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The other day I referred to karma yoga, bhakti yoga, and jnana yoga as paths

to enlightenment through action, emotion, and thinking, respectively. In

Jack Engler's excellent article (1986) on meditation and psychological

development, I just came across a reference to raja yoga as involving

" experimentation " . Can anyone explain what that means? Will anyone explain

what that means?




Engler, Jack (1986), " Therapeutic Aims in Psychotherapy and Meditation:

Developmental Stages in the Representation of Self " . In Transformations of

Consciousness: Conventional and Contemplative Perspectives on Development,

edited by Ken Wilber, Jack Engler and Daniel P. Brown. Boston: Shambhala.

Reprinted from Engler (1984), 25-61 --

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Hi Gary,


As you know, Raja Yoga is the yoga of Patanjali.

What distinguishes it from other Hindu paths is the

emphasis on inward or concentrative meditation

(it's similar to samatha in the Theravada tradition).

The second sentence of Patanjali's book is famous

because it sums up the whole path so well: " Yoga

is the cessation of movements of the mind. " An

accurate epithet for Raja Yoga is, " Yoga of mind

control. "


It's a pretty big stretch from " mind control " to

" experimentation, " but I can think of a plausible

explanation of how Dr. Engler got there. Here's

my hypothesis.


Raja Yoga was introduced to the United States,

more or less, by Swami Vivekananda in the 1890s.

The way he chose to present it made a deep

impression and has been echoed by Western

writers for decades. I think Dr. Engler's

" experimentation " is probably one of those echos.


The swami was a tremendously effective public

speaker and like any good speaker, he tried to

describe the thing he was promoting in a way that

stressed its resemblance to something that his

audience already esteemed highly: he tried to

make Raja Yoga seem scientific. (Science was

very cool in the 1890s. Nowadays, New Age

propagandists take the opposite tack!)


In his speeches at the Parliament of Religions in

Chicago in 1893, which made him an American

celebrity, the swami took the following line:


Yoga is a form of religion. But most religions

require you to accept their teachings based on

somebody else's experiences: the experiences

of saints, for example, or of Jesus Christ. Yoga

is different because it teaches *you* to have

those experiences. You need take nothing on

faith. Everything you come to believe is founded

on empiricism. Therefore it is experiential and

scientific. Extrapolating slightly, the techniques

that it teaches can be regarded as " experiments. "

(He may actually say that somewhere, but I'm

flipping quickly through his speeches to refresh

my memory and don't see the word " experiment. " )


I don't have time to look for a really good quote

but maybe this one will do:


" The teachers of the science of Raja-yoga,

therefore, declare not only that religion is

based upon the experiences of ancient times, but

also that no man can be religious until he has had

the same experiences himself. Raja-yoga is the

science which teaches us how to get these

experiences. " (Vivekananda: The Yogas and

Other Works, tr. Nikhilananda, 1953, p. 582.)


You mentioned the other day the problem that

arises when description and explanation are

conflated. Here we have description mixed with

sales talk. (I mean nothing derogatory, I'm glad

that Swami Vivekananda sold Raja Yoga so

effectively in the West.)


The reason these remarks fail as description is

that they don't distinguish Raja Yoga from any

other yoga: all yogas are recipes for gaining

direct subjective experiences. Nevertheless

Swami Vivekananda's remarks were repeated by

other authors until thousands of popular books in

the West described Raja Yoga as " scientific yoga " or

yoga based on experiements.


(I'm not sufficiently well-read in this field to be

absolutely sure this trend began with Vivekananda,

but I think it did.)


I hate to suggest this explanation for Dr. Engler's

remark, because I have the greatest respect for

him, but I can't think of any other. Even Homer

nods. :)
















" Gary Schouborg " <garyscho

" Realization " <Realization >; " Liberation Group () "

<libn >

Monday, August 13, 2001 2:30 PM

Help, please.



> The other day I referred to karma yoga, bhakti yoga, and jnana yoga as paths

> to enlightenment through action, emotion, and thinking, respectively. In

> Jack Engler's excellent article (1986) on meditation and psychological

> development, I just came across a reference to raja yoga as involving

> " experimentation " . Can anyone explain what that means? Will anyone explain

> what that means?


> Gary


> Engler, Jack (1986), " Therapeutic Aims in Psychotherapy and Meditation:

> Developmental Stages in the Representation of Self " . In Transformations of

> Consciousness: Conventional and Contemplative Perspectives on Development,

> edited by Ken Wilber, Jack Engler and Daniel P. Brown. Boston: Shambhala.

> Reprinted from Engler (1984), 25-61 --



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