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deb's ghost / Judi

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Wow .. Im hearing music ..


"Always look on the bright side .. of life"


de dum


de dum dedum dedum



Judi Rhodes


Tuesday, April 15, 2003 2:16 PM

Re: deb's ghost / Judi








Monday, April 14, 2003 9:59 PM

deb's ghost / Judi


Aha .. now we are getting to the root of it ..

You have finally asked something of us, now we are into the realm of expectations.

And in understanding ourselves, we are then able to understand .. and accept ... you? Is this how it works Judi?



******* Is it any wonder with nasty people like you that the world is in the state it's in?


Go away. And I mean it. Go away.





..........INFORMATION ABOUT THIS LIST..........Email addresses: Post message: Realization Un: Realization- Our web address: http://www.realization.orgBy sending a message to this list, you are givingpermission to have it reproduced as a letter onhttp://www.realization.org................................................

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Realization , "Judi Rhodes" <judirhodes@z...> wrote:> > Oh you rode the express train. Here it was 30 + years to ripen > and fall.> This is the problem when it is said there was nothing or is > nothing to do. People believe that they can just sit and *get it* > overnight. > Doesn't happen that way, not even for Sri Ramana Maharishi. > No overnight wonders or instantly enlightened moments which > may be taken for Realization. > > > ****** Actually it was about a year and a half for me, after I committed. It was Gurjieff's teaching that gave me the tools to actually work with. > > A certain amount of preparation, yes, maturity in relation to the whole business. And the desire has to be there, which I find is what most people lack in the first place. The desire to actually go beyond themselves isn't there. As an entertainment perhaps, but not really. It's not really what people want. People are just looking to be comfortable, to pleasure themselves. And that kind of mediocrity doesn't cut it. > > But as far as how long it actually takes, I would say that for a mature person who is prepared, shouldn't take more than a couple years of intense work. Any longer than that, I would say something's amiss somewhere and needs to be looked at.> > JudiThen in that case your train must have got stuck on a hill. The train dismantled in about 6 months time once the realconfrontation and dismantling began in earnest . There was here a spontaneous questioning that took place. Deeper and deeper until simply shreds remained. Then nothing was there. A few months of adjusting to a Zen way of empty seeing took time to settle in. Now it is all quite a normal everyday life but attempting to look back - nothing remains of the illusive persona that was. May it rest in Peace wherever it disolved into the ethers. It shall never return for it never was .


***** Yeah, I don't even think about it anymore. It's been 7 years now, I guess the honeymoon's over. :-)














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Realization , " Rob Sacks " <editor@r...>


> Dear Manjusrilotus,


> What is it like when the " the real confrontation and

> dismantling [begins] in earnest " ? Is it like you suddenly

> take seriously the fact that you're sitting there all day

> doing this endless stuff, and suddenly you say, good

> grief, what am I doing?


> I'm guessing that it's pointless to try to imagine it but

> I'd like to get my fingernails into the beginning of it.


> Rob



Well there are a couple of things that begin. First there can be a

direct seeing that everything in life that was creating a

perceivable bondage, was accepted dwelled on and ruminated

about endlessly. Oh the pain of it all. A natural deep looking

shows that it was the persona alone that clung to these

sufferings. Why me? That perceivable event which created the

sufferings passed long ago . So why were they so firmly

entrenched? Praying didn't end it . Affirmations didn't help it.

Psychological analysis didn't stop it . No outside endeavor

helped to relieve or end the suffering mind. When mind suffers

All suffers.


I took stock of the fact it was myself and my self alone that held

the endless bondages in place. So I confronted it - to the

deepest levels and tore them apart until they could no longer

stand .

That started the direction of the deeper questioning that was to

arise of breaking apart the persona itself.


Here a spontaneous questioning of what is this persona

consisting of began. Am I this name ? What is the mind ? Is it

who I am . What are emotions ? etc. It wasn't any simple one

line phrase such as who am I over and over again like a

relentless mantra? It was more like a tearing apart of every

avenue one limb at a time. Finally only shreds remained then

one final death thrall took what remained.


It isn't as much of a contrived practice as rather a movement at

the core level that induces one to start the backwards trek of

letting go - rather than gathering and collecting. Being so sick of

the problems that you are willing to face and jump into what

amounts to and feels exactly like extinction.


Everyone thinks they want it until the first feelings of annihilation

begin to appear, and it will. Along the way you might lose

patches of time. Moments of no thought arise. They begin to

extend into vaster and vaster time . ( at first you might think I

have a brain tumor or alzheimers) The connection with name will

go. The dis-connection with body may happen wherein

consiousness might feel unattached and the body like working a

puppet from the exterior. Subtle and not so subtle shifts of

consciousness take place.


Of course this is different depending on the individual journey to

where you began, where there was no you.

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Realization , " Judi Rhodes "

<judirhodes@z...> wrote:




> Realization , " Judi Rhodes "

> <judirhodes@z...> wrote:

> >

> > Oh you rode the express train. Here it was 30 + years to


> > and fall.

> > This is the problem when it is said there was nothing or is

> > nothing to do. People believe that they can just sit and *get


> > overnight.

> > Doesn't happen that way, not even for Sri Ramana


> > No overnight wonders or instantly enlightened moments


> > may be taken for Realization.

> >

> >

> > ****** Actually it was about a year and a half for me, after I

> committed. It was Gurjieff's teaching that gave me the tools to

> actually work with.

> >

> > A certain amount of preparation, yes, maturity in relation to


> whole business. And the desire has to be there, which I find


> what most people lack in the first place. The desire to actually


> beyond themselves isn't there. As an entertainment perhaps,


> not really. It's not really what people want. People are just


> to be comfortable, to pleasure themselves. And that kind of

> mediocrity doesn't cut it.

> >

> > But as far as how long it actually takes, I would say that for a

> mature person who is prepared, shouldn't take more than a

> couple years of intense work. Any longer than that, I would


> something's amiss somewhere and needs to be looked at.

> >

> > Judi


> Then in that case your train must have got stuck on a hill.

> The train dismantled in about 6 months time once the real

> confrontation and dismantling began in earnest . There was

> here a spontaneous questioning that took place. Deeper


> deeper until simply shreds remained. Then nothing was


> A few months of adjusting to a Zen way of empty seeing took

> time to settle in. Now it is all quite a normal everyday life but

> attempting to look back - nothing remains of the illusive


> that was. May it rest in Peace wherever it disolved into the

> ethers. It shall never return for it never was .


> ***** Yeah, I don't even think about it anymore. It's been 7

years now, I guess the honeymoon's over. :-)


> Judi



What is there to think about ? It is as it is.

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" manjusrilotus " <manjusrilotus> wrote:

" Judi Rhodes "

> > > ****** Actually it was about a year and a half for me, after I

> > committed. It was Gurjieff's teaching that gave me the tools to

> > actually work with.

> > >

> > > A certain amount of preparation, yes, maturity in relation to

> the

> > whole business. And the desire has to be there, which I find

> is

> > what most people lack in the first place. The desire to actually

> go

> > beyond themselves isn't there. As an entertainment perhaps,

> but

> > not really. It's not really what people want. People are just

> looking

> > to be comfortable, to pleasure themselves. And that kind of

> > mediocrity doesn't cut it.

> > >

> > > But as far as how long it actually takes, I would say that for a

> > mature person who is prepared, shouldn't take more than a

> > couple years of intense work. Any longer than that, I would

> say

> > something's amiss somewhere and needs to be looked at.

> > >

> > > Judi

> >

> > Then in that case your train must have got stuck on a hill.

> > The train dismantled in about 6 months time once the real

> > confrontation and dismantling began in earnest . There was

> > here a spontaneous questioning that took place. Deeper

> and

> > deeper until simply shreds remained. Then nothing was

> there.

> > A few months of adjusting to a Zen way of empty seeing took

> > time to settle in. Now it is all quite a normal everyday life but

> > attempting to look back - nothing remains of the illusive

> persona

> > that was. May it rest in Peace wherever it disolved into the

> > ethers. It shall never return for it never was .

> >

> > ***** Yeah, I don't even think about it anymore. It's been 7

> years now, I guess the honeymoon's over. :-)

> >

> > Judi



> What is there to think about ? It is as it is.




that is a very good advice



Judi thinks, that this persona on

the Internet all time with anger,

is not her own ego-creation.


I agree that self-introspection,

as she calls it dismantling takes

a long time, but more often one

goes back to the old, or new egos,

in her case it is a mixture, where

the new one [the reverend highwater]

thinks that she is a prophet and in

reality is a mutated deluded being

and the old bitter angry, foul

mouthed woman, she must have been

before her waking up is in charge

again also


To be reminded to do vichara is

a good thing, but the way Judi jumps

in to conversations is mostly un-

conscious and un-ethical and that

is the point I wanted make she

dragged me in to the rest of the



Love, Karta

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> > ***** Yeah, I don't even think about it anymore. It's been 7 years now, I guess the honeymoon's over. :-)> > JudiWhat is there to think about ? It is as it is.

******** Afterwards, for a time, for me, there was this rush of information, I've described it sort of like Helen Keller after she learned how to "sign", she would run around ecstatically "signing" everything. That's what I'm talking about.




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> Judi thinks, that this persona on

> the Internet all time with anger,

> is not her own ego-creation.

> Love, Karta


What makes you say that Judi is angry?

Sure, you may decide to be angry after reading words she has written

but that is your anger, not hers.


How can you know what someone else thinks?


Are you not projecting your own self onto her?


When I see Judi's words I do not see anger, I cannot feel anger

there - including the 'spit in your face' and all the rest of it.


It appears to me that people look at Judi and think something like -

" well if I said 'that' then I would be feeling 'this' " and assume

that they understand her. However this is a complete failure to

understand anything- all they are really seeing is themselves.


Karta, have you ever said anything original in your life?


Tanya x.

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Judi Rhodes


Tuesday, April 15, 2003 12:01 AM

Re: Re: deb's ghost / Judi


Oh you rode the express train. Here it was 30 + years to ripen and fall.This is the problem when it is said there was nothing or is nothing to do. People believe that they can just sit and *get it* overnight. Doesn't happen that way, not even for Sri Ramana Maharishi. No overnight wonders or instantly enlightened moments which may be taken for Realization.


****** Actually it was about a year and a half for me, after I committed. It was Gurjieff's teaching that gave me the tools to actually work with.


A certain amount of preparation, yes, maturity in relation to the whole business. And the desire has to be there, which I find is what most people lack in the first place. The desire to actually go beyond themselves isn't there. As an entertainment perhaps, but not really. It's not really what people want. People are just looking to be comfortable, to pleasure themselves. And that kind of mediocrity doesn't cut it.


But as far as how long it actually takes, I would say that for a mature person who is prepared, shouldn't take more than a couple years of intense work. Any longer than that, I would say something's amiss somewhere and needs to be looked at.





Hi Judy,


I am very much appreciating this extended discussion of enlightenment and

understanding. My sense is that we have to be thankful to the sincerity of

Rob's search for bringing out this treasure trove of wonderful gems.


I sometimes get the impression that your teaching is similar to the Balsekar-

Liquorman take on Nisargadatta's teachings. But then I hear things you say

things which seem very different from their presentation. I still have to go over

and try to digest Dan's comments taking issue with the Liquorman ideas I

referred to in a recent argumentative post I submitted.


In your post here, I am struck by the emphasis you put on the place of desire

and determined effort to finally undo the knot of the self. You say that if the

project to arrive at realisation is pursued correctly, it should take no more than

2 years of intense application. This seems to contrast with the Balsekar-

Liquorman idea that all effort to get this understanding is counterproductive. In

my reading they say that the understanding which is realisation just happens

or doesn't happen and their is nothing we can do to hurry it up. They also say

that the precusor to the nonevent of enlightenment is often as not the sense of

"I don't care."


Can you please comment on the similarities and differences in your approach

and theirs.




..........INFORMATION ABOUT THIS LIST..........Email addresses: Post message: Realization Un: Realization- Our web address: http://www.realization.orgBy sending a message to this list, you are givingpermission to have it reproduced as a letter onhttp://www.realization.org................................................

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Realization , " Tanya Davis " <tanyarowan@h...>



> > Judi thinks, that this persona on

> > the Internet all time with anger,

> > is not her own ego-creation.

> > Love, Karta


> What makes you say that Judi is angry?

> Sure, you may decide to be angry after reading words she has


> but that is your anger, not hers.


> How can you know what someone else thinks?


> Are you not projecting your own self onto her?


> When I see Judi's words I do not see anger, I cannot feel anger

> there - including the 'spit in your face' and all the rest of it.


******* Yes, it's not anger on my part, but rather disgust.

These guys don't make me angry, they disgust me. Like a roach, I

don't get angry at roaches, :-), they disgust me.


Anyone who would angry at a roach should have their head examined. :-)



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Realization , " Harvey Schneider "

<haarvi1@n...> wrote:



> I sometimes get the impression that your teaching is similar to

the Balsekar-

> Liquorman take on Nisargadatta's teachings. But then I hear

things you say

> things which seem very different from their presentation. I

still have to go over

> and try to digest Dan's comments taking issue with the Liquorman

ideas I

> referred to in a recent argumentative post I submitted.


> In your post here, I am struck by the emphasis you put on the

place of desire

> and determined effort to finally undo the knot of the self. You

say that if the

> project to arrive at realisation is pursued correctly, it should

take no more than

> 2 years of intense application. This seems to contrast with the


> Liquorman idea that all effort to get this understanding is

counterproductive. In

> my reading they say that the understanding which is realisation

just happens

> or doesn't happen and their is nothing we can do to hurry it up.

They also say

> that the precusor to the nonevent of enlightenment is often as

not the sense of

> " I don't care. "


> Can you please comment on the similarities and differences in

your approach

> and theirs.


> Harvey


******* Yes, when they say that " effort " ,(seeking in other words) is

counter-productive, that is right. Effort meaning in this case " no

effort " , which is the undermining, the under-standing of the seeking,

of " effort " itself. Like I continually say, it's one of those, " what

the heck am I doing? " deals. Which has nothing to do with " getting "

something or " going " somewhere. Do you see what I mean? It's not

about getting " payoff " . It's the opposite of that. So, it becomes a

matter of getting yourself going in the right direction, which is

backwards. And the test is, as long as you're going in the direction

of looking for any kind of a payoff, you're going in the wrong




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Realization , " Judi Rhodes " <judirhodes@z...>


> > ********** And I did it for years, I know of what I

speak, I

> had experiences of oneness up the kazoo, I was what you would

> call *advanced*. But let me tell you, after all those years of

> wonderful blisfful, extraoardinary experiences, I was totally

> surprised and knocked completely on my ass when the real

> thing came along. Totally blew me away to see the folly of it all


> it all. So for you guys that meditate and are into blissful

> experience, fine, but it has nothing whatsoever to do with

> understanding, by ANY stretch of the imagination.

> Understanding undermines ALL experience, no matter how

> subtle or sublime.

> >

> > Judi



> Oneness isn't even the start. Oneness may come through a

> psychological union or a feeling mode . Yes it can feel so

> wonderful and many take it to be the *real* thing. That oneness

> is not even close. It smacks of bliss and love but it has nothing

> to do with the death of persona or self..


> ******* Yes, exactly, that's what I'm saying. " Feelings " are

secondary and besides the point.

> And some expereinces do come with a certain amount of

understanding, but alas, no " experience " is the understanding I'm

talking about. It's such a non-event one could easily miss it. :-)


> Judi


It is in the missing of it, that this is found.


It is in the missing of me, that this is.


-- Dan

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>>Holy moly. These are the words of the Guru. I feel sorry for the

people on this list who don't see what is present here.


This is like the old stories about enlightened sages who nobody

recognizes because they look like crazy people or whatever.

You read these old stories and you pat yourself on the back

because you know that if YOU had been there back in 1300

in Tibet, YOU would have been wise enough to know that the

weird guy down the street who throws shit at everybody is really

an enlightened sage. But you see, when it happens to you in

2003, you don't recognize it.


> consciously dismantled




At your feet (no irony here, not the least bit)





Forget it, Rob.


That's not going to get you anywhere.


And *this* has nothing whatsoever to do with

conscious dismantling.


Conscious dismantling is an exercise that can

lead to a certain satisfaction for someone

who believes he or she has a conscious mind.


When the conscious and unconscious mind is

dismantled, the only one left is the

one that has never not been.


The timeless one who dismantled and reconstructed

you with no effort, and no process. So your

process could continue, without taking place.


And it has nothing to do with you, or with

someone else, whose feet you like to smell.


It's not about you, and it's not about them,

except, perchance, if you and them is what is.




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Another slant on the same thing: One of my hobbyhorses is " If a

psychic/mystic/guru is making a money profit off thier teaching/offerings,

they are a fraud. "

All the real psychic/mystic/gurus I have even known had very little material

possessions. Seen there is an inverse ratio between material plane rewards

and depth of sprituality.



" judirhodes " <judirhodes

<Realization >

Tuesday, April 15, 2003 11:04 AM

Re: deb's ghost / Judi



> Realization , " Harvey Schneider "

> <haarvi1@n...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > I sometimes get the impression that your teaching is similar to

> the Balsekar-

> > Liquorman take on Nisargadatta's teachings. But then I hear

> things you say

> > things which seem very different from their presentation. I

> still have to go over

> > and try to digest Dan's comments taking issue with the Liquorman

> ideas I

> > referred to in a recent argumentative post I submitted.

> >

> > In your post here, I am struck by the emphasis you put on the

> place of desire

> > and determined effort to finally undo the knot of the self. You

> say that if the

> > project to arrive at realisation is pursued correctly, it should

> take no more than

> > 2 years of intense application. This seems to contrast with the

> Balsekar-

> > Liquorman idea that all effort to get this understanding is

> counterproductive. In

> > my reading they say that the understanding which is realisation

> just happens

> > or doesn't happen and their is nothing we can do to hurry it up.

> They also say

> > that the precusor to the nonevent of enlightenment is often as

> not the sense of

> > " I don't care. "

> >

> > Can you please comment on the similarities and differences in

> your approach

> > and theirs.

> >

> > Harvey


> ******* Yes, when they say that " effort " ,(seeking in other words) is

> counter-productive, that is right. Effort meaning in this case " no

> effort " , which is the undermining, the under-standing of the seeking,

> of " effort " itself. Like I continually say, it's one of those, " what

> the heck am I doing? " deals. Which has nothing to do with " getting "

> something or " going " somewhere. Do you see what I mean? It's not

> about getting " payoff " . It's the opposite of that. So, it becomes a

> matter of getting yourself going in the right direction, which is

> backwards. And the test is, as long as you're going in the direction

> of looking for any kind of a payoff, you're going in the wrong

> direciton.


> Judi





> ..........INFORMATION ABOUT THIS LIST..........


> Email addresses:

> Post message: Realization

> Un: Realization-

> Our web address: http://www.realization.org


> By sending a message to this list, you are giving

> permission to have it reproduced as a letter on

> http://www.realization.org

> ................................................



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Realization , " satkartar5 " <mi_nok>



> > What is there to think about ? It is as it is.




> that is a very good advice

> Manju-sri-lotus


> Judi thinks, that this persona on

> the Internet all time with anger,

> is not her own ego-creation.


> I agree that self-introspection,

> as she calls it dismantling takes

> a long time, but more often one

> goes back to the old, or new egos,

> in her case it is a mixture, where

> the new one [the reverend highwater]

> thinks that she is a prophet and in

> reality is a mutated deluded being

> and the old bitter angry, foul

> mouthed woman, she must have been

> before her waking up is in charge

> again also


> To be reminded to do vichara is

> a good thing, but the way Judi jumps

> in to conversations is mostly un-

> conscious and un-ethical and that

> is the point I wanted make she

> dragged me in to the rest of the

> e-mails.


> Love, Karta



Die and realize phenomena is simply empty in nature, and be

not drug anywhere. Where can emptiness be pulled to? Only a

persona and identity may be pulled .

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Realization , " Judi Rhodes "

<judirhodes@z...> wrote:

> >

> > ***** Yeah, I don't even think about it anymore. It's been 7

> years now, I guess the honeymoon's over. :-)

> >

> > Judi



> What is there to think about ? It is as it is.


> ******** Afterwards, for a time, for me, there was this rush of

information, I've described it sort of like Helen Keller after she

learned how to " sign " , she would run around ecstatically

" signing " everything. That's what I'm talking about.


> Judi



Yes that is usual, but it settles. Then there is nothing that rises

nor falls.

It simply remains in IS or one could say am-ness.

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Realization , " judirhodes "

<judirhodes@z...> wrote:

> Realization , " Harvey Schneider "

> <haarvi1@n...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > I sometimes get the impression that your teaching is

similar to

> the Balsekar-

> > Liquorman take on Nisargadatta's teachings. But then I


> things you say

> > things which seem very different from their presentation. I

> still have to go over

> > and try to digest Dan's comments taking issue with the


> ideas I

> > referred to in a recent argumentative post I submitted.

> >

> > In your post here, I am struck by the emphasis you put on


> place of desire

> > and determined effort to finally undo the knot of the self. You

> say that if the

> > project to arrive at realisation is pursued correctly, it should

> take no more than

> > 2 years of intense application. This seems to contrast with


> Balsekar-

> > Liquorman idea that all effort to get this understanding is

> counterproductive. In

> > my reading they say that the understanding which is


> just happens

> > or doesn't happen and their is nothing we can do to hurry it


> They also say

> > that the precusor to the nonevent of enlightenment is often


> not the sense of

> > " I don't care. "

> >

> > Can you please comment on the similarities and

differences in

> your approach

> > and theirs.

> >

> > Harvey


> ******* Yes, when they say that " effort " ,(seeking in other words)


> counter-productive, that is right. Effort meaning in this case " no

> effort " , which is the undermining, the under-standing of the


> of " effort " itself. Like I continually say, it's one of those, " what

> the heck am I doing? " deals. Which has nothing to do with

" getting "

> something or " going " somewhere. Do you see what I mean?

It's not

> about getting " payoff " . It's the opposite of that. So, it becomes a

> matter of getting yourself going in the right direction, which is

> backwards. And the test is, as long as you're going in the


> of looking for any kind of a payoff, you're going in the wrong

> direciton.


> Judi



When questioning and confronting arose in this case it was not

to arrive anywhere. It wasn't entered into with an idea to get

Enlightened . It simply was a spontaneous pulling to tear away

the self deceipt . Seeing that what was driving it all was a mental

identification with events in past history etc.


What remains might be called enlightenment since there is no

illusion of seeking or constructing or deconstructing. No

external or internal desires to chase. No persona to uphold.

Nothing to cling to, nor aversions to be pushed away.


There was no agenda in place.


What remains is the spaciousness of Being or am-ness or Is .

No center need be maintained.

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Realization , " dan330033 "

<dan330033> wrote:


> > ******* Yes, exactly, that's what I'm saying. " Feelings " are

> secondary and besides the point.

> > And some expereinces do come with a certain amount of

> understanding, but alas, no " experience " is the understanding


> talking about. It's such a non-event one could easily miss it. :-)

> >

> > Judi


> It is in the missing of it, that this is found.


> It is in the missing of me, that this is.


> -- Dan


The me that is sought is not missed. The looking for a, not me,

is not it. Once it falls away there is nothing to be missed and

nothing to be found.

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Realization , " Carol Philo " <cphilo@k...> wrote:

> Another slant on the same thing: One of my hobbyhorses is " If a

> psychic/mystic/guru is making a money profit off thier


> they are a fraud. "

> All the real psychic/mystic/gurus I have even known had very little


> possessions. Seen there is an inverse ratio between material plane


> and depth of sprituality.

> Gelf


Money, money, money, money.


It's not the money that's the problem,

it's the love of money, the judgment

of status according to money that is

the delusion.


-- Dan

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Realization , " manjusrilotus "

<manjusrilotus> wrote:

> Realization , " dan330033 "

> <dan330033> wrote:


> > > ******* Yes, exactly, that's what I'm saying. " Feelings " are

> > secondary and besides the point.

> > > And some expereinces do come with a certain amount of

> > understanding, but alas, no " experience " is the understanding

> I'm

> > talking about. It's such a non-event one could easily miss it. :-)

> > >

> > > Judi

> >

> > It is in the missing of it, that this is found.

> >

> > It is in the missing of me, that this is.

> >

> > -- Dan


> The me that is sought is not missed. The looking for a, not me,

> is not it. Once it falls away there is nothing to be missed and

> nothing to be found.


It's not an experience. In the missing of any experience,

it is found -- if you realize what it is not to have an experience,

not to know self or world as something.


The me that is missing, never was, so isn't missed.


This is it, only nothing that you think you know.

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Realization , " dan330033 "

<dan330033> wrote:


> > The me that is sought is not missed. The looking for a, not

me, is not it. Once it falls away there is nothing to be missed

and nothing to be found.


> It's not an experience. In the missing of any experience,

> it is found -- if you realize what it is not to have an experience,

> not to know self or world as something.


> The me that is missing, never was, so isn't missed.


> This is it, only nothing that you think you know.



Why to banter with words and semantics? To the dual mind one

may only say that it comes in Experience. Although it is the

antithesis of all experience.


Thinking and Knowing are two separate things. Thinking is time

and space within relative conceptual cognition and evaluation.

Intuitive Known is not based in this linear dynamic.


So Who is this *you* that is to realize what it is not to have an

experience? Once again it is quite easy to play this word game.

Let the words and the games end.


Simply the vastness IS. Why to confine it to words and

intellectual boxes of understanding? The boxes cannot contain

it . This is limiting the Unlimited.


This is attempting to confine and define the Unconfined and


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Dear Tanya, I am reading backwards. I didn't know I was Karta. I

thought I was Ganga because Dan said so. Karta and Ganga are both

perfectly nice people and it's ok if anyone might think I seem as

they seem.




Realization , " Tanya Davis " <tanyarowan@h...>



> > Judi thinks, that this persona on

> > the Internet all time with anger,

> > is not her own ego-creation.

> > Love, Karta


> What makes you say that Judi is angry?

> Sure, you may decide to be angry after reading words she has


> but that is your anger, not hers.


> How can you know what someone else thinks?


> Are you not projecting your own self onto her?


> When I see Judi's words I do not see anger, I cannot feel anger

> there - including the 'spit in your face' and all the rest of it.


> It appears to me that people look at Judi and think something

like -

> " well if I said 'that' then I would be feeling 'this' " and assume

> that they understand her. However this is a complete failure to

> understand anything- all they are really seeing is themselves.


> Karta, have you ever said anything original in your life?


> Tanya x.

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<onniko> wrote:

> Dear Tanya, I am reading backwards. I didn't know I was Karta. I

> thought I was Ganga because Dan said so. Karta and Ganga are both

> perfectly nice people and it's ok if anyone might think I seem as

> they seem.



Hi Oniko,


To many posts milking the *Self*-s




I missed this one from Tanya, sorry


-it is good see, that you are still



I am on wild-berry ice-cream diet

at present, I hope the sugar will not

take my enlightenment to some sugar-

high level hehehe


Love, Karta




" Tanya Davis " <tanyarowan@h...>


> Judi thinks, that this persona on

> the Internet all time with anger,

> is not her own ego-creation.

> Love, Karta


> What makes you say that Judi is angry?

> Sure, you may decide to be angry after

> reading words she has written

> but that is your anger, not hers.


> How can you know what someone else thinks?


> Are you not projecting your own self onto her?


> When I see Judi's words I do not see anger, I cannot feel anger

> there - including the 'spit in your face' and all the rest of it.


> It appears to me that people look at Judi and think something

> like -

> " well if I said 'that' then I would be feeling 'this' " and assume

> that they understand her. However this is a complete failure to

> understand anything- all they are really seeing is themselves.


> Karta, have you ever said anything original in your life?


> Tanya x.

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<I am on wild-berry ice-cream diet

at present, I hope the sugar will not

take my enlightenment to some sugar-

high level hehehe>


It won't, the only enlightening ice cream is moose tracks :o)

It looks like shit but it has a heavenly taste.




Realization , " satkartar5 " <mi_nok> wrote:

> <onniko> wrote:

> > Dear Tanya, I am reading backwards. I didn't know I was Karta. I

> > thought I was Ganga because Dan said so. Karta and Ganga are


> > perfectly nice people and it's ok if anyone might think I seem


> > they seem.



> Hi Oniko,


> To many posts milking the *Self*-s


> <grin>


> I missed this one from Tanya, sorry


> -it is good see, that you are still

> around


> I am on wild-berry ice-cream diet

> at present, I hope the sugar will not

> take my enlightenment to some sugar-

> high level hehehe


> Love, Karta


> >

> >

> " Tanya Davis " <tanyarowan@h...>

> >

> > Judi thinks, that this persona on

> > the Internet all time with anger,

> > is not her own ego-creation.

> > Love, Karta

> >

> > What makes you say that Judi is angry?

> > Sure, you may decide to be angry after

> > reading words she has written

> > but that is your anger, not hers.

> >

> > How can you know what someone else thinks?

> >

> > Are you not projecting your own self onto her?

> >

> > When I see Judi's words I do not see anger, I cannot feel anger

> > there - including the 'spit in your face' and all the rest of


> >

> > It appears to me that people look at Judi and think something

> > like -

> > " well if I said 'that' then I would be feeling 'this' " and


> > that they understand her. However this is a complete failure to

> > understand anything- all they are really seeing is themselves.

> >

> > Karta, have you ever said anything original in your life?

> >

> > Tanya x.

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" Onniko " <onniko> wrote:

> <I am on wild-berry ice-cream diet

> at present, I hope the sugar will not

> take my enlightenment to some sugar-

> high level hehehe>


> It won't, the only enlightening ice cream is moose tracks :o)

> It looks like shit but it has a heavenly taste.



this reminds me; more chocolate anyone?







> Realization , " satkartar5 " <mi_nok> wrote:

> > <onniko> wrote:

> > > Dear Tanya, I am reading backwards. I didn't know I was Karta. I

> > > thought I was Ganga because Dan said so. Karta and Ganga are

> both

> > > perfectly nice people and it's ok if anyone might think I seem

> as

> > > they seem.

> >

> >

> > Hi Oniko,

> >

> > To many posts milking the *Self*-s

> >

> > <grin>

> >

> > I missed this one from Tanya, sorry

> >

> > -it is good see, that you are still

> > around

> >

> > I am on wild-berry ice-cream diet

> > at present, I hope the sugar will not

> > take my enlightenment to some sugar-

> > high level hehehe

> >

> > Love, Karta

> >

> > >

> > >

> > " Tanya Davis " <tanyarowan@h...>

> > >

> > > Judi thinks, that this persona on

> > > the Internet all time with anger,

> > > is not her own ego-creation.

> > > Love, Karta

> > >

> > > What makes you say that Judi is angry?

> > > Sure, you may decide to be angry after

> > > reading words she has written

> > > but that is your anger, not hers.

> > >

> > > How can you know what someone else thinks?

> > >

> > > Are you not projecting your own self onto her?

> > >

> > > When I see Judi's words I do not see anger, I cannot feel anger

> > > there - including the 'spit in your face' and all the rest of

> it.

> > >

> > > It appears to me that people look at Judi and think something

> > > like -

> > > " well if I said 'that' then I would be feeling 'this' " and

> assume

> > > that they understand her. However this is a complete failure to

> > > understand anything- all they are really seeing is themselves.

> > >

> > > Karta, have you ever said anything original in your life?

> > >

> > > Tanya x.

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Realization , " manjusrilotus "

<manjusrilotus> wrote:

> Realization , " dan330033 "

> <dan330033> wrote:


> > > The me that is sought is not missed. The looking for a, not

> me, is not it. Once it falls away there is nothing to be missed

> and nothing to be found.

> >

> > It's not an experience. In the missing of any experience,

> > it is found -- if you realize what it is not to have an


> > not to know self or world as something.

> >

> > The me that is missing, never was, so isn't missed.

> >

> > This is it, only nothing that you think you know.



> Why to banter with words and semantics?


It's not banter.


> To the dual mind one

> may only say that it comes in Experience. Although it is the

> antithesis of all experience.


It is beyond experience, but includes all possible experience.


It can't be against experience, because then it would have

to be taking a stance.


> Thinking and Knowing are two separate things. Thinking is time

> and space within relative conceptual cognition and evaluation.

> Intuitive Known is not based in this linear dynamic.


Thought doesn't interfere with what is beyond thought.


There are no two things.


> So Who is this *you* that is to realize what it is not to have an

> experience?


That's just a dumb question to keep in your

head if you have nothing better to do with

your time.


> Once again it is quite easy to play this word game.

> Let the words and the games end.


There's no game, unless there is a game player.


> Simply the vastness IS. Why to confine it to words and

> intellectual boxes of understanding?


How are you going to confine it? Come again?


> The boxes cannot contain

> it . This is limiting the Unlimited.


If it could be limited, it wouldn't be Unlimited, silly.


> This is attempting to confine and define the Unconfined and

> Undefinable.


Speak for yourself.

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