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RE: [MYP] Ko JAgara Vrata on 3rd OCT some Details

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3rd October, 2009-- Saturday -


a) Ko Jagara


b) Sri Sridhara Theertharu : 1536

– 1571(MuLabagil) Sripadaraja Mutt

C) Sri Ramathirtha

T.P.D. - 1564 -1584(Nava Vrindavan) Sri Vyasaraya Mutt



3rd October, Saturday,


[ ShraadhDha Tithi PorNamyaam ]





: Chatdarshyaam (10.06)IST


: Stira Vaasara

Nakshatra : Poorva Bhadrai (9.47)IST


: Vrudhdhi


: VaNija



a) Ko Jagara Vratha- How Lakshmi is worshipped in some parts of India and JagaraNa observed in playing Dice..


Worship of Sri-Laksmi


Sri Laksmi is worshipped both in the home, and in the temple with Visnu,

for many reasons and

on many different levels. Since she is viewed as a benevolent goddess, she is worshipped

for material wealth and prosperity by a large part of then population.


However, many householders and religious individuals also worship her for

harmony within the family, good health, and general, spiritual well-being.



On another level, the devoted bhakta within the Sri-Vaisnava tradition also

dedicates himself

to her so that she may accept him into her

transcendent realm of Laksmi-Narayana.

Laksmi Puja in the home



Domestic worship of Sri Laksmi is

usually comprised of making offerings to an image of the deity. Some of these offerings are paayasam (rice pudding), ladu (a sweet made

with milk products), milk and fruit. Special offerings with beads and coins

are also made t o her.



Furthermore, Fridays are considered to be especially auspicious for

Laksmi-puja; and the

Friday before the full moon in the month of

Sraavan is when many women perform


puja, which is the puja for boons and longevity.


Sri Laksmi is important to many women because she is believed to have such a

close connection

with them. In one respect, women worship Sri Laksmi to obtain her favor,

so that she maybring prosperity to the family. The svadharma of the




Hindu woman has always been the preservation

of a healthy, prosperous household.

Subsequently, women ask for Sri Laksmi's

help and favor in ensuring this harmony; especially since the latter is

also regarded as the model of the

perfect wife. The relationship of

Sri Laksmi and the Lord Visnu illustrates this aspect of her nature.

Hence, for many women, the notion of attaining

sri from Sri Laksmi is really the attainment

of a prosperous, harmonious household, and

the ability to maintain it as such.




Many businessmen also worship Sri

Laksmi, both in temples and in the home, so that she

may bring them 'material' wealth and prosperity.


This is especially evident during the

festival of Diwali.


Many agriculturalists also worship Sri Laksmi in order to obtain an abundant

harvest. Since ancient times, she has been associated with growth and

fertility; and this idea is

embodied in many of her artistic and

iconographic representations, particularly in the

symbol of the lotus.

Religious Observances in honor

of Laksmi


In the Puranas, different vratas (vows) and rituals were formed recommending

her worship along

with Visnu.


Although most of these vratas are ancient, they may still be performed in

certain parts of

Rural India, particularly in the rural

regions of Orissa.


However, the festival of Diwali is still celebrated on a very grandiose scale

throughout India.


Asunyasayana dvitiya Vrata ( from the

Vamana Purana)


During the rainy season of Sravana



Form of Worship: Lakshmi & Visnu are worshipped together, with

flowers, sandal paste, fruits.


The image of Visnu should have four arms, should be lying on a couch

with Laksmi,

and have the srivatsa mark on his chest.


Purpose: To preserve marital unity & absence of discord.


Visoka dvadasi Vrata ( from the Padma Purana)


12th day of Asvina


Form of Worship: An image of Laksmi is worshipped with fruits, clothes and

lotus; mantras are

recited, and there is singing, dancing and music throughout the night.


Purpose: To gain beauty, health and pleasure


Agriculturalists worship her because it's the period of the advent of new





Purnima ( from the Padma Purana)


Full-moon day of Asvina;

some texts place it on Deepavali day; autumn


Form of Worship: During the night,

people are advised to wear beautiful clothes & spend

thenight in playing dice.

Purpose: To be blessed with offspring,

wealth and longevity o get a good harvest (autumn time)




Guruvara Vrata ( from the Padma Purana)

On every Thursday (Guruvara) during the month of



Place: Throughout Orissa & some parts of Bengal


Worship: In Orissa, the local custom is to fill a corn measure with

new-corn and adore it, as being emblemmatic of Laksmi.


Puranic version:



1st Thursday: An image of Laksmi

& Visnu is to be installed and worshipped with sweets,

paayasam etc.


2nd Thursday: wheat cakes are

to be offered to Laksmi


3rd Thursday: rice & curd

are to be offered to Laksmi


4th Thursday: paddy,clothes,

ornaments, and fruit are to be

offered to Laksmi


Purpose: To obtain a good harvest.



Sripancami Vrata ( from the

Bhavisyottara Purana)


Now, this vrata is observed in honor of

Sarasvati during the month of Magha on the 5th day of the

bright fortnight. But originally it was observed on the 5th day of the

bright half of

Margashirsa & it was sacred to Laksmi.



Puranic ritual: Make an image of Laksmi, of

gold, silver....clay, paper etc;


represent her with lotus' & bathed by elephants (Gaja-Lakshmi); on the 3rd

part of the day,

bathe and then worship the image.





Aryan, K.C. The Little

Goddesses (Matrikas). New Delhi, India:

Rekha Prakashan, 1980.


Aspects of Early

Visnuism. Delhi: Motilal Banaridass,

1969.Devi: Goddess of India. Los

Angeles: University of California

Press, 1996.


Khila Sukta from the

fifth book of the Rg. Veda, Qtd. in Upendra Nath Dhal,


Goddess Laksmi: Origin and

Development. Oriental Publishers &



(pgs 51-53, 166-184)


Kinsley, David. Hindu

Goddesses: Visions of the Divine Feminine in the Hindu Religious



Berkeley: University

of California Press, 1988.


(Madras: Visistadvaita

Pracarini Sabha, third ed,1970), pp. 1-2, v. 1.


After sun-set, place Lakshmi Prathime in

Padmasana Bhanghi in a silver bowl filled with rice. Start reciting



“ OM LakshmE namaH” and perform Shodopachaara pooja-




Perform pooja with flowers reciting:


Namasthe saRvadevanaaM


Varadaasi Haripriye|


Yaa gathi stvatprapanna NaaM


SAA ME BhooyaatvatchaRdhanaatha||




To pray Lord Indra and reciting the following sloka, to perform Shodopachara to

him saying


“Indraaya namaH” putting Akshata

on the heap of Rice kept in the bowl.


Chathrdantha Samaaroodo

VajrapaaNiH PuranDharaH||


Shachi pathischa Dhyatvyo


Naana BharaNa BhooshithaH|




Now perform Pushanjali pooja



Vichitrai ravathastaaya


Bhaasvatkulisha paaNiye |




Sahasraakshaayathe namaH||




Thus one should perform Pooja to Mahalakshmi and Devendra-


Perform neivedya with “ YeLaneeru and Avalakki”


Distribute this to banDhu - baLaga-



Then perform JagaRaNa

the whole night playing Chess-

Lakshmi has given a wording that whom so ever spends the whole night on this

day doing JagaraNa and

playing Chess, that she would fulfil all their ISHTAARTHA.



b) Sri Sridhara Theertharu : 1536

– 1571(MuLabagil)


Pontiff of Sri Sripadaraja Mutt.


Brief History of Sri Sridhara Theertha

Sri Sridhara Theertha stayed near Sri

Padaraja's Brindavan and looked after the Ashram for many

years. He encouraged many disciples to be involved in learning. He made Sri Gopalaswamy

Theertha, one of his disciples, as his successor and entered the

Brindavan in 1598 on Ashwayuja Shudha Chaturdashi


Dhyana Sloka:


Shree pathEH Yatiraajasya

Kara Kanja SamudbhaM

Shreedharaakhya MuniM


SachShaasraadhyanErataM !!




C) Sri Ramathirtha T.P.D. - 1564 -1584

Brindavan at Nava Vrindaavana

14th pontiff of Sri Vyaasaraja Mutt


He was responsible for spreading the works of Sri Vyaasarajar among his



( Courtesy: Dvaita Darshana)




Dhyaana Sloka:


RamatheeRtha Guru vamdhe

Raama PaadhaaBhja Bhaajakam|

Sama JnaasaDhareshaanaam

Raama paaramya SaaDhakam||


GRRRaoOxford (UK)

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