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Ratuna Dorakithalla Enage……..A New Series on Chippagiri Nilaya Sri Vijayadasaru

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Ratuna Dorakithalla Enage……..


Article based on Chippagiri Nilaya Sri Vijayadasaru


-Chippagiri Mohan


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Naa Nimma Charana Kamala Guru Vijayaraya


Janapriya Parama Karuna nidhi Vijayaraya


Sri Vijayadasaru came to this

world to preach Sri Madhwacharya’s Philosophy through his krutis, Suladis and

Ughabhogagalu. Sri Vijayadasaru earned laurels. With his great entry . Nearly

after 100 years, the Haridasa Sahithya took second birth along with Sri Vijayadasaru’s

entry to the Dasa Sahithya was a glorious period which should be written in

golden letters. As Aparoksha Jnani Dasaru’s works are excellent and

magnificient which requires broad spectrum knowledge of shashtra to understand

properly, at the same time they look simple in linguistic approach which can also

be understood easily. Under his foot steps many Haridasaru continued to

contribute and continued the legacy of dasa sahitya


As per resources, Sri

Purandaradasaru completed 4,25,000 kruthis and Sri Purandara Dasara wished to complete 5 Lakhs Kruthis, however, dasaru could

not complete it. Thus shri dasaru told to his son Sri Madhwapathi Vittaladasaru

to complete remaining 25000 kruthis in

the next birth. Accordingly, Sri Vijayadasaru fulfilled the wish and completed with the

Ankithanama of VijayaVithala.





Sri Vijayadasaru & Sri



When Bhaganna was practicing

Astrology in Adawani, that time Sri Vijayadasaru visited Bhaganna and said “Bhaghanna

what ever the business you did for all these years is enough, close your

business and follow meâ€. Bhaganna did not say anything and followed the master.

Shri Vijayadasaru bestowed him as Shri GopalaVithala ankita and Bhaganna never

thought that he will become famous as Gopala Dasaru one day. At that time he

had Strong faith and belief in himself.

Sri Gopladasaru has written many Ughaboghagas, Devaranamagalu and Pada Suladigalu

under the Gopalvittala Ankitha. He has written many krithis on his master Sri

Vijayarayaru. One of the greatest achievements in the life of Sri Gopaladasaru was

that, with the order from his beloved Guru Sri Vijayadasaru, he has donated 40

years of his life to Manavi Sri Shrinivasacharya who later popularly known as

Shri Jagannatha Dasaru. In coming

days I will be narrating some more

incidents between Sri Vijayaraya and Sri



Sri Vijayadasaru and Sri


When Sri Vijayadasaru returned

from Kashi he decided to do Kashi Samaradhane.

Sri Vijayadasaru told to Gopladasaru to invite Manavi Shreenivasacharya,

a Shanbog, great scholar and a Sudha pandit

of that village for the Kashi Samaradhane

..As per instructions, Sri Gopala Dasaru visited the house of Shreenivasacharya

and invited for the Kashi Samaradhane which his Guru Sri Vijayadasaru is

performing. Initially Shreenivasacharya rejected

and finally agreed to attend the function.

After inviting him he left that place and informed to Sri Vijayadasaru

that Shreenivasacharya agreed to attend the function.


Next day Sree Vijayadasaru

completed all puje as ususal . Prasada

time arrived, Shreenivasacharya did not turn up. The Sun was very hot, many followers of Shree

Vijayadasaru came and they all were eagerly waiting for the Tirta-Prasada and

people started talking about Shreenivasacharya.

Soon the news spread like a fire about Shreenivasacharya’s absence for the Kashi

Samaradhane and different stories were pouring on about the absence.


Sri Vijayadasaru called Gopla

Dasaru and asked him to once again visit Shreenivasacharya’s house to remind

him about samaradhane. Gopala dasaru immediately left to the house of Shreenivasacharya. At that time Shreenivasa charya was sitting

on arm chair and eating betel leaves and relaxing after seeing Gopala dasaru,

he lifted his head, by seeing Shreenivasacharya’s position Gopala dasaru

thought he has taken the lunch and he expected something is happening, slowly

he remembered about his visit to the

house of Sri Vijayadasaru for the prasadam . Shreenivasacharya replied “Yes, I

remember about my visit to the Dasaru house, but today I have finished my daily

rituals very early and I have finished my lunch because, since

morning I am suffering from stomach ache , Shreenivasacharya lied to Dasaru about the reason for his

absence. By hearing the answer of the

Shreenivasacharya, Gopala dasaru said let it happen like that only

and walked out slowly from that place .


Afterwards he informed Sri

Vijayadasaru about what had happened there. Sri Vijayadasaru then sat and

completed his prasada and also told the other people who came there to have

their food without uttering any word against Shreenivasacharya.


On that night trouble started

in the body of the Shreenivasacharya. His stomach pain really started, he could

not get proper sleep on that night . Next day morning doctor visited the house

of Shreenivasacharya and gave some medicines. After the taking medicines he

thought it could relieve the pain. But instead his pain augmented. He decided

to go to pilgrimage to pray the lord to

rescue from the pain. First he visited Pandhariaura, Tirumala and Udupi,

Ghatikachala even going and worshipping in this places he could not be relieved

of the stomach pain. Finally he visited Mantralaya

and performed Seven days seva, there on the last day of the seva he slept in

the compound of temple .On that night Rayaru came in the dreams and told “hey Shreenivasacharya

you have committed a blunder by not going to the house of Sri Vijayadasaru who

is a Brughu Maharshi Amsha you bluntly neglected his invitation because you had

Ahankara that you are a great scholar and you thought why should you attend

that function and also you said simply that you are having stomach pain to the

Gopaladasaru. These are the grave mistakes are committed in your life. Now also

I cannot solve your stomach ache. Only Vijayadasaru can cure your ache Take

this Mantrashthe and go to Vijayadasaru tomorrow morning it self and Rayaru

disappeared in the dreams of the Shreenivasacharya. Next day morning Shreenivasacharya

rushed to Sri Vijayadasaru place and stand outside waiting for him. Bhaganna

informed Sri Vijayadasaru about the arrival of Shrinivasacharya Sri Vijayadasaru

told Bhaganna to call him inside. As soon as Shrinivasacharya saw Sri Vijayadasaru

he did sashtanga namaskara(prostrate) to Sri Vijayadasaru and cried louldly.

Sri Vijayadasaru put his hand on the shoulders of Shrinivasacharya and lifted

him up, don’t worry Shrinivasacharya he said calmly, I know that you are

suffering from stomach pain. And he immediately ordered Bhaganna to prepare two

Joladi Roti (Jowar Rotis) and give to Shrinivasacharya. According to the

instructions he has given two rotis to Shrinivasacharya after eating the Rotis

slowly the pain was relieved and he felt happy about the cure of his ailment,

from that day onwards Shrinivasacharya left his ahankara and started serving

Sri Vijayadasaru. As days passed Bhaganna

and Shrinivasacharya became close friends and they used to discuss about the

shastras and vedas and they used to clear the doubts from their master Sri



One night when every body were

asleep Sri Vijayadasaru called Bhaganna to his room and said Bhaganna your

service is required now for what ever the service you are doing your name will

stay long live. For some time Bhaganna could not understand what his guru is

saying slowly Bhaganna asked his guru what is the help you are expecting from me please let me know

clearly, for the curisoty of Bhaghanna Sri Vijayadasaru replied you have to

donate 40 years of life to Shrinivasacharya and next he will be getting the

Ankitanama in the Pandarapura..

Immediately after listening this from his master and said why are you giving

reasons to me simply you order me and I will obey it .You are the person who

nourished me and showed path towards the Lord otherwise I would have been busy

in my astrology business, you are my swaroopodharaka Guru. According to their plans every thing was over. From then onwards he

had written many kruthis, Ughabogas , and he has also written kruthis on his

master. He has written great Grantha in the Sri Madhwacharya philosophy called

SrimadHarikathamrutasara in the Bhaminishatpadhi . It all happened with the

blessings from Sri Vijayadasaru. Sri Vijayadasaru has changed the life of the Shrinivasacharya

to Shri Jagannathadasaru. that’s why Sri Jagannathadasaru showered with

great respects on Sri Vijayadasaru by writing as Ratuna Dorakithalla Enage……..



To be continued…….


Ramana Mukhya Prana antargatha SriKrishnarapanamastu!!! Prathamo Hanuman Nama, Dvitiyo Bhimayevacha, Purnapragnya Tritiyasto Bhagavatkaryasadhaka !!! Mohan Chippagiri MCA Lecturer in Computer Science Bangalore

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