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Sri Raghottama Tirtharu

(Uttaradi Mutt)

ಭಾವಬೋಧಕೃತಂ ಸೇವೇ ರಘೂತà³à²¤à²®à²®à²¹à²¾à²—à³à²°à³à²‚ |

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भावबोधकृतं सेवे रघूतà¥à¤¤à¤®à¤®à¤¹à¤¾à¤—à¥à¤°à¥à¤‚ ।

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शà¥à¤°à¥€ मधà¥à¤µà¤¶à¤¾à¤¸à¥à¤¤à¥à¤°à¤‚ संशोधà¥à¤¯ य: समà¥à¤¯à¤œà¥à¤žà¤¾à¤¨à¤¾à¤®à¤µà¤¾à¤ªà¥à¤¤à¤µà¤¾à¤¨à¥ ।

bhaavabOdhakRutam sEvE raGUttamamahaagurum |

yachchiShyashiShyaSiShyaadyaaShTappaNNaachaarya sanj~Jitaa:||

raGOttamagururbUyaanmama j~Jaanaaya sarvadaa |

shrI madhvashaastram samshOdhya ya: samyaj~Jaanaamavaaptavaan |

ರಘೂತà³à²¤à²®à²®à³à²¨à³€à²¨à³ ವಿದà³à²¯à²¾à²—à³à²°à³‚ನೠಪರಗà³à²°à³‚ಂಸà³à²¤à²¥à²¾ |

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ರಘೂತà³à²¤à²®à²—à³à²°à²‚ಥಜಾತಾರಘೋತà³à²¤à²®à²•à²¥à²¾à²¦à³ƒà²¤: |

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वंदे शà¥à¤°à¥€à¤®à¤§à¥à¤µà¤¶à¤¾à¤¸à¥à¤¤à¥à¤°à¥‹à¤¤à¥à¤¥à¤µà¤¿à¤¨à¤¿à¤°à¥à¤®à¤²à¤®à¤¤à¥€à¤¨à¤¹à¤‚ ।

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raGUttamamunIn vidyaagurUn paragurUmstathaa |

vandE shrImadhvashaastrOtthavinirmalamatInaham |

raGUttamagurUrdadyaat raGOttamakaThaadaram|

raGUttamagranthajaataaraGOttamakathaadRuta: |

Aradhana – Pushya Shudda Ekadashi

(Vaikunta Ekadashi Day)

Vrundavana – Tirukoilore (Near pinaki river)

Period – 1556-1569


Ashrama Gurugalu – Sri Raghuvarya Tirtharu

Ashrama Shishyaru – Sri Raghupathi Tirtharu

(For a short period, as he entered vrundavana at an early age).

Vidya Gurugalu – Sri Varadacharyaru


Sri Vedesha Tirtharu (Successor)

Poorvashrama name – Sri Ramacharyaru

Parents – Sri Subbabhatta & Smt Gangabai

Ashrama Sweekara day – 05.03.1554 chaitra shudda dwiteeya

Disciples :

Sri Raghupathi Tirtharu, Sri Vedesha Tirtharu, Tarangini Ramacharyaru, Rotti VenkaTadri BhaTTaru, Ananda Bhattarakaru,


Sri Raghottama Tirthara Granthas:


Tatvaprakashika Bhavabodha


BruhadaaraNyakopanishad Bhavabodha


VishNu Tatva NirNaya Teekabaavabodha


Geetha Bhashya Prameya Deepika Bhavabodha


Sanyayavivruthi Bhavabodha


Anuvyakyana Nyayamala Brahmasootra sambandha pradeepa




Taratamya Stotram


Tithitraya VinirNaya


ShravaNa Dwadashi NirNaya


(ರಘೋತà³à²¤à²® ತೀರà³à²¥à²° ಜೀವನ ಚರಿತà³à²°à³† ಹಾಗೠಗà³à²°à²‚ಥ ಮಾಹಿತಿ)

Please click for Kannada Version on Raghottama Tirtharu :-






Revolution in the system of Bhiksha -



there was a practice that the sanyasi or the peetadhipathi used to go

to various houses for their Bhikshe. This was an age old tradition

that the bhikshu used to get their bhikshe for their daily

requirements. Sri Raghottama Tirtharu changed the practice of daily

bhikshu and started a new practice that a separate cooking to be

arranged for the naivedya, hastodaka and for the Peethadhipathigalu.

Whoever does the Bhikshe, the same should be done in the Mutt system

only. The items cooked in the special cooking room for the bhagavanta

to be done naivedya, hastodaka and the seer used to take the same

naivedya for his bhojana. This practice ensured pure shuchitva in

the preparation for srihari naivedya. The same system is being

followed by almost all yathis/peetadhipathis now.

Revolution in Sanchaara -


the earlier practice, the Mathadhipathigalu himself used to carry the

pooja box (devara pettige) on his shoulders, carry danda, and his

sanchara used to be by foot only. Raghottama Tirtharu started sitting

on Chariot of horse, elephant, etc to carry pooja box, and his servants

used to accompany the seer.

Miracles :


Near Anegondi, when requested

by a dumb boat runner (ambiga), he gave him kamandalodaka and

mantrakshate, and he was able to talk. Even today so many dumb people

are doing seva in front of the vrundavana and getting Vak Shakthi.


One brahmana was loosing all

his children immediately after their birth and his wife had became

insane. After Sri Raghottama Tirtharu gave him mantrakshate, his wife

got back to normalcy and delivered a dheergayushya child also.


Recently in 19th cetury, one

Sri Anjali Acharyaru got parshyavayu disease and he came to Tirukoilore

to do the seva of Raghottama Tirtharu.. After he did the seva in

Tirukoilore, his disease was removed and he got to normalcy.


One British Officer who was in

charge of construction of bridge, had planned to demolish the

Vrundavana for the sake of construction of the bridge. He got a dream

and was instructed to stop the construction. He did so. He was not

having any issues, but as a result of obeying the instructions of

Raghottamaru, he got putra prapthi.


One king who had lost his kingdom after a war, got back after doing the seva of Raghottama Tirtharu


(Source : Sri Vyasanakere Prabhanjanacharya’s book on Sri Raghottama Tirtharu) For subscribing to SMS PANCHANGA send SMS as ON SUMADHWASEVA TO 9870807070 IT IS FREE"ಮಧà³à²µà²°à²¾à²¯à²° ಕರà³à²£ ಪಡೆಯದವ ಧರೆಯೊಳಗೆ ಇದà³à²¦à²°à³‡à²¨à³ ಇಲà³à²²à²¦à²¿à²¦à³à²¦à²°à³‡à²¨à³"http://www.sumadhwaseva.com/ಹರಿಸರà³à²µà³‹à²¤à³à²¤à²®,

ವಾಯà³à²œà³€à²µà³‹à²¤à³à²¤à²®, ಪಂಚಭೇದ, ತಾರತಮà³à²¯à²¨à²°à²¹à²°à²¿à²¸à³à²®à²§à³à²µ (9916904341) Narahari Sumadhwa



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