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RE: [MYP] MAsa NiyAmaka ) 5th Oct to 2nd Nov)

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Masa Niyamaka- Shree Damodharaaya NamaHShree IndirA DamOdarAya Namah Sri V I R O D H I Nama SamvatsaraDakshiNaayane,Shard Rutu, Ashweeja Maasa, KRISHNA PAKSHA & KArteeka Maasa, SHUKLA PAKSHADamodara (having a rope (dama) around his belly (udara): a name of Krishna"prasIda vishno raghuvaMza nAthasurAsurANAM sukha duHkha hetoruroda sItA tu samudra madhyegovinda dAmodara mAdhaveti"(Govinda Damodara Stotram. 45)When abducted by Ravana, reaching the middle of the vast ocean, Sitaji called out"O Vishnu! O the Giver of joy to pious gods of heaven and the Tormentor of evil minded demons!O Govinda, transcendental Delight of senses!O Damodara, Who accepted the rope of Bhakti around His waist!O Madhava, the Beloved husband of Lakshmi devi!Please be kind to me and save me with Your Grace." [Courtesy: Prayers from Scriptures]The holy name of Lord Hari sends the individual souls to the spiritual world of Vaikuntha.In the Nandi Purana it is said:"Persons who in the past have committed every possible sin in every possible situation, but who now chant the holy name of the Lord, go to the supreme abode of Lord Visnu."By chanting the holy name one pleases the Supreme Personality of Godhead.In the Brhan-Naradiya Purana it is said:"O brahmanas, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is beyond the touch of the material senses, becomes very pleased with a person who, in spite of hunger, thirst, and many troubles, continues to always chant His holy name."By chanting the holy name of Lord Hari one can bring the Supreme Personality of Godhead under one's control.In the Mahabharata, Lord Krishna declares:"When I was away from Draupadi she cried with the words, 'He Govinda!' This call has put Me in her debt, and that indebtedness is gradually increasing in My heart."*The holy name of Lord Hari gives the final goal of life to the people.In the Skanda and Padma Puranas it is said:"Chanting the holy name of Lord Damodara brings the greatest auspiciousness, the greatest wealth, the greatest benefit."Chanting the holy name of Lord Hari is the best of all devotional activities.In the Vaishnava-cintamani it is said:"By working very hard to always remember Lord Visnu, one can destroy all sins. However, one can attain an even greater benefit simply by moving the lips to chant the Lord's holy name."In the Visnu-rahasya it is said:"The same result that was obtained in the Satya-yuga by worshipping Lord Hari and in the Treta-yuga by performing hundreds of sacrifices is obtained in the Kali-yuga simply by chanting the holy name of Lord Govinda."In Srimad Bhagavatam (12.3.52) it is said:"Whatever result was obtained in Satya-yuga by meditating on Visnu,in Treta-yuga by performing sacrifices,in Dvapara-yuga by serving the Lord's lotus feet, can also be obtained and in Kali-yuga by chanting the Damodara maha-mantra."*Kaama krODha bidisi ninnaNaama jihweyoLage irisuShree mahaanubhaavanaadhaDhAAMODARA !Sri Kanakadhaasaru.Oh! DhaamOdhara. Please drive away the Desire, and Anger in me. Protect me in having your " naamasmaraNa" always staying on my tongue ]Shankam Gadhaa Chakra PadmaDharO DhaamodharOvath!Dhaamodharasya Dhaaraathupradhadhyaadhi dhiraavaram!!- Sri Sumatheemdhra Theertha.Naamadha mahimeya prEmadhi poguLuththaKaamithaarthagaLa koduvavaneKaamiThaarthagala koduvavaneNarahari DhaamoDhara Namma Mane dhaiva ! suvvi-Sri HayavadhanaE dhooraachaaragiriBidhuravemdharithu samaMOdhadhimdha manadhiDhaamodharanna neneyirO ! Sri Puranadaradaasaru “Dayavirali Dayavirali Damodara” Dayavirali Dayavirali Damodara ! Pallavi !DayamaaDi Bidadenna Saaku Shri KrishNa!Anu Pallavi!Hogi baruvenayya Hoda haaMgellaSaaguvanallanaa Ninna BiTTuToogi ToTTilu Konege SthaLadalle NilluvuduHyaage Nee NadidaMte haage naa naDakoMbe !! 1 !!Iddalle ennaanu uddaripa shaktiAsaadhya ninagemdu naa baMdavanallaNadyaadi kshEtra moortigaLalli nija jnaanavriddha janara huDuki ninna tiLiyali baMde !!2!!enage Avudu olle elleli podarukShaNa biDade ninna nOLpa jnaanava koDochinimaya mooruti Gopaala vittalaGhana karuNi Madhwa Muni maMdira nivaasa !!3!! Sri Gopala Dasaru (Courtesy; Haridasa Homepage) Sri DamodarashtakaFound in the Padma Purana of Krishna Dvaipayana Vyasa, spoken by Satyavrata Muni in a conversation with Narada Muni and Saunaka Rishi.“In the month of Kartika one should worship Lord Damodara and daily recite the prayer known as Damodarashtaka, which has been spoken by the sage Satyavrata and which attracts Lord Damodara.” (Sri Hari-bhakti-vilasa 2.16.198)Text Onenamamishvarah sac-cid-ananda-rupahlasat-kundalah gokule bhrajamanamyashoda-bhiyolukhalad dhavamanahparamrishtam atyantato drutya gopyaTRANSLATIONTo the Supreme Lord, whose form is the embodiment of eternal existence, knowledge, and bliss, whose shark-shaped earrings are swinging to and fro,who is beautifully shining in the divine realm of Gokula, who [due to the offense of breaking the pot of yogurt that His mother was churning into butter and then stealing the butter that was kept hanging from a swing] is quickly running from the wooden grinding mortar in fear of mother Yashoda,but who has been caught from behind by her who ran after Him with greater speed—to that Supreme Lord, Sri Damodara, I offer my humble obeisance.Text Tworudantah muhur netra-yugmah mrijantamkarambhoja-yugmena satanka-netrammuhuh shvasa-kampa-trirekhanka-kantha-sthita-graivah damodarah bhakti-baddhamTRANSLATION[seeing the whipping stick in His mother’s hand,] He is crying and rubbing His eyes again and again with His two lotus hands. His eyes are filled with fear, and the necklace of pearls around His neck, which is marked with three lines like a conchshell, is shaking because of His quick breathing due to crying. To this Supreme Lord, Sri Damodara, whose belly is bound not with ropes but with His mother’s pure love, I offer my humble obeisances.Text Threeitidrik sva-lilabhir ananda-kundesva-ghoshah nimajjantam akhyapayantamtadiyeshita-jneshu bhaktair jitatvahpunah prematas tah shatavritti vandeTRANSLATIONBy such childhood pastimes as this He is drowning the inhabitants of Gokula in pools of ecstasy, and is revealing to those devotees who are absorbed in knowledge of His supreme majesty and opulence that He is only conquered by devotees whose pure love s imbued with intimacy and is free from all conceptions of awe and reverence. With great love I again offer my obeisances to Lord Damodara hundreds and hundreds of times.Text Fourvarah deva mokshah na mokshavadhih vana canyah vrine ’hah vareshad apihaidah te vapur natha gopala-balahsada me manasy avirastah kim anyaihTRANSLATIONO Lord, although You are able to give all kinds of benedictions, I do not pray to You for the boon of impersonal liberation, nor the highest liberation of eternal life in Vaikuntha, nor any other boon [which may be obtained by executing the nine processes of bhakti]. O Lord, I simply wish that this form of Yours as Bala Gopala in Vrindavana may ever be manifest in my heart, for what is the use to me of any other boon besides this?Text Fiveidah te mukhambhojam atyanta-nilairvritah kuntalaih snigdha-raktaish ca gopyamuhush cumbitah bimba-raktadharah memanasy avirastam alah laksha-labhaihTRANSLATIONO Lord, Your lotus face, which is encircled by locks of soft black hair tinged with red, is kissed again and again by mother Yashoda, and Your lips are reddish like the bimba fruit. May this beautiful vision of Your lotus face be ever manifest in my heart. Thousands and thousands of other benedictions are of no use to me.Text Sixnamo deva damodarananta vishnoprasida prabho duhkha-jalabdhi-magnamkripa-drishti-vrishtyati-dinah batanugrihanesha mam ajnam edhy akshi-drishyahTRANSLATIONO Supreme Godhead, I offer my obeisances unto You. O Damodara! O Ananta! O Vishnu! O master! O my Lord, be pleased upon me. By showering Your glance of mercy upon me, deliver this poor ignorant fool who is immersed in an ocean of worldly sorrows, and become visible to my eyes.Text Sevenkuveratmajau baddha-murtyaiva yadvattvaya mocitau bhakti-bhajau kritau catatha prema-bhaktih svakah me prayacchana mokshe graho me ’sti damodarehaTRANSLATIONO Lord Damodara, just as the two sons of Kuvera—Manigriva and Nalakuvara—were delivered from the curse of Narada and made into great devotees by You in Your form as a baby tied with rope to a wooden grinding mortar, in the same way, please give to me Your own prema-bhakti. I only long for this and have no desire for any kind of liberation.Text Eightnamas te ’stu damne sphurad-dipti-dhamnetvadiyodarayatha vishvasya dhamnenamo radhikayai tvadiya-priyayainamo ’nanta-lilaya devaya tubhyamTRANSLATIONO Lord Damodara, I first of all offer my obeisances to the brilliantly effulgent rope which binds Your belly. I then offer my obeisances to Your belly, which is the abode of the entire universe. I humbly bow down to Your most beloved Srimati Radharani, and I offer all obeisances to You, the Supreme Lord, who displays unlimited pastimes.GRRRaoSutton Coldfield (UK)

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