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The glory of pitru paksham

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These 15 days in Bhadrapada KrishNa Paksha is Pitru Paksha.


To day ( 9th sept, Wednesday) is Panchami Tithi with BharaNi star set apart as Day for ‘Maha BharaNi shradhdha Day’ under Paksha MAsa,


I was looking to the details in books as well on net about MahabharaNi Shraddha and happen to come across a good link giving details about the glory of this Pitru Paksh, indicating how much we must be grateful and owe to our parents. Our duties in performing rituals during this period to our ancestors.


I thought that I must bring this link to the information of our group(s) so that many may be benefitted ( not for those who are aware of the system) in going thro’ the article written so vividly. The author



bhargavasarma. what I know is limited ! what I have to know is unlimited ! .... by bhargavasarma - comments Links to this post [...bhargavasarma.blogspot.com/ - Cached - Similar]



has described the duties and responsibility of a son to his departed father as Pitru RuNa.




PITHRU PAKSHA CALENDAR FOR 2009 (Date and Shraaddha Thithi)

05.09.2009 - Pithru Paksha Aarambha (Prathama Thithi – PPratipat)

06.09.2009 - Dwiteeya Thithi

07.09.2009 - Truyeeya Thithi

08.09.2009 - Chaturthi Thithi

09.09.2009 - Panchami/ Maha Bharani Sraaddha (Bharani Star)

10.09.2009 - Shashti Thithi

11.09.2009 - Sapthami Thithi

12.09.2009 - Madhyaastami Sraaddha (Astami Thithi)

13.09.2009 - Avidhava Navami Sraaddha/ Navami-ashTami Thithi/ Vyatheepatha Yoga

16.09.2009 - Ekadasi/Dwadasi/Trayodasi Thithi

17.09.2009 - Ghaatha Chaturdasi

18.09.2009 - Mahalaya Amavasya (Sarva Pithru Amavasya)

NB:14.09.2009 – There is no Shraddha Thithi15.09.2009 – Ekadasi Day


Useful information on Pithru Paksha


Where to perform the Paksha Cermonies?As per the sacred texts it is suggested to perform the Paksha cermonies on the banks of sacred rivers or in sacred and celestial places like Gaya, Kasi, Prayaga, Kurukshetra, Naimisharanya, Rameswaram etc.


If it is not possible they should be performed at least in one’s house. But in view of several practical difficulties involved we find they are being performed at various temples and religious mutts specifically meant for that purpose.


For example all the branches of Sri Raghavendra Swamy Mutt across the country provide such facilities to the Karthas.


Who can perform these Ceremonies?One who is a Dwija (who has undergone the process of Upanayanam) should start performing these cermonies only after the death of one’s father. In such a case it should be performed by the son. When more sons are available it should be performed by all collectively in case they are staying together other wise individually at their respective places. In case a person doesn’t have sons but only daughters, the grand son (daughter’s son) can perform the rites called as Dauhithru Shraaddham that is to be performed on the first day of Aaswayuja Masam (Aaswayuja Sukla Prathama thithi day)


How to perform these cermonies?Unlike other rituals and festivals, procedure to perform sacred rites to forefathers is totally different. In view of the intricacies involved in the concept, they should be performed only under the guidance and supervision of learned purohits who are specially trained for this purpose.

What are the materials used for these ceremonies?Dharbha (Kusa Grass), Cooked Rice, Black Sesame (Thil seeds), Water, Tulsi leaves, Pavithra (made up of Dharbha), Vishnu Padam (Foot print of Lord Maha Vishnu)



To whom the Cermonies are to be performed (addressed to)?The ritual should be addressed or performed only for the deceased persons and not for the persons who are alive even though they fall in the eligible list. The list is provided as an annexure. Apart from one’s kith and kin it should be performed for one’s Guru, Teacher, Priest (Purohit), Friend or to any person whom one has come across in life and from whom he has received help.



When to perform the Ceremonies during Paksha Masam?It is prescribed that during Pithru Paksham the rituals (shraddha) should be performed on all the 15 days except on Ekadasi day. Since it is not practically possible to perform on all the 15 days, it should at least be performed for one day preferably corresponding to the Fathers Thithi (death) day. Rest of the days at least Thila Tarpana should be given to Sarva Pithru or at least to Dwadasa Pithru (Three generations on paternal side and three generations on maternal side). On the day of Mahalaya Amavasya Thila Tarpana should be given to all the eligible forefathers.

In case a person due to some reason misses to perform the rituals on the said date, or doesn’t know the Father’s death thithi, it can be performed on one of the specified days viz. Ashtami or Dwadasi or on the day coinciding with Bharani Star, or on the day when Vyatheepatha Yoga is present during the fortnight, or on the day of Mahalaya Amavasya.


If one misses to perform even on the day of Mahalaya Amavasya, still one can perform on any day before Aaswayuja Sukla Panchami.


Even then if it is not possible, one can still perform the Paksha Shraaddha on any of the specified days mentioned above in Thula Masam when the Sun is in Thula Raasi (Libra) and before He transits into Scorpio (Vrischika Raasi).


These cermonies should not be performed on the day of Ekadasi (Day of fasting). If father’s death corresponds to Ekadasi Day the rituals should be performed on the next day (Dwadasi) or on any of the specific days mentioned above.


In case of those whose day of thithi corresponds to Chaturdasi, the Paksha cermonies should not be performed on Chaturdasi day. However, it can be performed on any other specified days as given above.


Performing Paksha cermonies on Chaturdasi day is earmarked for only those who had accidental death. That is why it is called as Ghaatha Chaturdasi.

Similarly Pournima thithi also doesn’t fall in the Krishna Paksha. Hence, for those whose death thithi happens to be Pournima, the rites should be performed on any of the specific days mentioned above.


Brief about Ritual

The ritual that is performed is called as Paksha Shraddha. Literally Shraddha means one that is performed with utmost sincerity and devotion. While the essence remains the same the procedure, customs and rituals may differ from region to region. The type of Shraaddha to be performed depends on one’s ability, patience, age, health etc…


It is prescribed and suggested to perform this ritual always as Anna Shraaddham/Pinda Pradanam (offering of rice balls) which is considered to be most sacred and meritorious. It is believed and said that the rituals performed reach the departed souls through the rays of Sun God and Vasu, Rudra and Aaditya act as intermediaries.


That is why the three generations of fore fathers are identified as Vasu, Rudra and Aaditya. We find people also opting for other types like Hiranya Shraaddham, Sankalpa Shraaddham according one’s convenience. Apart from performing the rituals one should also offer Anna Dana at least to five Brahmins on that day.



What is Avidhava Navami?

Vidhava means Widow. Avidhava means not a Widow (Sumangali). Navami is a thithi in the Lunar Calendar. Avidhava Navami in the context of Pitru Paksham is the day on which cermonies/rituals are to be performed for those Women (Mothers) who died as Sumangali. It should be performed by the son on the Navami thithi day during Pithru Paksha and the ritual is different from regular Paksha Shraaddham.



Dwadasa Pithru

On the Paternal Side

Pitha (Father)Pithamaha (Grand Father/Father’s father)Prapithamaha (Great Grand Father/ Father’s paternal grand father)

Maatha (Mother)Pithamahi (Grand Mother/Father’s Mother)Prapithamahi (Great Grand Mother/ Fathers paternal Grand Mother)Saapatni Janani (Step Mother)

On the Maternal Side

Maata Maha (Grand Father/Mother’s father)Maathu Pitamaha (Great Grand Father/Mother’s paternal grand father)Maathu Prapithamaha (Great Great Grand Father/Mother’s paternal G.Grand father)

Maatamahi (Mother’s mother)Maathu Pitaamahi (Mothers paternal grand mother)Maathu Prapithamahi (Mother’s paternal G.Grand Mother)Others

Pathni (Wife)Sutha (Son)Bhratha (Brother/s)Pithravyam (Father’s brothers)Mathula (Maternal Uncle/s)Duhitha (Self daughter) – Her husband (Jamaatha)Dauhithram (Daughter’s son)Bhagini (Sister/s) – Her husband – Her sons (Bhagineyam)Pithruswasa (Father’s sister) – Her husbandMaathruswasa (Mother’s sister) – Her husbandSashur (Father in law – Mother in law)Shalaka/Bhavuka (Brother in law)Guru (Vidya Guru)Aacharya (Purohit/Priest)Sishya (Disciple)Mithra (Friend)PS:Wherever one does not know/remember the name and Gothra of forefathers, it should be spelled as Yagnappa (Male), and Yagnamma (female) and Gothra to be spelled as Kashyapa Gothra.


Above list is also useful while performing Kshethra Shraaddham, Giving Tharpana during Parva Kala.


Sri Krishnaarpanamasthu


Posted by bhargavasarma






Om! Gam! Ganapathaye! Namaha!Om! Sri Raghavendraya Namaha!Om! Namo! Bhagavathe! Vasudevaya!Om! Ham! Hanumathe Sri Rama Doothaya Namaha!






As per Hindu Philosophy, it is said that having taken birth on this sacred Earth one should get discharged mainly from three types of RuNas (Debts) viz. Deva RuNa, Rishi RuNa and Pithru RuNa (that also includes Mathru Rina). For the purpose of this article let us confine ourselves to the third one that is Pithru Rina. It is said and believed that one will get discharged from Pithru RuNa by begetting a son (continuity of generation), by serving the Parents and also by performing Pithru Yagna (sacred rites to forefathers).

It is the duty and responsibility of a son to serve his parents not only when they are alive but also after their death. One may get a doubt as to how one can serve his parents after their death. This is where Vedas/Upanishads come into picture and prescribes certain rituals to be performed in a Vedic way to please not only the forefathers but also the Pithru Devathas. We find many sacred texts (Puranas) like Garuda Purana, Vayu Purana, Agni Purana, Mastya Purana, Markandeya Purana etc… referring about the sacred rites to be performed to forefathers and its merits and also implications of not performing.

As we approach towards the middle of Bhadrapada Masam as per the Lunar Calendar, it is time for us to worship the departed souls (fore fathers). This worship is held for a period of 15 days during the waning period (dark period) of Moon in the second fortnight called as Krishna (Bahula) Paksham during Bhadrapada Masam that generally occurs in the months of September – October. This period of 15 days (fortnight) is called as Pithru Paksha or Apara Paksha or Paksha Masam when Sun will be in Kanya (Virgo) raasi in the zodiac. This period is totally dedicated and earmarked for worshipping departed souls (fore fathers).

It is also called as Mahalaya. Maha means great or big or large. Laya means destruction. Mahalaya means great destruction. It is said that on one of the occasions of Deva and Asura Sangrama (war between Deities and Demons) large number of Devathas and Rishis had died in the hands of Rakshasas starting from Bhadrapada Bahula Paadyami to Amavasya. This Mahalaya is also called as Sasthrahatha Mahalaya. These Deities and Rishis are like our forefathers and it is befitting to worship the departed souls during this fortnight that coincides with Mahalaya. Hence, this period of 15 days has become very sacred and celestial for performing sacred rites to forefathers.


The period of Dakshinayana that represents Pithrus also coincides with Pitru Paksha. Dakshinayana is also called as Pitrayana. It is said and believed that Pitrus descend on Earth during the period of Dakshinayana awaiting their off-springs to perform sacred rites enabling them to attain better placement in the other worlds. Hence, lot of significance is given during this period for performing Pitru related activities. Pitru Paksha also coincides with Chaturmasam the most sacred period for worshipping both Deities as well as Pitrus. It is the most auspicious time to pay our obeisance and salutations to our forefathers. Hence, it is referred to as Pithru Paksha.As per the Hindu time element one month for human beings is equivalent to one day for Pitru Devathas out of which Sukla Paksha (waxing moon days) 15 days is the day time and Krishna Paksha (waning moon days) 15 days is the night time for Pitrus. It is believed and said that sacred rites and rituals like Thila Tarpana and Pinda Pradhana (offering of rice balls) performed act as food for the departed souls that will be adequate for them through out the year.

At this stage one may get a basic doubt of why only worship fore fathers (departed souls) during this period? Why not on other days? Actually it is prescribed to be performed on a daily basis. Here, we recollect the famous Hindu sloka Mathru Devo Bhava, Pithru Devo Bhava, Aacharya Devo Bhava and Athithi Devo Bhava. Worshipping these four categories is given highest significance and importance in Hindu Dharma. Among the four, Mathru (Mother) and Pithru (Father) have attained greater importance since they are the people who are responsible for our birth, culture (samskara) and existence.


Hindu Dharma prescribes that they should be worshipped on a daily basis while they are alive and also when they depart from this world. When they leave this world it becomes the Vedic duty of their descendants (sons) to worship their departed souls on a daily basis apart from the specific days like New Moon day, Eclipse Days, Parva Kala (Uttarayana, Dakshinayana), Pushkara Days, on the specific day (thithi) of their death, on visiting any Theertha Kshetra, during Paksha Masam and while performing marriage of a son or a daughter.


It is believed that the souls will attain peace by the rituals/rites performed during Pitru Paksha and Pitrus will give their blessings to those who performed for the welfare and prosperity of their Vamsam. It is said that departed souls for whom these rituals/rites are not performed wander aimlessly on the Earth. It is believed and said that by performing sacred rites to forefathers will work as a remedy for various mundane problems one is facing related to marriage, progeny, health etc.

I take this opportunity to appeal to one and all eligible to perform the rites, please perform the sacred rites to forefathers without fail without counting upon the benefits one has received from them. If not started earlier please start doing at least now. Better be late than never. Hindu Philosophy is rich in its legacies and traditions. Perhaps Pitru Yagna is one of the best traditions that have descended from Vedic days. Some people who have visited Gaya Kshethra and performed Gaya Shraddha will be under the impression that they need not further perform Pitru Shraddha. Even then, Pitru Karya (Shraaddha/Tarpana) should be performed as long as one is alive.

In this materialistic modern world with changing perceptions, when the Dharmic duties and responsibilities are slowly getting vanished, when people don’t even remember the names and Gothra of their ancestors, it is a rarity to find person/persons observing these rituals of Hindu Dharma. For such of those who cannot observe these rituals on a day to day basis, perhaps this Paksha Masam or Pithru Paksha comes as a boon to make up these lapses.

Sri Krishnaarpanamasthu


Acknowledgement and Courtesy: nirikhi krishna bhagavan

Bhargavasarma is my astro name. My email address: bhagavanknl


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