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An update from INTUITION for 6 May 2004

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Welcome to an Article Update and words of

Wisdom shared from INTUITION for 6th May 2004

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Hi there

I hope you had a wonderful week.

It's takes much courage to be open to the Journey of the Spiritual path.

For at times, we grew weary and tired but in the company of souls that are

open to sharing.

We become energised with light and hope that there is purpose to our


And in this understanding that all is as it is meant to be, we grow in

wisdoms strength....

My humble lesson of the day.

May you have a great weekend too.

In thoughts and Love



" Life is a constant metamorphosis from one stage to another.

But why do we live so hard against this fact? Why are we afraid?

In truth, we never leave anything behind, but carry it inside.

Nothing is ever lost, only when we try to hold on.

Then all is lost. Our whole soul.

But if we let go, then we can take everything with us,

because we become strong in our own invisible centers,

and the world becomes light. "

~ Jim Ralston


INTUITION. . . .Awaken to the Journey within.


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By Judy Marshall, Ph.D.



Beginning the Journey

By Joel Serrano



Living in Harmony with Self & Others


Submitted Poetry to stir soulful echoes with:

Where's home

By Lorraine Edwards

United Kingdom






By Judy Marshall, Ph.D.



There is a general consensus that spirituality is good for you. This may be

the only point of agreement about spirituality these days. Traditionally

associated with religion or the occult, spiritual belief and practice in the

21st century are variously and personally defined. There is much

disagreement, even conflict, between one perspective and another. Yet, from

feeling refreshed after a yoga class to a sense of being re-born through a

personal relationship with God, the benefits of spiritual expression and

growth, however conceptualized, are certainly affirmed by the practicing



Why? There has been scientific research to explore this link between

spiritual practice and reported sense of well-being, although the

explanations given are entirely rational. It is noted that the brain

patterns of individuals in prayer or meditation are similar to those seen in

deep relaxation, which is considered a healthful state. Thus, it makes

sense that people who incorporate regular periods of these activities into

their lives would show an overall positive effect. It is pointed out that

individuals who turn to prayer or meditation during times of crisis may

actually be using coping strategies that are similar to biofeedback or the

relaxation techniques taught in a therapist's office.


From a purely psychological perspective, it is also acknowledged that there

may be healthy byproducts to a " spiritual " lifestyle. People who are so

oriented tend to get involved in groups of like-minded individuals, either

as an avenue for worship or to work on projects that exemplify their values.

There may be a network of social support and constructive interactions in

the service of a common goal. There may also be more time spent in

reflection, with an emphasis on self-examination, weighing moral choices,

and finding meaning in life.


Beyond the vague healthful effects described above, spirituality may be the

most powerful psychological resource we have. As a clinical psychologist of

twenty years, I have consistently observed that those individuals with

spiritual investment (no matter what the religion or " spiritual "

orientation) react similarly to each other, but differently from those for

whom spirituality is unimportant, in dealing with emotional crises and

difficult life events. The potential impact on a person's psychology is

immense and can be transforming. Genuine commitment to spiritual belief

and practice seems to result in paradigmatic shifts in the individual's

experience. This translates into the discovery of new, positive feelings

beyond purely psychological emotions, a meaningful " bigger picture "

worldview, unique coping strategies, and a more rewarding and authentic

sense of personal identity.


Spiritual exploration and practice can be transformational on several levels

psychologically. A kind of generic understanding of spirituality today is

that it is how an individual finds a unique, nurturing, and deeply emotional

connection with something greater than one's self. When we go " within, "

certainly during prayer, meditation, or contemplation, there is a sense of

going beyond ego, becoming merged with and transcendentally connected to

others, the Universe or God. Whether or not such perceptions are

ultimately explainable by science will not be addressed here. From a

subjective and uniquely personal perspective, it is this sense of inner

connection to something greater than ourselves that is the hub and dynamic

of spiritual experience.


It is this internal connection to something greater that becomes a haven,

retreat, and existential lifeline. Over time, it may become a source of

guidance, soothing, and even " unconditional love " in an individual's life.

In addition to this awareness of " presence " or greater connection, the

individual may seem to access other " spiritual " feelings beyond the more

common, reactive psychological emotions. There may be reports of a

soft-hued joy, peace, clarity, even certainty, which is perceived as a

mental, but not intellectual " knowing. " With increased spiritual practice,

such feelings begin to generalize beyond the meditative setting or activity.


Spirituality may produce actual changes in learned, automatic thought

patterns and behavior. Traditionally, spirituality has meant " living

philosophy " or applying universal principles of faith, unity, and service in

thought and action. This opens up an entirely different way to view one's

self, one's life, and the surrounding world. Often spiritual individuals

see themselves as living on two levels at once. They experience negative

emotions and react to obstacles like everyone else, but their beliefs offer

a " bigger picture " dimension or " perspective of wisdom " (which then competes

with the immediate and reactive negative feelings). No matter how dark and

long the tunnel, this can be an anchor and lifeline in the midst of

emotional storm.


The spiritual person also commits to seeing his or her own life as a

meaningful journey, involving learning and purpose. Within this context,

there is the opportunity to re-frame and transcend long-term psychological

issues, trauma, and even biological challenges. There is also the

directive to focus on and maximize the positive in one's life. As a result

of all these factors, the sense of personal identity often transforms. Over

time, spiritually committed individuals get in touch with and begin to live

from an awareness of themselves as an evolving " soul " as opposed to the

programmed psychological sense of self that develops out of childhood and

cultural learning.


Self-esteem becomes measured through spiritual values, which are not only

authentic and positive, but paradoxically " ground " the individual as to how

to deal with most situations in everyday living. Spiritual individuals also

begin to recognize, respond to, and honor the " soul " in others. This leads

to new and unexpected avenues of meaningful connection and relationship, and

a willingness to take risks and try uncharacteristic positive behaviors,

that are then reinforced as part of the individual's overall identity.


In contrast to the psychological focus on " fixing " damage and problem areas,

spirituality is progressive, a commitment, even lifestyle. Active

spirituality opens up an ongoing cycle of personal transformation that can

only build on itself, often subtly, but over time carries the potential for

not only enhancing but re-configuring an individual's life.

March 29, 2004


About Dr. Judy Marshall

As a spiritual psychologist, Dr. Judy Marshall seeks to bridge the gap

between spiritual and psychological understanding. She received her

doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of North Carolina at

Chapel Hill in 1983. In two decades of clinical practice, she has worked

with many different groups, from children to the frail elderly, with

particular interests in self-esteem, depression, creativity and aging. Her

newly launched website, Psychmaster.com, provides basic, understandable

information about psychology and spirituality. Psychmaster tapes, CDs and

e-books-all written and narrated by Dr. Judy Marshall-seek to answer

fundamental questions about how spirituality and psychology interact, the

reality of mental health and illness, coping with the challenges and

tragedies inherent in human existence and achieving actualization and

fulfillment. For more information, contact Dr. Judy Marshall, Psychmaster,

P.O. Box 401, Beverly Hills, CA 90213, 310-286-0443, www.psychmaster.com




Beginning the Journey

By Joel Serrano


Yearning for more than what we have, we set out on journeys. It can be a

journey for money, for love, or for adventure.

The journey I want to speak about here, is the journey we must all make if

we want the mind, body, and soul to be one.

This journey lasts from one night of pure emotions to a lifetime of pure

confusion. But if we are to be ourselves, we must take the journey. What

happens along the way of your journey, is for you to decide.

When you have set the course to go on your journey, let it begin with

understanding. We must understand a few basic things.


One: Humans are not all alike, one will hate you and the other will love

you. The difference in moods is the reason why humans are who they are. The

knowledge that everyone is different in some way, will lead you to one giant

leap on your journey.


Two: Your cravings are the reason the journey keeps lagging behind. Do not

crave, and you will get. Simple as that. If you crave, then the thoughts in

your mind are interrupted, and the flow of your mind, body, and soul is

broken. Cravings of any kind lead you to believe that you need something to

make you feel better, to make you better. The craving inside us all is what

makes us lose touch with our inner being. Sometimes, we cannot stop our

cravings from appearing, but it is up to us to stop them and to nurture that

line of spirituality that makes us ourselves.


Three: Everything is a surprise. People and cravings can be a surprise that

cannot be stopped at certain times. We must deal with the fact that

surprises are always around the corner, waiting to turn right in your face.

We have to deal with these surprises by taking the shock of it and turning

it to something we know. Surprises will abound on your journey, some of them

good, some of them bad, but all of them worth it.


There are a lot of things about your journey to understand, but the three

above are what we need to focus on. Starting the journey with these

understandings will make it more worthwhile and more meaningful to you, as a

person. The journey begins on a grassy knoll. The bumps will be there,

though, but an understanding will make the journey all the more exciting

into what you can be and have always been.


The length of this journey varies from person to person. You cannot just hop

on a plane and hope that the destination is fun without giving yourself time

to plan. You have to believe enough in yourself to let the journey expand

itself. It can be one night or a lifetime, but the payoff, the fact that you

have found your true self, is priceless.


Journeys in the spiritual sense are, of course, about seeing yourself and

what makes you believe in yourself. The journeys do not have to be to the

ancient pyramids of Egypt, or to Machu Pichu, or even to your local church.

Since the journey begins in your mind, then begin where your mind takes you,

be it at home or work. A spiritual journey is an adventure no matter where

you go, but where it ends is what makes it special.


Good luck in all your journeys.

About The Author

Joel Serrano is still on his journey of finding his spiritual-self. As

founder of Your Free, a non-profit spiritual organization for the

enlightenment of all people, he can be contacted at: ajaloko His

website is http://community.webtv.net/ajaloko/YourFree Let's all start our





Living in Harmony with Self & Other


OK so the relative is not ultimately real, but we all still experience it on

some level.

So how do we just get along with others.

The following guidelines will help you live in harmony with others.


The His Holiness 14th Dalai Lama on Life


1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great


2. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.

3. Follow the three R's: Respect for self, Respect for others and

Responsibility for all your actions.

4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke

of luck.

5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.

6. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

7. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct


8. Spend some time alone every day.

9. Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values.

10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.

11. Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back,

you'll be able to enjoy it a second time.

12. A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.

13. In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation.

Don't bring up the past.

14. Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality.

15. Be gentle with the earth.

16. Once a year, go someplace you've never been before.

17. Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each

other exceeds your need for each other.




Where's home

By Lorraine Edwards


When we're born

We're born alone

We've left the place we call home


We're here to learn

We're here to stay

Until one day we find the way


We find the truth

We see the light

We now know this is our plight


Deep inside you find your soul

And realise you've found your goal


So when its time and you are done


That's when life has just begun..





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