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An update from INTUITION for 19 May 2004

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Welcome to an Article Update and words of

Wisdom shared from INTUITION for 19th May 2004

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Hi there

I hope you are having a wonderful week.

Finding ones own sense of contentment in life or in the present moment,

is a process of cultivating spiritual serenity in which the conditions


you find your personality and your environment that surrounds do not


your peace and spiritual contact. Finding this sense of contentment offers

you a detached way to work through the conditions of life. To grow and


wiser is reflection and in the same time not let yourself be caught up in

the lessons offered.

In thoughts and Love



" The spiritual test inherent in all our lives is the challenge

to discover what motivates us to make the choices we do,

and whether we have faith in our fears or the Divine. "

~ Caroline Myss


INTUITION. . . .Awaken to the Journey within.


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How to attract emotionally healthy people

By Eve Bernshaw



Touching a Moment

Howard Gontovnick



10 Steps for tapping into courage

By Robert Knowlton








1. Who you think you are is important. Like attracts like. Think about it.

Do you like who you are?


2. What you want in a relationship is important, and when you are willing to

ask for it, you will be able to create it.

But only ask for what you want when you are clear about what it is.

Until then, don't go around demanding things you just think you should have.


3. We get exactly what we focus on. The problem or the solution.

We make a choice between them with every decision we make.


4. Tell yourself the truth about what you want, not what other ( family,

friends, spouse) say your should have.


5. Tell everyone else your truth about what you want. Don't be afraid to

share your vision and dreams.


6. You are not defined by your relationships unless you choose to be.

Consider what it says about you if you deed over your soul to one.


7. Interdependent (two independent functional people) relationships are the

only ones that work, long term.


8. Truth is the first thing necessary to create trust in our relationships.

Respect is earned from trust, and love is earned

from respect. Intimacy is the gift we get when we risk telling the truth.

See the hierarchy of a functional relationship


9. Fear of intimacy is fear of the truth. Your truth is better for you than

someone else's. Just get to know what it is so you can own it.


10. If your relationship is not getting better, it is probably getting

worse. Life is dynamic and nothing ever stays the same.


11. Every relationship is unique. It takes what it takes to work. If you

want it to work, you have to work it.

No shortcuts. No 50/50 deals.


12. It's not your job to fix your mate, and it's not his or her job to fix


Take the relationship and what your mate says at face value and stop reading

into it what you'd like to hear.

We can work with what's real. It's impossible to deal with what's not real.


13. Unconditional love is an inside job. If you haven't gotten it by now,

guess what...start working from within.

When you can give it to yourself, you'll be ready to give it to someone

else. If you can give it to someone else,

you'll recognize it when it's given to you.


14. If you both are committed to creating a functional relationship, agree

to start doing it today, without any judgments

about the past. Be willing to work in the solution and let go of your need

to control the outcome, moment to moment,

one day at a time. Joy can only be experienced in the present moment.


15. Most of our fears about what may happen in this relationship are really

fears we experienced in past relationships,

and have nothing to do with this person. Come to grips with what's real and

what's Memorex!


16. When in an argument, ask yourself Does this really PASS THE SO WHAT

TEST? For you to be right,

does the other person have to be wrong? Think about it. Life is short. Don't

waste it on arguments that have

no meaning or purpose. You can always agree to disagree if you need to. Then

laugh about it and go on to the next thing.

Start observing your arguing as just another one of our dysfunctional,

immature habits that need to be broken.


17. When we finally learn to say we are sorry (at 3 or 93) we get to finally

hear we are O.K. To error is human,

and there is great virtue in all forgiveness, ourselves included.

The best ways to teach our children this lesson is by watching us

demonstrate it.


18. Any negative, hurtful or sarcastic remark is abusive. Like a sharp

knife, each word will carve out a chunk

of a loving relationship that can never grow back. Please consider the

source and the outcome of your remarks,

before you open you mouth to tell your truth.


19. Never let a day go by without saying and showing how much your

relationship and partner mean to you.

Never take a moment for granted. Express how grateful you are for your good

fortune, however meek or humble it may be.

Appreciation and gratefulness have magic in them. It seems the more we

express them,

the more reasons we are given to say thank you.


20. To have a functional relationship you have to be willing to risk loosing

it everyday, by telling your truth. If you don't feel free to tell your

truth, start asking yourself why you think it's so important to stay, and

what else you are willing to lose besides your self-esteem. For starters,

you can ask your mate to tell their truth, and be willing to accept it at

face value, with no judgment. Now you both get to know if you each want a

relationship based on what's real.


For optimum results, start doing this in the first five minutes of meeting











What is a functional relationship?

Without the beginning base of truth in a relationship, trust cannot occur.

Without the development of trust,

respect will never be born. Without a level of respect for another, a

functional relationship of love will not seed and

nourish the partners. Intimacy occurs when we become willing to share our

whole selves with another in this order.

It is the gift we get when we learn to engage in a balanced, loving and

functional relationship.


© Copyright 1999 E.K.Bernshaw





Eve Bernshaw, author of TheTransitionProcessT is a career and transitions

counselor .

She maintains a private practice, training and consulting firm that

specializes in functional decision-making and

communications in career, business and relationship issues. As a business

development consultant for over 25 years,

she continues to advise organizations and individuals on issues surrounding

their professional and personal growth,

vocational change, or independent venture development.






Howard Gontovnick


Do you recall ever having an experience when you felt as if you were

immersed in a very powerful state of mind - something akin to a feeling of

oneness with the universe? It might have been the kind of experience that

even moved you to tears or heightened your emotions so that everything

seemed to make sense; meaning you felt good and suddenly aware that

everything would be fine. Does this seem familiar to you?


Whatever the situation you experienced, you sensed a whole new reality.

Whether it was triggered by a particular vision or a musical selection, your

was awareness was heightened. If you could describe it, you might use words

like absorbed in, filled with happiness or overcome with joy. Either way, it

was as if something very powerful touched deep inside. A strong body feeling

where you felt complete serenity, peacefulness and calm.


So what do these moments mean? What do they really do for us anyway? And how

can we make them happen more often? Question after question we search for an

understanding but no matter what the question, any kind of answer seems hard

to find. Yet, deep inside, we continue to search for ways to interpret these

powerful moments. Within each of us, there is a desire to know more and

discover the real purpose behind this kind of experience. However, more

often than not, we are unsuccessful and thus settle for a vague estimation

of what has happened.


In hindsight, it seems that during these special moments it is as if we have

opened our hearts to that which is the source of all that was, is and will

be. A situation as if we have touched something that also resonates within

us and is a part of our nature. Unfortunately, most people are frightened by

the implications and withdraw from the moment, breaking the link. Even so,

the experience leaves us with a special feeling. It is something that gives

us a sense that all is possible and, yes, we can achieve the unachievable.


Some people have described these rare moments as doorways to higher worlds

or a place located perhaps in a dimension inaccessible to our conscious

mind, but open to our souls. It might be a place where one can touch the

source of greater knowledge and turn on a transformative spiritual energy

within one's body; a state of being where one can and will enhance the inner

nature as one moves toward its source. Finally, maybe it's the realization

that there is a unity in the universe and each spirit is, in fact, one link

in a greater chain.


This notion of a link in a greater chain represents an understanding that

each one of us has an important role to play in this life. Of course, on the

surface the role of one person may seem greater than that of another person.

Even so, the reality is - everyone is of equal importance. Therefore, if you

change one aspect of the plan - whatever its magnitude - everything is

thrown out of sync. Hence, for this very reason, maybe you should reconsider

how really important you are and how vital your presence is to the larger

scheme of things. In the end, it could be that these special moments provide

a sense of this higher reality as a glimpse of how everything is related and

meant to happen in life? Think about the things you have done in life and in

how many ways you have touch the lives of others. In other words, whatever

the magnitude of your presence, it remains vital to the way things are.


In the end, we will come to realize that we are all moving toward a higher

level of consciousness. Each one of us is moving at our own speed and within

our own time. As such, these special moments not only introduce us to this

reality but, provide us with sense a greater oneness, or connection with the

source of all that was, is and will ever be. Knowing that life does have a

deeper meaning and yes in fact each one of us does have a higher purpose,

then becomes a helpful source of endearment through the negative experiences

we encounter.


After reading this, I hope you will keep these thoughts in mind and enjoy

those special moments as you proceed forward searching for your own answers

to life's questions. Keep in mind, that you have an important role to play

and that life is much more than it seems at any given moment in time. It's

important to remember that overall our experiences are really joyful and

deeply enriching. Unfortunately we are often too busy dwelling on the

negative aspects while disregarding the positive. Life is a joyful journey

where each one has an important contribution to make; a contribution that

has far greater significance to the way things can be rather than the way we

understand them to be. Considering all this, remember to open your heart and

empower yourself with this knowledge that touching these special moments

provides. In every moment in our lives, there is something to be learned -

something to be given and something to be taken away - realizing the

importance of this is helpful in your transformation as a human being.

Remember that in the end you will find meaning through your actions and

becoming more aware of the importance in the greater scheme of all that was

and well be.


About Howard Gontovnick M.A.

Howard Gontovnick is a professional Psychotherapist with a private practice

in Laval, Quebec Canada. He has an extensive background and educational

training with recognized degrees in Psychology,

Philosophy, Religious Studies, Spirituality, Psychotherapy, Meditation, and

Sociology . Howard is an author of several publications and also teaches at

Vanier College in Ville Saint-Laurent. For more information on Howard






written by Robert Knowlton



Aristotle believed that courage is the first of human virtues because it

makes the other virtues possible.


Courage is a muscle that can be strong and established through exercise or

it can grow flaccid through lack of use. Here is an exercise to help you

build your courage.


These steps will help you tap into the natural courage in you. Courage is

defined as, " the quality of character which shows itself in facing danger

undaunted or in acting despite fear or lack of confidence. " (Shorter Oxford



1. Find a specific experience in your life when you acted despite the fear,

or when you went ahead and did something even when you felt a lack of



2. It is very helpful to identify a specific time this happened. For a

moment, or as long as you like, re-live the moments of courage. Success or

lack of success in the endeavor is not important. Your moments of courage

are the points you are after and to which you want to connect.


3. If you like, you can put your hand on the place in your body where the

courage seems to originate.


4. Take a breath and feel the power of your own courage.


5. Think of a recent time when this courage might have helped you decide

something or do something.


6. What possible outcomes may have been different if you brought forward

your courage?

(Remember, release any anger, regrets or blame if they come up.)


7. Staying with the courage that is truly part of who you are, imagine a

time in the near future where you may want to have more courage.


8. See yourself and your courage giving you the strength to decide or to do

that which you fear. How does it feel?


9. As you are feeling empowered and connected to your courage, notice how it

will flow in so many more of your future actions.

Notice how it is truly part of who you are and contributes to your living on

purpose as a fully alive, whole, authentic person.


10. Remember, this is part of who you are and is always available to you.


Take heart. Have courage.


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This piece was originally submitted by Robert Knowlton, Certified Business

Coach, who can be reached at

Coach, or visited on the web at

http://www.SuccessOptions.com. Robert Knowlton wants you to know: My

coaching focuses on leadership development, communication strategies, and

realizing your purpose and personal vision. Please visit my web site and

to my free e-newsletter, ON PURPOSE, to get coaching tips and

strategies for living a success-full and meaningful life.





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