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Fwd: [MYP] shrImadharikathAmR^itasAra - by Sri SGP CHAR - HKAS_03-23

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namaskAra all,


we would like to get this query shared on these forums and have a meaningful discussions.

request the learned people to comment on the same




---------- Forwarded message ----------Krishnamurthy ramapriya <ramk12Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 5:57 PM

Re: [MYP] shrImadharikathAmR^itasAra - by Sri SGP CHAR - HKAS_03-23shamyaprasa







With respect to the following paragraph - can you tell me whether liMga dEha is provided by Sri Hari or that also anadhi as the svarUpa dEha? Thanks in advance.



The svarUpa dEha is covered by the liMga dEha connected to anAdikaRma-s and the jIva experiences puNyaphala or pApaphala and ParamAtmadoes and makes the jIva do kaRma-s according to its svarUpa yOgyataand anAdi kaRma, via His biMba kriya-s.




ramapriya--- On Fri, 1/8/10, shamyAprAsa . <shamyaprasa wrote:

shamyAprAsa . <shamyaprasa[MYP] shrImadharikathAmR^itasAra - by Sri SGP CHAR - HKAS_03-23

madhwayuvaparishat , , svbm , satsangha_east , vijayavittala

Friday, January 8, 2010, 4:09 PM




VYAPTHI SANDHIvAridanu maLegariye beLedihabhoruhaMgaLa chitraphalarasabEre bErippaMte bahuvidha jIvaroLagiddumAramaNanavaravara yOgyatemIradale guNakaRmagaLanu

sAra naDesuva dEvanige vaiShamyavellihudO………………….HKAS_03-23vAridanu = clouds (that give the rain)maLegariye = when they pour rainbeLediha = that which grows as a result of rainbhoruhaMgaLa = trees (that grow out from the Earth)

chitra = several types ofphalarasa = tastes in fruitsbEre bErippaMte = aquire different types of tastesmAramaNanu = ParamAtmabahuvidha jIvaroLagiddu = existing in different class of jIva-s in

aMtaRyAmi rUpaavaravara yOgyate mIradale = without exceeding their svarUpa yOgyataguNakaRmagaLanusAra = according to their svarUpa guNa attached to theliMgadEha with respect to tri-guNa-snaDesuva = does all the kriya-s via sthUla dEha

dEvanige = ParamAtma (analogous to clouds)vaiShamya = blame of showing inequalityellihudO = where is it? (Meaning – it is never there)ParamAtma, who is His own Master, pervades in His aMtaRyAmi rUpa in

tri-jIva-s (sAtvika, rAjasa & tAmasa) and via His biMba kriya-s doesand makes the jIva do all tasks. The classification of tri-jIva-s isanAdi. ParamAtma makes the jIva-s do their tasks as per their svarUpa

yOgyata.sAtvika jIva-s are mukti yOgya-s. They have hari bhakti and like haribhakta-s, they do satkaRma-s. These are expressed by the sAtvika-s intheir daily life too. This is their svarUpa laxaNa

rAjasika jIva-s have mixed bhakti in hari, mixed knowledge and theyusually display hari bhakti only when they are in trouble and whenthey are enjoying the benefits of this world, they ususally have prideand selfish motives and forget ParamAtma. This is their svarUpa

laxaNa.tAmasa jIva-s have enmity with ParamAtma and his devotees. They havepride and selfish motives motives and continuously trouble gooddevotees. This is their natural behaviour.The svarUpa dEha is covered by the liMga dEha connected to anAdi

kaRma-s and the jIva experiences puNyaphala or pApaphala and ParamAtmadoes and makes the jIva do kaRma-s according to its svarUpa yOgyataand anAdi kaRma, via His biMba kriya-s.At that time the jIva gets the feeling that he has done all the

kriya-s himself. A knowledgeable person understands that all thosekaRma-s are the action plans of ParamAtma, whereas the ignorant takespersonal pride for all the tasks done by jIva.svarUpa yOgyata and the flow of anAdi kaRma are in control of

ParamAtma and the jIva displays those characteristics in real life.Here ParamAtma ensures that all tasks are performed by the jIva as perhis svarUpa yOgyata and past kaRma and ParamAtma does not haveprejudice in these actions neither does he demonstrate inquality to

jIva-s. Since He gives phala to the jIva-s only as per their svarUpayOgyata and anAdi kaRma He is called “sama”referred in ViShNu SahasranAma stOtra.vasurvasumanaH satyaH samaatmaa.asaMmitaH samaH .

amOghaH puNDarIkAxo vR^iShakaRmA vR^iShAkR^itiH …………...VSNAMA-12JagannAtha dAsa explains this concept with an example of the clouds(varida). The rain falls on the ground and the roots of the plants and

trees absorb this water and it grows. If we sow a particular seed inthe ground, a plant would grow as per the property / nature of theseed. jIva is akin to the seed. The phala for the jIva is as per itsguNa (quality). The phala obtained from the tree is as per the guNa of

the seed although the rain water is obtained by all trees in the sameway, from the same clouds in the same proportion. However, the tasteof the fruits (phala) obtained from different trees is different.

shrI kR^iShNArpanamastu---|| na mAdhavA samO dEvah na cha madhva samO guruh||

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