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shrImadharikathAmR^itasAra - by Sri SGP CHAR - HKAS_03-30

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  adhama mAnavanORva maMtrou

ShadhagaLanu tAnaritu pAvaka

udakagaLa saMbaMdhavillade ippanadaroLage

padumajAMDOdaranu saRvara

hR^idayadoLagire kAlaguNa

kaRmada kaluSha saMbaMdhavAguvudhE niraMjanage………………….HKAS_03-30


adhama =mean minded

mAnavanORva = person

maMtra = power of maMtra

ouShadhagaLanu = some petty medicines

tAnaritu = He knows

pAvaka = agni

udakagaLa = water etc..

saMbaMdhavillade = without being attached to them

adaroLage = in them (agni & water)

ippanu = exists

padumajAMDOdaranu = ParamAtma who keeps the BrahmAMDa in His belly (paduma = Lotus from the navel,   padumaja = Brahma born from the Lotus shooting out from the navel, padumajAMda = BrahmAMDa, udaranu = holding in the belly)

saRvara = trividha jIva-s

hR^idayadoLagire = exists in their hearts

kAla =  the seconds, minutes, hours, days, paxa-s, mAsa-s, R^itu-s,ayana-s, saMvatsara-s, yuga-s, manvaMtara-s

guNa = tri-guNa-s (sAtvika, rAjasa, tAmasa)

kaRmada = the kaRma-s borne out of these guNa-s

kaluSha = blemishes

niraMjanage = niRdOshi

saMbaMdhavAguvudhE = would they get attached to Him? (Meaning – those blemishes would never get attached to Him)


Some petty person with the help of some maMtra-s and/or by applying some herbal medicines on his body can walk over fire without getting burnt or remain under water or walk over water surface without getting drowned. He gets protection from fire or does not drown in water due to the property of those herbs or those maMtra-s. If a trivial person can perform such tricks, what could be the capacity of the Creator and Regulator of this world?


As long as the effects of the maMtra or the herbal medicine lasts the mean minded person is successful in exhibiting his magical powers. But ParamAtma who is Creator and Regulator of all the chEtanAchEtana-s with His own free will, is all powerful and His capability is unimaginably unlimited. PadmanAbha rUpi ParamAtma created chaturamukha Brahma from the 14 petal lotus flower shooting out from His navel. The body of Brahma is thus BrahmAMDa which is also called “padumajAMDa”. JagannAtha dAsa explains here by the word “padumajAMDOdaranu” that ParamAtma creates this BrahmAMDa by His own free will, protects the same and during praLaya keeps the entire world in His belly and protects all chEtana-s.


The Creator exists in hearts of all jIva-s but He remains unaffected by the guNa-s or the kaRma-s of the dEha connected to those jIva-s as told in GIta below:-

na maM kaRmANi liMpaMti na mE kaRmaphalE sR^ihEti….. BG 3-14 There is no work that affects Me; nor do I aspire for the fruits of action.


He pervades everywhere and in everyone from ancient times until the end of the life of Brahma, but He is not affected by yhe flow of time at all as He has neither a beginning nor an end for His existence. He indeed regulates time itself. The yuga-s, manvaMtara-s are regulated by Him, so also are the seconds, minutes, hours, days, paxa-s, mAsa-s, R^itu-s, ayana-s, saMvatsara-s.


The paMchabhoutika sharIra enclosing tatva-s and have trividha guNa-s but ParamAtma remains unaffected by these or the effects of the guNa-s or kaRma-s of these jIva-s. That is why JagannAtha dAsa calls the flawless ParamAtma, who has infinite virtuous qualities and who is Master of Himself - “niraMjana”.



shrI kR^iShNArpanamastu

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