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shrImadharikathAmR^itasAra - by Sri SGP CHAR - HKAS_02-22

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manadoLage suMdara padARthava

nenedu koDe kaikoMDu balu nU

tana sushObhitagaMdhasurasOpEta phalarAshi

dyunadinivahagaLaMte koTTava

ranu sadA saMtaisuvanu sa

dguNava kaddavaraghava kadivanu anaghaneMdenisi……………..HKAS_02-22


manadoLage = a devotee in his mind

suMdara = pleasant, distinctive rUpa of ParamAtma

padARthava = that wealth (jewelry) required for doing pUja

nenedu = imagining in our mind

koDe = by giving

kaikoMDu = He accepts them

balunUtana = extremely new

sushObhita = celebratory or festive

gaMdha = superb fragrance

surasa = excellent juice (taste)

upEta = would give

phalarAshi = a heap of benefits

dyunadi = Ganges river

nivahagaLaMte = gives as forceful as (the force of the Ganges river)

koTTu = giving excellent benefits

avaranu = such devotees

sadA = always

saMtaisuvanu = would keep them happy and protect them

sadguNava = good qualities that He has (independence, flawlessness, and other unprejudiced qualities)

kaddavara = those devotees who steal such qualities i.e. by always adoring His guNa-s in their heart

aghava = their sins

kadivanu = He would steal (their sins)

anaghaneMdenisi = by doing this act, He calls Himself faultless



Two common ways of offering pUja to ParamAtma are:- 1) bAhya pUja and 2) mAnasa pUja.


1) bAhya pUja  consists of offering proper flowers, tuLasi, juicy

fruits, scents, and tasty foods. During such a pUja - the abhimAni

dEvata of each item offered, pratima (idol) aMtargata bhagavadrUpa and

the svabiMbarUpa of ParamAtma have to be simultaneously imagined in our

mind and then the items are to be offered to ParamAtma. If our mind is

not fixed on ParamAtma, then this bAhya pUja has no meaning.This would

only be a pomp and show. Such a pUja is not acceptable to ParamAtma.

2) mAnasa pUja  -  consists of blending captivating or charmful things

in our mind and offer the same with bhakti to shrI Hari.  The kind Lord

accepts such offerings and blesses the devotee with a variety of

balanced benefits as forceful as the flow of the Ganges River and

protects them at all times and makes them happy.


Devotees who visualizing that shrI Hari possesses infinite virtuous

qualities, He is His own Master, He is the Stimulator and Regulator of

all our actions and that existing as biMbarUpa in everyone, does and

makes us do various actions are the devotees who have stolen his guNa-s

(kaddavara). ParamAtma steals (kadivanu) their sins (aghava) and

purifies the devotees. However, He claims to be faultless by this action

of His (anaghaneMdenisi)

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