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All 'NOWs' are the same.

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I have just spent a week with my family on the beautiful East African Coast.


This time things were different for me.

On the way to the Coast in a slow night train there was no excitement or

expectancy, nor impatience to get there. I was quite content with the NOW

of the train journey.

At the Coast my Wife and kids had the best holiday ever. For me it was just

another NOW to be content and happy with.

Back in Nairobi I am still content and peaceful with the NOW.


I think living in the NOW makes a person content, even happy with any

situation. I suspect it would make no difference to me living in

Afghanistan [at risk of a bomb falling on me, and a very uncertain future]

or on a beautiful deserted Island with friends [and comforts] of my choosing.


Anybody with similar [or more 'non-dual' ] experiences?



With Love,

Cyber Dervish


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If you have the link with the infinite that makes all NOWS moments of peace,

then it does not matter where you are.

One drawback is that my husband likes to travel, and I blissfully accompany

him, but he gets upset when I do not get excited about being in another


A side effect, at least for me, is that I tend not to seek out social

interaction. Shifting my attention to others is like laying aside a beloved

story in order to assist others. I would rather, probably selfishly, stay

with my full attention concentrated on the peaceful interaction that exists

between myself and the infinite.



" Jan Sultan " <swork


Monday, October 15, 2001 11:30 PM

All 'NOWs' are the same.



> I have just spent a week with my family on the beautiful East African



> This time things were different for me.

> On the way to the Coast in a slow night train there was no excitement or

> expectancy, nor impatience to get there. I was quite content with the NOW

> of the train journey.

> At the Coast my Wife and kids had the best holiday ever. For me it was


> another NOW to be content and happy with.

> Back in Nairobi I am still content and peaceful with the NOW.


> I think living in the NOW makes a person content, even happy with any

> situation. I suspect it would make no difference to me living in

> Afghanistan [at risk of a bomb falling on me, and a very uncertain future]

> or on a beautiful deserted Island with friends [and comforts] of my



> Anybody with similar [or more 'non-dual' ] experiences?


> ______________________

> With Love,

> Cyber Dervish

> ````````````````````````````````````````




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At 10/16/2001-03:09 PM Carol Philo wrote:

>A side effect, at least for me, is that I tend not to seek out social

>interaction. Shifting my attention to others is like laying aside a beloved

>story in order to assist others. I would rather, probably selfishly, stay

>with my full attention concentrated on the peaceful interaction that exists

>between myself and the infinite.



Sometimes, I too feel intruded upon when I am shifting between 'I' and

'no-I' and someone wants my attention. I guess, when going into the 'no-I'

becomes second nature, I won't be bothered by any intrusions. By 'no-I' I

mean just witnessing without identifying.


With Love,

Cyber Dervish






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--- Jan Sultan <swork wrote:

> I have just spent a week with my family on the

> beautiful East African Coast.


> This time things were different for me.

> On the way to the Coast in a slow night train there

> was no excitement or

> expectancy, nor impatience to get there. I was quite

> content with the NOW

> of the train journey.

> At the Coast my Wife and kids had the best holiday

> ever. For me it was just

> another NOW to be content and happy with.

> Back in Nairobi I am still content and peaceful with

> the NOW.


> I think living in the NOW makes a person content,

> even happy with any

> situation. I suspect it would make no difference to

> me living in

> Afghanistan [at risk of a bomb falling on me, and a

> very uncertain future]

> or on a beautiful deserted Island with friends [and

> comforts] of my choosing.


> Anybody with similar [or more 'non-dual' ]

> experiences?


> ______________________

> With Love,

> Cyber Dervish

> ````````````````````````````````````````


Someone having supposedly nondual experiences is

always " stuck " with the underlying

duality of the someone having

the experiences and " the experiencing "

being known by the someone.


The separate sense of the one who self-consciously

knows about " nondual " experience is gone

when there is no longer the one having experiences

and the experiencing, no longer

" nondual " experiences to

contrast with " dual " experiences ...










Make a great connection at Personals.


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--- CyberDervish <swork wrote:

> At 10/16/2001-03:09 PM Carol Philo wrote:

> >A side effect, at least for me, is that I tend not

> to seek out social

> >interaction. Shifting my attention to others is

> like laying aside a beloved

> >story in order to assist others. I would rather,

> probably selfishly, stay

> >with my full attention concentrated on the peaceful

> interaction that exists

> >between myself and the infinite.

> >Gelf


> Sometimes, I too feel intruded upon when I am

> shifting between 'I' and

> 'no-I' and someone wants my attention. I guess, when

> going into the 'no-I'

> becomes second nature, I won't be bothered by any

> intrusions. By 'no-I' I

> mean just witnessing without identifying.

> ______________________

> With Love,

> Cyber Dervish

> ````````````````````````````````````````


The I-sense shifts between I and no-I?

The I-sense feels intruded upon and imagines

that one day in the future, it won't,

because it will be so good at shifting?

Lord have mercy on the I-sense!



-- Dan




Make a great connection at Personals.


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