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shrImadharikathAmR^itasAra - by Sri SGP CHAR - HKAS_03-09

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  bhARyariMdoDagUDi kAraNa

kARyavastugaLalli prEraka

prERyarUpagaLiMda paTataMtugaLavOliddu

sURyakiraNagaLaMte tannaya

vIRyadiMdali koDuta koLutiha

nARyarige Itana vihAravu gOcharipudEno…… HKAS_03-09


kAraNa = five types of things (kArana vastu) jaDa prakR^iti, dEha prakR^iti, anAdi kaRma, jIva and tatva dEvata-s

kARyavastugaLalli = BrahmaMDa, kaRma-s of liMga dEha, anAdi kaRma-s

prEraka = Stimulator of all souls

prERya = stimulated via aMtaRyAmi rUpa

bhARyariMdoDagUDi = along with His consorts (laxmIdEvi) shrIdEvi, bhUdEvi & duRgAdEvi.

rUpagaLiMda = the tri-guNa abhimAni rUpa-s of satva, rajas & tamas respectively

paTataMtugaLavOl = fabric thread

iddu = staying nearby

sURyakiraNagaLaMte = just as the Sun rays (sURya) extracts pure water from the sea and returns the same to the Earth as rain

tannaya =His own (without expecting anything in return)

vIRyadiMdali = capability (which is not different from Him)

koDuta = gives (pApa or puNya) to the jIva-s as per their yOgyata

koLutihanu = accepting the services of those jIva-s (He being the Stimulator Himself)

anARyarige = ayOgya-s

(If we understand it as ARyarige = even Brahma and other dEvata-s also do not understand His great activities)

Itana vihAravu = His great activities

gOcharipudEno = would we understand? (Meaning – we will not understand)


There are two types of objects for a broad discussion. kAraNa vastu (raw material ) and kArya vastu (resultant product).


For obtaining any resultant object or product there is a certain raw material required for it.  For example mud clay, potters wheel, and the stick (all called kAraNa vastu) is required for making a pot (kARya vastu). Similarly, for the sR^iShTi,  jaDa prakR^iti is the kArANa vastu and this jagattu (world) is the kARya vastu of this world.


ParamAtma being the Creator is the kAraNa vastu and His creation (jaDa prakR^iti) is construed as kARya vastu.


The jaDa prakR^iti is the kAraNa vastu for making all other kARya vastu. shrI laxmI dEvi is the abhimAni dEvata for this prakR^iti. ParamAtma, in His aMtaRyAmi rUpa acts as Stimulator (prEraka) and conducts the various missions through shrI laxmIdEvi in the three rUpa-s of shrI, bhU & durgA as the abhimAni dEvata-s for the tri-guNa-s of satva, rajas & tamas respectively and regulates the world by pervading in the entire world

(kARya vastu) created by Himself.


He is thus prERya & prEraka (Stimulator and Stimulated).


JagannAtha dAsa offers an example for explanation. When a fiber thread (kAraNa vastu) is positioned very closely crosswise and lengthwise a fabric (kARya vastu) is formed. Just as the fiber is present in the fabric in every cross section of the fabric, so also ParamAtma pervades and is present in this world (kARya vastu). This jagat is created by the influence of ParamAtma and the blend of tri-guNa-s but He remains peculiarly different form jaDa prakR^iti and this jagat.


Another example - the Sun rays (sURya) extracts pure water from the sea and returns the same to the Earth as rain.


ParamAtma, being the Master of Himself carries out the various tasks with His pwn capabilities without expecting anything in return from anyone. He gives (pApa or puNya) to the jIva-s as per their yOgyata by accepting the services of those jIva-s. The ignorant can never understand His activities. Even Brahma and other dEvata-s cannot sufficiently understand Him.


shrI kR^iShNArpanamastu

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