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shrImadharikathAmR^itasAra - by Sri SGP CHAR - HKAS_02-20

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aMgutAgradi janisidamara ta

raMgiNiyu lOkatrayagaLagha

hiMgisuvaLavyAkR^itAkAshAMta vyApisida

iMgaDala magaLoDeya nAMgO

pAMgaLalippamalanaMta su

maMgaLapradanAma pAvanamALpadEnaridu……..HKAS_02-20


aMgutAgradi = from the nail tip of the left toe of trivikrama dEva

janisida = born from the sky

amarataraMgiNiyu = Ganges river

lOkatrayagaLa = the three lOka-s (bhUlOka, bhavalOka and svargalOka)

agha = sins

hiMgisuvaLa = eliminates

avyAkR^itAkAshAMta = beyond BrahmAMDa, until the end of the sky which we cannot see

vyApisida =filled

iMgaDala = of xIrasamudra

magaLa = daughter (of xIrasamudra) i.e. laxmIdEvi’s

oDeyana = husband i.e. Lord narAyaNa

aMga = entire body

upAMgaLalli = hair and nails too

ippa = present i.e. spread all over

amala = very pure

anaMta = infinite

sumaMgaLaprada = giver of mOxa - leading to something good

nAma = that Name

pAvanamALpadu = makes it pure

Enaridu = what a surprise? (Meaning – it is not surprising)


During the time when ParamAtma took the form of VAmana avatAra, He asked

for a gift of space equivalent to His three footsteps from Bali and when

it was gifted by Bali, ParamAtma took the massive rUpa of trivikrama. He

immediately occupied entire URdhvalOka with one footstep. At that time,

the Ganges river was born from the from the nail tip of the left toe of

trivikrama dEva which flowed thru satya lOka and all other lOka-s and

after purifying all the dEvata-s residing therin, Ganges arrived on

Earth and was received by R^idra on his head and he came to be known as



The phenomenon of the sky is perceptible to our eyes, but the endless

Sky (AkAsha) beyond BrahmAMDa cannot be seen (avyAKkR^ita) by us. laxmI

dEvi is the abhimAni dEvata for this AkAsha. ParamAtma is spread in

existence till the end (aMta) of this Sky and thus the term

“avyAkR^itAkAshAMta”, enveloped by name VAsudEvanAma who is the husband

of laxmI dEvi -the daughter of xIrasamudrarAja – fills over this stretch

of space.


The entire body of ParamAtma and every other part such as His nails and

hair are exorbitantly filled with infinite virtuous qualities. It is not

surprising that such an infinitely pure name of ParamAtma relieves the

wrongdoings of devotees.

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