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Can anyone tell me what this experience means: 5-5-1974

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Hello David, Namaskaram's,

I hope you are well and in God Spirit; as you last namah seem to indicatge. I do hope to read your books for I especially feel a very keen kinship with Ramana Maharshi. Perhap's you can suggest one of your books that talks about the experience of God-realization. And at this time I wanted to know if you know the difference of experienceing Parashiva and Satchidananda. I have come across these terms in the Himalyan Course taught by Satguru Subramouniyasawmi, whom I met here in Salt Lake City in 1996. I also study the Sivananada lessons each day!

Can you possible tell me what I experienced on May 5 1974 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and Noon. I will make this as short as possible for you convenience and maybe you or someone you know has experienced what I come to realize is God Realization! Actually I was preparing my self by fasting two weeks and before the two weeks were up this came about and I have been studying over the last 28 year's what might have occurred.

I was about to go into my studies and contemplations at the dining room table when I felt as if a clad or shield had fallen off of my heart. At that moment I felt my arms and legs had a sintlating burning feeling rising up leaving them feeling nume. I decided to try to make it to the front verrada to give thanks to God. I was very weak and made it out side, yet I was very calm, no fear. I rested my head down to the deck with my knees below me and realized with each breath became shorter and shortger to which point it stopped and I felt a movement in my solorplexes like a large swirling ball. Immediately then I felt as if this swirling motion left my body in a sound of the ocean, or a pillar of light ascended from my back side. Within my mind or conciousness I saw a spark a golden light moving up from the center of my forehead, a kind of shimmering star with even a tail; suddenly everything bursted into clear light, yet there was no visable matterial existence before me. As I lowered my vision, I noticed a personage of light; I was curious what was going on, I had no idea that I was consicousness it self witnessing this event. Without thought or movement I positioned my vision head to head with this personage of radiant light, very much what is called the golden body! I was at the right side of him/her looking into his countenance; He was gazing out over the horizon. I was very intently examining his features; He had golden hair which fell over his shoulders; he was wearing a garment of illuminus white with a yoki collar and the gown fell to his wrist and down past his waistg, with no belt or sash! To say the least he was glorious, supreme beautiful, more beautiful than anything or anyone on this earth plane. Yet, I was aware that in his presence nothing else existed, only him. As I moved to the left side of him, he was still looking straight ahead; I was astonished, realizing that it was my own Self; yet a thousand more time amplified in light and glory, so God like and statue-ess, above human stature. How can this be, I would ask myself later, there seem to be no time or space; he was all emcompassing. I moved to the right of Him again, studying every facet of his perfection. After some time I noticed a downward movement as as he appeared to be decending back into the body, he turned to me being pure conscioussess or the eye of That; and he smiled and jestured with his open palms lifting his forarms, somewhat suggesting or influencing me to return, which I did without thought. As the Personage or Spirit; He was not translucent; he was of some other substance for their was nothing but he for nothing else was in existence. As he was moving or decending I managed to pull myself up and stood up and balanced myself or this third story veradda. And before opening my eye's I held my arms up and palsm up as he had and I felt as if every atom and cell in my body was being awakened, quickened as if each was a individual entity itself and when I opened my eyes, it felt like every atom in me opened their eye's also! I was as a spirial of energy or light force within awakening for the first time. Everything was glorious around me; a new world had been born. I noticed a red roadadendrum at the far end of the pool, three to five stories down; and I could feel the flower turning to me as if it was a little child and then it seemed to know who I was and light from the flower, the trees, the sound (Puget Sound in Seattle Wa) everything seemed to have awareness of who or what I was and light's flew up from them and lights from my body seemed to pour out of every pore of my skin, light magnet coming together, dancing and swirling together up and down; it was if it was some celestial event; colors, movement, celebration, joy, bliss! Even to this day I feel somewhat impregnated with this event, this knowingness, this reality and feeling that this world we live in is only illusion. I went inside and went to the piano and picked up some music I wanted to learn; as I opened the music I noticed the notes began to play, I could hear the music, each note, the whole melody in my head. I went back to the dinning room table and opened the bible and again this swoosh of light or knowingness penetrated my eyes and head, I knew everything I needed to know without words or knowingness. David, I was 26 years of age, planning to be married, and just being in tghe LDS Church for less than a year, and this happens to me; I was like a new born child without a mentor or anyone to explain this to me. I had become God-possessed ever since then I seemed to be traveling on a road of light; everyone and everything I meet is myself or God. I am in love with God. Now some 28 years later I am so connected to God, I seem to devour Him and feed Him and He devours Me and feeds Me!

And so David, since that time I have been lead down the road to Hinduism which seems to be exactly where I should be. I love Ramana Maharishi; he gives me those same feelings I had on that day May 5 1974. It's a knowingness, when I read his writing, I feel and know whatg he is saying comes from God Brahman. In 1996 I met Satguru Subramouniyasawmi, before living the meeting hall with his protages, he stopped before me and looked into my eyes and smiled and said, "Beautiful, very Beautiful, I learned some five year's later this must by what they call darshan, the glance from the Guru! I feel alone most of the time in the world; yet I feel God with me every moment! I wanted to join an ashram, but many only take the very young boys! What do you think! If you would get back to me, you may be enlightened to tell me what was this experience all about! It seems I have become a renunciate, studying day and night; doing japa and morning sadhana's; praying for people and the world; looking for God Realized individuals. You would be a savior if you can write to me. Enclosed is a picture taken 10 year's ago and 18 year's after the auspicious event. Thank you, David fore you attention, I am drawn very much to the name of David all my life; I guess it is because I have always wanted a relationship as David and Johnathan had in the bible, ha! Please get back with me as soon as you can, here in Salt Lake City 1-801-261-1878. Thank you most sincerely, I don't even have a guruji, yet!

In Auspicious Oneness,

From you own Self,

Sai Dicoji Sacayanan ( Vijnanadicoji Sakiyamaniyama Namah

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Dear Sai,


> Can you possibly tell me what I experienced on May 5

> 1974 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and Noon.


What sort of answer do you want? A name for the

experience? "Epiphany." Does that make you feel



You already know the meaning of the experience. The

meaning is the result, and the result is that (in your words)

"I had become God-possessed ever since then I seemed to

be traveling on a road of light; everyone and everything I

meet is myself or God. I am in love with God."


You remind me of Papaji when he came to Ramana

Maharshi for the first time in 1944. He was very proud of

himself because he had visions of Krishna very much like

your vision of the white robed, golden-haired fellow. But

Sri Ramana wasn't impressed. Sri Ramana replied to him:


"God is not an object that can be seen. God is the subject.

He is the seer. Don't concern yourself with objects that can

be seen. Find out who the seer is... You alone are God."

(From "Nothing Ever Happened, vol. 1, p. 106, by David



> And so David, since that time I have been lead down the

> road to Hinduism which seems to be exactly where I

> should be. I love Ramana Maharishi; he gives me those

> same feelings I had on that day May 5 1974.


Good. So ask yourself, what would Ramana Maharshi tell

you? I think he'd tell you that there are two ways to proceed

from here: bhakti (surrender) or enquiry.


Given your God intoxication, bhatki seems like the obvious

choice. But I suspect that this won't work for you because I

get the impression that your God intoxication is a source of

pride that builds up your ego.


That leaves enquiry. Find out the nature of the "I" that sees

these visions. Find out who feels this relationship to God.


Best wishes,








Thursday, April 17, 2003 11:55 PM

Re: Can anyone tell me what this experience means: 5-5-1974

Hello David, Namaskaram's, I hope you are well and in God Spirit; as you last namah seem to indicatge. I do hope to read your books for I especially feel a very keen kinship with Ramana Maharshi. Perhap's ...

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Thank you Rob for your reply, Namaskaram's!

I imagine that my last letter was but to find those who have had that auspicious experience. I beleive that what I wanted to ask is such had happened to anyone else, could they lose it; or the sense of the seer; I was the I or seer, the seeing or aprehension and the subject; both serr and subject where one! And I remain such through all adversities and trials. I live very modesty and simply, I have always admired Sanit Francis and pattened my life after his, then I learned that many of the guru's and saints and sages lived pretty much the same way. I feel I have renounced the world has renounced me; I am only moved by the spirit and have no desired for this world or any to come! I understand you skiptism since you do naught know me and that is very typical; if you have spiritual discernment to would recognize between the lines of my words, the true spirit of my message! I have no need for spiritual pride, and I am sorry if my letter gave you this impression. I am new to the realization board and it was just my way of introducing my Self; I know very much Who and Whant I AM, for I feel I have been a Jnana or Vijanana for many lives! I am glad for you response, it is kind of you to take the time to write me. I hope you do well on your journey and my heart felt wishes for the best for you always! "God devours me and feeds me; I devour God and feed him! Om Tat Tvam Asi, That which I seek I AM. "Love is all I AM and Love Is what I give to Thee, Whom Art Myself.

In Auspicious Oneness, light and Truth,

Sai Tabvanam Jnaneswharadicoji Saki yama niyama Namah Adi Naam/ Peace, Love and Light to you Rob, Namaskaram's

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Realization , " Rob Sacks " <editor@r...>


> Dear Sai,


> > Can you possibly tell me what I experienced on May 5

> > 1974 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and Noon.


> What sort of answer do you want? A name for the

> experience? " Epiphany. " Does that make you feel

> better?


> You already know the meaning of the experience. The

> meaning is the result, and the result is that (in your words)

> " I had become God-possessed ever since then I seemed to

> be traveling on a road of light; everyone and everything I

> meet is myself or God. I am in love with God. "


> You remind me of Papaji when he came to Ramana

> Maharshi for the first time in 1944. He was very proud of

> himself because he had visions of Krishna very much like

> your vision of the white robed, golden-haired fellow. But

> Sri Ramana wasn't impressed. Sri Ramana replied to him:


> " God is not an object that can be seen. God is the subject.

> He is the seer. Don't concern yourself with objects that can

> be seen. Find out who the seer is... You alone are God. "

> (From " Nothing Ever Happened, vol. 1, p. 106, by David

> Godman.)


> > And so David, since that time I have been lead down the

> > road to Hinduism which seems to be exactly where I

> > should be. I love Ramana Maharishi; he gives me those

> > same feelings I had on that day May 5 1974.


> Good. So ask yourself, what would Ramana Maharshi tell

> you? I think he'd tell you that there are two ways to proceed

> from here: bhakti (surrender) or enquiry.


> Given your God intoxication, bhatki seems like the obvious

> choice. But I suspect that this won't work for you because I

> get the impression that your God intoxication is a source of

> pride that builds up your ego.


> That leaves enquiry. Find out the nature of the " I " that sees

> these visions. Find out who feels this relationship to God.


> Best wishes,


> Rob



Good answer and astute. It is all just another play of

phenomena. The key is to see beyond the phenomena and to

either do Self Enquiry - self confrontation - or Bhakti which

surrenders 100% to Love. This tears away all the veils of

phenomena, kills the ego self, establishes the Self. Love ,

wisdom, and the knowledge of not knowing remains.


One goes from ordinary - to special - back to ordinary. But this

ordinary is of a different quality, it is settled, open, spontaneous

and enjoys simply life for what it is.

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Hi Sai,


> I understand you skiptism since you do naught

> know me...


I wasn't skeptical. I believed that you had the

experiences you described in your first letter.


After reading your second letter, I see that I

misjudged what you are bringing to this list. I

will try to be more careful about what I say to

you in the future.


> I live very modesty and simply...


What kind of place do you live in?


Best wishes,







Friday, April 18, 2003 2:36 PM

Re: Can anyone tell me what this experience means: 5-5-1974

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<I imagine that my last letter was but to find those who have had


> auspicious experience. I beleive that what I wanted to ask is

such had

> happened to anyone else, could they lose it;>


That is understandable. I had a similar experience but I didn't have

a vision like the one you had. It would be described as a

pearlescent light coming into the heart area from behind with the

feeling of being lifted into a burning shower of gold, the

pearlescent with the feel of lightness and love and the gold with

the essence magnified of what I always had thought of as the god

mind watching me. It gave the lasting impression that the golden

mind which felt dimly had sometimes been an unwelcome watcher which

could see right through me, was actually just the me that makes me

and was completely nonjudgemental and they/it, a kind of love with

an intelligence was the basic essence of life. But, you may have

other feelings about it which you have learned through the years and

that is completely respected by me.




Realization , SaiPoimandres@a... wrote:

> Thank you Rob for your reply, Namaskaram's!

> I imagine that my last letter was but to find those who have had


> auspicious experience. I beleive that what I wanted to ask is

such had

> happened to anyone else, could they lose it; or the sense of the

seer; I was

> the I or seer, the seeing or aprehension and the subject; both

serr and

> subject where one! And I remain such through all adversities and

trials. I

> live very modesty and simply, I have always admired Sanit Francis


> pattened my life after his, then I learned that many of the guru's

and saints

> and sages lived pretty much the same way. I feel I have renounced

the world

> has renounced me; I am only moved by the spirit and have no

desired for this

> world or any to come! I understand you skiptism since you do

naught know me

> and that is very typical; if you have spiritual discernment to


> recognize between the lines of my words, the true spirit of my

message! I

> have no need for spiritual pride, and I am sorry if my letter gave

you this

> impression. I am new to the realization board and it was just my

way of

> introducing my Self; I know very much Who and Whant I AM, for I

feel I have

> been a Jnana or Vijanana for many lives! I am glad for you

response, it is

> kind of you to take the time to write me. I hope you do well on

your journey

> and my heart felt wishes for the best for you always! " God

devours me and

> feeds me; I devour God and feed him! Om Tat Tvam Asi, That which I

seek I AM.

> " Love is all I AM and Love Is what I give to Thee, Whom Art Myself.

> In Auspicious Oneness, light and Truth,

> Sai Tabvanam Jnaneswharadicoji Saki yama niyama Namah Adi Naam/

Peace, Love

> and Light to you Rob, Namaskaram's

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