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[libn] Nisargadatta

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> Libn Digest No.106, Message No.3 (Nisargadatta)


> Dear Gary and Evelyn,


> I do not think that Nisargadatta was offering spiritual candy. In fact, his

> speciality was that he was quite blunt and to the point. Regarding the

> specific statements mentioned (I presume they are from " I Am That " ), they are

> not really his writings. He wrote nothing himself, not being highly educated.

> " I Am That " is an English translation of selected Marathi conversations,

> translated by a Polish Jew, and so there may be some inadequacies there. The

> context of the two observations also obviously differs. Moreover,

> Nisargadatta's original observations were made in mystical language, from the

> background of his particular spiritual lineage (Naath lineage), and were not

> meant to be read scientifically or logically. (For example, " there is no God

> but the Self " ). He was not concerned much with the practical aspect because

> probably he himself did not see any conflict between " theory " and " practice " .

> His point was that if you see the theory of it, the practice happens

> spontaneously. They are not separate issues. ( " Understanding is all that is

> required " ). In a way, Zen takes a similar position (effortless effort or

> no-effort). The actual specifics of explaining how this works in day-to-day

> life is a burden that Gary (and to an extent, I) have taken up upon ourselves.


> I agree that a reader may be tempted to use the book as spiritual candy,

> rather than as a starting point for his own spiritual self-research. This risk

> is present in all spiritual reading, and Gary does well to point it out.


Thank you for this history and explanation, Nitin. I spoke of spiritual

candy to be provocative, not disrespectful. Nor was I implying that Evelyn

was using N as spiritual candy, only that the more we understand the deeper

logic in N's writings the more permanent will be their effect on us. Trying

to understand the deeper logic was what I took Evelyn to be doing when she

inquired about the meaning of the passage on good, evil, and necessity.


BTW, I have a complete file of " I Am That " generously provided by Miguel

Angel Carrasco. Unfortunately, he created it in Word Perfect (don't know if

for PC or Mac) and I am unable to open it. Can any of you convert it to Word

(either PC or Mac will do)? If you can, may I send it to you so you can

convert it for me and anyone else interested?


> Gary, your piece on " failure and Enlightenment " was great. I wonder if you

> could recast it in simpler language to be read by any non-Libniter types

> because the point made is too important to be confined to this group. If you

> can find the time, please send me a copy.


Thank you, Nitin, I'm glad you found it useful. My immediate objective is to

complete the article for which that paragraph is the conclusion. That may

require some recasting in itself. If it then still needs recasting so that

it can stand alone, would you please raise the issue again?


Best wishes,




Gary Schouborg

Performance Consulting

Walnut Creek, CA



Publications and professional services:


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Dear friends, please know i did not feel disrespected i love candy in all

its forms.


What i was thinking however, all this talk, logical or illogical is it not

appearing in the background of awareness? What is that awareness? Is it

not the Ultimate, the Absolute, God? That awareness is i feel, i know (or

rather there is a knowing,a deep knowing ) that is my true nature, that is

who and what i really am.


Living, speaking, hearing, loving from that Awareness is what calls and

beckons and yet sadly, oh so sadly, for the most part alludes me. Warm

regards, Evelyn



" Gary Schouborg " <garyscho

" Liberation Group () " <libn >

Friday, August 24, 2001 3:11 PM

Re: [libn] Nisargadatta



> Nitin,


> > Libn Digest No.106, Message No.3 (Nisargadatta)

> >

> > Dear Gary and Evelyn,

> >

> > I do not think that Nisargadatta was offering spiritual candy. In fact,


> > speciality was that he was quite blunt and to the point. Regarding the

> > specific statements mentioned (I presume they are from " I Am That " ),

they are

> > not really his writings. He wrote nothing himself, not being highly


> > " I Am That " is an English translation of selected Marathi conversations,

> > translated by a Polish Jew, and so there may be some inadequacies there.


> > context of the two observations also obviously differs. Moreover,

> > Nisargadatta's original observations were made in mystical language,

from the

> > background of his particular spiritual lineage (Naath lineage), and

were not

> > meant to be read scientifically or logically. (For example, " there is no


> > but the Self " ). He was not concerned much with the practical aspect


> > probably he himself did not see any conflict between " theory " and

" practice " .

> > His point was that if you see the theory of it, the practice happens

> > spontaneously. They are not separate issues. ( " Understanding is all that


> > required " ). In a way, Zen takes a similar position (effortless effort or

> > no-effort). The actual specifics of explaining how this works in


> > life is a burden that Gary (and to an extent, I) have taken up upon


> >

> > I agree that a reader may be tempted to use the book as spiritual candy,

> > rather than as a starting point for his own spiritual self-research.

This risk

> > is present in all spiritual reading, and Gary does well to point it out.


> Thank you for this history and explanation, Nitin. I spoke of spiritual

> candy to be provocative, not disrespectful. Nor was I implying that Evelyn

> was using N as spiritual candy, only that the more we understand the


> logic in N's writings the more permanent will be their effect on us.


> to understand the deeper logic was what I took Evelyn to be doing when she

> inquired about the meaning of the passage on good, evil, and necessity.


> BTW, I have a complete file of " I Am That " generously provided by Miguel

> Angel Carrasco. Unfortunately, he created it in Word Perfect (don't know


> for PC or Mac) and I am unable to open it. Can any of you convert it to


> (either PC or Mac will do)? If you can, may I send it to you so you can

> convert it for me and anyone else interested?

> >

> > Gary, your piece on " failure and Enlightenment " was great. I wonder if


> > could recast it in simpler language to be read by any non-Libniter types

> > because the point made is too important to be confined to this group. If


> > can find the time, please send me a copy.

> >

> Thank you, Nitin, I'm glad you found it useful. My immediate objective is


> complete the article for which that paragraph is the conclusion. That may

> require some recasting in itself. If it then still needs recasting so that

> it can stand alone, would you please raise the issue again?


> Best wishes,


> Gary


> Gary Schouborg

> Performance Consulting

> Walnut Creek, CA

> garyscho


> Publications and professional services:

> http://home.att.net/~garyscho




> ..........INFORMATION ABOUT THIS LIST..........


> Email addresses:

> Post message: Realization

> Un: Realization-

> Our web address: http://www.realization.org


> By sending a message to this list, you are giving

> permission to have it reproduced as a letter on

> http://www.realization.org

> ................................................



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Dear Evelyn,


Leaf was talking earlier today about how to

hold on to the awareness. Now you also

bring it up. And now me.


It's very strange that when the awareness

happens, I see with perfect clarity how the

illusion is created that ordinarily hides it.

And yet, when the illusion returns, I cannot

dispel it. At such times I remember that

I've seen that the secret of the whole thing

is that any and all effort creates the illusion --

yet remembering doesn't help.


I have a new plan: I recently started

practicing self-enquiry as if I never

did it before, from the beginning, following

Ramana Maharshi's instructions very literally.


They are the same instructions, really,

that Nisargadatta Maharaj's guru gave to

him: stay aware of the I-Am-ness all

the time. Just keep attention on it. How

does Maharaj put it? " Try to find the right

combination of affection and attention " --

something like that, I'm writing it from



Good luck to all three of us! :)






" Drs. Moschetta " <evpaul

<Realization >

Friday, August 24, 2001 5:54 PM

Re: Re: [libn] Nisargadatta



> Dear friends, please know i did not feel disrespected i love candy in all

> its forms.


> What i was thinking however, all this talk, logical or illogical is it not

> appearing in the background of awareness? What is that awareness? Is it

> not the Ultimate, the Absolute, God? That awareness is i feel, i know (or

> rather there is a knowing,a deep knowing ) that is my true nature, that is

> who and what i really am.


> Living, speaking, hearing, loving from that Awareness is what calls and

> beckons and yet sadly, oh so sadly, for the most part alludes me. Warm

> regards, Evelyn


> -

> " Gary Schouborg " <garyscho

> " Liberation Group () " <libn >

> Friday, August 24, 2001 3:11 PM

> Re: [libn] Nisargadatta



> > Nitin,

> >

> > > Libn Digest No.106, Message No.3 (Nisargadatta)

> > >

> > > Dear Gary and Evelyn,

> > >

> > > I do not think that Nisargadatta was offering spiritual candy. In fact,

> his

> > > speciality was that he was quite blunt and to the point. Regarding the

> > > specific statements mentioned (I presume they are from " I Am That " ),

> they are

> > > not really his writings. He wrote nothing himself, not being highly

> educated.

> > > " I Am That " is an English translation of selected Marathi conversations,

> > > translated by a Polish Jew, and so there may be some inadequacies there.

> The

> > > context of the two observations also obviously differs. Moreover,

> > > Nisargadatta's original observations were made in mystical language,

> from the

> > > background of his particular spiritual lineage (Naath lineage), and

> were not

> > > meant to be read scientifically or logically. (For example, " there is no

> God

> > > but the Self " ). He was not concerned much with the practical aspect

> because

> > > probably he himself did not see any conflict between " theory " and

> " practice " .

> > > His point was that if you see the theory of it, the practice happens

> > > spontaneously. They are not separate issues. ( " Understanding is all that

> is

> > > required " ). In a way, Zen takes a similar position (effortless effort or

> > > no-effort). The actual specifics of explaining how this works in

> day-to-day

> > > life is a burden that Gary (and to an extent, I) have taken up upon

> ourselves.

> > >

> > > I agree that a reader may be tempted to use the book as spiritual candy,

> > > rather than as a starting point for his own spiritual self-research.

> This risk

> > > is present in all spiritual reading, and Gary does well to point it out.

> >

> > Thank you for this history and explanation, Nitin. I spoke of spiritual

> > candy to be provocative, not disrespectful. Nor was I implying that Evelyn

> > was using N as spiritual candy, only that the more we understand the

> deeper

> > logic in N's writings the more permanent will be their effect on us.

> Trying

> > to understand the deeper logic was what I took Evelyn to be doing when she

> > inquired about the meaning of the passage on good, evil, and necessity.

> >

> > BTW, I have a complete file of " I Am That " generously provided by Miguel

> > Angel Carrasco. Unfortunately, he created it in Word Perfect (don't know

> if

> > for PC or Mac) and I am unable to open it. Can any of you convert it to

> Word

> > (either PC or Mac will do)? If you can, may I send it to you so you can

> > convert it for me and anyone else interested?

> > >

> > > Gary, your piece on " failure and Enlightenment " was great. I wonder if

> you

> > > could recast it in simpler language to be read by any non-Libniter types

> > > because the point made is too important to be confined to this group. If

> you

> > > can find the time, please send me a copy.

> > >

> > Thank you, Nitin, I'm glad you found it useful. My immediate objective is

> to

> > complete the article for which that paragraph is the conclusion. That may

> > require some recasting in itself. If it then still needs recasting so that

> > it can stand alone, would you please raise the issue again?

> >

> > Best wishes,

> >

> > Gary

> >

> > Gary Schouborg

> > Performance Consulting

> > Walnut Creek, CA

> > garyscho

> >

> > Publications and professional services:

> > http://home.att.net/~garyscho

> >

> >

> >

> > ..........INFORMATION ABOUT THIS LIST..........

> >

> > Email addresses:

> > Post message: Realization

> > Un: Realization-

> > Our web address: http://www.realization.org

> >

> > By sending a message to this list, you are giving

> > permission to have it reproduced as a letter on

> > http://www.realization.org

> > ................................................

> >

> >

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Dear Nitin,


> Nisargadatta's original observations were

> made in mystical language, from the

> background of his particular spiritual lineage

> (Naath lineage), and were not

> meant to be read scientifically or logically.

> (For example, " there is no God

> but the Self " ).


Statements about God aren't scientific, in

principle, because they aren't potentially

falsifiable by empirical observations -- at

least, nobody has yet figured out a way to

arrange an experiment for this purpose --

so of course, this statement cannot be

evaluated scientifically.


But why do you call this statement illogical?

It's simply the familiar Upanishadic assertion that

" Atman is Brahman " translated as well as can

be done into English. You may disagree with

it, and you may point out that it is unproven,

but there is nothing illogical about it.


It's a main tenet of Sankara's philosophy, and

he is generally regarded as the greatest

philosopher in India's entire history.


If you want to see a logical treatment of

this idea -- my God, is it logical -- take a look

at Sankara's Brahmasutra Bhasya.


> The actual specifics of explaining how

> this works in day-to-day

> life is a burden that Gary (and to an extent,

> I) have taken up upon ourselves.


How can you do this until you have the

experience of self-realization for yourselves?


Until then, precisely because the existing

written descriptions of this experience are

inadequate, you cannot know what you are

talking about.


These people were describing something

they experienced. It is a real phenomenon.


If you want to learn more about the phenomenon,

you must see it for yourself. You cannot

learn more about it than they expressed by

dissecting their statements.


Trying to do so is like a biologist trying to

learn the anatomy of a yeti by analyzing

descriptions made by farmers in Nepal.

If the biologist wants to add something to

the farmers' descriptions, he must catch a

yeti himself and examine it.


Best regards,






" Gary Schouborg " <garyscho

" Liberation Group () " <libn >

Friday, August 24, 2001 3:11 PM

Re: [libn] Nisargadatta



> Nitin,


> > Libn Digest No.106, Message No.3 (Nisargadatta)

> >

> > Dear Gary and Evelyn,

> >

> > I do not think that Nisargadatta was offering spiritual candy. In fact, his

> > speciality was that he was quite blunt and to the point. Regarding the

> > specific statements mentioned (I presume they are from " I Am That " ), they


> > not really his writings. He wrote nothing himself, not being highly


> > " I Am That " is an English translation of selected Marathi conversations,

> > translated by a Polish Jew, and so there may be some inadequacies there. The

> > context of the two observations also obviously differs. Moreover,

> > Nisargadatta's original observations were made in mystical language, from


> > background of his particular spiritual lineage (Naath lineage), and were


> > meant to be read scientifically or logically. (For example, " there is no God

> > but the Self " ). He was not concerned much with the practical aspect because

> > probably he himself did not see any conflict between " theory " and

" practice " .

> > His point was that if you see the theory of it, the practice happens

> > spontaneously. They are not separate issues. ( " Understanding is all that is

> > required " ). In a way, Zen takes a similar position (effortless effort or

> > no-effort). The actual specifics of explaining how this works in day-to-day

> > life is a burden that Gary (and to an extent, I) have taken up upon


> >

> > I agree that a reader may be tempted to use the book as spiritual candy,

> > rather than as a starting point for his own spiritual self-research. This


> > is present in all spiritual reading, and Gary does well to point it out.


> Thank you for this history and explanation, Nitin. I spoke of spiritual

> candy to be provocative, not disrespectful. Nor was I implying that Evelyn

> was using N as spiritual candy, only that the more we understand the deeper

> logic in N's writings the more permanent will be their effect on us. Trying

> to understand the deeper logic was what I took Evelyn to be doing when she

> inquired about the meaning of the passage on good, evil, and necessity.


> BTW, I have a complete file of " I Am That " generously provided by Miguel

> Angel Carrasco. Unfortunately, he created it in Word Perfect (don't know if

> for PC or Mac) and I am unable to open it. Can any of you convert it to Word

> (either PC or Mac will do)? If you can, may I send it to you so you can

> convert it for me and anyone else interested?

> >

> > Gary, your piece on " failure and Enlightenment " was great. I wonder if you

> > could recast it in simpler language to be read by any non-Libniter types

> > because the point made is too important to be confined to this group. If you

> > can find the time, please send me a copy.

> >

> Thank you, Nitin, I'm glad you found it useful. My immediate objective is to

> complete the article for which that paragraph is the conclusion. That may

> require some recasting in itself. If it then still needs recasting so that

> it can stand alone, would you please raise the issue again?


> Best wishes,


> Gary


> Gary Schouborg

> Performance Consulting

> Walnut Creek, CA

> garyscho


> Publications and professional services:

> http://home.att.net/~garyscho




> ..........INFORMATION ABOUT THIS LIST..........


> Email addresses:

> Post message: Realization

> Un: Realization-

> Our web address: http://www.realization.org


> By sending a message to this list, you are giving

> permission to have it reproduced as a letter on

> http://www.realization.org

> ................................................



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Y'all probably will enjoy this posting as much as I did. It's responding to

my saying that when I spoke of Nisargadatta as spiritual candy I was being

provocative, not disrespectful. Gary


> Dear friends, please know i did not feel disrespected i love candy in all

> its forms.


> What i was thinking however, all this talk, logical or illogical is it not

> appearing in the background of awareness? What is that awareness? Is it

> not the Ultimate, the Absolute, God? That awareness is i feel, i know (or

> rather there is a knowing,a deep knowing ) that is my true nature, that is

> who and what i really am.


> Living, speaking, hearing, loving from that Awareness is what calls and

> beckons and yet sadly, oh so sadly, for the most part alludes me. Warm

> regards, Evelyn

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At 8/25/2001-05:17 AM, you wrote:

>BTW, I have a complete file of " I Am That " generously provided by Miguel

>Angel Carrasco. Unfortunately, he created it in Word Perfect (don't know if

>for PC or Mac) and I am unable to open it. Can any of you convert it to Word

>(either PC or Mac will do)? If you can, may I send it to you so you can

>convert it for me and anyone else interested?


Hello Gary,


I can see that like me you also use both PC and Mac. I will try to post the

converted version on the Realization files area. However, you can open any

word perfect document in either PC or Mac by opening it from within

Microsoft Word and converting it from there.


With Love,

Cyber Dervish


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> Hello Gary,


> I can see that like me you also use both PC and Mac. I will try to

post the

> converted version on the Realization files area. However, you can

open any

> word perfect document in either PC or Mac by opening it from within

> Microsoft Word and converting it from there.

> ______________________

> With Love,

> Cyber Dervish

> ````````````````````````````````````````


I think the Realization file area is disabled. However, I have posted

it in my briefcase:


http://briefcase./bc/sworkalpha/lst?.dir=/Spiritual & .order= & .

view=l & .src=bc & .done=http%3a//briefcase./bc/sworkalpha/lst%


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Hi Jan,


The file area is open for downloads but

I'm the only one who can add new files.

The reason is potential copyright

infringement. Does Miguel have

permission to copy the book?









> I think the Realization file area is disabled. However, I have posted

> it in my briefcase:


> http://briefcase./bc/sworkalpha/lst?.dir=/Spiritual & .order= & .

> view=l & .src=bc & .done=http%3a//briefcase./bc/sworkalpha/lst%

> 3f.dir=/Spiritual%26.src=bc%26.view=l

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Realization, " Rob Sacks " <editor@r...> wrote:

> Hi Jan,


> The file area is open for downloads but

> I'm the only one who can add new files.

> The reason is potential copyright

> infringement. Does Miguel have

> permission to copy the book?


> Rob



I have a small question. Is the family of Nisargadatta getting a

single cent from the book?


This reminds me of an incident here in Kenya. A few clever British

scientists came here, did a joint research into a certain local

discovery about curing aids and their even cleverer lawyers had the

findings patented in their own names.


We see it everyday, greedy western lawyers patenting locally growing

rare plants, etc. Soon everything will be copyrighted and the poor

countries will have to pay to breath their own air.

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Hi Jan,


> I have a small question. Is the family

> of Nisargadatta getting a

> single cent from the book?


I don't know but why should we imagine

otherwise? Copyright law is the most

democratic of all property law because

a copyright automatically belongs to

the author and nobody else.


My copy of the book says " Copyright

1973 Nisargadatta Maharaj. "


Apart from money, copyright serves a

useful purpose in preserving the accuracy

of the text. For example, when I reproduce

Ramana Maharshi's works on Realization.org,

I have to get permission from Sri

Ramanashramam, and although they give the

permission for free, they make me agree to

reproduce the works in their exact original

form. This seems to me to be a good thing.


In any case, regardless of what we think of

copyright law, Realization.org is highly

dependent on reprinting copyrighted works

for which it needs to get permissions on a

continuing basis, and as a purely practical

matter, if the website gets a reputation for

copyright infringement, the website will be

in a lot of trouble.








<Realization >

Sunday, August 26, 2001 1:18 AM

Re: [libn] Nisargadatta



> Realization, " Rob Sacks " <editor@r...> wrote:

> > Hi Jan,

> >

> > The file area is open for downloads but

> > I'm the only one who can add new files.

> > The reason is potential copyright

> > infringement. Does Miguel have

> > permission to copy the book?

> >

> > Rob

> >


> I have a small question. Is the family of Nisargadatta getting a

> single cent from the book?


> This reminds me of an incident here in Kenya. A few clever British

> scientists came here, did a joint research into a certain local

> discovery about curing aids and their even cleverer lawyers had the

> findings patented in their own names.


> We see it everyday, greedy western lawyers patenting locally growing

> rare plants, etc. Soon everything will be copyrighted and the poor

> countries will have to pay to breath their own air.




> ..........INFORMATION ABOUT THIS LIST..........


> Email addresses:

> Post message: Realization

> Un: Realization-

> Our web address: http://www.realization.org


> By sending a message to this list, you are giving

> permission to have it reproduced as a letter on

> http://www.realization.org

> ................................................



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