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The meeting started with an invocation by Kumari Anagha rendering sweetly a Keerthana on Sri Vyasaraja.

The inauguration lamp was lit by Sri D Prahaladachar, D. Ramachandrachar, Bannari Venkatesh (Chairman) and others.

The distinguished guests on the podium and the audience were greeted and welcomed to the meeting by NAPSRao

Sri Brahmanyatirthachar initiated the discussion by highlighting the normal expectations from a Guru or Pontiff of a Matha, by his followers and how our matha has been deprived of such religious and moral leadership due to the incapacity as well as lack of dedication by the present claimant to the Peetha. It is therefore necessary for the devotees to organize themselves as best as they can to ensure that the Matha Sampradayas are adhered to and sustained, and also to take corrective measures against misuse of Matha resources and violations of traditions. The Panchanga being issued by the samithi for the past few years is a welcome step in this regard and has been widely appreciated. Similarly, the Aradhanes of our great scholar-ascetics for the past few years are being celebrated and Jnana karyas are

being organized with in our limited resources. With the increasing awareness of the Vyasaraja Devotees of the real state of affairs and their cooperation being offered to the samithi, our activities in this respect will be further accelerated and enhanced in scope and value.

Sri NAPSRao also gave an introductory talk to review the circumstances of rhe birth of the samithi due to improper handing over of the Peetha by Sri Vidyavachaspathi tirtha, (the previous pontiff) to his unqualified Grandson, in a great hurry, without following the correct procedures according to the Shasthras completing the process in 4-5 hours as against the requirement of a minimum two days, on the plea of a heart attack, which was a false alarm. All efforts made by individuals and members of the samithi to help correct the situation by interacting with the Pontiff and his spokesmen for completing the rituals and formalities later on in full and making arrangements of the minimum educational standards to be attained by the grandson – Sharath-vidyamanohara Tirtha failed due to recalcitrance and lack

of intent of both the pontiff and the successor. Not only was the present claimant unfit for the great responsibility of the Peetha of one of the greatest scholar-ascetics of Madhva school, at the time of the so called initiation, but he continues to be so even today after 5 years, as is indicated by the many teachers who tried to give him some lessons in Shasthras at his own request. He also explained some of the irregularities indicating fraudulent transactions and misappropriations, which have been brought out by the samithi’s efforts in Tirupati, Srirangam, Kumbhakonam, Udupi etc. where traditional Choultries/Mathas and lands of the Matha have been made totally commercial lodges/shops or valuable land has been leased or sold for trifling sums without legal justification, with disastrous results on the sanctity of the Vrindavanas of .the great ascetics which are there for centuries. The copies of some of the GPAs and sale deeds executed by the

Matha pontiff and others on its behalf were displayed for perusal by members. Photographs of many ancient structures destroyed by the actions of the Matha administration like the Chandrika Mantapa in SriRangam were also displayed by the samithi. All the data have been submitted to the Police, COD etc for proper enquiry, which is in an advanced stage. The samithi have also filed cases and obtained injunctions against disposal/leasing of properties such as Jewelry and ornaments and land/and other fixed assets from Civil court Bangalore and at Tiruchi. But efforts are still being made by the matha to violate the court orders, involving possible contempt action.

Sri Pushkaraprasadachar gave a rousing call to the devotees to initiate and change the Matha administration as needed, by reminding all that the Matha has a tradition and religious and moral commitments to guide and answer doubts and questions in the followers. The Matha really belongs to the Devotees and not to a lineage of successors, like the inheritors of family property. The preservation of the sacred trust of maintaining the wealth of knowledge, traditions and fair name of the great ascetics who have headed our matha in the past and bequeathed it to their successors is a supreme duty, which should at all costs be ensured and no failures can be condoned. His inspiring talk was widely appreciated by members t.

The Scretary read his brief report covering the following points:


Submission of report of the activities for the last year

Present status of legal cases and other steps taken by the samithi.

Plans for the future – particularly with regard to early finalisation of legal steps to ensure that the matha administration is suitably cleaned up..

The Accounts statements of the samithi duly audited were also placed for inspection by interested members.

An appeal was made to members to assist the Samithi financially by paying their arrears and becoming Life members. There was a good response to his appeal.

Sri Venkataraman from SriRangam graphically described the damage beng caused to the Vyasaraja matha there by leasing out land and allowing the Chandrika Mantapa, dating back to the time of Rani Mangamma being destroyed by the Lease holder in spite of protests by local devotees. He mentioned that while some other Mathas like Bhandarakeri etc have bought land and are establishing themselves in this holy place, Vyasaraja matha is alienating its age old properties, though it had a long association with SriRangam.

Sri Krishnamurthy spoke of developments to the Sri 108 Lakshmikantha Tirtha Vrindavana being undertaken by the local samithi, after it was completely abandoned and land sold off by the Matha.

The President and Chairman of the session also spoke of their earnestness with which the problems of the Matha which has brought it into total disrepute and near financial ruin is being tackled and endorsed the steps already taken by the Samithi in this regard.

Sri D. Prahladacharya, in his Anugraha pravachana briefly mentioned his own efforts to correct the present unhappy situation, which did not succeed. He made the point that even the Guru who was invited to teach Sharath/Manohara Tirtha during the last Chathurmasya which ended recently could not do so for more than 4-5 days, due to disinterest.

After the discussions in which some members from the audience also participated, the following resolutions were read out by the Secretary and passed unanimously by the meeting.


This meeting endorses all the resolutions which were adopted in the General body meeting held on 3-6-2007 and the steps taken by the Managing Committee to implement them.

The meeting accepts the audited Budgetary statements (up to last year – 2007-08) put up for its approval.

The samithi unanimously conveys its condolences on the death in November 2007 of the last Peethadhipati, Sri Vidyavachaspathi tirtha, who was the last properly ordained pontiff for the Matha.

At present, there is no properly ordained Peethadhipati for Sri Sosale Vyasaraja matha. The ascension of Sri Vidyamanohara Tirtha has not been done as per Shasthras and has not been accepted by the devotees. Also, the alienation of many properties and destruction of Chandrika Mantapa etc, where he has been personally involved have brought the reputation of our Matha to its Nadir. Therefore, he should immediately renounce the Peetha voluntarily and facilitate induction of a proper person who has Sadachara, is respected by all and has the requisite standards of Jnana, Bhakthi and Vairagya appropriate for this Great Peetha. The Samithi will take all steps necessary to achieve this important goal.

Taking note of the increase in the scope and volume of work, Office Bearers would be inducted in new positions created with the approval of the General Body:

i. Joint Secretary ( 3 posts) in the central Office.

ii. Divisional organizing secretaries – 4 - presently in Penukonda, Ananthapur, Hyderabad, and SriRangam. They will function for liaison with regional centers and for securing new membership. .

iii. The general Body approves in principle for the creation of more post of regional organizing secretaries in other places as needed at the discretion of the managing committee.

12. Sri Sharath/Manoharatirtha who is presently working as Pontiff has been frequently changing the persons invested with the responsibility of Chief Secretary/GPA holder of the Matha at his will for his private family interests. It is a matter of deep regret that at present he has brought in a person in the key position who is not a devotee of the Matha, who is not even a Madhva (of any other matha) and who has no qualifications appropriate to the job either in worldly or religious Sampradaya or Shasthra Jnana. This has resulted in a bad setback in handling of the religious activities of the matha, which are its main function. The Samithi strongly objects to this unjustified and uncalled for step and demands that he should immediately make reversal of this change. The samithi will also take all additional

steps either by making representations to the Government of Karnataka or through Courts to immediately rectify this great insult and injury to Sri Vyasaraja matha.

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