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[MYP] 6th Decr 2009- Srimad AkshobyathirtharaP.D ( (Malakheda)

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Dear Mr. G R Rao,I have always looked at your postings with great respect as they are usually very informative and contain valid information.But, I found that you have also perhaps unknowingly followed the methodology of naming Sri 1008 Akshobhya Tirtha as the fifth pontiff of Uttharadi matha, which implicitly endorses the Moola Matha claim by that Matha. May be, you accept it, but many others do not.I do not wish to embark on a discussion on this issue here or else where - but if SRS Matha also starts calling itself as Moola Matha - will it not lead to confusion?. In the general community of Madhvas whch these lists repreesnt, I feel that it is best that such statements are not made.regardsNAPSRao G.R.Raghunatha Rao <grrraojignAsa <jignaasa >; Sumadhwaseva <sumadhwaseva; * Madhwa Yuva Parishat <madhwayuvaparishat >; * Vishwa Madhwa Sangha ; SVBM <svbm >Sat, December 5, 2009 1:02:02 PM[MYP] 6th Decr 2009- Srimad AkshobyathirtharaP.D ( (Malakheda)




6th December, Sunday,PANCHAMYAM ( ShraadhDha Tithi PanchamyaM) Tithi :

Panchamyaam (3.19)IST Vaara : Ravi vaasara Nakshatra : Pushya (20.51)IST Yoga : Bramhaa KaraNa : Kaulava Srimad AkshobyathirtharaP. D ( (Malakheda) 5th pontiff of the Uttaradhi mutt. (1350-1365) During the Chaalukya period in Jamakhandi taluk there was a jeweler called Keshava Bhatta- he got a son in 282 named as Govindha Bhatta. (Page103-‘Guru Namana’- Editor SuLaadhi Kuppe Rao, Sri Varadhendra Sahithya Mandali, Lingasugur) .The boy, then he was about 30 years old was impressed

with the teachings of Sriman Madhwar. He later became his disciple and took ashram as Sri AksHoBhya Thirtha in 1312 - He won in the debate against VidyaraNya of Vijayanagar. An able saint in the Nivarana of “Bramhahatya Dosha†is works “Vedasara†is famous. One loving glance, a gesture, a touch, and a smile was enough to dissolve the ego and bring a lasting ransformation in the life the warrior. He entered Brindavanam on 4-12-1365 at Malakheda on the banks of the river the Kaagini, after handing over to his disciple Sri Jayatheertharu.> (Following text: Courtesy from: Dr Gururajan M. President, Sri Madhwacharya Seva Sangha, Chennai-78)The junior

most direct disciple of the Acharya. One should understand that only Rudra, Garuda or the Sesha nama individuals could alone become the direct disciples of the Acharya. Needless to say that he is the amsha of Rudra.His winning over Vidyaranya at Mulubagal in the presence of Sri Vedanta Desikar was an historical event. He inducted Sri Sri Jayatheertha into monastic order. He founded two lineages whch exist at Kudali Aksobhya Mutt. He gifted Sri VaikunTa Rama idol to this Mutt. The other Mutt is the Bagalur Mutt. The Swamiji gifted Sri Trinethra

Narasimha idol. He entered the Brindhavana at Malkhed on the banks of the river Kagini. Dhyaana Sloka: Yo VidyaraNya vipinaM Tatwamasya si naaschinaT| SrimadAkshobhya thirthaaKhyaanu| PrathiShte Gurunmama|| Srimad Ramaa RamaNa Sadgiri pAda sangee Vyaakhyaa Ninaadadaitaakhila duShTadarpam Durvaadi vaaraNa vidaaraNa dakSha DeekaSha MakShObhyateertha MrugaraajamahaM Namaami !! - Sri Jayateertharu PadavaakhyaPramaaNa jnana Prathivaadimadachch idha Srimadakshobhyathir tha anukhyanupathiste Gurunmama|| -Sri Jayathirtha || Shri Akshobhya Teertha Gurubhyonamaha || Introduction to Shri 1008 Shri Akshobhya Teertharu : Diksha accepted: 1350 (Srimukha) Preceptor’ Sri Madhava Theertharue Brinadavanam

PravesHa: 1364 (Vikruti) PiTadhipati: 14 years 2montyhs, 20 days. Aradhana: Margashira KrishNa Pnchami Brindavan at: Malkheda River: Kagina Dist; Gulbarga†State: Karnataka Poorvashram Name: Sri Govinda Shastry. || Yoovidyaranyavipina m Tatvava Syaasinaachhinat | Shrimadakshobhyatee rtharyahansinam Tam Namaamyaham || || Shri Gurubhyo Namaha || || Hari Om || Shrimad Akshobhya Teertharu was born in 1159 Sakabja Era (1238 AD) and was the last of Madhwa's direct isciples to sit on the Vedanta Pitha. He did so from 1350 AD -1365 AD. Previously his name was Govinda Shastri, a former follower of a non-vaishnava ('advaitin')

line before meeting and surrendering to Shrimad Acharya (Shrimad Madhwacharya) , and ho also came from Uttara-Karnataka.> After establishing Akshobhya Tertharu as the head of the Pejawar Mutt Shrimad Madhwacharya gave him the Deity of Aja-Vithal. (Krishna standing with His hands of His hips, accompanied by Shri Devi and Bhudevi, though some say this is Krishna with Rukmini and Satyabhama, technically they are the same Persons with His expanded pleasure otencies anyway.) It is said that Akshobhya Teertharu was in him self not a distinguished or prolific writer, yet he stands out as an mportant personage in the history of the Madhwa line (BNK Sharma. 1961.) History of the Dvaita School of Vedanta. Page 229.) It is said by some that he wrote a book called adhvatattvasaarasam graha of which nothing is known; yet the name suggests it was a manual of the Dvaita doctrine. Shri Akshobhya Teertharu who initiated Shri Jaya Teertharu (author of

Shriman Nyaya Sudha) was a contemporary of the great 'advaitin' Shri Vidyaranya and of a celebrated 'Visistha-advaitin' scholar Shri Vedanta Desika. It was this Vidyaranya who established the Vijyanagar Kingdom for the twins Hakka and Bukka, and not the Madhava Teertharu that we know in our sampradaya (C.R. Rao. "Shrimat Uttaradi Matha"). There is a historic incident, which is understood to have taken place at Mulabagilu near Kolar, Karnataka. His victim was the same Vidyaranya, the big, big 'mayavadin' scholar and 'guru' descendant of the 'Advaitan' line of Sankara. In the year 1336 AD., Shri Akshobhya Teertharu had a scholarly disputation with Shri Vidyaranya on the interpretation of the "Tatvam-asi" ("You are the same as" or "I am that") 'Shruthi' text. The extensive and elaborate and sometimes acrimonious arguments were exchanged in the presence of Shri Vedantha Deshika who was chosen by both as an arbitrator. Another tradition says that all the arguments wereliterally written down and then sent tol Shri Vedantha Deshika whose verdict was in favour of Shri Akshobhya Teertharu. The epigraphic evidence of his historic victory is on a

commemorative pillar of victory on a hill near Mulubagal that can be seen even today.> This was his main 'claim to fame', the dynamic way he refuted the 'tat tvam asi - 'you are the same as', philosophy of the 'mayavadis'. Either way the story is told, it is a stated and documented fact that Shripad Akshobhya Teertharu was more than victorious. In fact Shripad Akshobhya Teertharu smashed Vidyaranya so badly that in history this was considered the turning point in the new Madhwa faith of 'Dwaitavad'. To this day the philosophy of 'Dwaita'

(dualism) has not been defeated; even the 'Adwaitin mayavadis', knowing they are wrong, with stubborn determination, or masochistic glee, like moths flying into the flame of personalistic knowledge, they have yearly been coming back to Udupi to get smashed. Shripad Akshobhya Teertha's victory over Vidyaranya has been recorded in Jaya Teertharu Vijaya of Shripad Vyasa Teertharu, and in the Raghavendra Vijay (17th century) as well as in the Vishisthadvaitin (Shri Vaishnava) work Acarya Vijayachampu, and the epigraphic evidence carved in a pillar of stone at Mulbagal.(BNK Sharma.1961. History of the Dvaita School of Vedanta. page 230.) Shripad Akshobhya Teertharu moved after

this a little north of Pandharapur on the banks of the Bhima-rathi River, which is where he met his future disciple Jaya Teertharu. in the years to follow Akshobhya Teertharu dedicated most of his time training Jaya Teertharu in 'Dwaita' philosophy.The relationship was so nice that Shripad Akshobhya Teertharu gave his every breath to make Shripad Jaya Teertharu the most proficient and dynamic preacher since Madhwa; hence Jaya Teertharu was called the second moon of Madhwa and Tikacarya, for his many small commentaries. Shripad Akshobhya

Teertharu taught him how to search out hidden significance' s in the words of Madhwa which others missed, and how to write books on those points called Tikas, which further demolished the hostile 'Adwaitin' onism. Empowered by Akshobhya Teertharu he caused such a stir by even pointing out the differences in the basic understandings of 'Adwaita' philosophy of their own leading Sankarites like Vacaspati, Vivarankara, Amalananda, Citsukha and Vijnanashana, giving further strength to the Vaishnavas truths and making the 'mayavadis' all look all the more foolish. According to popular acceptance Shripad Jaya Teertharu renounced the world and took 'sannyasam' at twenty years of age

(reputed to be in 1368). However, due to the course of time dates have become confused - the accepted date that Akshobhya Teertharu's giving up this world (1365 AD) and ordination of Jaya Teertharu do not tally - we can see from mathematicaldeducti on that either or both dates need some adjusting. Work by Shri Akshobya Teertharu:Shri Akshobhya Teertharu Worte only one Grantha. "MADHVATATVASAARASA NGRAHA" How to visit Malkhed.Malkhed comes under Gulbarga District.It is 40 kms away from Gulbarga. There is sufficient bus facilities to Malkhed from Gulbarga. It is situated in between Gulbarga and Sedam, 12 kms away from Sedam. Shri Venkkanachar Pujar,Shri Jayateertha Brindavana,Malkhed, Sedam Taluk,GulbargaDist- 585317 (Karnataka).Ph : 08441-680343. || Shri Digvijaya Rama Vijayate || || Shri Krishnarpanamastu || “Rakshisennanu= Dayaambudhe Rakshisennanu†by PraNesha vittala and “Srimad`AkShobhya teerthara divya charitaM†by Karpara Narahari are the two Kannada keerthana available. ii) Sri Byagavaata Narasimha Vitaladaasara P.D. (1685-1765)- ( Byaagawaati ) Original name: Narasimha daasaru., Ankitha: Narasimha Vitala. Upadesha Guru: Purandara daasarau (Swapna) Dhyaana Sloka: Sumatheendra Guro Shishyam- Upendrermaanitham Mudhaa| Pitharam Ranga daasastha| NaarasimhaaBhidham Bhaje

|| (Source., Daasa Thathwa Prakaashike- Dasa sahithya Project, TTD, Tirupathi.) GRRRaoBengaLooru New Windows 7: Find the right PC for you. Learn more.

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