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Madhwa’s Teachings.- His Holiness Shri. Satyatma Teertha Swamiji’s chaturmasya Mumbai, 2009.-His Holiness’ final address to the youth on 30-08-09. - Summary.

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Madhwa’s Teachings.




His Holiness Shri. Satyatma Teertha Swamiji’s chaturmasya  Mumbai, 2009.


His Holiness’ final address to the youth on 30-08-09. - Summary.



Dear Reader,


His Holiness’ address to the youth on 23 August carried an assurance of improved quality of life and ultimate emancipation from the cycle of birth and death to the one who took to serving of the Lord as described in the Shrimad Bhagawatam. Many youngsters, however, felt that the path advocated by the purana was a life of strict self-discipline and abnegation and the one that consisted mostly of don’ts that denied them “normal” enjoyment of life. His Holiness began his address to the youth as if he had heard their unspoken thoughts.


“You are the pillars of the future India and pillars need a great amount of strength,” he said. Hindu scriptures advocate living a full life and not of renouncement in youth. However, they advise restrain and discipline in “enjoyment”. Discipline entails giving up of the things that weaken the body and mind. In other words, the shastras tell us to enjoy a good life, he said. Discipline will help the youth to retain good health even when they grow old and are well into their twilight years, he said.


A well-disciplined life, a virtuous life, assures real success, but it is a difficult path to tread, with too many hurdles to cross and negative tendencies to overcome at every stage. Discipline helps one to navigate through hurdles and empowers him to cross sword with negative forces. His Holiness suggested a very simple method to introduce discipline in one’s life. He advised improvement in one’s own self, every morning; a sincere promise of self-correction and of helping others would pave the way for a virtuous life. Initially, one may not see the results; he may not be able to help others, but he would give moral support to them for their genuine efforts. Nevertheless, gradually, he would find a remarkable change in himself; he would be a good listener to the others’ point of view and help them even physically, he said.


After suggesting the way to a disciplined life to overcome the foes without, His Holiness switched over to the aspect of the foes within oneself; the “dark” inner world.  


Darkness rules the inner world of man; ink-black darkness like the one that pervades the deep outer space but with out heavenly bodies; instead, it is populated by powerful enemies who, with their sinister designs, are ever ready to pounce on him and fears with their grotesque shapes ready to catch him in their vortex. It is the world where the lonely man gropes hoping for a helping hand to guide him to the light, but with no apparent success.


It is untrue that one is alone in the world inside; neither is help unavailable to him. It is because of ignorance that man thinks that he is alone, His Holiness said. In fact, God the Most Powerful is with him; He is by his side but unperceived. He is ready to help him, if one asks for help from the core of his being and lead him to the light. All that one is required to do is to surrender completely to God and pray to Him with all earnestness. God the Mightiest, will definitely decimate all the enemies, destroy the fears and glide him through the darkness to the light, His Holiness said. As usual, he also suggested a way to take care of the foes within.


First, one has to surrender completely to God. God is All Pervading; He is within and He is without. He is within the inner world too. This faith in the omnipresence of God and of His compassion will be strengthened by reciting the mantra- Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare, Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare. One may start reciting the mantra for just 16 times a day initially and increase it gradually. One will attain a fair degree of calmness; he will be at peace with himself. He will then feel that he is not alone any more even when he is alone. To his great surprise, he will find that he is no more disturbed by the inner “enemies”, nor haunted by the fears. One can thus achieve any thing in one’s life, His Holiness said.


“Many great persons, in the past, achieved success in diverse fields through these simple processes and you can also scale greater heights. Do not be under the impression that it is impossible in the present times. Although the times have changed, the methods have remained unchanged. Besides, you are born in the same land as the successful men of the past did,” His Holiness assured.


Lastly, His Holiness wished all youngsters a long and healthy life and a life of joy, achievement and fulfilment.


With best regards,


Ramachandra Tammannacharya Gutti.




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