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Dynamic Consciousness

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All happening are only in body consciousness. Personalities only

exist in body consciousness. The usual knowledge is concerned only

with the body image. You are not the body, you are the

consciousness. There is no imprint of personality; it is the

manifest consciousness, which is functioning. This dynamic,

manifest consciousness is always in a fluid state. What will happen

no one can say.


This dynamic consciousness does not have any concept that

something good or bad is going to happen to it; it is just

happening. No one is doing it.


The message " I Am " is there. The mind-flow is also there; it

is not a personality, it is the consciousness. The very idea that

you are the body is ridiculous; the consciousness is experiencing

its manifestation. A rare being will realize this. The worldly

life of a jnani means the total functioning of consciousness.

Normally, a person who is always thinking of others as personalities

will not think of others simply as a function in consciousness. The

play of the consciousness will not come down to an individual

level. It is quite different, it is manifestation only.


Are you not a disciple of a great Sage? How many years have

you been going to him?


Q: For seven or eight years.


M: Then why did you come here?


Q: I wanted to have you Darshan, I wanted to meet you.


M: When you are stabilized in your own self then there is no

otherness, you are everything. If you abide in your Self you are

like space and there is no duality left. You are as expansive and

as subtle as space, and that is liberation. You are not conditioned

by any name or form. If you are like space, what is the point of

going elsewhere? The space which is here is also everywhere else.

Spirituality is not a child's play. My sentences will tear to

pieces the doubts of anyone who listens to them.


First of all, you abide in your own Self and transcend it, and

in transcending, you will realize your Ultimate. The words

emanating here are not borrowed knowledge, which is available in

scriptures and other books; this is from direct experience.

Nirupana means the normal practice of these professional spiritual

people; they will be expounding knowledge from various books.


You must thoroughly understand what you are, or what you could

be when nothing is. When nothing is, you still are. What is that

you? It is all one and when everything is, still you are; that is

understandable, buy when nothing is, how can I be?






June 21, 1981




Maharaj: Any image you have of yourself is not true. True

knowledge is to abide in your own Self. Try to understand all this

knowledge, which you are now gathering. The so-called knowledge,

which you are now gathering. The so-called knowledge you get

elsewhere talks only about ignorance; it cannot talk about the Self,

true knowledge. All of what is pursued by the mind it is not true

knowledge. True knowledge cannot be understood easily. If I had

the experience " I Am " before, would I care to enter the womb of my

mother? Prior to entering the womb I did not know myself, there was

no knowledge of " I Amness " All so-called knowledge is tainted by

words, which is only ignorance. You, the Absolute, watch the waking

state, you know the consciousness, you know the sleeping state;

therefore, you are not that.


Among the millions of people who have come and gone, where am I

counted among them? There is not individuality connected with any

of those forms, but I have always been, and I am, the total

functioning. Without me the functioning cannot take place. I am

the total functioning every moment, million of years ago or now.


In spite of my clearly understanding the foregoing, the bodily

suffering has to be undergone because of the consciousness. The

name of the consciousness is suffering itself. The life of

suffering is nearly over. Whatever this principle is, together with

the body and consciousness, it is experiencing all the sufferings

and knows itself that it is worth million of dollars, like a keg of



This principle, which has understood and realized what the suffering

and the consciousness are, is worth millions. I do not follow the

spirituality of the masses. In this space spirituality of the

common type will not be doled out to you. That Ultimate you can

never be lost; what ever you have lost, you have lost only the

words. That Ultimate you knows or feels " I Am " without words.

Through this; I AM " comes the world knowledge. You are not in

isolation; you are part and parcel of the world knowledge.


Jivatman is the one who identifies with the body-mind as an

individual separate from the world. The Atman is only beingness, or

the consciousness, which is the world. The Ultimate principle,

which knows this beingness, cannot be named at all. It cannot be

approached or conditioned by any words. That is the Ultimate state.


I do not want meek and humble disciples, I want them to be

powerful as I am. I do not make disciples, I make Gurus.


I want you to jump in the test tube in the process of this


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> I do not want meek and humble disciples, I want them to be

> powerful as I am. I do not make disciples, I make Gurus.


These are stirring words, but are they true? How many Gurus did

Sri Nisargadatta make?


David Godman once asked Sri Nisargadatta how many of his

students had realized the Self. David tells the story in this fascinating






" Era " <mi_nok

<Realization >

Tuesday, October 07, 2003 6:41 AM

Dynamic Consciousness



> All happening are only in body consciousness. Personalities only

> exist in body consciousness. The usual knowledge is concerned only

> with the body....

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