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Namo namo venkatesha- GuruJagannatha Dasaru's composition

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Hare Srinivasa!Guru

Jagannatha Vittala dasaru was born in 1836 . He was born in the

village of Kessigi, Kurnool district, Andhra Pradesh. Gopala Dasaru

blessed him with the amkitha in a dream. Mantralaya Guru Raghavendran

swami was his antaranga guru. It is also beleived that he is the

avatar of Appanacharya. He was a great scholar in Sanskrit as well as

Kannada and has written over 40 stotras in sanskrit. He has authored

many books on philosophy and has written commentaries on the

Harikathamrutha saara in Sanskrit as well as English.



was the aradhana of this great Haridasaru.namo

namo veMkaTesha shrIsha sarvOtamane shrIshASalutations

Salutations ! O Lord Venkatesha, who is the emodiment of ultimate

bliss,who is the Supreme personality, who is the source of bliss to

Sri devi.ramAvarane sad

vimArkarAkamukhasumAnasAnata samIranaghadhIshAvimA-insure,

purearka- sun , healthyraka-full moon, beautiful,happiness,

taste,pleasure etc


those with pure heart and mind


to one who surrenders whole heartedlysameeranaghadIsha

= sameera+anagha+da+Isha - O Lord venkatesha,You are

the chosen groom of ramA devi. You are completely pure and Your face

is shining with brilliance and beauty. The life sustainer called

Vayu, mukyaprAna is sustained by You, hence You are sameera .

You exist in each one with the same name as that diety and ensure

that the design of creation continues as it should and till it

should.You are also called sameera because You are the constant

beautiful companion of all. You are completely free from defects and

You are the Lord of all those free from defects too. muktAnAm

paramAm gatiH- You provide sustenance and existence to those

who are free from defects.




point to note is that such of those who reached this state of

perfection within thier limits attained it because of the Lord's

immense grace.



samudra mathana described wonderfully by Sri Vadirajaru in

the"Lakshmi Shobane" it is said that Sri Rama devi compared

all the devatas present to the flawless Lord in order to show to

devotees the Superiority of the Lord. She choses Him as He is

completely free from defects and is full of auspiciousness. Dasaru

very cleverly described this in the anupallavi. He says -vimA

arka, raka mukha -

completely free from defects with a healthy, brilliant and beautiful

face. It is clear that He is the most superior in brilliance being

flawless and is most auspicious. He is the original source

of shelter for all, He never fails His devotees. He is is worshipped

by all those with the pure minds namely devatas. He is known as

sameera-the life giver, who is the Supreme among all those free from

all afflictions and who is the cause of the freedom from affliction

for the deserving.varavaikuMTadiMdA

I dharAtalake baMdAcharaNa kamalakke sharaNu mAlparakarUNisi

bava araNadhATipaHe

came to this earth from His abode 'vaikunta' . He is ever

ready to bestow His grace on those who seek His shelter by

surrendering at His lotus feet and thereby He tides them over this

samsaara which is likened to a fearful forest full of dangers.




Venkaesha Mahatmya this is vividly described.The Lord left Vaikunta,

because Mahalakshmi went off to Kolhapur, being offended by the

action of Brigu rishi. Brigu rishi who was entrusted with the task of

finding out the Supreme entity. He went in search of such an entity

who would be the only one eligible to receive the oblations of all

yagynas. Brigu rishi was snubbed by Shiva and Brahma and being in a

disturbed state of mind and hurt ego, he kicks the chest of

Paramatma. Even so, Paramatma is not offended and tends to Sage

Brigu's feet. How is this possible or correct? Why should the Lord

tolerate this action? It is because Brigu rishi was a pious sage and

had set out with the intention to find out the Sarvothamatva concept.




Brighu was instantly brought to his senses by the Lord's humble

approach. He fell at the feet of the Lord seeking His pardon and

proclaiming His supremacy!





after this incident Lakshmi goes to Kolhapur and the Lord enacts the

leela of feeling left out and goes to Seshachala and lives in an ant

hill for ten thousand years.



says ," Being now present in Tirumal as Lord Venkatesha, He is

the Lord who bestows grace on those who seek shelter at His feet

understanding the greatness of the Lord and His omniscience

,omnipotence and omnipresence."dharEsha

tonDanrupage nI darAri ittavagEdarAsurEshana jarAtharidu

bahutvaradi youvvana kareya nIDidiIn this charanam

Dasaru gives examples of Lord Venkatesha's karuna.


dAsaru in HKS 22.04says 'chaMDa vikrama chakra

shaMkhava tOMDamAna nR^ipAlagittanu'. tOMDamAna was

the younger brother of AkAsha rAja. Once there was a battle between

vasudhAna (son of AkAsha rAja) and tOMDamAna. At that time

shrInivAsa ParamAtma gave His chakra and shaMkha to tOMDamAna

rAja and He Himself volunteered to be in the side of vasudhAna.

Thus, He protected both of them. In Varaha Purana the mahima

of the kumAra dhAra theertha in Venkatachala parvata has been

described. Once Srinivasa was going around the mountains in the guise

of a king. He noticed an old man, who was very frail and extremely

tired. The old man had no one and had been forsaken by all his

relatives as he was infirm. He was roaming the hills of Venkatachala

and sought the shelter at the feet of Srinivasa . Srinivasa devuru

bestowed his immense grace on the old man and took him to this kumAra

dhAra theertha and made him take a dip. He came up like a sixteen

year old young lad. This is told by Sri Jagannatha Dasaru in one

of his devaranamas asvridhdha brAhmaNa

stutisau saliladolagaddi kumAratvavanittaibharAja

ninnA nutise abhayavitteghannAshubha karane ninna prabhAva

kelideprabhuve enna bhavabhaya kaliyo swamI


this charanam, Dasaru moves to incidents further away in time. He has

been the karuna sAgara since eternity and instances of His kArunya

are replete in the Bhagavatham and other puranas and itihAsas too.

Dasaru appeals to the Lord citing these examples.






You have the shining history of coming to the aid of Your sincere

devotees. Did you not come to the aid of the elephant king when He

called out to You as the his soul soccour? Your greatness has a

strong and unshakable foundation which is eternal and unshakable. O

Lord, who is the cause of all fortune, I have heard the greatness of

Your mahima and have come to seek shelter in You. O Lord, O prabhu

please anhilate this fear of samsaara which is tormenting me."


ennA manadali vahiside ninnAgahAna mahimane mahAparAdavasahAna

mADelo ahIsha giri vAsaahI- snake , ahIsha- the

king of snakes-sheshaNow Dasaru puts forward the devotee's

case to the Lord. He says ," O the greatest of the great, the

reason You should uplift me from samsaara is because I have installed

You in my mind. Your glory is great and I seek Your grace even though

I know that I have done many many sins nay ,many many great sins. It

is because You have the gahAna mahima- meaning the unfathomable depth

in greatness. So I beg of You O Lord of Sheshagiri, please tide me

over my sins and take me towards light and truth.



kulIsha nI vidhAtAdisurakuleshAnItagurujagannAtha viTTala

nijadutajanakati prItanAguvo dAtA


trials & tributlations that plague humans +adri- mountains

of themHe is the destroyer of the mountains of

difficulties that confront human beings. Just as an axe is a weapon

to cut so also the Lord is the only weapon that can cut away at the

papas of the devotee. One may make an objection that if we say weapon, does it mean that He has no volition of His own. To this Dasaru says,

He is not just any ordinary weapon but the kulEsha(kUla+isha )Origin of the entire groups of suras

meaning devathas including Brahma who is the creator of the world and

creates, impelled by the antaryAmi.



guided or led



Hanuman - Sri

Vijayadasaru echoes a similar thought in one of his devaranamas

'pavamAna jagada prAna' describes Hanumantha devuru as 'ramachandrana



to the followers of nijaduta


- extremely


Gurujagannatha vittala,You are extremely pleased with the devotion of those who

are guided or led by Your nijaduta and You bestow on them all that is

required for thier upliftment from samsaara.



is calling out to his aaradhya muruthi and expressing the truth that

the leader of those seeking moksha is none other that the true sevaka

of the Lord namely ' Sri Madhvacharya' . This shows his great

devotion to acharyaru as well the strong statement that following the

teaching of Srimad Acharya is the passport to the elusive land of



Purandara Dasaru has said 'Hanumana mathave hariya mathavu'


we follow Hanumantha and seek his grace, then the Lord will be






the grace of Madhva rayaru is of utmost importance in the path

leading towards Hari. Lord Venkatesha of the seven hills is please

with devotion to His foremost devotee and showers His bountiful grace

on such devotees of MukyaprAna.



Vadirajaru hails the greatness of Sri Madhvacharya by saying


bAri smaraNe sALade



theerthara pUrnaprajnara sarvajnarAyara madhvarAyara

sri krishnArpaNamastuI am not the doer,Lord Hari is the doer

Even so, whatever He makes me do is His worship by His graceR.Parimala

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