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Know Thyself, Kirpal Singh Q & A,

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Master Kirpal Singh Q & A


General Questions of a Spiritual Nature



Q. Can we penetrate into the Beyond by intellect?


A. No. intellect is just one of the faculties of mind, to wit, reasoning.

The intellect is earth-bound and so is reasoning based on intellect.


Q. Does intellect play any part in Self and God realization ?


A. Yes, intellect plays an important part in understanding the theory of the

problem of Self-realisation. Once the theory is grasped. there is not much

left for the intellect to do. Thereafter remains the practice, with heart

and soul, to achieve the Goal by a process of Self-analysis for the Science

of the Self is essentially practical.


Q. Can we ever be sure of God-realisation intellectually ?


A. No. God-realisation is not a subject of intellect. It is a question of

actual experience, beyond the pole of knowledge. All our talk of God is but

inferential and at the most a matter of feelings and emotions all of which

are subject to error. But seeing the inscape (with the inner eye opened) is

believing, and admits of no uncertainty and scepticism.


Q. Did mankind originate in the same basic form he has today ?


A. Yes. The known history of man reveals that there is no difference in the

construction of human form ever since human life commenced on this earth



Q. In 'Man Know Thyself' did you mean we must know ourselves in just this

lifetime or all out past lives ?


A. Know thyself is the most ancient aphorism. We having its equivalent in

the Greek and Latin phrases gnothi seaution and nosce teipsum and all that

these words connote is the actually realised experience within of the

Life-Impulse apart from mere theoretical knowledge whereby we live and all

other creatures live and the whole universe is being sustained; for it is by

knowing this that all else becomes known and nothing else remains to be

known. Self-realisation is a stepping stone to God-Realisation. He who has

found himself can never again lose anything in this world.


Q. Is the nature and extent of our spiritual growth or advancement beyond

the tenth door determined by our past lives ?


A. Yes -in a way it is determined. A man is in the making. One who has

passed primary class will get admission to the next higher grade. One who

has just been put on the way will take his or her own time However, there is

no hard and fast rule about it The one who has been put on the way

progresses more by regular devotion of time to meditations with full faith

than one with a different background who is not regular in his meditations.






Q. What is God and how can we know Him ?


A. God, as all the scriptures and the Saints have said, is nameless and

unknowable. Then how can we know God? The answer is that Absolute is not

knowable, yet makes Himself known by manifesting Himself as Light and Sound

Principle. Most religions tell us that the creation began from these primal

manifestations. Now the Divine Light and the Divine Sound or Word may be

contacted by rising above the physical consciousness. They exist in a latent

form in all of us. Our Goal must, therefore, be to contact them and develop

them within us. To do this, we through meditation learn to withdraw our soul

to its seat behind and between the eyes. Having once contacted the inner

Light and Sound, we can progress towards their Source, passing from plane to

plane until we reach God.


Q. What is God ? Can you give a simple answer that we can understand?


A. God is Absolute. Nobody can ever know Him. God when comes into action,

creates all beings, sentient or insentient, and controls them. Our physical

bodies work so long we are in the body, but we cannot run away out of it

through the open eyes, ears, nose and mouth etc. That God-in action Power is

called Word or Naam or Kalma etc. It controls our souls in the body. When

that power is drawn, our souls leave the body. Breathing goes out of the

body but cannot remain outside. Some power pushes it back into the body.

That God inaction Power controls the whole of the creation. That is called

God. God is the Supreme Law working in all creation seen or unseen. He

cannot be seen or heard in His Absolute Form, but when He came into

Expression, He manifested in the form of Naam—the Divine Light and holy

Sound Principle. The lowest links of this Divine Principle are available in

the human body which can be experienced by rising above body consciousness

with the help of the Living Master.


Q. What Is Science of the Soul ?


A. There is one God, and only one Way to Him, and for this we employ a

complete and definite Science, oldest of the oldest, most ancient and

natural, which is the practical side of all religions of the world as borne

out by all the scriptures. This subtlest of all sciences is called Para

Vidya which has a practical aspect and is the 'Way back to God during

lifetime'. Nowadays this Science is called Sant Mat. It is true nobody can

know God. Past Masters cannot help, as man needs a Living God-Man to

understand things which one cannot follow by mere theory. Therefore, a

Living Master is necessary to gain the practical side of the Science. Unless

the experience of past Masters becomes our own experience, we get nowhere.

The fact of the matter is that God-Power works on a chosen human Pole. A

Living Master is therefore God plus man, God-Man i.e. the Mouthpiece of God.

Guru, a little often used, is a corresponding word in Sanskrit language. A

Guru is one who can remove the dark veil within and show us the real Light

of God.


Q. Can the disciple see God ?


A. God is Absolute, whom so far nobody has seen. When He came into Being,

God became Light and Sound Principle. You can seen His Light when your eye

becomes single.


The light of the body is the eye; therefore when thine eye is single, thy

whole body also is full of light. — Luke 2 - 34:


And you can hear His Voice when your inner ear is opened. The ABC of the

Masters' teachings start when you rise above the body-consciousness. No one

can rise above the body-consciousness by himself, he needs the grace of a

Competent Master.









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