Guest guest Posted May 20, 2000 Report Share Posted May 20, 2000 PART ONE: COMMENTARY ON A MANICHAEAN HYMN PART TWO: A TREATISE ON THE VISIONARY MEDITATION PRACTICES OF THE GNOSTICS, ESPECIALLY IN AN ANCIENT GNOSTIC SCRIPTURE CALLED " TRIMORPHIC PROTENNOIA " -- VISIONS OF HEAVEN A MANICHAEAN PRAYER, AND COMMENTARY Come to me my Kinsman, the Light, My Guide. HYMN: Come to me, my kinsman, the Light, my Guide. Since I went forth into the darkness I was given a water to drink. I bear up beneath a burden which is not my own. I am in the midst of my enemies, the beasts surrounding me; the burden which I bear is of the powers and principalities. They burned in their wrath, they rose up against me. Matter and her sons divided me up amongst them, they burnt me in their fire, they gave me a bitter likeness. The strangers with whom I mixed, me they know not; they tasted my sweetness, they desired to keep me with them. I was life to them, but they were death to me; I bore up beneath them, they wore me as a garment upon them. I am in everything, I bear the skies, I am the foundation, I support the earths; I am the Light that shines forth, that gives joy to the souls. I am the Life of the world; I am the milk that is in all trees; I am the sweet water that is beneath the sons of matter. I bore these things until I had fulfilled the will of my Father; the First Man is my father whose will I have carried out. Lo, the darkness I have subdued ; lo, the fire of the fountains I have extinguished, as the sphere turns hurrying round, as the sun receives the refined part of Life. O soul, raise your eyes to the Height and contemplate your bond, lo, your fathers are calling you. Now go aboard the Ship of Light and receive your garland of glory and return to your Kingdom and rejoice with all the Aeons. COMMENTARY: " Come to me, my kinsman, the Light, my Guide. " A prayer to a spiritual guide, a being of Light, to come to the aid of the soul. In this otherworldly Gnostic literature, as well as in the Bible, ascensions or revelations usually include a soul being escorted through the heavenly realms by an apostle, angel, or being of Light. The soul doesn't travel alone during mystic ascent -- it usually has a heavenly Guide. " Since I went forth into the darkness I was given a water to drink. I bear up beneath a burden which is not my own. I am in the midst of my enemies, the beasts surrounding me; the burden which I bear is of the powers and principalities. They burned in their wrath, they rose up against me. Matter and her sons divided me up amongst them, they burnt me in their fire, they gave me a bitter likeness. The strangers with whom I mixed, me they know not; they tasted my sweetness, they desired to keep me with them. " This is a classic description of life in the hylic universe of the Gnostics, a world of darkness where imprisoned souls, " sons of matter, " often attempt to crucify messengers of the Light that come to help them. (I sense a bit of a crucifixion story going on in the background here.) The Gnostics conceived of the material universe as being like the sediment that settles to the bottom of pond, in this case a great cosmic pond! Souls who are attached to limited material existence are like " pearls in the mud " in need of rescue by divine Pearl-divers from Above. Both Gnostic redeemers and souls seeking redemption contend with hostile " archons " (rulers), " principalities and powers " (Saint Paul also used these terms as well), the lower ruling spirits whose job it is to keep the Grand Illusion going, to prevent the " pearls " from finding themselves, knowing themselves again (see the Hymn of the Pearl story in the " Acts of Thomas " ). Our soul, the " stranger in a strange land " in this hymn, expresses feelings of alienation and encounters opposition to his message from Above, and has to, himself, actively resist the downward pull of material existence and forgetfulness. " I was life to them, but they were death to me; I bore up beneath them, they wore me as a garment upon them. I am in everything, I bear the skies, I am the foundation, I support the earths; I am the Light that shines forth, that gives joy to the souls. I am the life of the world; I am the milk that is in all trees; I am the sweet water that is beneath the sons of matter. I bore these things until I had fulfilled the will of my Father; the First Man is my father whose will I have carried out. Lo, the darkness I have subdued; lo, the fire of the fountains I have extinguished, as the sphere turns hurrying round, as the sun receives the refined part of life. " The " I AM " in the hymn seems to be the Voice of the Gnostic heavenly redeemer, a divine Being of Light, who really is a personification of the God within every living thing. This part of the hymn reminds me of other " I AM THAT I AM " hymns. See, " The Thunder: Perfect Mind, " and " Trimorphic Protennoia " in " The Nag Hammadi Library In English, " James M. Robinson, Harper San Francisco. Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas, Saying 77, also becomes the " I Am: " " It is I who am the Light which is Above them all. It is I who am the all. From me did the all come forth, and unto me did the all extend. Split a piece of wood, and I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find Me there. " Most are annoyed by the dark characterizations of the material world in Gnosticism, but there's much more to the Gnostic message than " matter is illusion. " In this part of the hymn we can finally begin to catch a glimpse of what the Gnostic Eye really sees: that hidden within every living thing is a Radiant Divine Spark of Beauty, " joy, " " milk, " " life, " " sweet water, " and " Light. " " I am in everything, I bear the skies, I am the foundation, I support the earths; I am the Light that shines forth, that gives joy to the souls. " So how do we see beyond the overcast skies of dark matter that obscures our view of the Light? This hymn exhorts: " O soul, raise your eyes to the Height and contemplate your bond, lo, your fathers are calling you. Now go aboard the Ship of Light and receive your garland of glory and return to your Kingdom and rejoice with all the Aeons. " The Sufi Master Fakhruddin 'Iraqi, in his book " Divine Flashes, " puts it this way: Know yourself: a cloud drifting before your sun. Cut yourself off from your senses and behold your Sun of intimacy. Physical eyesight may be quite limited, but the message of the Gnostic mystics is that there is another kind of seeing that's available to us. One can learn how to see and hear spiritually from souls who are already experiencing this. In the Gospel of Thomas the Master says: " I will give you what no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, what no hand has touched, and what has never occurred to the human mind. " (Saying 17) During antiquity this was once a popular axiom in many spiritual movements of the middle and near east. Gnostic Masters were once living human beings, not ascended masters or disembodied spirits. Schools of Spirituality once had living teachers: Valentinus, Mani, etc. It seems strange to have to say it as it points out the obvious, but these teachers had physical bodies, headed various spiritual movements during their day -- in other words they weren't disincarnate " channelled " spirits, dead prophets from centuries earlier, or holy books of the past. A physically incarnated, living teacher with living students can thus say: " I disclose my Mysteries to those who are worthy of my mysteries. " (Jesus, Gospel of Thomas, Saying 62) And says the anonymous messiah of " Trimorphic Protennoia: " " I am the Light that rejoices [in my] brethren, for I came down to the world [of] mortals..... " Books on these traditions like " The Gnostic Mystery, " by Andrea Grace Diem (see below), " Seek To See Him -- Ascension Mysticism in the Gospel of Thomas, " and, " The Robe of Glory, " by John Davidson, provide excellent introductions to the mystical paradigm of the Gnostic Schools of Spirituality that once operated in the west, and I refer & defer to them to make the case in detail for the mystical practices of these Schools. Having said this....... A TREATISE ON THE VISIONARY MEDITATION PRACTICES OF THE GNOSTICS -- AN INTRODUCTION TO GNOSTIC MEDITATION TECHNIQUES Secret names of God, angels, and a multitude of heavenly beings are central to spiritual practice. The Coptic writings from Egypt are filled with hundreds of these names! One can verbally chant or silently, mentally repeat during meditation a name of God or a combination of various names. Some ancient examples of sacred names to choose from: IAO, various combinations of vowels (eeeeooooouuuuuoooooaaaaaa), Armoz-el, Oroia-el, Daveithe, and El-ethe. Andrea Grace Diem in " The Gnostic Mystery, " writes about the meaning of the last four sacred names I listed: " Throughout Gnostic literature names of specific lights of the different Realms are described: Armoz-el of the First Region, Oroia-el of the Second, Daveithe of the Third, and El-ethe of the Fourth. The Fifth Aeon, the Divine, is the all-encompassing Light. A specific description of these lights is absent, although they are referred to as " eternal Lights, perfect because they were perfected individually. " The author of Trimorphic Protennoia expounds that " each Aeon gave myriads of glories within great unsearchable Lights and they all together blessed the Perfect Son, the God who was begotten. " The Gnostics had their own " maps " of the inner cosmos, believed that the soul has to pass through several different heavens on the way back to the One. The repetition of sacred names, names that relate to various heavenly regions, helps one to find the necessary singleness of vision and rise above body-consciousness. Andrea Grace Diem: " The purpose of withdrawing from the physical body is twofold: 1) first of all, it is a means to purify the soul to heighten consciousness of God. As the soul ascends to higher levels, its awareness of God sharpens. In essence, self-knowledge is knowledge of God. 2) Also, it entails the act of dying while living. Step by step one enacts the actual process of death so that at the time of death the soul is not lost but knows the path of ascent to the Unknown Father. " THE APPEARANCE OF INTERNAL LIGHT AND SOUND During meditation by repeating names or a name of God we may find our concentration shifting from our normal waking state of consciousness to another state that we haven't encountered before; in the darkness Light will appear. Our attention will collect at the Single Eye. " If thine eye becomes single, thy whole body shall be full of Light. " (Jesus, New Testament) The energies of our soul that have been throughout the ages, scattered, divided, dissipated, out of focus. What would happen if we were to " gather up all our powers " and enter into a laser-like focused concentration? If one is divided, one will be filled with darkness, but if one is whole, one will be filled with Light. (Gospel of Thomas, Saying 61) When the initiate reaches a certain Singleness of Vision, out of darkness, Light will appear. " Thus as a result of recollecting all these things the impulses of the mind are extended from the sphere of material things towards those impulses which are without limit, that is to say, wonder at the New World.....For none of the visionaries or gnostics is able to distinguish the identity of the mind as a result of the vision of that glorious Light that is seen......, for all the innermost chambers of the heart [the soul or inner self] are filled by that blessed Light. " (Joseph the Visionary, a mystic from northern Iraq) Andrea Grace Diem in " The Gnostic Mystery: " " Gnostic literature is filled with descriptions of mystical experiences beyond the simple waking state. For instance, the Gnostic text Zostrianos explains that the one " who can be saved is the one who seeks after him and his mind,... he withdraws to himself alone, for he can become divine. " " Experience for the Gnostic is inherent to learning; to experience death (or practice the process of death) plays a key role in learning about the higher regions. The tractate Zostrianos petitions: Awaken your divine part to God ... Behold death here and seek the immutable ingenerateness, the Father of everything. " The soul, when pulled from the physical body, is said to rise upward experiencing higher states of consciousness. It is here that visions of Light and Sound are described. According to the mystics of these traditions, such manifestations are believed to be guides for the wayward soul, leading the soul through various higher states of consciousness. The author of the Pistis Sophia comments: " Man's soul shall become, when it leaveth the body, a great flood of Light, so as to traverse all the regions until it cometh into the Kingdom of Mystery. " " Contacting this Light and Sound is said to be transforming. The writer of the treatise Allogenes purports: turned to myself [and] saw Light that [surrounded] me and the Good that was in me, I became divine. " .....With the Gnostic tradition, the Light and Sound are described in particular patterns. Once withdrawal has commenced, the darkness within is said to gradually be illuminated with shifting points of Light that eventually " cease flickering and develop into a single radiating point. " As the soul continues its journey variations of a beautiful white Light and of a melodious Sound occur. Describing this inner Light and Sound exactly is said to be an impossible task, for, claims Shiv Dayal Singh, 'how can I describe the Melody, when nothing like it is to be found in the world.' The Sound Current is not a Sound one hears with the physical ears, but only with the inner self, the Spirit Entity. Accordingly, this 'Heavenly Music that plays interminably' is, in essence, God manifest and it upholds all of creation. When describing the philosophical nature of the cosmos, Gnostic writers emphasize this Sound Current, variously referred to as Word, Voice, Logos, Speech, or simply Sound. Also, throughout Gnostic texts reference is made to the manifestation of a mystical Light, known as Treasury of Light, Immeasurable Light, etc. In the Trimorphic Protennoia it is described in the following way: I am [the Word] who dwells [in the] ineffable [silence]. I dwell in undefiled [Light] and a Thought [revealed itself] perceptibly through [the great] Sound ... And it [the Sound] exists from the beginning in the foundations of the All. But there is a Light [that] swells hidden in Silence and it was the first to [come] forth...I alone am the Word, ineffable, incorruptible, immeasurable, inconceivable. It (the Word?) is a hidden Light .... being unreproducible, an immeasurable Light, the source of All...It is foundation that supports every movement of the Aeons that belong to the mighty glory. It is the founding of every foundation. It is the breath of the powers. It is the eye of the three permanences, which exist as a Voice by virtue of a Thought. And it is a Word by virtue of the Sound ... I (the Word) became a foundation for the All. " ( " The Gnostic Mystery, " in its entirety, is posted on the Gnostic Golfer website: ) For the explorers of inner space the multiverse is filled with Lights of various colors, and an Audible Life Stream that connects all souls to the One. This Sound can be heard in the silence of contemplation. By becoming one with this Sound, the soul is pulled toward the Place where the Sound originates: " In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God. " The Gnostic develops, under the guidance of his/her teacher, the spiritual senses and can then begin to explore the " many mansions " of the heavenly realms. Trimorphic Protennoia: I cast [voiced] Speech [or Sound] into the ears of those who know me. And I am inviting you into the exalted, perfect Light. Moreover (as for) this (Light), when you enter it you will be glorified ... you will become gloriously glorious, the way you first were when you were <Light>. And I hid myself in everyone and revealed [myself] within them, and every mind seeking me longed for me, for it is I who gave shape to the All when it had no form. And I transformed their forms into (other) forms until the time when a form will be given to the All. It is through me that the Voice originated ... And it is a Word, by virtue of a Sound; it was sent to illumine those who dwell in darkness... am a Light that illuminates the All. I am the Light that rejoices [in my] brethren, for I came down to the world [of] mortals..... In these ancient religions of the middle east that were heavily into the Light motif, the view often held was that all souls originally came from " the Light " (True Heaven) and will return there again (see GoThomas, Sayings 24, 49 and 50). Visionary Gnostic meditation practices were all about bringing one back into an awareness of the divine realm, here and now. For the Gnostic, the Day of Resurrection and Rapture is not pushed off till some end of time " tomorrow that never comes. " Rather, the heavenly realms are perceived instead to be all around us and within us, right now. By becoming an initiate of the Mysteries the mystic soul seeks to experience the heavenly realms not only in the next life, but during this one as well. Soon I'll post some meditation instructions on actualizing the Light of the soul. Namaste,' James spiritualawakeningatonelist Kabir says: " The Light of one soul is equal to that of sixteen suns. " ______________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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