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Dear ALLWe are happy inform you that We have been invited to Distribute Tulasi Plants at RAJBHAVAN early NEXT WEEKPlease find below some USES of TulasiregardsSreedhara

Tulasi is a herb, goddess,

medicine, antiseptic, health food, tonic, insect repellant, and air purifier,

even your passport to heaven all rolled into one. It has been a part of our

homes, our temples, our rituals, our everyday lives for centuries; a revered,

beloved member of our family whom we name our daughters after.For several

ailments, if a potted plant can bring a solution why not we revive the old

practice of a tulasi-brundavana at our home. The Tulasi is, but one of the

cultural and ecological practices that we inherited from our ancestors.

Tulasi or the holy basil is considered sacred

especially by the vaishnavas. There are three

different types- Ramatulasi, Krishnatulasi and

Sritulasi. Some people consider that there

are 5 types- Sritulasi, kshudrapatratulasi, raktatulasi, bilvagandhatulasi,

krishnatulasi and varvaritulasi.

Tulasi was born out of the tears of Vishnu when Amrithakalasha came from the

ocean during the great churning. The leaves are used in

the ritualistic worship. Almost all Hindus maintain a

brindavana with a tulasi plant. Tulasi is also

considered as a goddess and a consort of vishnu.

Tulasi leaves have several medicinal uses.

The Padma

Purana glorifies Tulasi as an eternal associate of Lord Krishna and

considers Tulasi as the essence of all devotional activities. Its leaves,

flowers, roots, bark, branches, stem and its very shade are all spiritual.

Atharvaveda has acknowledged the curative

effect of the juice of the Tulasi leaves. On the basis of drug value Charaka

classified plants into purgatives and astringents. The preeminently astringent

groups are fifty in number. They have been further grouped under the heads or Vargas

and included surasa (Tulasi) in the eighth varga in swasahara. Susruta

on the same basis classified plants under thirty-seven sections or ganas.

Susruta has included Surasa in the saka varga, the group of potherbs

that comes under the spices of herbs The

pharmacologists have confirmed that the Tulasi have significant anti-stress

properties. Ocimum lowered stress induced cholesterol and enzyme

activities as well as it reduced blood glucose and urea levels in rats

pretreated with ocimum leaf extracts. The researchers have speculated

that eugenol that produced similar effects moreover lowered stress induced

blood glucose levels may be responsible for the anti-stress effect of Tulasi.

Stress is known to cause immunosuppression and modify host resistance to a

variety of illnesses, including allergic and infectious disorders. Similar

immunomodulatory activity has also been observed in Tinospora malabarica

used extensively to treat constant rheumatism, inflammation and allergic



Uses of



Guards Against Cough and Cold,Builds Strength and

Stamina,Regulates Blood Sugar

Rich in Antioxidants,Lowers Cholestrol,Eliminates


Improves Digestion,Tulasi is carminative,

antipyretic, diaphoretic, expectorant and vermifugal, Promotes healthy

Metabolism,Balances Blood pressure,Anti-Stress Agent

Strengthens immunity,Purifies the blood,Relives

Anxiety,Slows ageing







Healing Power:

The tulsi plant has many medicinal properties. The leaves are a nerve

tonic and also sharpen memory. They promote the removal of the catarrhal matter

and phlegm from the bronchial tube. The leaves strengthen the stomach and

induce copious perspiration. The seed of the plant are mucilaginous.

2. Fever & Common Cold: The leaves of basil are specific for many fevers. During

the rainy season, when malaria and dengue fever are widely prevalent, tender

leaves, boiled with tea, act as preventive against theses diseases. In case of

acute fevers, a decoction of the leaves boiled with powdered cardamom in half a

liter of water and mixed with sugar and milk brings down the temperature. The

juice of tulsi leaves can be used to bring down fever. Extract of tulsi leaves

in fresh water should be given every 2 to 3 hours. In between one can keep giving

sips of cold water. In children, it is every effective in bringing down the


3. Coughs: Tulsi

is an important constituent of many Ayurvedic cough syrups and expectorants. It

helps to mobilize mucus in bronchitis and asthma. Chewing tulsi leaves relieves

cold and flu.

4. Sore Throat: Water boiled with basil leaves can be taken as drink in case of sore

throat. This water can also be used as a gargle.

5. Respiratory Disorder: The herb is useful in the treatment of respiratory system

disorder. A decoction of the leaves, with honey and ginger is an effective

remedy for bronchitis, asthma, influenza, cough and cold. A decoction of the

leaves, cloves and common salt also gives immediate relief in case of

influenza. They should be boiled in half a liter of water till only half the

water is left and add then taken.

6. Kidney Stone: Basil has strengthening effect on the kidney. In case of renal stone

the juice of basil leaves and honey, if taken regularly for 6 months it will

expel them via the urinary tract.

7. Heart Disorder: Basil has a beneficial effect in cardiac disease and the weakness

resulting from them. It reduces the level of blood cholesterol.

8. Children's Ailments: Common pediatric problems like cough cold, fever, diarrhea

and vomiting respond favorably to the juice of basil leaves. If pustules of

chicken pox delay their appearance, basil leaves taken with saffron will hasten


9. Stress: Basil

leaves are regarded as an 'adaptogen' or anti-stress agent. Recent studies have

shown that the leaves afford significant protection against stress. Even

healthy persons can chew 12 leaves of basil, twice a day, to prevent stress. It

purifies blood and helps prevent several common elements.

10. Mouth Infections: The leaves are quit effective for the ulcer and infections

in the mouth. A few leaves chewed will cure these conditions.

11. Insect Bites: The herb is a prophylactic or preventive and curative for insect

stings or bites. A teaspoonful of the juice of the leaves is taken and is

repeated after a few hours. Fresh juice must also be applied to the affected

parts. A paste of fresh roots is also effective in case of bites of insects and


12. Skin Disorders: Applied locally, basil juice is beneficial in the

treatment of ringworm and other skin diseases. It has also been tried

successfully by some naturopaths in the treatment of leucoderma.

13. Teeth Disorder: The herb is useful in teeth disorders. Its leaves, dried

in the sun and powdered, can be used for brushing teeth. It can also be mixed

with mustered oil to make a paste and used as toothpaste. This is very good for

maintaining dental health, counteracting bad breath and for massaging the gums.

It is also useful in pyorrhea and other teeth disorders.

14. Headaches: Basil makes a good medicine for headache. A decoction of the leaves

can be given for this disorder. Pounded leaves mixed with sandalwood paste can

also be applied on the forehead for getting relief from heat, headache, and for

providing coolness in general.

15. Eye Disorders: Basil juice is an effective remedy for sore eyes and night-blindness,

which is generally caused by deficiency of vitamin A. Two drops of black basil

juice are put into the eyes daily at bedtime.



The affected portion is cleaned using the stack of the tulasi plant and washed

with a decoction made of the holy plant in water. A paste of

the leaves is then applied to cure the desease.


A paste of tender roots of tulasi plant is applied on the affected region to

reduce the toxic effect.


A few drops of the juice is dropped into the ear and the pain is reduced.

It also reduces pain in the ears.


The juice of tulasi leaves in honey is consumed to reduce cold.


A decoction of tulasi , garlic and honey in equal measures is prepared and one

spoon of it is taken every three hours.


Juice of tulasi with pepper relieves this.


Juice of tulasi with juices of onion, ginger and honey would remove phlegm.


Juice of Krishnatulasi leaves is used to massage the body which acts as an

antidote for shivering. The juice of tulasi with pepper

cures the fever.


The decoction of Krishna tulasi in water

thrice a day for 4-5 days cures this.


One spoon of juice of tulasi for two-three days twice daily cures this.


Decoction of Krishnatulasi in water thrice daily cures this.

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