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Sri Yadavaryaru- 4th Sept 2009

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Sri Yadavaryaru


4th September, Friday POORNIMYAAM-


(ShraadhDha Tithi PorNimyaaM)




Tithi : PourNamaasyaam (19.56)IST

Vaara : Bharga vaasara

Nakshatra : Shatabheesha (0.56) IST

Yoga : Sukaarma

KaraNa : Bhadra






Chathurmaasa vratha Samaapthi


Ananatha PooRNima-


Deeksha Samapthi for Sanyaasis- Seemollanghana-


Poshtapadi Shraadhdha-

f) Pinda

Shaaradhdha is done for all the

ancestors prior



g) Bhaagavatha Sapthaaha ManagaLa is done inMantralaya.

h) MahAlaya Arambham


Sri Yadavaryara Punya Dina ( MunnoLi):


A great

TippaNigararu- Disciple of Sri Vedhesha


He holds the

highest place among “Grihastha


“Yadavarya was doing jewelry business. Whenever he was leaving

the house, he used

to offer first prayer to God reciting:




Agrathah PruShtathaschaiva

PaaRathatshcha Mahaabalau

AkaRNa PooRNa Dhanvaanau

Rakshethaam Raama Lakshmanau !


*AgrathO Naarasimhaschya

PruShtathO Gopinandhanah

UbhayO PaarshyO Raasthaam

Sasharau Raama Lakshmanau !


( Courtesy: from Tatwawaada Oct 1999



*(This sloka is written on a piece of

paper and pasted

to the Inner

side door of the Main door and normally all

recite this

before going out and then leave the threshold

of the main

door, even to day in many Madhwa’s House)



Though he was involved in the jewelry business and richhe never exhibited at any time. He was performing salesby going through places to place on foot. He was a greatdevotee of Sri Rama.


He never used to see the time specially rahukaala etcwhenever he decided to go on tour. It could be latein the night. Rohilas, a setof dacoits were planningto snatch the bag from Yadavarya. These thieves happenedto observe always those two soldiers on horseback guardingthis Brahmin.


The thieves knew that Yadavarya had no horses as well as riders. They were taken aback. One day they approached Yadavarya in disguise and asked him as to who were the riders on horseback always accompanying. Yadavarya replied to them that thereno bodyguards to him. The Rohilas insisted that they sawtwo bodyguards to him


Whenever they attempted to plunder jewels from him.

These bodyguards used to disappear the moment they

entered his house. They wanted to know the secrecy of

this incident. Yadavarya was wonder stuck. He rememberedthat it was the effect of the sloka he used to recite beforeleaving the house. He felt sad that Raama Lakshmana whowere visible to them did not give

Darshana to him. Yadavarya said that they had taken lotof trouble for his sake.


They had the Darshan of Rama Lakshna and were veryfortunate compared to him. He said that he would voluntarilydonate all the wealth to them and to take with them.


These dacoits understanding the significance of “Rama mahime”,prostrated before him. They took a pledge before him, thatthey would not involve themselves in robbery in future andwould be Rama Bhakthas leading a sincere life.


[Courtesy: Karanataka Baktha Vijaya Belur Keshava das page 133 , 1932 edition.]( Also vide information from Tatwawaada Oct-Nov 1999 issues)

He was just like Puranadara Daasaru. Good in Jewellery Business. . God chose him as his shishya like Puaranadara Daasar. He alsodonated the whole wealth like Sri Puranadara Daasar, andwent to Kaashi and became a pundit. He came to his place where Sri Vedhesha Theertha of Sri Uttaradhi Mutt was staying.

He underwent tutelage under him and learnt many aspect ofMadhwa Shaastra.

It seems that BaadaraayaNa himself gave Darshana to himand he was able to learn all in Madhwa Shaastra.He wrote commentaries to the works of sri Jayatheertha.Thathwa samkhyaana, yamaka Bhaaratha, Bhaagavatha Thaatparyaetc, Many from Karnataka and Maharashtra side becamehis disciple. He was a guide to many There is yet another saying thatSri Raamachandra gave darshan to him on the banks ofthe river Godavari.


(Courtesy. i) Dr Rukmini Girimaaji from Tatwawaada, Oct 1999 pages 22-24. and Nov 1999 issues) ii)excerpts of my posting from Dvaita-List}

Additional Info: Sri Yadavaryaru was a famous commentator-par-excellenceof Dvaita Philosophy, well known for his commentary onSrimad Bhagavatam and Sriman Nyaya Sudha.

Due to the efforts of Shri Vedesha Teertha, a great saintwho renounced the position of Mathadhipati and proudlyannounced -

"Instead of worshipping Lord Rama as the Mathadhipati,I would prefer educating my brother to elevate him tothe status of a great scholar and an exponent of thereligion. This, according to me, is real worship ofthe Lord", a great star was born in the glowing skiesof Dvaita Vedanta. He was none other than Shri Yadavarya,who wrote celebrated treatises on Shriman Nyayasudha,Shrimad Bhagavata, Yamaka Bharata, Tattva Sankhyana etc.


Inspite of his late entry into Dvaita learning, he masteredthe Scriptures within no time by the grace of his guruShri Vedesha Tirtharu and became a profound scholar inDvaita Vedanta. His high stature can be understood by thefact that none other than Mantralaya Sri Raghavendra Swamijihas greatly regarded him for his lucid commentaries.


He lead a simple life filled with devotion to Lord whichstands as a source of great inspiration to all knowledgeseekers. Srimad Bhagavata was his life blood. It is saidthat Bhagavata Verses were heard from his mortal remainsafter his departure from this world. He devoted his entirelife to fulfill the wishes of his guru Vedesha Tirtha.


Yadavarya was a great Sadhaka whose life was full of miraclessuggesting how pleased the Almighty was with this great soul.Let us all bow to the feet of this great guru to inspire usin following his footsteps.


Shloka on Yadavaryara

Agrato nArasimhascha, PruShThato gopInandanaH .UbhayoH pArshvayorAstAM sasharau rAmalaxmaNau.

Title : Shree Yadavaryaru-1Artist: Pallakki Raghavendarachar Long back I came across an interesting article in OneEnglish Daily(Perhaps Times Of India) titled

"The Power Of Devotion"

It is indeed about one of the episode's and turning pointin Shri Yadavaryaru's life.

Shri. Yadavaryaru was the direct disciple of ShreeVedeshathirthara, who in turn was

the pet disciple of Shree Raghottama Theertharu. He is famous for his commentaries

on the Sudha Grantha, as well as Bhagavatha Sarodhaara.

The story goes as follows:-

A man and his wife lived a simple, pious life. They were sopoor that they had barely enough food orclothing. The man made both ends meet by begging andwhatever he got the couple offered to God

before consuming it themselves.

One morning, while reading the Bhagavad Gita, the man cameacross verse 9.22 where Lord Krishna says: "To those whoalways worship Me with exclusive devotion, constantlyabsorbed in thoughts of Me

- to them I carry what they lack, and I preserve whatthey already have".

Perplexed, he thought: "I am a singularly staunch devoteeof the Lord and I have Him in my thoughts

constantly. Yet He keeps us in abject poverty, giving usnothing. Moreover, why should He who is the creator and master of all the universes, personally carry a devotee's necessities? I am sure the Lord could not have said these words; someone has interpreted them incorrectly". So thinking, he struck offthe words 'vahaamy aham' (I carry) with red ink. He now felt relieved.

As the husband set off to seek alms, his wife called out:"There is not a morsel to eat in the house.

Get something and come home quickly".

A while later the wife heard someone at the door. At thethreshold stood a dark, handsome lad of some

twelve years with a huge basket on his head. She could nottake her eyes off the young boy,

so strikingly attractive was he.

"Here, help me put down the basket, Maiya . Your husband has sent these for you", he said.

She lent a hand and as he bent down to put the basketon the floor, she noticed three ugly red gashes

on his back, raw and bleeding, as if someone had juststruck him with a whip.

"Oh my God! What wretched man did this to you?" she burst out.

" Maiya , it was your husband who whipped me because hedoubted my willingness to deliver this basket to you".

"Wait here", she said, "I will clean up your wounds".

But when she came back the boy was gone. Soon the husbandreturned and was surprised to see his wife busy in the kitchen.

"What are you cooking?" he asked,

"You had said that you did not have anything to eat in the house".

"Why, you sent that huge basket full of fresh vegetables,fruits and grains, lentils and condiments enough to last us six months. But why did you beat the handsome young boy and inflicted three ugly red lash-wounds on his tender back?"

"I did not get any alms today, dear wife, so how could Ihave sent any foodstuffs to you?

I never saw the young lad you speak of, so how could Ihave beaten him?"

Thoroughly bewildered by what his wife had said, thehusband went into deep thought. He rushed to

the Gita he had been reading that morning and openedit to verse 9.22.

His heart missed a beat as his eyes focused on the verse.Gone were the three red lines

that he had drawn across the words vahaamy aham . He wasDumb founded. Slowly, tears flowing down his cheeks, he prostrated himself before the deity,

"Hey Jagannatha! Forgive me.The wretch that I am; how couldI have ever doubted Your words".

Then he turned to his wife:

"It was He! How blessed you are to have had darshan ofShree Hari Himself".

Shri Yadavaryaru also composed a very famous shloka called"Prarthana Panchaka Stotra"

which is a very important stotra for daily recitation. It is small in only 5 verses yet has very

profound meaning and intense prayer to Paramatma.

Title : Shree Yadavaryaru-2

Artist: Pallakki Raghavendarachar


Hamara Forums > Kannada Spiritual


Sri Yadavaryaru was a famous commentator-par-excellence

of Dvaita Philosophy, ... He was none other than Shri Yadavarya,

who wrote celebrated treatises

on ...




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