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Dear Judi,


The following is the introduction to a story that is aimed at a very

interesting idea concerning the terrorism situation. The story is

called: Cruel And Unusual Punishment. I can't go into detail at this

time about the story itself, but it entails a solution to the whole

terrorism situation. Remember, this is but the introduction to the book.


Cruel And Unusual Punishment


There had been much speculation on what should be the course of action

taken against those who perpetrate terrorism on the world. There is

the " wanted: dead or alive " mentality that is so popular among those

proponents of the " Justice West of the Pecos " school of the " old west "

as Duhbya has put it, but this is more an unrealistic expression of the

desire to have those people in custody than a considered opinion about

how to deal with them once they are found.


The mentality of those who are involved in the terrorism is that " dying

for Allah " is an acceptable thing, as long as when they engage in

suicide bombing or flying an hi-jacked aircraft into a building, the

death that they experience is instantaneous. The merciful quickness of

their demise makes it, if not attractive, at least acceptable. If it

were not, then there would be second thoughts about doing it. Alas,

those that do the dastardly deeds of suicide terrorism are immune from

the repurcussions of their actions. But those who support and harbor

them are not and for them, the punishment, in order to be effective as

a deterrent, has to be a " fate worse than death " .


Now there are those who would suggest the torturing of them, and though

this would be immensly satisfying to those who are into that kind of

thing, it goes against the grain of those who would say that it is

relinquishing the " high ground " on which this whole endeavor is

predicated. Still, let us consider the idea briefly by taking a look at

the Christian institution of the Catholic Church, which spent a good

many years during the Inquisition torturing " heretics " .


There were three main tortures:


The first torture form was to slow roast the feet of the heretic who was

bound, and their feet were held to the fire till they were " well done " .


The second torture form was to tie the victim's hands behind them and

then to hoist them up off the ground with a rope hooked to the

bound wrists and then to add weights to their cooked feet, this

resulted in the dislocation of the shoulder joints.


The third torture form was to make them swallow a sleeve of coarse

muslin, and once the muslin sleeve was in place, water was poured water

into it, resulting in gagging. Then the muslin sleeve was yanked

forcefully out of their esophagus so as to render their windpipe



Of course burning them alive in what was called an " Auto de Fe " was the

final act, but this was not considered " torture " but rather " execution " .


But even the inquisitional torture is too easy for these people, and

would not convey to them the horror of what they have done.


The suggestion of lobotomizing them is also too easy, as is injecting

them with lethal chemicals.


Both of these suggestions do not make " dying for Allah " anathema.


Sooooo, consider this: While strapped immobile to a table, intraveneous

injection of massive (but not lethal) doses of a mixture of LSD (to

induce hallucinations) and Amphetamines (to make sleep impossible).


Once this psychedelic cocktail is started intraveniously, the criminal

is: Shown movies such as: the Alien trilogy; The Fly; abortions; their

children being skinned alive.


Exposed to camels being butchered; live spiders; snakes; and scorpions.


Fed living grubs; maggots; and cockroaches.


Subjected to long period of total darkness; extremely loud and sudden

sounds and bright strobe light flashes; pungent odors; and concentrated

sour and bitter tastes.


And when they are exhausted from the ordeal, injected with Heroin (for

its pallative effect), and when they recover, do the whole process over

again so that it becomes like a recurring nightmare until they are

addicted to the Heroin, and then make them endure " cold-turkey "



This process whould be documented and made available to everyone's



Those who have been accosted by the terrorism would find it satisfying.


Those who would be tempted to " die for Allah " would soon have second

thoughts about aiding and abetting those who would mercifuly die

instantaneously, for you see, " dying for Allah is one thing " , but



But one must realize that ultimately this whole thing is but a battle of

the superstitions. If this kind of thing were done between the followers

of Harvey the invisible wabbit, and SantaClaus... everyone would see the

absurdity of it... That it is done between the followers of Allah VS

Jehovah makes it no less absurd. And that is the ultimate ground base of

this situation. The war between the Gods... Mind Prison-ism is alive and

well in the 21st Century.


Now there IS a third faction involved and that is populated by those who

belive in neither Jehovah or Allah. And this faction is inhabited by

everyone else. The ideal embodiment of this are those who believe that

" NOTHING is sacred " .


SacredBundtPantheists ARISE!!!! :)


Heh heh heh heh :)



Beware the Obvious-Suspect the Reality




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