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:::: Thinking....pondering.....mentating......thinking some more........



I spose we should conquer it, plant a flag, and get on with the next problem.








In a message dated 10/21/2005 2:39:18 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

nli10u writes:




A wine bottle fell from a wagon and

broke open in a field.


That night one hundred beetles and all their cousins



and did some serious binge drinking.


They even found some seed husks nearby

and began to play them like drums and whirl.

This made God very happy.


Then the " night candle " rose into the sky

and one drunk creature, laying down his instrument,

said to his friend ~ for no apparent



" What should we do about that moon? "


Seems to Hafiz

Most everyone has laid aside the music


Tackling such profoundly useless



~ Hafiz ~









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  • 4 months later...
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In a message dated 3/8/2006 12:35:23 PM Pacific Standard Time,

Nisargadatta writes:


Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:30:02 -0800

Pete S <pedsie5

What's Happening to Phil


Phil: And so your conclusion is that the peace

one is experiencing is inversely

proportional to the rate of posting, and the

content of those posts is irrelevant, as well

as any intention on the part of the poster?


P: I have bad news: Not only peace, but the

intelligence of the contents of such posts

too, is inversely proportional.

Intelligence is an edge, it has to be lean,

verbosity blunts sharpness. Does the word

silence rings a bell? ;) The peace that passes

understanding is not found in words.


But, hey, if posting to excess excites you, go

for the record. 100 posts a day would probably

give you the gold medal for spiritual peroration.


Good luck! You have strong competition here, but

I have faith in you glibness.





Thanks for the support!

" Peroration " ::::: Checking online dictionary........:::::::


Cool, I'm a loquacious perorator! :)




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  • 2 years later...

I love these quotes. Something to contemplate. Thanks.


orva schrock wrote:

> Abide as That, which is I as well as You, as well as everyone else,

> is the basis of All, is one without anything else whatsoever, is

> extremely Pure and the undifferentiated Whole, and with the firm

> conviction that you are That, be always happy.


> - The Heart of the Ribhu Gita -



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  • 1 year later...

Dear all,Namaste,

I commented on Upadesa Saram of Bhagawan and i am posting Bhagawan's understanding of neti,neti method.Upadesa Saram Verse 22:

“Since the body,mind,intellect,breath

and darkness of ignorance which remains in deep sleep are all insentient (Jada)

and unreal (Asat),they are not "I" which is the reality.â€



Bhagawan is

negating the five sheaths (Pancha kosas) which apparently cover the

consciousness because they are insentient and unreal,because they do not posess

inherent consciousness or existence of their own. Hence they cannot be the

"I",the reality which is both self existing and self shining.The

feeling of "I" is mixed up with adjuncts,so Bhagawan is negating the

adjuncts to show the true import of "I" which is the reality.

The five sheaths are:-

1) Physical body~Annamaya kosa.

2) Breath or life force~Pranamaya kosa.

3) The mind~Manomaya kosa.

4) The intellect~Vijnanamaya kosa.

5) The darkness of ignorance~Anandamaya

kosa which is experienced in deep sleep due to disappearence of other four




By means of

sequence of ideas presented in verses 16-22 Bhagawan reveals us the true and

practical import of scriptural teaching "neti,neti"(not this,not

this).Traditionally neti,neti is done as an intellectual method. Einstein says

that a problem cannot be solved on the same level of consciousness that gave

rise to the problem which means the problem of self-ignorance cannot be solved

by effort of it's progeny of five sheaths.


Bhagawan reveals that neti,neti is not intended to denote a method of practice

but only indicates a final state of experience which is different in the level

and quality of consciousness compared to the present altered state of

consciousness with the association of adjuncts.




In verses 16-19

Bhagawan teaches us the method of practicing self-enquiry.


In the verse 20 he teaches us that as a result of such practice the reality

will shine forth spontaneouslyas "I""I" or " I am



In the verse 21 he declares that the reality which thus shines forth as

"II" is always the true import of "I".


And finally in verse 22 he concludes by saying that since the five sheaths are

insentient and unreal, they cannot be "I", the reality whose nature

is existence consciousness.


So true knowledge that the five sheaths are not "I" is an experience

which can be attained only by knowing the real nature of "I" through

practice of self-enquiry. The reason why scriptures begin by teaching that five

sheaths are not "I", is that in order to practice self-enquiry it is

useful for an aspirant to understand intellectually that the "I"

which is to be attended to is not the body or any of other adjuncts which are

now felt by him to be mixed with the feeling of "I". But since

Bhagawan does not want us to fall prey to the misunderstanding that pondering

intellectually over the truth that the five sheaths are not "I" is

itself the method of negating the five sheaths.He has carefully taught us the

method of practice of self-enquiry before revealing to us the conclusion that

the five sheaths are not "I".This revolutionary understanding of

neti,neti method by Bhagawan contributed a lot in the whole understanding of

Advaita and Bhagawan took us to a new heights in understanding the method of

practice of self-enquiry and in this aspect Bhagawan surpassed Adi Sankara in

contributing to the understanding of human consciousness.Thanking you all, DR.RAJU

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