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shrImadharikathAmR^itasAra - by Sri SGP CHAR - HKAS_03-06

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vidye tAneMdenisikoMbani

ruddha dEvanu saRvajIvara

buddhiyOL nelesiddu kR^itipati  buddhiyenisuvanu

siddhi yenisuva saMkaruShaNa pra

siddha nAmaka vAsudEvana

vadyarUpa chatuShTayagaLaritavanE paMditanu…………..… HKAS_03-06


aniruddha dEvanu = ParamAtma by the name ‘aniruddha ‘

vidye = eliminating the “I & mine” content of the ahaMkAra vR^itti (i.e. pride) and obtaining the knowledge of tAratamya, paMchabhEda and recognizing jIva-ISha bhEda is true vidye (knowledge)

tAneMdu = vidyaswarUpa

enisikoMbanu = called as (i.e. vidye)

kR^itipati = ParamAtma by the name pradyumna (consort of kR^iti dEvi)

saRvajIvara = in all jIva-s (especially mukti yOgya jIva-s)

buddhiyOL = in the buddhi vR^itti (intelligence)

nelesiddu = pervading there

buddhiyenisuvanu = decision making ability from the knowledge obtained and this is called as ‘buddhi’

saMkaruShaNa = ParamAtma by the name saMkaruShaNa

siddhi yenisuva = undoubtedly and effectively accomplishing results from the ‘buddhi’ thus obtained through manas vr^itti and called by the name ‘siddhi’

prasiddha nAmaka = obtaining fame / reputation and called by the name ‘prasiddha’

vAsudEvana = vAsudEva ParamAtma

anavadya = defectless

rUpa chatuShTayagaLa = the four rUpa-s i.e. aniruddha, pradyumna, saMkaruShaNa and vAsudEva

aritavanE = he who has understood as per shAstra-s

paMditanu = is a scholar


The four tasks obtainable through manas vR^itti are vidye (knowledge), buddhi (intelligence), siddhi (perfection / accomplishment) & prasiddhi (fame / reputation).


‘ahaMmamata’ is borne out of the ahaMkAra vR^itti. aniruddha ParamAtma is responsible for providing vidya which is free from ahaMmamata and enlightening the jIva that Hari is saRvOttama, and paMchabEda and tAratamya exists. aniruddha ParamAtma pervades in that knowledge that viShNu is saRvOttama and in the knowledge of the existence of paMchabhEda and tAratamya.


Thoughtful processing of the balanced vidye thus obtained by the ahaMkAra vR^itti and conclusively understanding that viShNu is saRvOttama and paMchabhEda and tAratamya is ‘buddhi’ (knowledge) which is directed by pradyumna ParamAtma (kR^itipati).


The third type is ‘siddhi’ (perfection / accomplishment) which is obtained by the will power (chitta vr^itti) of protecting the buddhi obtained above from any doubts of the good knowledge obtained, which indeed purifies our ahaMkAra chitta and makes the jIva eligible for the blessings of the Lord. All this is initiated by saMkaruShaNa ParamAtma(jayApati)


Fourthly, our manas is the guiding force for our dashEMdriya-s. He who controls the mind is a jitEMdriya puruSha and obtains ‘prasiddhi’ (fame / reputation). This is guided by vAsudEva ParamAtma (mAyApati), who leads the jIva to sAdhana and thus to mukti.



A devotee who realizes His four rUpa-s connected as summarized below:-

aniruddha………….. vidye……….       borne out of ahaMmamata

pradyumna………….  buddhi……..      borne out of buddhi

saMkaruShaNa……..        siddhi………       borne out of chitta (will)

vAsudEva………….   prasiddhi……     borne out of manas (mind)

             that devotee would eventually be recognized as ‘paMDita’.


shrI kR^iShNArpanamastu

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