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coming from a mutated understanding

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A mutated mind solidifies a word

and than owns it. Be careful with the *understanding* Gene words point, how=


one belive system can go off just by misunderstand words; like " vigilance "

for example [i have long list <grin>]


Gene: Plato/ Matrix


Is this MY world that I'm creating or is this YOURS?


Isn't this the oldest argument in history?


Its merely my meek opinion, but here lies a great body of

> philosophers without the ability to actually express what they REALLY

> mean! Teach me. Tell it to me as if I'm in Kindergarten. I read

> Plato's Republic in college.....remember the Allegory of the Caves?

> Well....it sure was easier to understand when the movie, The Matrix

> came out. I'm just using this as an example, so you will understand

> where I'm coming from. I value what people have to say. I don't want

> to miss a thing! Although I'm intelligent, I sometimes find it

> difficult to retain knowledge that people try to " spice up " with

> witicisms and vocabulary that isn't always properly used `;~} Why

> can't we just say what we mean and mean what we say?


> Regards from a humble student of Life~


> Wendi


The music group 'Tears for Fears' has a song

called 'Everybody wants to rule the world'...

have you by chance heard that song?

The real battle is for memory-space.

It turns out that information that is

proprietary, lingers in memory longer.


So how the fight for memory space

appears to us, is as vying for ownership

of information. Owned information is

proprietary information.


Plain words of our vocabulary have

become proprietary. The vying power

groups/blocks constantly battle over

ownership of common words, and an

example of this is the word 'liberal'.


Who owns the word 'liberal'?


After any power block owns a word

for more than one generation, the

ownership is ceded to that power block,

and use of that word is thus seen as

a signal of membership in that power

block, or, in another context, as

detestation of that power block.


In our cave, or matrix, proprietary words cast

the deepest shadows, because those words

persist in memory. The solidity of the illusion

is determined by the persistence of related

words, in memory.


And there is only so much memory-space,

and so, the battles rage on.


In lists such as this, proprietary words

are commonly used, for the purpose of

making solid, a particularly desirable

illusion. Of course, the illusion will not

fit into memory-space that is already

occupied, so we see battles in these lists,

of exactly the sort we see in 'the world'.

Saddam really tried to patent himself in

the memory of his countrymen, but

his methodology was flawed. Handling

humans is quite similar to herding cats;

loyalty is gained by giving food, not by



Pavlov 'discovered' that if an event (the

ringing of a bell) was associated with

food, that the ring of the bell would

cause salivation. The masters of memory

space, those who employ viable schemes

for successful occupation of memory-

space, always associate their proprietary

words, with 'nourishment', which need

not be actual food, but instead, money,

fuel (oil- motive force), or a state of

Being (mood) or other desired quality.


So it is, that because humans as a lot

are uncultivated, that what occupies

human memory-space is owned by

purveyors of proprietary ideas which

have been coupled with desired

nourishment. In this way, the very

illusions (shadows and virtual reality

illusions/matrix) which we see all around

us, are manufactured in our own minds,

of ingredients which we have not asked

for, but have been fed, effortlessly, due

to our desire for what we feel we lack,

or at least want more of.


On the other hand, the individual who

is 'cultivated', becomes aware of persistent

figures inhabiting memory, and learns to

flush the memory-caches voluntarily, at will.


The cultivated individual is thus in a minority,

statistically. Such individuals shun mass

movements and mass religions, but unless

there is constant vigilance, the _tendency_

to populate memory with persistent images

(which cast solid shadows) will still dominate.


Thus, we have 'alternative' religions or quasi-

religions, which utilize persistent objects of

memory, in the exact mode as do populist

and proprietary movements. It seems that

Advaita is becoming one of those.


The most difficult life to live, is one in which

objects are not allowed to accumulate and

remain in memory. This lifestyle is called

nonattachment', and is as rare as a commune

of hermits.


Humans who do not allow persistent inhabitation

of memory by any solid-creating ideas, retain

what has been called 'the general skillset'. This

as opposed, to narrow specialization, which is

enabled by voluntary allotment of memory-space

to persistent illusion-creating skills, such as employed

by day-traders and the various 'professions'.


Every professional, no matter the specialization,

is deeply invested in perpetuating a range of

solid-seeming illusions. Among the professionals,

are the professional advocates of 'spiritual means

of attainment'. These individuals, whether deemed

religious or not, must by necessity, perpetuate

ideas and memes which are designed to be persistent

in the memory of the hearer.


The goal of 'spiritual attainment' is the addition

of ideas to memory, which when properly

composited over time, result in the construction

and illusion of a 'heaven-matrix', ala the movie. In truth,


the majority of humans live in such a model, and

take it as real, even though it is constructed

entirely of mental materials.


Finally, we have the lineage of methodologists

whose goals are nothing less than the complete

emptying of memory-space. Chief among these

methodologists is the disciple of Buddha named


Nagarjuna perfected a method of emptiness which

has never been, to my knowledge, surpassed.

Nagarjuna knew with certainty, that if a teaching

is considered to be 'contents' of mind, that the

result would not persist, due to the vying for

memory-space between various teachers, and

religious power-blocks. The mind that is fully

inhabited by persistent and successful projectors

of solid shadows, is not a free mind.


A mind that is clogged by 'tradition' is less

useful than one which is empty and ready

for use by the owner. Such a mind is called

'free', as in, unencumbered.


Who owns the word 'ego'?


==Gene Poole==

If less is more,

nothing is everything.


whole post:





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