smile on his face. The unusual approach to death is a question that has baffled thinkers for the last 2500 years. A highly evolved soul as he was, Socrates knew that the path he had trod all his life extended beyond, assuring him a safe journey through the unknown, that men usually fear most.  


A scholar explained this question during the wari-pilgrimage to Pandharpur on foot, which the writer had joined some years ago. The pilgrimage was a fiteen days’ journey from Alandi to Pandharpur with night halts at different villages and towns, where scholars gave discourses. The scholar, a highly knowledgeable in Jnyaneshwari and Das Bodh, and retired professor of science, who had a long experience of wari, said that Socrates would have  received blessings from a more evolved soul, a guru, probably in his youth. He believed that the Greek philosopher must have been initiated into a cult something like the Panduranga cult, following which, he had attained the higher mental state to embrace death like Sant Jnyaneshwar, who entered Samadhi in the prime of his youth. Sant Jnyaneshwar, a highly evolved soul himself had received blessings from his guru. Nivruttinath.


“We are all blessed ones to have been initiated into the Panduranga cult by a guru. Treading the path shown by the guru brings a sea change in one’s outlook. While singing the glory of Panduranga cleanses one from within, displaying the symbol tila on the forehead protects him from external negative forces”.


“However,” he continued, “it is very difficult to come across a guru, an evolved soul, who would initiate one into the vaishnava cult. Such an opportunity comes once in life time.”


Such an opportunity is waiting to knock on our door. His Holiness Shri Satyatama Teertha Swamiji is going to give vaishnava deeksha to all willing Brahmins at the Satyadhyana Vidhyapeetha, coming Sunday. It is a great opportunity that could well change one’s life forever. We are all born as Madhwaas and many of us might have already received vaishnava deeksha. For them, the new deeksha will be like authentication or notarization. His Holiness is also going to bless them with a set of mudras for daily use. Displaying of mudras, the vishnava symbols is considered very auspicious. It is said that even Yumadutas refrain from approaching one who displays vaishnava mudras. Therefore, these symbols are displayed on the passing away of a man, if no symbols are displayed on the body.


Blessings in the form of a set of mudras are of far greater importance than can one imagine. The Swamiji is a highly evolved soul: his profound knowledge speaks for itself. It is said that only a person with devata amsha is appointed as high priest to all the peethas established by Shri Madhwacharya. Besides, the Swamiji has, for the last 13 years, been performing pooja to the idols of Shri Moola Ram Devaru, Shri Seeta Devi and Shri Digvijaya Rama Devaru. Those idols have been worshipped for eons. Even Chaturmukha Brahma, Hanuman, Bhimasena and Shri Madhwacharya have performed pooja to them followed by many great yatis like Shri Teekacharya and Shri Raghoottama Teertha Swamiji and others. To be blessed with vaishnava mudra-set at the hands of such a highly evolved soul as His Holiness Shri Satyatma Teertha Swamiji is the rarest of opportunities one might get; it is an opportunity every seeker of salvation eagerly waits for a long time, for that leads one to the ultimate destination, moksha. The mudra-set will take care of one while he is on this plane and also in the soul’s solitary journey after the mortal coils have been shed; it will take care of his future generations too.  


Madhwa’s Teachings, therefore, earnestly appeals to all interested readers to attend the vaishnava deeksha ceremony on the evening of Sunday, 30-08-09 for initiation into vaishnava fold and to be blessed with vaishnava mudra-set by His Holiness Shri Satyatma Teertha Swamiji.


With best regards,

Ramchandra Tammanacharya Gutti.



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