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Overcoming Depression. Some suggestions

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----- Dear Paul:


I am not relating to you from a "white tower". I have had psychiatric care when I was younger and lots of alternative healing interventions. Everything I did gave me some help to go beyond unwanted mental states. I am still occasionally being buffeted by unpleasant events that arise, but I regain my balance quickly.


Have you read "I Am That", the dialogues of Nisargadatta? I read it at least 6 times and that gave me much help in this area of understanding the mind.


If you know for sure that what is happening in your life, already happened at the time of conception, would you be able to sit back to some extent and witness the passing show? What reactions are you having to your "depression"? Even if you dont believe the aforesaid, it is helpful for witnessing and not getting over identified with your mental states.


Now for the dietary aspect. We experimented with many, maybe most of the different diets and fortunately decided to take a Macrobiotic seminar. We then realized that this diet would not only heal our bodies but stabilize our consciousness too. We tried being sproutarians, fruitarians, even breatharians and nothing came close to the Macrobiotic diet which applies the principals of Yin and Yang not only to diet but to the understanding of the order of the universe.


This friend who was a raw foodist and also an initiate of Charan Singh was really nervous and strung out. Charan said when she had a Darshan with him, "you need to change you diet and go on grains".


The problem with changing one's diet is that your will certainly experience some heavy duty discharges which are the effects of the body being cleansed. You might then think that it is the diet that is the problem. I was on medicines for 18 years and when I ate short grain brown rice for only two days it caused stomach pains and a heavy discharge from my eyes. That was the liver cleaning the body of impurities. After months I was able to eat that rice every day.


I had a couple of seven day only water fasts and that certainly helped too, but I would not recommend it until unpleasant mental states stop predominating.


In Macrobiotics they have a 30 day brown rice and gomashio diet and that is very beneficial if you can take the sometimes horrendous elimination of toxins. If I were doing it again I would be willing to make changes like going on fresh juices when the discharge was too strong.


If you decide on that diet you need help from a practicioner and lessons on how to cook.


Depending on where you live, you can most probably find some Macrobiotic places to visit and see what it is about. Just remember not to react to a small part of it that you disagree with. I am the type that can take what my teachers have to offer without becoming a slave to them or it.


Also, some form of exercise that causes one to breath deeply is helpful.


Have you thought of taking a yoga class for beginners?


I also noticed that those who are depressed don't sleep regular hours. The Eastern healers say that certain organs of the body get rejuvenated every two hours during the night. So it you go to sleep at around ten pm those organ get rejuvenated. When you go to sleep near when some people start to arise you are stressing out you body with untoward results on your mind.


If you do any meditations I recommend that you keep you eyes open, which keeps on more centered in the present.




Paul, I wrote this to another friend and I share it with you now.


Since I was a kid I got a headaches and regurgitated about every 3 to 6 months. The problem was that I couldn’t stop until I got exhausted after

Many hours. Then I just collapsed.


So about age 37 we went on the dietary consciousness raising journey..

About ten years ago the symptoms left.


We have experienced the following.


1. Raw food diet.

2. Fruit and nuts diet.

3. Sprout diet

The macrobiotic diet of balancing the polar opposites in food has worked the best to cleans our bodies and keep up alive.

One important polar opposite value in food in the sodium to potassium relationship. The Blood has 7 potassium to 1 sodium relationship.

Meat has too much sodium and sugar is too high in potassium. If you keep to the center with mostly grains and vegetable the body can balance itself more healthfully and with less energy expending.


Like any other discipline, you have to only choose what works for you.

I get in touch with how my body is reacting to what ever goes into it and therefore has constant feedback.



Please feel free to post as much as you wish and ask questions too.















Dear Alton,Thanks for your help. I have answered the questionsbelow.--- No-Count Dracula <unbound wrote:> > Dear Paul:> Thanks for sharing.> > I will reply to this post from the medium that I> understand most.> I cant address your kundalini experience or if it> is impinging our your consciousness right now and> causing a depressive state of mind, because I have> zero experience with that. > Another ex-member has more knowledge with it. Here> is her email address. Her user name is Acara> atthepeacock. I am sure she would be> willing to offer you some helpful suggestions.> > Firstly, each mind moment of depression arises and> passes away immediately after is happens, so there> is no such thing, IMO as life long depression. Your> depression is temporary and if you want it to go> away, your intention will accomplish that goal. All> you have to say to your self is I don't want it> anymore and I am willing to do what is necessary to> rid my self from it.> > Everyone that I have had a dialogue with that> either was depressed or had bi-polar states> neglected the most important factor that might have> caused their unpleasant mental states. Our bodies> are food, which includes everything that entered> into it's cells like nutritional elements, the air> we breath, toxic elements like pesticides, drugs> legal and illegal, etc. Also,If the pair of> opposites are not in balance unwanted mental/emotion> states arise. I will talk about that in detail after> you answer the questions below.> > So here are my suggestions and hopefully other> members will contribute from their points of view.> > Write to the group, me or anyone that will listen> to you, exactly in great detail what is happening in> your consciousness. Your thoughts about it,> sensations in the body or anything you wish to say> about what you call depression. Just putting down> in words, what is happening will have a healing> effect and the acknowledgement from the members of> this group or the person you are willing to share it> will also mitigate your unpleasant circumstances.> Doing this daily will hasten your healing. Don't> worry about boring the members here. This is exactly> what this group is about. Removing that which> prevents Realization or peace of mind. If anyone> says anything nasty to you I will tell them to "Fuck> off", but they wont because this is a very loving> group of souls. > > Some questions before I offer other suggestions.> What exactly are you eating each day? Breakfast- 2 bowls of either Cheerios or Corn FlakesLunch- Cheese and crackers or turkey and cheesesandwich or grilled cheeseDinner-usually a meat or seafood dish (chicken, pork,cod) with frozen potatoes and a vegetable or saladSnacks- 2-3 times a day, usually cheese and crackers,Klondike ice cream bar, an occasional orange> Do you take medicines right now?No medicines anymore, none since I left the hospital 21/2 months ago.> Do you do any meditation?:No meditation. Have never done it and have no desireto do it now.> Exercises?No exercise.> Do you go for counseling?No counseling.> Which country do you live it?USA.> Anything else you wish to supply will be helpful.> > Aloha,> Alton> > >There is a lot I could say. I realize my Kundaliniput into gear especially 3 years ago. I got real badpain in my wrist and shoulder. My moods weretempestuous. I struggled in relationships withothers. Last year I got desperate when the pain andsleep disturbances and emotional turmoil andparanormal experiences were driving me up the wall. Itried a lot of therapies and remedies including yogaon an on and off basis. My determination led me to bereckless and I would just try things indescriminately.I took a lot of pills after having to do anothertrance state (which I thought was depression) and hada tinling in my jaw that night before going out. Thepills were all at once, SAMe,GABA, Vitamin B, Calcium500mg, Magnesium 1g and Zinc 60mg. 15 minutes latermy face was red as a beet and I just remember feelingtotally numb. I remember saying, this is permanent. that was 11/2/02. I have not been the same since. Ihave been through a living hell that is now easier tohandle, but has been absent of any true joy, love,motivation, desire or happiness. ThanksPaulThe New Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.http://search...........INFORMATION ABOUT THIS LIST..........Email addresses: Post message: Realization Un: Realization- Our web address: http://www.realization.orgBy sending a message to this list, you are givingpermission to have it reproduced as a letter onhttp://www.realization.org................................................

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  • 2 months later...

Dear Alton,


I don't know if you are still out there but if you are I would like

to tell you I am interested in looking into a macrobiotic diet. I

found this site: http://www.gomf.macrobiotic.net/ Do you know

anything about its usefullness? Also I am looking for books to learn

about it and that site recommended these:


" Books are a great place to start. Here are the books we recommend

for a basic macrobiotic library. See Book Sales for ordering



Introductory: Pocket Guide to Macrobiotics by Carl Ferré, $6.95


Basic Macrobiotics by Herman Aihara, $12.95


Cookbooks: Basic Macrobiotic Cooking by Julia Ferré, $12.95


Self-Healing Cookbook by Kristina Turner, $16.50


Theory: Essential Ohsawa by George Ohsawa, edited by Carl Ferré,



Acid and Alkaline, 5th Edition by Herman Aihara, $8.95


Health: Natural Healing from Head to Toe by Cornellia and Herman

Aihara, $14.95


Food and Healing by Annemarie Colbin, $12.95

Finding someone near to you who can help explain macrobiotics is

important. See Links for additional informaion.

Two additional publications that are very helpful and highly

recommended are:


International Macrobiotic Directory published by Bob Mattson (see

Book Sales)

Macrobiotics Today magazine published by G.O.M.F. (see Newsletter) "



What do you think of them? Are they any other books you recommend as

better alternatives? Today is my first true day in which I am

seriously going to look into this, so any help you can offer is



I also would like to apologize to this group for all of my whining

and depressive emails. I am sorry that I exposed you all to such



Love and Light,



Realization , " No-Count Dracula " <unbound@h...>



> ----- Dear Paul:


> I am not relating to you from a " white tower " . I have had

psychiatric care when I was younger and lots of alternative healing

interventions. Everything I did gave me some help to go beyond

unwanted mental states. I am still occasionally being buffeted by

unpleasant events that arise, but I regain my balance quickly.


> Have you read " I Am That " , the dialogues of Nisargadatta? I read

it at least 6 times and that gave me much help in this area of

understanding the mind.


> If you know for sure that what is happening in your life, already

happened at the time of conception, would you be able to sit back to

some extent and witness the passing show? What reactions are you

having to your " depression " ? Even if you dont believe the aforesaid,

it is helpful for witnessing and not getting over identified with

your mental states.


> Now for the dietary aspect. We experimented with many, maybe most

of the different diets and fortunately decided to take a Macrobiotic

seminar. We then realized that this diet would not only heal our

bodies but stabilize our consciousness too. We tried being

sproutarians, fruitarians, even breatharians and nothing came close

to the Macrobiotic diet which applies the principals of Yin and Yang

not only to diet but to the understanding of the order of the



> This friend who was a raw foodist and also an initiate of Charan

Singh was really nervous and strung out. Charan said when she had a

Darshan with him, " you need to change you diet and go on grains " .


> The problem with changing one's diet is that your will certainly

experience some heavy duty discharges which are the effects of the

body being cleansed. You might then think that it is the diet that is

the problem. I was on medicines for 18 years and when I ate short

grain brown rice for only two days it caused stomach pains and a

heavy discharge from my eyes. That was the liver cleaning the body of

impurities. After months I was able to eat that rice every day.


> I had a couple of seven day only water fasts and that certainly

helped too, but I would not recommend it until unpleasant mental

states stop predominating.


> In Macrobiotics they have a 30 day brown rice and gomashio diet

and that is very beneficial if you can take the sometimes horrendous

elimination of toxins. If I were doing it again I would be willing to

make changes like going on fresh juices when the discharge was too



> If you decide on that diet you need help from a practicioner and

lessons on how to cook.


> Depending on where you live, you can most probably find some

Macrobiotic places to visit and see what it is about. Just remember

not to react to a small part of it that you disagree with. I am the

type that can take what my teachers have to offer without becoming a

slave to them or it.


> Also, some form of exercise that causes one to breath deeply is



> Have you thought of taking a yoga class for beginners?


> I also noticed that those who are depressed don't sleep regular

hours. The Eastern healers say that certain organs of the body get

rejuvenated every two hours during the night. So it you go to sleep

at around ten pm those organ get rejuvenated. When you go to sleep

near when some people start to arise you are stressing out you body

with untoward results on your mind.


> If you do any meditations I recommend that you keep you eyes

open, which keeps on more centered in the present.




> Paul, I wrote this to another friend and I share it with you now.




> Since I was a kid I got a headaches and regurgitated about every

3 to 6 months. The problem was that I couldn't stop until I got

exhausted after


> Many hours. Then I just collapsed.




> So about age 37 we went on the dietary consciousness raising



> About ten years ago the symptoms left.




> We have experienced the following.




> 1. Raw food diet.


> 2. Fruit and nuts diet.


> 3. Sprout diet


> The macrobiotic diet of balancing the polar opposites in food has

worked the best to cleans our bodies and keep up alive.


> One important polar opposite value in food in the sodium to

potassium relationship. The Blood has 7 potassium to 1 sodium



> Meat has too much sodium and sugar is too high in potassium. If

you keep to the center with mostly grains and vegetable the body can

balance itself more healthfully and with less energy expending.




> Like any other discipline, you have to only choose what works for



> I get in touch with how my body is reacting to what ever goes

into it and therefore has constant feedback.





> Please feel free to post as much as you wish and ask questions



> Love,

> Alton













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Dear Paul:

Thanks for contacting me.

I have to tend to some business with my wife for the next hour or so, but I will tell you my whole macrobiotic history when I come back if nothing else gets in the way. My wife is leaving for the mainland

Friday so she get full attention.







Wednesday, August 13, 2003 9:07 AM

Re: Overcoming Depression. Some suggestions

Dear Alton,I don't know if you are still out there but if you are I would like to tell you I am interested in looking into a macrobiotic diet. I found this site: http://www.gomf.macrobiotic.net/ Do you know anything about its usefullness? Also I am looking for books to learn about it and that site recommended these:"Books are a great place to start. Here are the books we recommend for a basic macrobiotic library. See Book Sales for ordering information. Introductory: Pocket Guide to Macrobiotics by Carl Ferré, $6.95 Basic Macrobiotics by Herman Aihara, $12.95 Cookbooks: Basic Macrobiotic Cooking by Julia Ferré, $12.95 Self-Healing Cookbook by Kristina Turner, $16.50 Theory: Essential Ohsawa by George Ohsawa, edited by Carl Ferré, $12.95 Acid and Alkaline, 5th Edition by Herman Aihara, $8.95 Health: Natural Healing from Head to Toe by Cornellia and Herman Aihara, $14.95 Food and Healing by Annemarie Colbin, $12.95 Finding someone near to you who can help explain macrobiotics is important. See Links for additional informaion. Two additional publications that are very helpful and highly recommended are: International Macrobiotic Directory published by Bob Mattson (see Book Sales) Macrobiotics Today magazine published by G.O.M.F. (see Newsletter)" What do you think of them? Are they any other books you recommend as better alternatives? Today is my first true day in which I am seriously going to look into this, so any help you can offer is appreciated.I also would like to apologize to this group for all of my whining and depressive emails. I am sorry that I exposed you all to such desperation.Love and Light,PaulRealization , "No-Count Dracula" <unbound@h...> wrote:> > ----- Dear Paul:> > I am not relating to you from a "white tower". I have had psychiatric care when I was younger and lots of alternative healing interventions. Everything I did gave me some help to go beyond unwanted mental states. I am still occasionally being buffeted by unpleasant events that arise, but I regain my balance quickly.> > Have you read "I Am That", the dialogues of Nisargadatta? I read it at least 6 times and that gave me much help in this area of understanding the mind.> > If you know for sure that what is happening in your life, already happened at the time of conception, would you be able to sit back to some extent and witness the passing show? What reactions are you having to your "depression"? Even if you dont believe the aforesaid, it is helpful for witnessing and not getting over identified with your mental states.> > Now for the dietary aspect. We experimented with many, maybe most of the different diets and fortunately decided to take a Macrobiotic seminar. We then realized that this diet would not only heal our bodies but stabilize our consciousness too. We tried being sproutarians, fruitarians, even breatharians and nothing came close to the Macrobiotic diet which applies the principals of Yin and Yang not only to diet but to the understanding of the order of the universe.> > This friend who was a raw foodist and also an initiate of Charan Singh was really nervous and strung out. Charan said when she had a Darshan with him, "you need to change you diet and go on grains".> > The problem with changing one's diet is that your will certainly experience some heavy duty discharges which are the effects of the body being cleansed. You might then think that it is the diet that is the problem. I was on medicines for 18 years and when I ate short grain brown rice for only two days it caused stomach pains and a heavy discharge from my eyes. That was the liver cleaning the body of impurities. After months I was able to eat that rice every day.> > I had a couple of seven day only water fasts and that certainly helped too, but I would not recommend it until unpleasant mental states stop predominating.> > In Macrobiotics they have a 30 day brown rice and gomashio diet and that is very beneficial if you can take the sometimes horrendous elimination of toxins. If I were doing it again I would be willing to make changes like going on fresh juices when the discharge was too strong. > > If you decide on that diet you need help from a practicioner and lessons on how to cook.> > Depending on where you live, you can most probably find some Macrobiotic places to visit and see what it is about. Just remember not to react to a small part of it that you disagree with. I am the type that can take what my teachers have to offer without becoming a slave to them or it.> > Also, some form of exercise that causes one to breath deeply is helpful.> > Have you thought of taking a yoga class for beginners?> > I also noticed that those who are depressed don't sleep regular hours. The Eastern healers say that certain organs of the body get rejuvenated every two hours during the night. So it you go to sleep at around ten pm those organ get rejuvenated. When you go to sleep near when some people start to arise you are stressing out you body with untoward results on your mind.> > If you do any meditations I recommend that you keep you eyes open, which keeps on more centered in the present.> > > > Paul, I wrote this to another friend and I share it with you now.> > > > Since I was a kid I got a headaches and regurgitated about every 3 to 6 months. The problem was that I couldn't stop until I got exhausted after> > Many hours. Then I just collapsed.> > > > So about age 37 we went on the dietary consciousness raising journey..> > About ten years ago the symptoms left.> > > > We have experienced the following.> > > > 1. Raw food diet.> > 2. Fruit and nuts diet.> > 3. Sprout diet> > The macrobiotic diet of balancing the polar opposites in food has worked the best to cleans our bodies and keep up alive.> > One important polar opposite value in food in the sodium to potassium relationship. The Blood has 7 potassium to 1 sodium relationship.> > Meat has too much sodium and sugar is too high in potassium. If you keep to the center with mostly grains and vegetable the body can balance itself more healthfully and with less energy expending.> > > > Like any other discipline, you have to only choose what works for you. > > I get in touch with how my body is reacting to what ever goes into it and therefore has constant feedback.> > > > > Please feel free to post as much as you wish and ask questions too.> > Love,> Alton> > > > > > > > > > > > ..........INFORMATION ABOUT THIS LIST..........Email addresses: Post message: Realization Un: Realization- Our web address: http://www.realization.orgBy sending a message to this list, you are givingpermission to have it reproduced as a letter onhttp://www.realization.org................................................

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Thank you VERY much!





--- SILENCE SEEKER <unbound wrote:

> Dear Paul:

> Thanks for contacting me.

> I have to tend to some business with my wife for the

> next hour or so, but I will tell you my whole

> macrobiotic history when I come back if nothing else

> gets in the way. My wife is leaving for the mainland

> Friday so she get full attention.

> Love,

> Alton

> -

> sheridanpj

> Realization

> Wednesday, August 13, 2003 9:07 AM

> Re: Overcoming Depression.

> Some suggestions



> Dear Alton,


> I don't know if you are still out there but if you

> are I would like

> to tell you I am interested in looking into a

> macrobiotic diet. I

> found this site: http://www.gomf.macrobiotic.net/

> Do you know

> anything about its usefullness? Also I am looking

> for books to learn

> about it and that site recommended these:


> " Books are a great place to start. Here are the

> books we recommend

> for a basic macrobiotic library. See Book Sales

> for ordering

> information.


> Introductory: Pocket Guide to Macrobiotics by

> Carl Ferré, $6.95


> Basic Macrobiotics by Herman Aihara, $12.95


> Cookbooks: Basic Macrobiotic Cooking by Julia

> Ferré, $12.95


> Self-Healing Cookbook by Kristina Turner, $16.50



> Theory: Essential Ohsawa by George Ohsawa,

> edited by Carl Ferré,

> $12.95


> Acid and Alkaline, 5th Edition by Herman Aihara,

> $8.95


> Health: Natural Healing from Head to Toe by

> Cornellia and Herman

> Aihara, $14.95


> Food and Healing by Annemarie Colbin, $12.95

> Finding someone near to you who can help explain

> macrobiotics is

> important. See Links for additional informaion.

> Two additional publications that are very helpful

> and highly

> recommended are:


> International Macrobiotic Directory published by

> Bob Mattson (see

> Book Sales)

> Macrobiotics Today magazine published by

> G.O.M.F. (see Newsletter) "



> What do you think of them? Are they any other

> books you recommend as

> better alternatives? Today is my first true day

> in which I am

> seriously going to look into this, so any help you

> can offer is

> appreciated.


> I also would like to apologize to this group for

> all of my whining

> and depressive emails. I am sorry that I exposed

> you all to such

> desperation.


> Love and Light,

> Paul


> Realization , " No-Count

> Dracula " <unbound@h...>

> wrote:

> >

> > ----- Dear Paul:

> >

> > I am not relating to you from a " white tower " .

> I have had

> psychiatric care when I was younger and lots of

> alternative healing

> interventions. Everything I did gave me some help

> to go beyond

> unwanted mental states. I am still occasionally

> being buffeted by

> unpleasant events that arise, but I regain my

> balance quickly.

> >

> > Have you read " I Am That " , the dialogues of

> Nisargadatta? I read

> it at least 6 times and that gave me much help in

> this area of

> understanding the mind.

> >

> > If you know for sure that what is happening in

> your life, already

> happened at the time of conception, would you be

> able to sit back to

> some extent and witness the passing show? What

> reactions are you

> having to your " depression " ? Even if you dont

> believe the aforesaid,

> it is helpful for witnessing and not getting over

> identified with

> your mental states.

> >

> > Now for the dietary aspect. We experimented

> with many, maybe most

> of the different diets and fortunately decided to

> take a Macrobiotic

> seminar. We then realized that this diet would not

> only heal our

> bodies but stabilize our consciousness too. We

> tried being

> sproutarians, fruitarians, even breatharians and

> nothing came close

> to the Macrobiotic diet which applies the

> principals of Yin and Yang

> not only to diet but to the understanding of the

> order of the

> universe.

> >

> > This friend who was a raw foodist and also an

> initiate of Charan

> Singh was really nervous and strung out. Charan

> said when she had a

> Darshan with him, " you need to change you diet and

> go on grains " .

> >

> > The problem with changing one's diet is that

> your will certainly

> experience some heavy duty discharges which are

> the effects of the

> body being cleansed. You might then think that it

> is the diet that is

> the problem. I was on medicines for 18 years and

> when I ate short

> grain brown rice for only two days it caused

> stomach pains and a

> heavy discharge from my eyes. That was the liver

> cleaning the body of

> impurities. After months I was able to eat that

> rice every day.

> >

> > I had a couple of seven day only water fasts

> and that certainly

> helped too, but I would not recommend it until

> unpleasant mental

> states stop predominating.

> >

> > In Macrobiotics they have a 30 day brown rice

> and gomashio diet

> and that is very beneficial if you can take the

> sometimes horrendous

> elimination of toxins. If I were doing it again I

> would be willing to

> make changes like going on fresh juices when the

> discharge was too

> strong.

> >

> > If you decide on that diet you need help from

> a practicioner and

> lessons on how to cook.

> >

> > Depending on where you live, you can most

> probably find some

> Macrobiotic places to visit and see what it is

> about. Just remember

> not to react to a small part of it that you

> disagree with. I am the

> type that can take what my teachers have to offer

> without becoming a

> slave to them or it.

> >

> > Also, some form of exercise that causes one to

> breath deeply is

> helpful.

> >

> > Have you thought of taking a yoga class for

> beginners?

> >

> > I also noticed that those who are depressed

> don't sleep regular


=== message truncated ===







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