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the nature of doubt

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I, for some reason, don't doubt your Realization. But I do doubt mine, except in moments when I forget to doubt or not doubt anything. The one who doubts thinks it can know how to do Realization eventually. Absense of that one is That. From my experience, it appears that doubt is nothing more than a habit; a surface ripple in the mind, deflecting the direct experience of fear.jewell

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Yes, doubt and fear go hand in hand.


Doubt is fear in which the full experience of

fear is deflected as you say -- and attempted to be made

into thought-items which can then be

managed. Often, the thought-items become

obsessive and a source of preoccupation,

become unmanageable -- because the full experience of fear is

there, with the attempt to maintain a barrier,

a partition. The fear can't be contained by the

thought-partition, because it arises with the

thoughts we're calling doubts. The one which you

say is absent with realization, isn't a one which

could go away -- it is an imagined partition which

never really was.


Fear is evident as the attempt to gain control of

fear -- which means it will never escape itself,

no matter how much energy goes into manufacturing

thoughts that attempt to predict what will happen --

hopes, wishes or doubts are equivalent in this respect ...


Fear, anger, attempts to predict and control all

arise together as aspects of the same gestalt --

the limited human consciousness in time, struggling

against the unknown and unpredictable.


As it is fear that struggles against fear, the

partitions never work completely, and

only letting go can " work " ...


The way to let go of fear is by fully being

the fear experience -- attempting to resist

the experience and control it, actually is

an aspect of that experience.


One thus realizes, there is no way out, that

attempts to control and that which is being

controlled arise as one.


This is the end of dilemma -- as there is no

way out and no where to get to --

I am this fear -- I am the fear arising

as the world of human relations designed

to manipulate and control for " my " benefit.


And I am that in and through which the fear experience arises,

which is beyond any experience.


There is nothing out of place, and nothing to get rid of, or

to make be different.


Call this realization, or call it an oatmeal cookie.


It makes no difference regarding what " this is " ...






Realization , JillLindner <jeweljill9>



> I, for some reason, don't doubt your Realization. But I do doubt

mine, except in moments when I forget to doubt or not doubt

anything. The one who doubts thinks it can know how to do

Realization eventually. Absense of that one is That. From my

experience, it appears that doubt is nothing more than a habit; a

surface ripple in the mind, deflecting the direct experience of fear.



> jewell

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