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Self's ghost / Judi

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Realization , " Judi Rhodes " <judirhodes@z...>


> > >

> > > -

> > > Onniko

> > > Realization

> > > Saturday, April 19, 2003 1:10 PM

> > > Re: deb's ghost / Judi

> > >

> > >

> > > ******* You totally mis-understand, no one goes

> *anywhere*

> > nor

> > > *becomes* anything, that's all a bunch of nonsense. It's

> the

> > game

> > > of greed that runs itself in circles. The " world " itself


> nothing

> > > but a big circle jerk. :-)

> > >

> > > BUt, didn't you say that Judi died?

> > >

> > > ******* No one " died " . It's just a way of pointing to

> > understanding.

> >

> >

> > So what happened ? Wasn't the thought of Judy the illusion.

> > Doesn't that in a way constitute a death, the death of an

> illusion?

> > Or did in fact nothing change with that understanding ? Did

> and

> > does the persona remain just as intact as before.?

> >

> > ******** Sure, nothing has changed, except the seeking. If I

> could describe my position it would simply be one of " no

> seeking " . Like that song, I'm still the same great rhumba-girl I

> always was. :-) But better! :-) But seriously, like I told you

before, I

> don't even give myself a thought, unless someone asks and

> then I have to think about it. There's no mindset of " Judi "

> anymore. It's like walking around headless. Nothing between the

> ears. :-)

> > There's no " quality " to it, if that makes any sense to you? I

> guess you could say it's the absense of any " quality " . Not to be

> trite and overstate the obvious, but it's just being with what is,

> whatever is the case.

> >

> > Judi

> >

> > ******* Oh, and something else, which ties in with the

> seeking, is that I don't go around suffering desire anymore.

> Desire, if any, when it comes up, are like toys to me now, a

> " deliciousness " , whereas before I " suffered " them. :-) What can I

> say, I wasn't sharpest tool in the shed. :-)

> >

> > Judi



> So once again no difference. Ganga has said that there is no

> chasing anything what comes is enjoyed as it is . While it is

> there fine, and when it goes fine but in the moment it is savored.


> So in other words you don't suffer now ? Or is that only in

> relationship to desires?


> ********** The difference is, Ganga promotes herself as being

beyond suffering.

> I give no such self promotion as to being " beyond " anything. And

therein lies the difference if you can " grok " it. To say that I'm

beyond anything is self promoting bullshit.

> In other words, who is she trying to *impress*, if not herself?

And the thing is Manju,

> when she's called on that, and several of us have done it, she

bristles and lashes out at us, in defense of her " beyond suffering "

position. Do you see anything the matter with that picture?

She " says " a lot of things, but put to the test, she falls short,

over and over and over again. She obviously has some experience, but

understanding in relation to herself is where she comes up short

every time. She lacks the humor that people of understanding have and

enjoy with each other. She " encloses " herself in her beyond-ness, if

that makes any sense to you?


> Judi


I tried to post a response to this, and kept getting

a ad to buy their flowers.


Man, is more merciless than Ming.


Anyway, the paragraph above is almost painfully

clear, Judi, precise, and patient -- for any who

have ears to hear.


Yes, the self identified with/as Absolute Self

can easily be mistaken for having some ultimate

realization -- and can mistake itself as that, too.


And its self-enclosure, as you say, is humorless, and

in fact tends toward paranoia about being persecuted

and misunderstood, lashes out quickly -- never checks

into the suspicion and mistrust involved in its

pose of Absolute Love. And that pose is highly

self-reinforcing, as it converts its suffering into

bliss and convinces itself that it has arrived.


And that people calling themselves students buy into that pose really

says something about how people can mislead themselves

into assuming a new guise for self as Self.


-- Dan

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