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shrImadharikathAmR^itasAra - by Sri SGP CHAR - HKAS_02-13

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dhanava saMraxisuva phaNi tA

nuNade mattobbarige koDadanu

dinadi nODuta sukhisuvaMdadi lakumivallabhanu

praNataranu kAdihanu niShkA

manadi nityAnaMdamaya du

Rjanara sEveya nollanapratimalla jagakella……………………….HKAS_02-13


dhanava = the money (wealth) stored underground

saMraxisuva = which is protected

phaNi = by snake

tAnuNade = the snake does not enjoy the wealth

mattobbarige koDade = will not allow others to take it

anudinadi = everyday

nODuta = sees this wealth

sukhisuvaMdadi = enjoys this activity

lakumivallabhanu = laxmIpati i.e. nArAyaNa

praNataranu = devotees who trust Him

kAdihanu = protects them (devotees)

niShkAmanadi = just as the snake protects the wealth, He also protects His devotees without any expectations from them

nityAnaMdamaya =  apostle of Happiness

duRjanara = tAmasic persons who do not have bhakti

sEveya nolla = will not accept their service

jagakella = the entire world consisting of jIva-s and jaDa-s

apratimalla = none equal to Him


It is a common belief that a snake protects the wealth stored

underground. That snake has no benefit from the wealth it protects. The

snake neither uses that wealth nor does it allow someone else to acquire

the same. All this it does without any attraction for the wealth.


Similarly, ParamAtma protects His devotees without any expectation of

benefit from the various actions of the devotee. Paramatma is like the

snake and His devotees are like the valuable wealth. Just as the snake

finds happiness in protecting the wealth, so also ParamAtma finds

happiness in protecting His true devotees (who trust Him), when they are

in difficulty. However He will not accept service from tAmasic persons

who do not have bhakti.


ParamAtma protects the His devotees from the evil persons without any

expectations from them, while He is Himself an apostle of Happiness.

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