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How the Lunar Year Works

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With thanks to Robin Goodfellow off another list, I had to share this one ..


for all the moon watchers and dancers ........





How the Lunar Year Worksby Wolf WhiteFeather copyrite Dec 12, 2002As the earth spins around the sun, the moon dances a complex paththrough time and space.This complicated motion within motion creates relationships andinteractions between the earth, moon, and sun that impart a distinctflavor to each of the lunar cycles in a year, that great circle in time. This section takes a look at each of the lunar months... Note: the dates given are approximateThe Moon of Awakening - (21 Mar - 19 Apr)The Moon of Growth - (20 Apr - 20 May)The Moon of Flowering - (21 May -20 Jun)The Moon of Long Days - (21 Jun - 21 Jul)The Moon of Ripening - (22 Jul - 21 Aug)The Moon of Harvesting - (22 Aug - 21 Sep)

The Moon of Falling Leaves - (22 Sep - 22 Oct)The Moon of Frost - (23 Oct - 22 Nov)The Moon of Long Nights - (23 Nov - 21 Dec)The Moon of Renewal - (22 Dec- 19 Jan)The Moon of Cleansing - (20 Jan - 18 Feb)The Moon of Brisk Winds - (19 Feb - 20 Mar)The Moon of Awakening (21 Mar - 19 Apr)This period is one of energy and excitement. This energy is potentialenergy, and will need to be nurtured in order for it to grow. Theinfluence is one of transition from the world within to the outsideworld; an awakening.The Moon of Growth (20 Apr - 20 May)This period is one of growth and dramatic change. This is a time forputting down new roots, towards expansion in material directions. Theinfluence is one of rapid change.The Moon of Flowering (21 May -20 Jun)This period is one of creativity and perspective. This is the time toextend your perceptions beyond your senses and explore intuition. Theinfluence is one of expansion.The Moon of Long Days (21 Jun - 21 Jul)This period is one of maturity and wisdom. This is the time to testand develop new ways to maximize your potential. The influence is oneof exploration.The Moon of Ripening (22 Jul - 21 Aug)This period is one of warmth and openness. This is the time to open upand bask in the warmth of the declining sun before the labors of theharvest ahead. The influence is one of reflection.The Moon of Harvesting (22 Aug - 21 Sep)This period is one of gathering together and receiving. This is thetime to see what your seeds of labor have become, to harvest and usethe potential inside. The influence is one of discoveryThe Moon of Falling Leaves (22 Sep - 22 Oct)This period is one of calm and introspection. This is the time to slowdown a little, time to enjoy the fruits of your labor, and time toturn to inner resources. The influence is one of appreciation.The Moon of Frost (23 Oct - 22 Nov)This period is one of intellect and mind. This is the time to exploreand develop ideas, but these new ideas can lead to so much excitementthat proper timing can often be ignored. The influence is one ofimpulsiveness.The Moon of Long Nights (23 Nov - 21 Dec)This period is one of sharing and communications. This is the time toshare the experiences of the year with friends and family, and, indoing so, to examine your own life and discover in yourself newopportunities for growth. The influence is one of introspection.The Moon of Renewal (22 Dec- 19 Jan)This period is one of refreshment and renewal. This is the time toexperience the lighter side of life, to relax and unwind both mentallyand physically. The influence is one of renewal.The Moon of Cleansing (20 Jan - 18 Feb)This period is one of preparation. This is the time to make plans andtap into your creativity to unlock new areas of exploration. Theinfluence is one of innovation.The Moon of Brisk Winds (19 Feb - 20 Mar)This period is one of activity and motion. This is a good time toremain flexible and avoid committing to long term projects. Theinfluence is one of flexibility.

The moon has a great effect on your daily life. It is a beautiful andpowerful force that affects all life on earth.Remember that the influences listed above will themselves beinfluenced by the cycle of phases and the other lunar, solar, andearth forces, and, to a much lesser extent, by the motion of theplanets and stars. Everything is connected in a universal dance ofenormous complexity, beauty, and harmony.Learning about the forces of nature, their influences, and theirrelationships will allow you to see beyond the limitations of logicand science and look into the realm of awareness.Brother Wolf...Note the information is free to reuse but not to sell I hold allrights to my work and chose to share them with people free of charge.Please honor my wishes.

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