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Meditation Instructions

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This simple meditation technique can be practiced in our homes every



Meditation is a process of concentration by which we come in contact

with the divine power within. It can be practiced by people of any age,

religion, or way of life. Contact with it fills us with peace, love,

and bliss.


In each religion one finds references to this power, the divine light

and sound, that flows out from out from the creator.

By practicing this simple meditation technique, each person will connect

with the source of inner peace, and contribute to bringing about outer



We can learn to meditate by carefully following the six steps in this



STEP ONE: Choosing a place time for Meditation


We can meditate at any time and at any place we wish. When we first begin

to meditate, it is best to sit in a quiet area free from the noise of

telephones ringing and away from other activities. As we develop our

concentration, we are able to meditate even in noisy surroundings. We

should sit in meditation when we are fully awake, so that we will not

fall asleep.


STEP TWO: Choosing a position


To meditate, we must first still our body. We select a pose that is most

comfortable for us - sitting in a chair or in a cross - legged position,

lying down or standing. We should be relaxed, with no tension in any

part of the body. Lying down is not recommended we will tend to fall



STEP THREE: Concentrating


Once we have selected a pose, we close our eyes very gently, just as

we do when going to sleep. We focus our attention into the middle of

what lies before us, at a distance of around eight to ten inches in front

of our forehead. Do not put any strain or tension on the forehead or

eyes. It is not the outer eyes with which we concentrate; it is the inner

eye that sees in front of us. Our gaze should be loving, sweet, and penetrating.

We look straight ahead on a horizontal plane. If our eyeballs look upwards,

we will create pressure on the forehead, which may generate heat or cause

a headache, interrupting our concentration. To access the treasure of

divinity that lie within us, we focus our attention ahead of us as if

we were watching a T.V...screen.


STEP FOUR: Silencing Thought


When we close our eyes and focus our attention in front of us, the mind

will interrupt our concentration with thoughts. Our mind is like mercury,

always restless and moving about. We will start thinking about all our

problems, our work, our families, our friends - about our past, our present,

our future. The soul is our real self; it is the part of us that is of

the same essence as the Creator. Our soul is covered by the mind and

body. The mind tries to keep us from learning about our soul and God,

and has many ways to distract us. To attain perfect concentration, we

have to reach a state where there are no thoughts. when thoughts arise,

whether they be good or bad, they are all bad for us as far as meditation

is concerned. Thoughts are like chains. the iron chains are our bad thoughts,

and the good thoughts, though chains of gold are still chains. To help

us bring our attention to the eye focus and still the mind, we repeat

the charged Names given to us by a competent Master. If we do not have

a teacher, we can get an idea of What meditation is like by repeating

any Names of God with which we feel comfortable. If the mind is busy

in the repetition of these Names, it cannot distract our concentration

by sending thoughts. While gazing into the middle of what lies in front

of us, we repeat the Names mentally with the tongue of thought, not out

loud. They are to be repeated slowly, at intervals and not in quick succession,

so the gaze is not disturbed.


STEP FIVE: Concentrating on the Inner Light and Sound


We need to experience the light within us. Our situation may be compared

to a light bulb with four or five coverings over it. They prevent us

from seeing the light from the bulb. In meditation we remove these coverings

one by one. When we how much luminosity there is within us, we will want

to see more and more of it.


There are two meditation practices. The first is concentration on the

inner light. During this practice the charged Names of God given to us

by spiritual Master, are repeated continuously. We should not pay attention

to our breathing; it should go on automatically, just as it dose when

we do our normal activities. The breathing should not be disturb.


Our job is to sit quietly, and lovingly gaze into the darkness lying

in front of us. As we do so, the attention will collect between and behind

the eyebrows. It requires no effort. Any effort will only interfere with

the process, for it means our thinking is activated. We should continue

repeating the Names and gazing.


While concentrating on what lies in front of us, Light will sprout forth.

We may see lights of any color; red, blue, purple, green, yellow, orange,

golden or white light - or flashes of light. We should concentrate in

the middle of whatever we see, and continue repeating the Names.


We will see various inner vistas, such as inner stars, moon, and sun,

or have other experiences. We are to gaze into the middle of whatever

we see, and the Light and Sound of God will guide us beyond the physical

into the inner planes.


The second practice of meditation involves the listening to the inner

Sound. We focus our attention at the seat of the soul and listen to the

inner Sound Current. This Sound is the Power of God, and is referred

to in the various scriptures as the Holy Word, the Naam or shabd and

other names. It brought all creation into being. Our soul is of the same

essence as the Sound Current and God, and is attracted to the divine

Melody. The soul travels on the Sound Current through the inner spiritual

regions. During this practice the Names are not repeated.


STEP SIX: Entering the Inner Region


The inner Light and Sound take us from the physical plane into the astral

regions. The physical world which consists predominately of mind, matter,

and illusion mixed with a little consciousness, is left behind. We enter

the astral region, a realm of increased consciousness, full of beauty

and wonderful Light and Sound.


When we transcend the astral region we enter the causal region, which

is more ethereal than the last. Here we shed our astral body and travel

in our causal body.


Next, we enter the supracausal region where consciousness predominates,

and only a small amount of illusion remains. At this stage we recognize

that we are soul. Here our soul has the brightness of twelve outer suns.

We realize that we are of the same essence as that of the Creator.


Ultimately, we reach the spiritual region known as the True Realm, Sach-Khand

or Maqam-i-Haq, from where the Power of God emanates. This is the purely

spiritual region of all Light. All the veils covering our soul are removed.

Our soul merges in the Ocean of All-consciousness. The drop of water

merges with the Ocean and becomes the Ocean. A ray of light merges with

the Sun and becomes the Sun.


The ultimate bliss is experienced when our soul merges back into God,

its Creator. This is the state we all need to achieve for us to realize

the purpose of human life and attain eternal peace and happiness.







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