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19th Oct Bali Padyami, Yama dwiteeya, Govardhan Pooja

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19th October, Monday Karteeka PratipatyAM.


Kartheeka :

Masa NiyAmaka

Bali Padyami

(Why COWDUNG in Cone shape with flower kept on the sides of the

Doors ?)


Stories about DeepavaLi- Hoew celebrated in other


Sri Rama Pattabhisheka Day

Yamadwiteeya Bhagini Hasta Bhojanam

Aksha KreeDa

Govardhana Pooje


(i) Masa Niayamaka : Shree Damodaraya NamaH


There are fourteen nAmas (= names) of Lord Vishnu which are

scripturally most sanctified and which are very often used for the most

fundamental of all rituals,namely the Achamanam, are:


achyuta, ananta, keSava, nArAyaNa, mAdhava, govinda, vishNu,

madhusUdana, trivikrama, vamana, SriIdhara, hRshIkeSa, padmanAbha, dAmodara.


The name dAmodara has the unique distinction of building into

itself the two parts of the Lord


One, the naiveté that was exhibited by Him when His mother

Yasoda bound him as a child by a few feet of rope tied around his waist;and the

other, the divine grandeur which in its cosmic form has the entire universe in

its stomach. dAma means rope.


His stomach (udara) was bound by the rope affectionately tied

round his waist by the mother. dAma also means abode; the abode of the whole

universe is His stomach.


A third meaning is: he is greatly compassionate (udAra ) towards

even sinful people, because of his self-control (dama).


[source: Gems from the ocean of Hindu thought vision and

practice: V. Krishnamurthy]


Pada: (Kartheeka Masa)

Kaartheeka BarA Maasavu Agi

Nalla Baralaagi! DeevaLige PaaDya saagi!

Bhaava biDige Akka TadigEli!


Uttana Dwaadasheeli!

Deepa Utsavavu taa

Balu Ghanaa

Jyoti sambhrama

PuruSha BaMda ennamma!!


Sloka: (Phala sthuti)

AreraDu Maasada Phalavu


KrishNa NallEra KooDida Phalavu

Vivaaha Bhagyaa SamtaanagaLane koTTu

Sarva Kaaryavu Sheegra AgOdu aShTu !!


From “ Kaanta Madhurige PodanE

Emtu Baahane Sairisalaarane Skhiye.”

- “Maasa Paarijata” -Sri

VeNugOpala ViTtala Daasa


Jaya Venkatesha Jaya Srinivasa

Jaya Jaya Jaya BhO Jaya Srinivasa

-from Damodara Stotra.

Page 1.


-(Srinivasa Samsthuti-Metlostav KANIKE, TTD DP 2001)



Bali Padyami




Chandra Darshana






Mondays are special on Kaarthika masa.


Many go to Shiva temple . Some take food in

the morning and perform

PhaLahara or Fasting in the night



Deepa for the whole Month

The whole month, light deepa

and keep near the main door and also to tulasi.



Bali PaDyami, Narikruta Neeraajana,GovaRDHANA Pooja,

Go=Pooja Sri Moola Raghupati-Vedavyasa Devarige MahabhishEka, Nava vastra

DharaNa, Maargapaali baMdhana, Dyutaarambha, AkSha KriDA, panchavarNai

BaliMdraM vilikhya raajanaH poojayEt, Vikrama Shaka Arambham(2067)Chandra

Darshanam, Yama Dwiteeya,Chitra Gupta-Yamara

Pooje,YamunA Snanam, Bhagini

Hasta BhOjanaM..


Tamasomaa Jyotirgamayaa, Mrutyomaa Amritanga mayaa.


India is a land of festivals. Deepavali or

Diwali is the Festival of Lights and is celebrated with fervour and gaiety. The

interesting Diwali legend is of King Bali.

When Lord Vishnu in the guise of Vamana,

sought three feet of land from the very generous king Bali Chakravarthy, Bali

had to surrender his head as Vamana had conquered the earth and the sky in His

two strides.

Lord Vishnu banishes Bali into the Pathala

Loka by keeping his third stride on Bali's head. Later, pleased by his

generosity, Lord Vishnu grants him a boon and he inturn requests the Lord to

guard his palace at Patha Loka.


Meanwhile, the Goddess is unable to bear

the separation and her grief affects the functioning of the entire universe.

Brahma and Lord Shiva offer themselves as guards and plead with Bali to relieve


So, on the Amavasya day Lord Vishnu returns

to his abode and Goddess Lakshmi is delighted. That is the reason it is

believed that those who worship Goddess Lakshmi on this day would be bestowed

with all the riches.



Dharma sindhu says:


Ashween KrishNa paksh Chaturdarshyaam Chandrodaya VyaapinaaM

NarakabheerubhiH Tilatailena Abhyanga snaanaM kaaryaM Abhyanga


Yama TarpaNa kaaryaM “

Baliraajye deepa daanaat Sadaa LakshMi Stiraa bhavEt

Deepaih Neerajnaat Atra SaiShaa DeepaavaLi Smrutaa.


Some story

about DeepaVaLI. Festival of Lights.


There was a Raja Kumar to Haima King. On the fourth day of his

marriage the Raja Kumar died due to a snake bite. His young wife was crying.


The Yamadootas could not bear the cry of the Sadhvi maNi. They reported to the Yama Dharma Raja


Yama Dharma Ordered that “ during DeepavaLi starting from Dhana

Trayodashi, for five days, whoever lights lamp in front of their house, those

would not have any Apa Mrutyu”


That is why rows of lights are lit for five days during

deepavaLi and it is called Festival of LIGHTS.



It is also the Pattabhisheka Day for Sri

Rama after returning from Lanka.



Diwali as Celebration of

King Rama's homecoming, as in Ramayana


Ramayana is one of the two most important epics of the Hindu religion. In this

epic, Lord Rama, king of Ayodhya, returns to his kingdom with his wife and

brother Lakshman, after his exile of 14 years, and defeating the demon king

Ravana. The people of Ayodhya goes ecstatic with the joy of His returning, and

to welcome their king, lights up earthen diyas in every home of Ayodhya, thus

lighting up the whole kingdom. It took place on the night of the new moon of

Ashwin, and the tradition is carried out even today.




According to Ramayana, Diwali commemorates the return of Ram, an incarnation of

Lord Vishnu and the eldest son of King Dasharath of Ayodhya, from his 14-year

exile with Sita and Lakshman after killing the Ravana, a demon king. The people

of Ayodhya illuminated the kingdom with earthen diyas (oil lamps) and fireworks

to celebration of the return of their king. Continuing the story of Rama, this

festival commemorates Lord Ram's return to his kingdom Ayodhya after completing

his 14-year exile. Twinkling oil lamps or diyas light up every home and

firework displays are common all across the country. This celebration took

place on the night of the new moon of Ashwin (October-November). The tradition

and the timing continued to be followed even these days.




Same thing in Mahabharata

being the day when *Panadavas complete their 13 years of exile.


3) Why COWDUNG in Cone shape with flower kept on the sides of

the Doors ?


Bali Padyami Day is

also GovardhanoddharaNa day.


In Karnataka they

call it : HaTTiya Habba”.


“HaTTI” Means cattle

and the Gopalaka group.


In olden days we had

lot of cattle, Gopalakas. They use to cultivate land and give us paddy. Grains, milk etc. In

Kartheeka Maasa, they happen to worship these cattle and the Manure.


Thus the Cow dung is made

into a cone form ( depicting Govardhana Giri)

with a “Shamanti flower atop” and kept in the doors. They used to

prepare panadava idols, and worship. Performing “ HaTTi” pooja

is from Dravidians.


Thus this deepavaLi symbolizes Aryan and Dravidian culture.


They keep cowdung cones right from entrance to the back. Each one depicts Lakkavva, means Lakshmi

Devi, Even they right Go-Paada in the house

with the fond hope that by movement of Lakshmi and Cattle in the house,

the granary would be always plenty, They

worship the cattle, the Vessel they use for milching the cow, the Churning

stick called “ KaDagOlu” and the Go shaala. prepare lot of sweets and

eat well.


[Courtesy: Sachitra Bhaarateeyara HabbagaLu by Pandita Che A

Kavali Dharwaad]





i) IN UK 5th

Nov , they celebrate this deepotstav in

the name of Guy Falls Day.Explosive substances are packed inside a Doll called

Guy Falls and after ignition, they watch

the dazzling brilliance of light and sound and celebrate the festival

Destruction of evil is the significance.


ii) 4th July American

Independence. People holding candles dance in the street. It is significant to

watch the spectacular fire works at Niagara Falls.


iii) Japan, “Toronaa GaaShi”

deepotstav is cenebrated under this banner. The lights are covered with

coloured paper around the house. To express that their life be ever joyous,

peaceful and with happiness. Even they go for

boat ride in decorated boats with lights on.


iv) NEAPAL ’Tihaar” They

decorate the house with lights and celebrate

5 days Festival.


First day they prepare

sweets and savories which are kept in plates,

By its side ,they spread rice.

Keep the Banana leaf

above the rice

Keep Lights at the center of the Banana leaf-Worship-offer

prayer and later consume them.


Second day They

entertain the animals that are dear to

them giving the best food dearer to

dogs, cats etc


Third day they perform GO



Fourth day they

perform Lakshmi Pooja


Fifth day. Sisters day.


v) Thailand In order to

remember Maha ViShNu, and to pay respect to Gautam Buddha, they lit lamps at

temples. Even they leave Diyaas in the water with the fond hope that their life

would be peaceful.


vi) Iran “JORASTER” in

order to remember him on his Birth Day , they lit lamps.


vii) Egypt - To remember

Pitru Devatas, they lit lamp in Mud-

earthenware diyas and pour oil to ensure that the lamp would glow whole light

without becoming “Shanta” and would be awake whole night for this purpose. If

the lamp puts off they consider as bad omen.


It reminds us the “AkhanDa” we keep during Navaratri days

ensuring that the light glows 24hrs/9 days



viii) It reminds us the Halloween celebrated in October in UK

and USA, keeping the carved Pumpkin with

lights inside, in front of the House to drive away evil spirit


They keep Hay stack also

to welcome the Farmer With what

enthusiasm they go to farm pluck Pumpkin

and bring home.


Courtesy : Harsha Taruva HabbagaLu by K Byarappa.




A) Bali Padyami-


a) after Abhyanjana-

b) to write in 5 colours the Balindra and worship Balindra


Baliraja Namstyubhyam

Daitya danava vandthitha|

Bhavishendra Suraaraathe

Vishnu sanidhydhydo Bhava ||


The GOD would be pleased

if anything is presented as Danam in the name of Balindra.

i) Lakshmi Pooja

ii) Kubera Pooja

iii) Dyutharambha


It appears that Parvati has assured all Bhaktas that those who play dice game to day would be benefited with happiness and prosperity.


v) Vrata

Muktavali of Rayar Mutt Say:



The Ladies perform Arati

to Gents at the Bath Room after their Oil Bath


In order to *remember

PanDavas, the ladies prepare 5 Kuntis, (Gopuras[Cone shape] from the Cowdung-

do awahane and worship PanDavas.


A Padma with 12 petals is

drawn with white Rangoli on the floor.

Inside this Padma, Balindra picture is

written the Vamana roopi in Balindra Paramatma is worshipped. With

flowers. Achamya……. Sarva sampada abhivrudhyartam Balindrantargata Sri Madr

Raaghavendra tirtha Gurvantargata Bhaarati ramana Mukhya PraaNaantargata Shree

VRISHAAKAPIPATI VAMANA poojaam KareeshyE. And perform Sankalpa ShoDopapchaara



Sri Bhoomi sahitaM DivyaM

MuktA hAra VibhooshitaM

Namaami VAMANAM VishNuM

Bhukti Mukti PhalapradaM!!


And thus preay the LORD Vamana


Then Pray

Baliraaja NamasthubhyaM

ViRochana Suta PrabhO

BhavishYendra Suraaraate

PoojOyam PratiguhyartAM!!


Balaraaja NamstyubhayaM

Daitya Daanava VaMdita

Indra ShatrO amarAratE

ViShNu SAnidyadO Bhava !!

Iti Balindra Pooja SamaaptaM




Bhagini Hasthena BhojanaM- . It is also called "Bhava



The younger sister while serving food to day for her Brother in Law or Brother recites the following sloka:




PreetayE Yamaraajasya

Yumunaayah VishEshataha ~!!



If elder sister is

serving then say BhaataH ! tavAgrajaataahaM.



vi) Yamuna Snana- Yamaraja had his food in his sister's house

Yamuna- One should not take food in his house and must take food in sisters

house only

-By so doing one would

get prosperity and the person should give

gift to the sister- If one does not have

a sister, he must go to his friend's sister's house and present her with

a gift and have food- This is an indication of

Sadhana for "DheeRgaayushu praaapti"


>From the word “ BhrAtru”, the words “ Bhava or

Bhavu” in MarahTi language have sprung. The same by usage has taken the

name “ Bhava Bidige” in Kannada.


vii) Chitragupta-Yamara Pooja

Evening worsihpping Chitraguptas with Yama- Yamadevara Pooja-


Daana-to be performed



viii) Aksha Kreeda


The Lord, in his

incarnation as Vaamana, humbled King Bali who was very proud and haughty.

Still, impressed by the king's DhaaRmic disposition, he was made the king of

the nether regions. When told to ask for a boon, Kind

Bali requested that lakshmi should stay for ever in the houses

of his subjects who celebrate the three-days Deepavali festival.


There, it was the day that Vaamana placed His foot on Bali's

head and sent him away to the nether worlds. Special worship of the Cow is a must on this day.

[ For Jains, the festival of lights signifies the period in which Mahaaveera attained NiRvaaNa.]


On account of the blessing from Sri Vamadeva, Balichakravarthi

got the Suthala Lokadhipathya- Sri Vamadeva gave the name " Bali

dina" for to-day-


Every one would be happy

on this day. Hence all are required to

take oil bath and worship Balindra and perform MangaLa KaaRya reciting "Punarehi Vratasya Me"


D) VrishtikaakaRshaNa: A rope made out of DhaRbe is held on one

side by Rajaas and the other side by other set of people- This is just like Tug

of war and one should pass below this rope called MaaRga paali bandhana-



E) In Uttaradhi Mutt they perform MahaaBhishekaOtstav.


F) Vikrama Shaka



Just like Ugadi for us, the North celebrates deepavaLi as an

important Festival. The Vikrama

Samvatsara comes to effect from to day for them. To day is Sri Ramachamdra;s

PaatabhiSheka Day. As well as that of Vikrama King.The day on which Lord Shri

krishNa lifted the Govardhan mountain. This is the day on which the Panadavaaas

declared that their” Ajnaathavaasa was



(Courtesy- Hindu HabbagaLa Amtharamga-Bahiramga)


About KERALA :

In states like Kerala, where Onam is the

main festival, celebration of Deepavali is a very happy occasion for all. The

celebration of the four-day festival commences on Aswayuja Bahula Chaturdashi and

concludes on Kartika Shuddha Vijiya. The first day of the festival Naraka

Chaturdashi marks the vanquishing of the demon Naraka by Lord Krishna and his

wife Sathyabhama. The second day is Amavasya when Lakshmi puja is performed. It

is believed that on this day Goddess Lakshmi would be in her benevolent mood

and fulfill the wishes of her devotees. The third day is Kartika Shuddha

Padyami and Bali would come out of Pathala Loka and rule Bhuloka as per the

boon given by Lord Vishnu. Hence, it is also known as ‘Bali Padyami’. The

fourth day is referred to as ‘Yama Dwitheeya.’ On this day, sisters invite

their brothers to their homes and offer them gifts.

4th day: Kaarthika maasa shudda padya (bali padyami).



On this day, keraka has to be made using cowdung. A kote for

balindra has to be made and some pillaris to keep a pair on each door way (hosTilu).

On each door corners keep pillari. The pillaris have to be stuck with ragi

thene and hucchellu hoova. If not available, keep chendu hoova or shavantige.

Use many colourful flowers. Do pooja to this with gejje vastra, akshate,

kumkuma and arishina. Now keep the Pillaris which were made to keep in the

corners of doors.


Note: Keraka can be done with

ragi hittu mixing it with unboiled milk or water, if cowdung is not avaiable.

Next day morning the Keraka and pillaris have to be removed before the man of

the house wakes up. They are not supposed to see this.


Prepare bele obbattu, payasa,

chitranna and habbada adigae.


In evening keep kalasa. Inside

kalasa put some coins, some dry fruits like karjura, godambi, drakshi

etc…..Above the chembu keep beetel leaves and coconut. Spread a blouse piece or

shalya around it.


Keep kalasha in a plate. First

keep a gods' photo, then a mirror, and then in front of them the kalasha. Do

pooja to this and pour three times unboiled milk around it.


In a plate take some petals of shavantige flower and akshate. This has to be

thrown up in devara mane.






NOTE: The term "Govardhana'

has two meanings.

The word "Go' means

cows, and "vardhana' means nourishment.

In the other meaning

"Go' stands for senses and

"vardhana' means to

increase the diversion of the senses towards Sri Krishna.

Both these jobs are done by

Sri Giriraja. He kindly blesses the devotee by increasing his devotion. Thus by

residing in the foothills of Sri Giriraja, all the senses and their respective

duties of a soul attain divinity and are inclined to serve the Lotus Feet of




of Govardhan:


In the western coast of India, in the

island of Salmali, lived Dronachala, the king of the mountains. Once a sage by

the name of Pulastya Muni, came to him to take his son Giriraja with him to

Kashi (Varanasi). After offering some initial resistance, Giriraja, somehow

agreed to go with him only on condition that he should not put him down on the

earth in between. If he does so, he would stay there forever.


When they were flying over the Vraja bhumi,

Giriraja increased his weight to the extent that Pulastya had no option but to

put him down. Pulastya understood the mischief of Giriraja. He became furious

and cursed him that he would decrease by a grain everyday. But then repenting

on the curse he gave to Giriraja, he assured him that he would be blessed in

the Dvapara Yuga and everybody would start worshipping him since then.



This happened in the Satya yuga. Brahmaji

wished to create the Dvapara Yuga but because of the portentous phenomenon of

Ravana, he had to create the Treta Yuga. In this yuga, Hanumanaji on the

instructions of Lord Rama, came to take Giriraja for the cause of constructing

a pull on the ocean.

Giriraja at once agreed to go for the

service of Lord Rama. But before they reached, the pull was ready and there was

no need of additional stones. Giriraja was very dissappointed on not having the

darshana of Lord Rama.

On knowing the sorrow of Giriraja, Lord

Rama sent a message saying that, "...by the end of the Dvapara Yuga, the

Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna will Himself appear and play on you

and will also worship you. In the kaliyuga, the devotees shall attain numerous

divine supernatural powers by worshipping you.''


In Sarasvata Kalpa, i.e. the end of the

Dvapara Yuga, Bhagavan Sri Krishna stopped the worship of Indra and

started the Govardhana Puja by doing Himself. It was a wonderful sight. Being

worshipped by Sri Krishna, Giriraja himself became like Sri Krishna. It was

like He (Sri Krishna) worshipping Himself. Since then all the six seasons

resided permanently on Giriraja.

Besides this, the eight gates of the Asta

Sakha's from where they entered the nitya lila, are also on the Govardhan hill.

The Asta Sakha's, who reside on the Govardhan hill are in differrent places,

each of which were passionately attached to their respsctive Deities of those





Govardhan Puja In brief:


The day after Deepawali is

celebrated as Govadhan Puja when Mount Govardhan, near Mathura, is worshipped.

Pious people keep awake the whole night and cook fifty-six (or 108) different

types of food for the bhog (the offering of food) to Krishna. This ceremony is

called ankut which means a mountain of food. Various types of food – cereals,

pulses, fruit, vegetables, chutneys, pickles, and salads – are offered to the

Deity and then distributed as prasada to devotees.



Govardhan Hill Parikrama:


Govardhana Hill was about 16 miles (29 km)

high 5,000 years ago. Govardhana is formed in the shape of a peacock. The

following places; Radha Kunda and Syama Kunda are the eyes, Dan Ghati is its

long neck, Mukharavinda is the mouth and Punchari is its back and tail

feathers. As a peacock often curves its neck and puts his head under its

stomach. Govardhana Hill is shaped in this pose of a peacock.


Due to the curse of Pulastya Muni, it is

sinking the height of a mustard seed daily. In Satya Yuga, Pulastya Muni

approached Dronacala, the king of the mountains, and asked him for his son

Govardhana. Dronacala was depressed and pleaded the sage that he was unable to

bear the separation from his son. Govardhana then went with sage, under the

condition that wherever the sage would put him down, he would remain.


Pulastya Muni then took Govardhana and then

started for his ashrama. While passing through Braja Mandala he put Govardhana

down to answer the call of nature. On his return he found that he cannot move

Govardhana. He became very angry and then cursed Govardhana to shrink to the

size of mustard seed daily. At that time it was 115 km (64 miles) long, 72 km

(40 miles) wide and 29 km (16 miles) high. Now the hill is only 80 ft. high at

the highest point.



Another story about Govardhana Hill is that

the monkey army of Lord Rama was carrying different stones to construct a

bridge to Lanka. Sri Hanuman was carrying Govardhana from Himalayas to help

built the bridge. As Hanuman was carrying Govardhana over Vraja, Nala and

Neela, who were incharge of building the bridge declared that it was completed

and no more stones were needed. Hanuman was in Vraja Mandala and he put

Govardhana there. Thus it would appear that Govardhana was then lost in two

ways. He was away from Lord Shiva and Lord Rama. Sri Rama heard about

Govardhana crying and said that in Dwarpara Yuga he would make His appearance

as Sri Krishna and would have His pastimes in that place, and would hold Govardhana

up for seven days and nights to save the residents of Vraja.



It is believed that Lord Krishna lifted

“Govardhana Giri” (this huge hill) with his little finger of His left hand, and

gave shelter to people under that huge hill from a big storm presented by

Indradev. A Parikrama (that is going around the hill) is a sacred ritual

performed by many devotees. It is approximately a 24-mile Parikrama. Govardhana

is set along the edge of a large masonry tank known as the “Manasi Ganga”,

believed to have been brought into existence by the operation of the divine

will. Close by is the famous red sandstone temple of Haridev and the Kusum



The parikrama starts by taking bath in

Manasi Ganga. One then takes the darshan of Harideva, Manasi Devi and Brahma



The actual circumbulation of the Govardhana Hill starts from

this point. There are eleven main Silas on the Govardhana parikrama like bhuma

sila, sindura sila, etc, that have some special significance. One of them is

the dasavati sila. Knowingly or unknowingly if anybody commits a sin then he

should pay obeisance to Sri Girirajaji over here.



The sacred tank known as Rinamochana Kunda is near the

Govardhana power station and according to shastra if one bathes in this kunda

they are freed from all vices, usually only after it rains will there be water

in this kunda. There are several important places in the vicinity of Govardhana

Hill, which are not visited on the normal parikrama. Many of these places are

close to Govardhana Hill (within 5 km) and can be visited by taxi easily. Some

devotees prefer to walk from each place and spend many days in the area doing




Nearby is Papamochana Kunda. It is said that anyone who bathes

here has all his offenses removed. After this normally one returns to the road

to Mathura and then goes in the direction of Mathura, passing the government

bus stand on the right. Here is a small hill on the right, and next to this

hill is a small pond - Indra-dhwaja Tila. This is where the cowherd men would

normally come to worship Indra.



Govardhanaa hill puja proper:


As previously mentioned within this page, during the Dwapara

Yuga, Lord Sri Krishna convinced the cowherd men to worship Govardhana, instead

of doing a sacrifice to please Lord Indra, the king of heaven, who is in charge

of the rain. His reasons for discouraging the sacrificial ceremony to please

Lord Indra were twofold.


First, as stated in the Bhagavad-gita there was no need to

worship the demigods for any material advancement.

Secondly, whatever temporary result one derives is actually

granted by the permission of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

This act of stopping his puja angered Lord Indra and in return

he sent torrents of rain upon Vrindavan.


The residents approached Lord Krishna for help. It was then that

Sri Krishna then lifted Govardhana Hill and held it over the residents like a

giant umbrella. Seeing extraordinary mystic power of Krishna, Indra, was

thunderstruck and immediately called for all the clouds and asked them to

desist. He then worshipped Lord Krishna. Since Lord Krishna is worshipped, His

Land Vrindavan and Govardhana Hill also need to be worshipped. Since then,

Govardhana puja has been going on. In all the temples of Vrindavana huge quantities of food are prepared in this

ceremony and are distributed to general public. According to the Vedic

scriptures Giri Govardhan is greater than even the transcendental kingdom of

Vaikuntha, the eternal abode of Lord Vishnu.


What is the reason it is called Manasi Ganga ?


Sri Krishna killed a demon by the name of Vatsasura. His sakha's

told him that you have killed a cow. You will have to bathe in the Ganges to

purify yourself. So Krishna mentally (manasa) produced the Ganges to bathe in

it.That is why it is called as Manasi Ganga. At Manasi Ganga, Sri Giriraja is

submerged in the water.


The village Govardhana comes twice during the parikrama. Every

year there is a big fair held over here on Diwali.

At that time thousands of devotees burn and float the candle-lights in the

waters of the Manasi Ganga. There is a great importance of having bath in the

Manasi Ganga on Diwali. It is said in the Puranas that the Manasi Gangi is

milky in colouration. One who has bath in it for six months continuosly is

blessed with the divine vision of the milky Manasi Gangi.


Here you will need to express great tolerance and transcendental

vision, as the pandas who perform the pujas are somewhat over zealous. Best is

to go there with the idea that you are giving to the Lord and His devotees and

have a bundle or two of two Rupee notes at the ready, as all pujas here have a





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