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oh ! what a lighnin' question !


.... and so i close my ears and let Open The Heart





" Athanor " <athanor

<Nisargadatta >

Sunday, January 19, 2003 12:46 PM




how does on eperson know that he/she is enlightened?





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At 19.01.03-02:46 PM Athanor wrote:

>how does one person know that he/she is enlightened?



When that person prefers to have a cup of tea ...

instead of worrying whether he/she is enlightened or not!


If you think you are ... you are.

if you think you are not ... you still are.


It is easy to prove ...

Be still, stop thinking and see for yourself!


Jan Sultan



'What's wrong with right now --

-- unless you think about it?'



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" shantiprod " <shantiprod



oh ! what a lighnin' question !


.... and so i close my ears and let Open The Heart





and so i said, and so i did not !


doing or talking about ?


practice or non-practice ?


piss or shit ?







" Athanor " <athanor

<Nisargadatta >

Sunday, January 19, 2003 12:46 PM




how does on eperson know that he/she is enlightened?





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It can only be known and verified by the Self, but certainly all

doubts and fears would have dissolved. It is a clearly distinct

state, different from that which came 'before'. But 'before'

and 'later' are odd words due to the Naturalness.

Two birds sit in a tree, one eats the fruit, one witnesses silently.

One dreams, and one witnesses silently. One sleeps, and one

witnesses silently. Which bird are you?




it is Nisargadatta , " Athanor " <athanor@c...>


> how does on eperson know that he/she is enlightened?

> mira




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Nisargadatta , " Athanor " <athanor@c...> wrote:

> how does on eperson know that he/she is enlightened?

> mira


when your ex wife barges in to your satsang

and calls you a fraud in front of your friends

but you still see her as That.


fat chance for that....hehehe :)

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" Hur Guler <hur " <hur

01/20/03 08:48 AM


Re: enlightenment


> when we all love the hideous demon within and see it as self even when its

hitler or bush

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Nisargadatta , dan kahalas <dkahalas@e...>



> ----

> " Hur Guler <hur@p...> " <hur@p...>

> 01/20/03 08:48 AM

> Nisargadatta

> Re: enlightenment


> > when we all love the hideous demon within and see it as self even

when its hitler or bush


Too easy, as I always thought they were the same guys, anyhows...


The standard rorschach-like enlightenment test could be: In this

picture (of Mr. Hitler Bush and Mr. Gandhi King), how many selves do

you perceive?



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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

There are alot of possible clever answers to this, but I shall speak

from the traditional liturature on this topic . . .


that although there is no path to Truth or Enlightenemnt, yet for

one who feels the need to ask questions about Truth, who is in

search of Enlightenment, the idea of being on a path seems valid and



And on this 'path', there will be glimpses of the goal, as one sees

through the opening of trees the emerald city one is walking

towards. But these glimpses are but experiences, perhaps signposts.


But the actual 'enlightenment' or self-realization is sudden and

abrupt - a drop-kick of Identity . . . interestingly, many struggle

against it . . . Thinking one is enlightened, or thinking one is not

enlightened is the same...because enlightenment is not thought-

based. How can it be that it's not about me! It's about taking

early retirement. Retire Retire Retire




Nisargadatta , " toby20042004 "

<toby.wilson@t...> wrote:

> Is enlightenment sudden or gradual?

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Nisargadatta , " toby20042004 "

<toby.wilson@t...> wrote:



> Is enlightenment sudden or gradual?


0- Hahahahahahah Fruit falls from the tree in one instant....

Of course it took years of growth and pruning to reach that

moment .

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Nisargadatta , " toby20042004 "

<toby.wilson@t...> wrote:



> Is enlightenment sudden or gradual?


0- Hahahahahahah Fruit falls from the tree in one instant....

Of course it took years of growth and pruning to reach that

moment .

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Nice to hear from you trem (Larry is it?). Rather than speaking from

traditional litrature, could you speak to me on this occasion only from that

which you know within...




> trem23 [sMTP:inmadison]

> Thursday, May 01, 2003 4:17 AM

> Nisargadatta

> Re: Enlightenment


> There are alot of possible clever answers to this, but I shall speak

> from the traditional liturature on this topic . . .


> that although there is no path to Truth or Enlightenemnt, yet for

> one who feels the need to ask questions about Truth, who is in

> search of Enlightenment, the idea of being on a path seems valid and

> honest.


> And on this 'path', there will be glimpses of the goal, as one sees

> through the opening of trees the emerald city one is walking

> towards. But these glimpses are but experiences, perhaps signposts.


> But the actual 'enlightenment' or self-realization is sudden and

> abrupt - a drop-kick of Identity . . . interestingly, many struggle

> against it . . . Thinking one is enlightened, or thinking one is not

> enlightened is the same...because enlightenment is not thought-

> based. How can it be that it's not about me! It's about taking

> early retirement. Retire Retire Retire




> Nisargadatta , " toby20042004 "

> <toby.wilson@t...> wrote:

> > Is enlightenment sudden or gradual?





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Spiritual text-bookism.



> no0one2b [sMTP:no0one2b]

> Thursday, May 01, 2003 6:32 AM

> Nisargadatta

> Re: Enlightenment


> Nisargadatta , " toby20042004 "

> <toby.wilson@t...> wrote:



> > Is enlightenment sudden or gradual?


> 0- Hahahahahahah Fruit falls from the tree in one instant....

> Of course it took years of growth and pruning to reach that

> moment .





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Guest guest

Is enlightenment sudden or gradual?






0- Hahahahahahah Fruit falls from the tree in one instant....

Of course


~~~~~it took years~~~~


of growth and pruning to reach that

moment .








~~~~yeh, if you are dead from the neck up~~~~




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  • 5 months later...




What Is Enlightenment?


Immanuel Kant



Enlightenment is man's release from his self-incurred tutelage.

Tutelage is man's inability to make use of his understanding without

direction from another. Self-incurred is this tutelage when its

cause lies not in lack of reason but in lack of resolution and

courage to use it without direction from another. Sapere aude!

1 " Have courage to use your own reason! " --that is the motto of




Laziness and cowardice are the reasons why so great a portion of

mankind, after nature has long since discharged them from external

direction (naturaliter maiorennes), nevertheless remains under

lifelong tutelage, and why it is so easy for others to set

themselves up as their guardians. It is so easy not to be of age. If

I have a book which understands for me, a pastor who has a

conscience for me, a physician who decides my diet, and so forth, I

need not trouble myself. I need not think, if I can only pay--others

will readily undertake the irksome work for me.



That the step to competence is held to be very dangerous by the far

greater portion of mankind (and by the entire fair sex)--quite apart

from its being arduous--is seen to by those guardians who have so

kindly assumed superintendence over them. After the guardians have

first made their domestic cattle dumb and have made sure that these

placid creatures will not dare take a single step without the

harness of the cart to which they are tethered, the guardians then

show them the danger which threatens if they try to go alone.

Actually, however, this danger is not so great, for by falling a few

times they would finally learn to walk alone. But an example of this

failure makes them timid and ordinarily frightens them away from all

further trials.



For any single individual to work himself out of the life under

tutelage which has become almost his nature is very difficult. He

has come to be fond of this state, and he is for the present really

incapable of making use of his reason, or no one has ever let him

try it out. Statutes and formulas, those mechanical tools of the

rational employment or rather misemployment of his natural gifts,

are the fetters of an everlasting tutelage. Whoever throws them off

makes only an uncertain leap over the narrowest ditch because he is

not accustomed to that kind of free motion. Therefore, there are few

who have succeeded by their own exercise of mind both in freeing

themselves from incompetence and in achieving a steady pace.



But that the public should enlighten itself is more possible,

indeed, if only freedom is granted, enlightenment is almost sure to

follow. For there will always be some independent thinkers, even

among the established guardians of the great masses, who, after

throwing off the yoke of tutelage from their own shoulders, will

disseminate the spirit of the rational appreciation of both their

own worth and every man's vocation for thinking for himself. But be

it noted that the public, which has first been brought under this

yoke by their guardians, forces the guardians themselves to remain

bound when it is incited to do so by some of the guardians who are

themselves capable of some enlightenment--so harmful is it to

implant prejudices, for they later take vengeance on their

cultivators or on their descendants. Thus the public can only slowly

attain enlightenment. Perhaps a fall of personal despotism or of

avaricious or tyrannical oppression may be accomplished by

revolution, but never a true reform in ways of thinking. Rather, new

prejudices will serve as well as old ones to harness the great

unthinking masses.



For this enlightenment, however, nothing is required but freedom,

and indeed the most harmless among all the things to which this term

can properly be applied. It is the freedom to make public use of

one's reason at every point.2 But I hear on all sides, " Do not

argue! " The officer says: " Do not argue but drill! " The tax

collector: " Do not argue but pay! " The cleric: " Do not argue but

believe! " Only one prince in the world says, " Argue as much as you

will, and about what you will, but obey! " Everywhere there is

restriction on freedom.



Which restriction is an obstacle to enlightenment, and which is not

an obstacle but a promoter of it? I answer: The public use of one's

reason must always be free, and it alone can bring about

enlightenment among men. The private use of reason, on the other

hand, may often be very narrowly restricted without particularly

hindering the progress on enlightenment. By the public use of one's

reason I understand the use which a person makes of it as a scholar

before the reading public. Private use I call that which one may

make of it in a particular civil post or office which is entrusted

to him. Many affairs which are conducted in the interest of the

community require a certain mechanism through which some members of

the community must passively conduct themselves with an artificial

unanimity, so that the government may direct them to public ends, or

at least prevent them from destroying those ends. Here argument is

certainly not allowed-one must obey. But so far as a part of the

mechanism regards himself at the same time as a member of the whole

community or of a society of world citizens, and thus in the role of

a scholar who addresses the public (in the proper sense of the word)

through his writings, he certainly can argue without hurting the

affairs for which he is in part responsible as a passive member.

Thus it would be ruinous for an officer in service to debate about

the suitability or utility of a command given to him by his

superior; he must obey. But the right to make remarks on errors in

the military service and to lay them before the public for judgment

cannot equitably be refused him as a scholar. The citizen cannot

refuse to pay the taxes imposed on him; indeed, an impudent

complaint at those levied on him can be punished as a scandal (as it

could occasion general refractoriness). But the same person

nevertheless does not act contrary to his duty as a citizen when, as

a scholar, he publicly expresses his thoughts on the

inappropriateness or even the injustice of those levies. Similarly a

clergyman is obligated to make his sermon to his pupils in catechism

and his congregation conform to the symbol of the church which he

serves, for he has been accepted on this condition. But as a scholar

he has complete freedom, even the calling, to communicate to the

public all his carefully tested and well meaning thoughts on that

which is erroneous in the symbol and to make suggestions for the

better organization of the religious body and church. In doing this

there is nothing that could be laid as a burden on his conscience.

For what he teaches a consequence of his office as a representative

of the church, this he considers something about which he has no

freedom to teach according to his own lights; it is something which

he is appointed to propound at the dictation of and in the name of

another. He will say, " Our church teaches this or that; those are

the proofs which it adduces. " He thus extracts all practical uses

for his congregation from statutes to which he himself would not

with full conviction but to the enunciation of which he

can very well pledge himself because it is not impossible that truth

lies hidden in them, and, in any case, there is at least nothing in

them contradictory to inner religion. For if he believed he had

found such in them, he could not conscientiously discharge the

duties of his office; he would have to give it up. The use,

therefore, which an appointed teacher makes of his reason before his

congregation is merely private, because this congregation is only a

domestic one (even if it be a large gathering); with respect to it,

as a priest, he is not free, nor can he be free, because he carries

out the orders of another. But as a scholar, whose writings speak to

his public, the world, the clergyman in the public use of his reason

enjoys an unlimited freedom to use his own reason and to speak in

his own person. That the guardians of the people (in spiritual

things) should themselves be incompetent is an absurdity which

amounts to the eternalization of absurdities.



But would not a society of clergymen, perhaps a church conference or

a venerable classis ( as they call themselves among the Dutch), be

justified in obligating itself by oath to a certain unchangeable

symbol in order to enjoy an unceasing guardianship over each of its

members and thereby over the people as a whole, and even to make it

eternal? I answer that this is altogether impossible. Such a

contract, made to shut off all further enlightenment from the human

race, is absolutely null and void even if confirmed by the supreme

power, by parliaments, and by the most ceremonious of peace

treaties. An age cannot bind itself and ordain to put the succeeding

one into such a condition that it cannot extend its (at best very

occasional) knowledge, purify itself of errors, and progress in

general enlightenment. That would be a crime against human nature,

the proper destination of which lies precisely in this progress; and

the descendants would be fully justified in rejecting those decrees

as having been made in an unwarranted and malicious manner.



The touchstone of everything that can be concluded as a law for a

people lies in the question whether the people could have imposed

such a law on itself. Now such a religious compact might be possible

for a short and definitely limited time, as it were, in expectation

of a better. One might let every citizen, and especially the

clergyman, in the role of scholar, make his comments freely and

publicly, i.e., through writing, on the erroneous aspects of the

present institution. The newly introduced order might last until

insight into the nature of these things had become so general and

widely approved that through uniting their voices (even if not

unanimously) they could bring a proposal to the throne to take those

congregations under protection which had united into a changed

religious organization according to their better ideas, without,

however, hindering others who wish to remain in the order. But to

unite in a permanent religious institution which is not to be

subject to doubt before the public even in the lifetime of one man,

and thereby to make a period of time fruitless in the progress of

mankind toward improvement, thus working to the disadvantage of

posterity--that is absolutely forbidden. For himself (and only for a

short time) a man may postpone enlightenment in what he ought to

know, but to renounce it for himself and even more to renounce it

for posterity is to injure and trample on the rights of mankind.



And what a people may not decree for itself can even less be decreed

for them by a monarch, for his lawgiving authority rests on his

uniting the general public will in his own. If he only sees to it

that all true or alleged improvement stands together with civil

order, he can leave it to his subjects to do what they find

necessary for their spiritual welfare. This is not his concern,

though it is incumbent on him to prevent one of them from violently

hindering another in determining and promoting this welfare to the

best of his ability. To meddle in these matters lowers his own

majesty, since by the writings in which his subjects seek to present

their views he may evaluate his own governance. He can do this when,

with deepest understanding, he lays upon himself the reproach,

Caesar non est supra grammaticos. Far more does he injure his own

majesty when he degrades his supreme power by supporting the

ecclesiastical despotism of some tyrants in his state over his other




If we are asked, " Do we now live in an enlightened age? " the answer

is, " No, " but we do live in an age of enlightenment.3 As things now

stand, much is lacking which prevents men from being, or easily

becoming, capable of correctly using their own reason in religious

matters with assurance and free from outside direction. But, on the

other hand, we have clear indications that the field has now been

opened wherein men may freely deal with these things and that the

obstacles to general enlightenment or the release from self-imposed

tutelage are gradually being reduced. In this respect, this is the

age of enlightenment, or the century of Frederick.



A prince who does not find it unworthy of himself to say that he

holds it to be his duty to prescribe nothing to men in religious

matters but to give them complete freedom while renouncing the

haughty name of tolerance, is himself enlightened and deserves to be

esteemed by the grateful world and posterity as the first, at least

from the side of government, who divested the human race of its

tutelage and left each man free to make use of his reason in matters

of conscience. Under him venerable ecclesiastics are allowed, in the

role of scholars, and without infringing on their official duties,

freely to submit for public testing their judgments and views which

here and there diverge from the established symbol. And an even

greater freedom is enjoyed by those who are restricted by no

official duties. This spirit of freedom spreads beyond this land,

even to those in which it must struggle with external obstacles

erected by a government which misunderstands its own interest. For

an example gives evidence to such a government that in freedom there

is not the least cause for concern about public peace and the

stability of the community. Men work themselves gradually out of

barbarity if only intentional artifices are not made to hold them in




I have placed the main point of enlightenment--the escape of men

from their self-incurred tutelage--chiefly in matters of religion

because our rulers have no interest in playing the guardian with

respect to the arts and sciences and also because religious

incompetence is not only the most harmful but also the most

degrading of all. But the manner of thinking of the head of a state

who favors religious enlightenment goes further, and he sees that

there is no danger to his lawgiving in allowing his subjects to make

public use of their reason and to publish their thoughts on a better

formulation of his legislation and even their open-minded criticisms

of the laws already made. Of this we have a shining example wherein

no monarch is superior to him whom we honor.



But only one who is himself enlightened, is not afraid of shadows,

and has a numerous and well-disciplined army to assure public peace,

can say: " Argue as much as you will, and about what you will, only

obey! " A republic could not dare say such a thing. Here is shown a

strange and unexpected trend in human affairs in which almost

everything, looked at in the large, is paradoxical. A greater degree

of civil freedom appears advantageous to the freedom of mind of the

people, and yet it places inescapable limitations upon it; a lower

degree of civil freedom, on the contrary, provides the mind with

room for each man to extend himself to his full capacity. As nature

has uncovered from under this hard shell the seed for which she most

tenderly cares--the propensity and vocation to free thinking-- this

gradually works back upon the character of the people, who thereby

gradually become capable of managing freedom; finally, it affects

the principles of government, which finds it to its advantage to

treat men, who are now more than machines, in accordance with their




I. Kant



Konigsberg, Prussia



September 30, 1784



1[ " Dare to know! " (Horace Ars poetica). This was the motto adopted

in 1736 by the Society of the F

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