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Tim/no fear, no dabblers

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At 10:37 AM 2/15/00 -0800, you wrote:

>Tim Gerchmez <core



>Dear Dan,


>At 12:48 PM 2/15/2000 -0500, you wrote:

>> " Dan Berkow, PhD " <berkowd

>>D: Before I fix others, let me fix myself. Before I offer

>> something to others, let me taste it myself.


>What " I " offer has been well tasted. Take it on my word, or reject it as a

>falsehood... it matters not :-).


D: What need have I to take your word or not take your word?

I see directly for myself - it doesn't depend on your

words one way or another. Your words are spoken from

the same Source as mine, as the bird chirping on the tree there,

as the car going down the road...


>> If One has tasted One, then whatever one does,

>> is, perceives, is always only One. This is the remedy -

>> when there is nothing to be cured. It has nothing

>> to do with ignoring people. It has nothing to do with

>> cures being offered.


>A cure does not come about by simply spouting words, as " you " do above.

>Words are e*m*p*t*y. That is well known here. That is why the only " help "

>I offer is to say " help yourself. " But in saying this, there is no harm in

>offering potential suggestions as to how to do this.


D: The words are empty. Only the truth of one's own awareness is full.

Your words are no less spouting than mine :-)


>>D: Who is putting on these blinders and what is

>> being shut out? It is only I-I, there is nothing else.

>> There is no remedy. That is the remedy.

>> Resting in Original Awareness has nothing to do with

>> blinders.


>Speak no more, lest your lies fill the Universe! Those who know do not

>say, those who say do not know.


I guess you've had *your* say, now! :-)




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Laura Olshansky wrote:


> " Laura Olshansky " <editor


> Dear Tim,


> > Speak no more, lest your lies fill the Universe!


> I'd kinda like to see his lies fill the universe. Sounds like a really

> good sci-fi effect.


> Love,


> Laura


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