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Osho (Excerpt)

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V: We all are or have been dabblers in the divine. Until

one decides to get serious what happens? -- merely more

dabbling. So the question is -- How does one get out of the

dabbling mode? Is it even possible to get out of the

dabbling mode? This gets right down once more to is there

free will or are we merely pawns in the game of life?




>Tim: Excerpt from " Passion for the Impossible " by Osho




Q: I see that I am eager to drop my jealousy, judgments, greed, anger,

all the baddies. Yet at the same time I am reluctantly clinging to

the parts of my personality I still enjoy indulging in -- my passion,

my clown, my gypsy adventurer. Why am I so afraid that just to be

the watcher will be boring?


Osho (excerpt): Your fear is that the watcher will not arise unless you

drop your passion, your clown, your gypsy adventurer. Your fear is of

change. You don't know anything about the watcher; in fact as far as I can

see you must be utterly bored right now, because only a bored person

becomes a gypsy adventurer, running from one place to another. You see all

these tourists...


This is a different class of humanity and a different category, the

tourist. They are utterly insane people, loaded with cameras, and always in

a hurry; even if they come to the Taj Mahal, they don't have much time,

they immediately take a few photographs and the taxi moves on. They have

not seen the Taj Mahal; they were adjusting their cameras. By the time the

taxi wallah starts honking that it is time to go, there are many other

places to see... and finally they decide, back at home, relaxed, " We will

look at the album and we will appreciate the beauty of the Taj Mahal and

the Himalayas and Kashmir. "


This seems to be such a stupidity. You could have purchased all those

photographs in your own town. They are available... and you cannot have better

photographs than those that are available because they are taken by great,

professional photographers. Your photographs will be just amateur. You went

around the world just to collect photographs?... What was the fear to

remain with the Taj Mahal at least for twenty-four hours?


Those who know the Taj Mahal the way I know it remain there exactly fifteen

days. When the moon starts rising, the first day of the moon, you have a

beautiful Taj Mahal, just a glimpse for a moment and then there is

darkness. Then the second day more light... the third day more light. As

the light grows, the Taj Mahal also becomes more and more clear, as if a

dream is becoming a reality. And on the full moon night exactly, nearabout

nine o'clock, the Taj Mahal is the most beautiful. The combination of the

full moon and the Taj Mahal has been made not by ordinary architects; it

has been made by Sufi mystics. It has been made to create gratitude and

prayer in you.


....If you come to meet God himself, you will take a few photographs -- what

else to do? -- and will start getting fed up. The same God, eternally

ancient... how many pictures can you take? You can finish your whole roll

of film and then you are stuck with this old dull and dead God. You will

start running, even if it is to hell, and you will enter into it; maybe

there is some adventure there.


But you will get bored in every place, because boredom is your approach and

attitude; it is not a quality of things. What is your passion? How long

does it take you to get fed up with one passionate relationship? Perhaps

one night, or

perhaps that is too much.



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