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Sri Kanakadasara-Shri HariBhakthisaara Part 8

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]ÔàñÃÃÃÊÜÞ¼®Ü° ]B©PæàÃÜÊÃ¿á ®ÜÊÜá@ >>


Sri Kanakadasara

Shri HariBhakthisaara



-Chippagiri Mohan

Padhya 76


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When I keep

Uddinakalu(Green Gram) on the mirror it rolls down in the same way this body

also falls down . I am fixed in this body . You are the Bhakthavastala what is

the use that of your stay in me. Oh  Lord  please protect me that I should not

get any bad name to you.

Padhya 77


PæàÙÜáÊÜâ¨Üá PÃœvÜáPÃœÃÃœr PÃœÃÃœr¨Ü

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Doing seva

for others, begging from others is a difficult task, this life is waste and

this life is like a lamp exposed to air when will be lit off  I don’t

know if we want to live and we should serve you . Oh Lord always protect us

Bedidare Enna Vadiya Beduve|Kadidare Enna Vodeyananu Kaduve – A kruthi from Sri Purandaradasaru.


Padhya 78



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The Human

being who  entered this body and he will be involved in all the luxuries and he

will putting the ladder to climb for the gaining happiness, in the mean time he

will be missing Mukthi. This Body is like Family and it will arrest  him., Simply

becoming slave for this body.


Padhya 79


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We know that

this body will perish one day still we will be showing more interests in the

worldly affairs and we also know clearly that we should surrender before the

Yama instead of by reciting your Namavalli I will  keep away  myself from the

sins this is only one right path for me.


Padhya 80



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The span life

for the Human being is 100 years in that 50 years is meant for sleeping and  childhood,

Teenage and remaining 30 years will be wasted and in the remaining 20 years I

beg you to give me the mind to pray you Give me the strength always protect us.


Padhya 81


FÃÜá ñÜ®ÜWæãí©ÆÉ Öæãñܤ ÃÃœ &

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I have

travelled  in many bodies and I have wandered in many palces . I have spoken

many languages . I have eaten all types of food In my life I don’t find

any new thing  why all this because Iam dependent on this body and I got this

type of situation Oh Lord always protect us.




Padhya 82


Wæãà±ÜâÃܨÜ »ÃÃÜÊÜ®Üá WÃÃæ¿á

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Like the  pillar 

carrying the weight of the Gopura of the temple  I am carring this family on my

shoulders. Man is thinking that he is the great and he is  capable to carry

this family by on his own to carry this family he is searching the many wrong

routes and he is spoiling his life  Oh Swamy and Hey VishwaVyapaka  always

protect us.

Padhya 83


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 Whether is

first Plant first or seed is first  who  will explain this clearly which one is

first like that who will tell the beginning of this family. This riddle is

known to you. Every thing will be acting according to your instructions . We

can estimate your greatness. You are respected by the Devendra’s son also

Please always protect us.

Padhya 84


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There are

Four types creatures are present. Animals which come out from the womb, animals

which come out from the egg. Animals which come from the sweat and plants which

come from the soil. They are all acting like a leather dolls which will be

playing by moving the strings by the master like that master of the leather 

dolls you are making us dance . All the names are given by you other than you

no one can do this.

Padhya 85


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This body is

made like a house. The bones are the stones ,the flesh is like a walls and the

Skin is the cover of the house . Till you present in this house it will be

called as house as soon as you leave this house this house becomes useless

house can it possible for us to relay upon this. Oh Lord always protect us.








Chippagiri Mohan M CA

Lecturer in Computer Science


Tannu Ninnadhu Jeevana

Ninnadhu Ranga

Anudinadhalli Bahu Sukha Dhuka Ninnadayya




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