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shrImadharikathAmR^itasAra - by Sri SGP CHAR - HKAS_06-02

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paMcha mahAyaj~na saMdhi



gagana pAvaka samidhe ravi ra

shmigaLe dhUmavu aRchiyenipude

hagalu naxatragaLe kiDigaLu chaMdramaMgAra

mR^igavarOdaranoLage aidu rU

pagaLa chiMtisi bhaktirasa mA

tugaLa maMtrava mADi hOmisuvaru vipashchitaru.....HKAS_06-02


gagana = the space where the stars are there

pAvaka = fit for hOma agni

ravi = Sun

samidhe = the wood offered to the agni

rashmigaLe = 1000 rays of the Sun

dhUmavu = the smoke emanating due to the offering of wood to agni

aRchiyenipude = the fire leaping from the agni

hagalu = the dawn at sunrise

naxatragaLe =stars

kiDigaLu = sparks

chaMdrama = Moon

aMgAra = glowing coal (keMDa)

mR^igavarOdaranoLage = adhiShThana of chaMdra (mR^iga = deer, mR^igavara = excellent deer )

aidu rUpagaLa chiMtisi = meditating on the five rUpa-s nArAyaNa, vAsudEva, saMkaRShana, pradyumna and aniruddha.

bhaktirasa mAtugaLa = talk filled with bhakti

maMtrava mADi = praying through maMtra-s

vipashchitaru = knowledgeable people

hOmisuvaru = offer our dEha, life etc.. to gananAgni for the pleasure ParamAtma as hOma.


In this stanza, JagannAtha dAsa explains about 'gagana' which is indeed 'aMbarAgni'. All the kriya-s we perform for pleasing ParamAtma are 'yaj~na'. There are six components of a yaj~na.

1) agni, 2) samittu, 3) dhUma, 4) jwAle, 5) kiDigaLu, 6) keMDa


1) agni


i)                    gaganAgni lies just below the rAhumaMDala

ii)                   nArAyaNa ParamAtma is mukhyAbhimAni  for this agni. All that is offered in this 'agni' is the ahuti for shrIman narAyaNa

iii)                 prANa vAyu is the avAMtarabhimAni

iv)                 since He has high tEjas, nArayaNa is also called 'AkAsha'

v)                  since He consumes everything during praLaya and keeps it in His belly, He is called 'agni'

vi)                 since He is the prEraka for all the avayava-s(all limbs & body parts), He is called 'agni'


2) samittu


i)                    the Sun by being present in AkAsha, is the samittu for the gaganAgni

ii)                   nArAyaNa-nArAyaNa is the mukhya niyAmaka

iii)                 manifested as prANa rUpi vAyu dEvaru (abhimAni dEvata)

iv)                 ref:- " tasyAditya Eva samit " from ChaMdOgyOpaniShad indicates that ravi is samittu

v)                  the kAShTa creates smoke and then gives light, in the same way divAbhimAni sURya gives light to the world as 'ghR^iNi' - sURya nArAyaNa rUpi.

vi)                 sURya accepts all pUja-s and extracts water from the Earth - thus called Aditya.


3) dhUma


i)                    sunrays created by the contact of gaganAgni with the samittu (sURya) creates 1000s of sunrays which is indeed dhUma

ii)                   nArAyaNa-vasudEva is the niyAmaka

iii)                 apAna vayu is the abhimAni dEvata

iv)                 He is ever pleasure loving thus named 'rashmi'

v)                  Since this drives away aj~nAna, this bhagavadrUpa is known as dhUma

vi)                 We must meditate upon the name 'dhUma'.

vii)               Ref. for above from ChaMdOgya - " ratitaM rUpatvEna rashminAmA. rashmigatO nArAyaNO vAsudEvAtmaka dhUtkarOti nirAtkarOtItyaj~nAnAdi dIditi dhUmanamOchyate "


4) aRchi (daylight)


i)                    the flame arising from the contact of gaganAgni and samittu is daylight (aRchi)

ii)                   nArAyaNa-saMkaRShaNa is the niyAmaka

iii)                 vyAna vAyu is the abhimAni dEvata

iv)                 daylight is the result of tEjas of sURya located in the gagana

v)                  He destroys darkness, therefore called 'ahaH' as refered in V S nAma sloka-10  " ahaH saMvatsaro vyAlaH pratyayaH saRvadaRshanaH " . ahaH - One who is like the Day that awakens people from ignorance

vi)                 We must therefore meditate on His name 'aRchi "


5) kiDigaLu (naxatragaLu)


i)                    sparks arise when agni comes in contact kAShTa (samittu). The stars are like the sparks in the sky

ii)                   nArAyaNa-pradyumna is the niyAmaka

iii)                 udAna vayu is the abhimAni dEvata

iv)                 we must meditate upon naxatra-s (kiDigaLu)


6) keMDa (chaMdra)


i)                    The kAShTa burns in agni and results in keMDa. chaMdra is keMDa - meaning aMgAra

ii)                   nArAyaNa-aniruddha is the niyAmaka

iii)                 samAna vAyu is the abhimAni dEvata

iv)                 Since PramAtma is anaMda svarUpa He is called chaMdra

v)                  'aMga' means the avayava-s and 'ra' meaning - ramisuvanu - does krIDa-s thus called 'aMgara'

vi)                 We must meditate upon chaMdra



The table below summarizes the above discussion on gaganAgni:-


No.    Components     adhiShThAna      nAma              bhagavad rUpa *     vAyu rUpa

1        agni                  AkAsha              AkAshAgni     nArAyaNa              prANa

2        samittu             sURya                samit               nArA-nArA             prANa-prANa

3        dhUma             Sun rays             dhUma            nArA- vAsu            prANa-apAna

4        aRchi               daylight               aRchi              nArA-saMk            prANa-vyAna

5        kiDigaLu          naxatra               naxatra            nArA-prad              prANa-udAna

6        keMDa            chaMdra            aMgAra          nArA-anir                prANa-samAna


*nArA - nArAyaNa, vAsu - vAsudEva, saMk - saMkaRShNa, prad - pradyumna and anir - aniruddha



shrI kR^iShNArpanamastu

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