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28th OCt Dashami- a) Shree Sathya Veerathirthara P.D.(KoRla Halli) (b) 2) Shree Vijayadasara Punys Dina

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a) Shree Sathya Veerathirthara P.D.(KoRla Halli)b) Shree Vijayadasara Aradhana

[ ShraadhDha Tithi-Dashamyam ] Tithi : Dashamyam (21.15)ISTVaara : Saumya vaasaraNakshatra : DhaniShTA(13.00)Yoga : VruddhiKaraNa : Taitilaa a) Shree Sathya Veerathirthara P.D.(KoRla Halli)35th In the line of Sri Uttaradhi Mutt (1879-1886)Guru for Sri SathyaDheerathirtha to whom he gave Ashram- Noted for hisPrakaanda Poandithya and Prachanda Tapah Shakthi-|| Shri SatyaveeraTeertha Gurubhyonamah ||Introduction to Shri 1008 Shri Satyaveera Teertharu :Satparakramaduddabhehesanjatah kirti chandrakah |Santapam Hantu shrimansatyaverendu ranjasa ||Diksha accepted: 1879Preceptor: Sri Satya parakarama theerthaBrindavan PravEsha:1886PiTadhipati: 7 years 1 month 2 daysBrindavan Pravesha 1886Aradhana Kartheeka shudDgha DashamiBrindavan at: KorliHalliDist GadagRiver: the TungabadraState: Karnataka.Poorvasharam Name Bhodarayacharya || ShriGurubhyonamaha |||| Shri Hari Om ||Shri SatyaveeraTeertha's Purvaashrama name was Bhodaramacharya . He was belongs to Korlahalli Family. Korlhalli Famliy roled 50 Years of Shri Uttaradi Matha . They Are, 1) Shri Satyaveera Teertharu, 2) Shri SatyadheeraTeertharu, 3) Shri Satyadhyana Teertharu . Shri Satyaveera Teertharu was ordained as monk and succeeded to the pontificate in 1879. After initiated to Vedantha Samrajya , he took up the construction of Brindavana in Chittapur to his beloved guru Shri Satyaparakramar Teertharu and performed Mahasamaradhana. Shri Satyaveera Teertharu ordained Shri Jayacharya and named him as SHRI SATYADHEERA Teertharu to the pontificate throne of Shri Uttaradi Matha,and Swamiji entered Brindavana in Korlahalli on the bank of river Tungabhadra on 1886 Kartika Shudda Dwadashi. Work by Shri Satyaveera Teertharu :1]Commentray on Tatvaprakashika2]Commentray on Tpata Chakrabhushana3] Matigar Garvanirmapan Tande Venkateshavitalaamkitha has composed a KeeRthana on him Raga anadha Bhairaviset to Adith thaala: Gururaaya Kaavudhemmanu ThwarithaaO PramaadBhutha Charithaa|SariGaaNe Nimaginnarasalu sathathaaDharaNipathiMhithaa|| Pallavi CharaNa Pamkaja yugMa Smaripa Janara NithyaaParipaalipa BhirudhuLL sathya Veerah| Anu Pallavi| Omdhaaru vratha SunanadhanaTharuve VaRNipudhake|BrimDhaaraka Dhaishika NimmadigeruveTejoraajitharave|Tande Venkatesha Vitalaana en Hrin-Mamdhiradhali Nimdhiruvamthe vahadiso|| CharaNa| (Page 121Bhakjana KausthuBha Vol 1 Aug 1993) Dhyaana Sloka:SatparaakramaDugdaabdheSamjaatha Keerthi Chandraka|SamtaapaM Harathu Sri RamaaNSathya Veeraendu Ramjasa || Sathya VeeraalavaaloththaHVidhuShaam ChimthidhapradhaH|Sathya DheeraaKhya KalpadhruhBhuRyaa IshtaaRtha sidhdhaye || 2) Shree VijayadasaraP.D.-(Born 1682-1755) -(Chippagiri-2kms from Guntakal Railway Junction) After a lapse of 100 years after Sri Puranadara daasa, came Sri Vijayadasaru to rejuvenate the Dasa Movement ; and his period is heralded as Vijaya Dasa Yuga by one and all. Sri Madhwachary's doctrines and their subtitle are well brought out in his keerthanas, Ugabhogas and Sulaadhis, His Sulaadhis catch the imagination of one and all , andtherefore he is popularly known as Suladhi Daasaru. Sri Vijaya Dasa was a great exponent in the science of Numbers. The following Suladhi would stand testimony to it. Here, he says what he could do to become a " HARIDASA".Mooromdhu yugadhalli Mooromdhu vaRNaneMooromdhu Kadebimba Mooromdhaagi BhajisuMooromdhu Purushaartha Mooromdhaadhi BEduMooromdhu Moganayya VijayavitalarEyanaMooromdhu paayadhalli praLayamaaLpa. 1. Mooromdhu Yugadhalli:In the four Yugas ( Krutha, Tretha, Dwaapara,Kali) 2 Mooromdhu VarNadhalli :The four colors( White, red, Yellow and Blue) 3 Mooromdhu Kadebimba:The four Bimas:a) Vishwa, Thaijasa, Pragyna, Turya)b) In Vasudeva, SankarshNa, Pradhumna. AnirudhDha.)c) In Sthoola shareera, Sookshma shareera, Linga shareera and Swaroopa shareera. 4.Morromdhaagi Bhajisi Sat, Chit, Atma,Ananda worship poorNaananda Hari as having these four qualities 5.Mooromdhu Purushaartha: Attain Dharma, Artha, kaama, MoKsha 6.Mooromdhaadhi Bede Pray to bestow one of the positions in Moksha,Saroopya, Salokya,Saameepya, Saayujja 7.Mooromdhu Moganayya: Vijaya Vitala Sri Hari) the father of Brahma who always recites the four vedas (Rig, Yajur, Sama and AtharvaNa) from his four faces. 8) Mooromdhu paayadhalli:a) By Saama, dhaana, Bhedha, dhandab)By Karma Kshaya,Uthkrantha, Marga, Bhoga, -Four ways. 9) Mooromdhu praLaya maaLpa; Dhina PraLaya, Yuga PraLaya, Manu PraLaya,Brahma PraLaya. Sri Vijayadaasa very dexterously uses the numbers 2 to 8 avoiding number one as it is in-auspicious and establishes Sri Madhwachary's SidhDhamtha. In the above SuLaadhi number 4 ( 3+1) is treated to explain the philosophyof Sri Madhwa. He says one has to pray Vijaya vittala ( Sri Hari) the father of Bramha. It is suggestive of Sri Madhwa;s Hari Sarvothamathwa. That Sri Hari alone is supreme in the pantheon of Gods. He is Sat, Chit, Atma, Ananda. Suggests that he is BimbaRoopi and independent as Vishwa, Thaijasa,Pragyna, Turya, We are His Prathi Bimbas entirely dependent on Him. Ultimate Purushaartha is Moksha and therefore it would be attained by Dharma, Artha,Kaama after Karma Kshaya, Utkramtha, Madrga, Bhiga. If moksha is of four positions. Saroopya, Saalokya, Saameepya and Saayujya. Jeeva Bramha bhedha continues to be there and Jeevas enjoy the eternal bliss in their Swaroopa Dehaas. When it is understood that healone sanctions Moksha, He finally brings out the four types of deluges viz, Dhina PraLaya, Yuga praLaya, Manu praLaya Bramha PraLaya. These events take place in all the four yugas. Sri Vijayadaasa's Aradhana falls to day and on this day LET OUR MIND BECOME TOTALLY detached from attractions of the world and contemplate on what he had said to God.(Courtesy: News Letter, Sri Madhwacharya Seva Sangha, KKNagar, Chennai-78, NOV 2001 issue,. ) "Shree Vijayadaasa was an Aparoksha Jnaani. Every word he uttered had the approval of the Vedas. The great principles that were laid down in the Upanishads and PuraNaas flowed through his padams. When others took ten words to explain a thing, he took just one word.If the influence of Sri Puranadara daasa could be compared to the gushing waters, Sri Vijayadasa's play on words in his compositions to a water shed. Since one could find Sri Ananada Thirtha's Vyasa sahithya and Sri Sripadharaja's Dasa sahithya in all his work, Sri Vijayadasa could be called as Bheeshmachaarya of Dasa Sahithya. By his knowledge and work hehad enriched the dasa literature and kept its flag flying high. As a king among daasas, he made Sri Madhwa Sidhdhantha tenets easily comprehensible even to layman.He was the cause for the Bhakthi BhAgeerathi to flow continuously by being Brighu Maharshi, Madhwapathi and Vijayadaasa. His collection of Sulaadhi, Keerthanas is a fat voluminous Encyclopedia of knowledge and Jnana.He is compared to a nest from where the twin birds of Vyaasa sahithya and daasa sahithya flew off into the outer world. He is Kamadhenu for those who believe him and a Kalpavruksha for those who worship him. Sri Hari in the form of Sri Puranadara daasa appeared inyoung Sri Vijayadas's dream and wrote the beejaakshara- "VIJAYA" onhis tongue and disappeared. Since then there was a thorough transformation, whatever he uttered became songs either in the form of Ugabhogas, or Sulaadhis on Sri Hari Sarvoththama , He prayed God to apply a coat made of His sacred names all round his tongue. In the eternal garden of Haridasa Sahithya, he made to bloom the eternal lotuses such as Sri Hari sarvoththamatwa, Tharathamya, Theertha Kshetra Mahima. Bhakthi swaroopa, the knowledge of Jnaana, Vairaaghya, Sadhana, Cotemplation of God and The glory of Mukthi. There was no limit for Sri Vijayadaasa 's kindness. Out of his limitless compassion and love, he blessed Srinivasacharya, a well-known pundit and transformed him to Jagannatha dasa who authored Sri Harikathamrutha saara.later. Sri Vijayadasa's jnana, Bhakthi, Vairaghya, reached their acme in him and no doubt he stands as a brilliant jewel in the crown ofthe kingdom of Dasa and Vyasa Sahithya. - (Courtesy- Sri Madhwacharya Seva Sangha, KK Nagar, Chennai-78- News. Letter Nov 1999.) "If Vyasa Sahitya is 'Moola vigraha', dasa sahitya is its 'Utsava Murthy'.The wick of Vyasa sahitya is kept on burning incessantly with the ghee called Dasa Sahitya- It is not an over statement, therefore, to say that for our Siddhhanta they are our father and mother respectively and we are all their children., Even while performing our daily duties we have to think of Sri Hari which will please Hari most: and that will be the real worship of the Lord. This secret of work is revealed by no less a person than Sri Madhwacharya. Sri Puranadara Dasa says " GaaLi bamdaaga thoori koLLiro."- where gaLi means not the wind but our Dwaitha siddhanta. It means only when we read our siddhantha, we get liberated. All Haridasaa are therefore, compared to fish who live in the great ocean of Madwa siddhantha, Their words are as pious and sacred as the waters of the Ganga. Sri Vijayadasa was one such Haridasa who propagated Sri Madhwacharya's 'Sadhana Mantra' - in all his compositions. All of them in local language contain the essence of the Vedas, Upanishads and Puraanas, but keeping Madhwa shastra as the central theme. His teachings please Sri Hari . Hence we would be the recipients of His Grace very soon, if we follow him".-Editor, Sri Madhwacharya Seva Sangha's News letter-Oct 98"To write on Sri Vijayadasa, these columns may not be sufficient- He laid firm foundation for the Dasa sahitya in the second group of Haridasas after Sri Puranadara Dasar period. They conveyed to the common people the principles, which were so far accessible only to pundits and to those who knew Sanskrit. Sri Vijayadasa's writings and songs are superb for their poetic value and the beautiful rhythmic style of expressions as well as their thoughtful presentation of Madhwa Philosophy.Though Sripadarajar is said to be the father of dasa Sahitya, it was Sri Purandaradasa who brought luster and grandeur to it. It was further developed and popularized to a great extent by Sri Vijayadasa and Gopaladasa and it reached the supreme position at the time of Sri Jagannatha dasaru. It was Sri Veda Vyasa who wrote the name Vijaya on his tongue when taken to him by Sri Puranadara dasaru at Kashi. If Adoni AmildarRaghavendra Rao had not seen him, during his son's marriage,perhaps we would not have heard of Sri Vijayadasaru .Making him to prepare sandal paste and the arrogant attitude of the Amildar that made him to go away from Adoni to Kashi.It is here he really prayed the Lord.. Just a morsel amountof food offered by Chagi Keshavacharya, he saved his son from death- "Uppu Ikkidavanannu Muppina thanakaNene"- Thus he was able to fulfil what is said in this proverb. A person,who had no means to live, all of a sudden had lot of things, followers etc. He attributes that these were all on account of His blessings:" Sanje tanaka Iddu saNNa Soutu thumba\Ganji kaaNade baLalidheno\ Himde|Vyanjana Naana subhakshabhojyangaLa \ Bhumjisuvudu Maththeno||" He did not keep even a single thing with him- At the time of his death he lived in a hut at Chippagiri in the field of Chandappa- " Saala maada beda- Saaladena beda- NaaLegena beda- these words of SriPuranadara dasa were strictly followed by Sri Vijayadasa.- He was guru for Sri Gopaladasaru and transferred him to be a dasa from the profession of an astrologer(Dasappa)-He was instrumental in changing Sri Srinivasathirtha as Sri Jagannathadasaru-A child which was about to be abandoned by the mother , was saved and became his pet child and disciple Sri Mohana Dasa-Chiranjeeviyagalo ChiNNa neenu|Haridasa dasa DasaraPaada DhooLaagi||Noted Sudha pundit, Kallur Subbannaachar, after an incident, transformed himself to be a Haridasa with the Ankita' Vyasa Vitala. His composition"Smarisi badukiroDivya charaNakeragiro|duritha tharidu orevaVijaya GurugaLembara||Called Vijaya Kavacha- It is written in a lucid, chaste and flowing style.It is so popular among kannada people and especially among the women-folk that they daily sing in their homes. Also recited by many many Bhaktas in their homes as well as at Chippagiri going round the DasaraKatte-His intimacy with Lord Srinivaasa was such he was able to stop the Rathotstva and god sent word for him to come and he sang

" Saagi baarayya Bhava Rogadha vaidyane Baaguveninage Chennagi Stuthisi Imdu|| Sri Vijayadasa was Brigu Maha muni in the previous avatara-In Threta yuga, he was Suraleela and did Seva to Sri Ramachandra:In Dwaapara Yuga he was Nikampa, a yadava doing Service to Sri Krishna-In Kaliyuga , first he was born as a calf in the house of Sri Puranadaradasa and later as his last son Madhwapathi. He fulfils his promise to his father in completing 25000 krithis and completes the rest . As promised again, in the next Janma as Sri Vijayadasaru-Sri Vijayadasa also composed numerous Ugabhoga, Sulaadhi, which are recited even now in all hindu families. Having lived for 74 yearsperformed Vaikunta yatra in 1755. Dhyaana Sloka:AjnaanathimiraChchedambuddhi sampat pradaayakaM|Vijanana vimalam ShaanthamVijayaakhya Gurum Bhaje ||


May Sri Vijayadasaru Bless all

(Courtesy: my postings fom Dvaita List)

Sri KriShNArpaNamastu



Solihull (UK)



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