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An update from INTUITION for 12th July 2004

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Welcome to an Article Update and words of

Wisdom shared from INTUITION for 12th July 2004

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I there

I hope you had a wonderful weekend

May I share this thought with you..


It should be our highest aspiration to awaken our consciousness to realise

that life itself is a gift

and with each new day we are granted an opportunity to self-heal, make peace

with the past,

be present to the now and be open to what has yet to come.

This can be seen as a process of being open to being truly alive as we

progress forward in our inner journey of self discovery.

In thoughts and Love




There is something in all of us that seeks the spiritual.

The spiritual is inclusive. It is the deepest sense of belonging and


We all participate in the spiritual at all times, whether we know it or not.

There's no place to go to be separated from the spiritual,

so perhaps one might say that the spiritual is that realm of human


which religion attempts to connect is to through dogma and practice.

Sometimes it succeeds and sometimes it fails. Religion is a bridge to the

spiritual ~

but the spiritual lies beyond religion. Unfortunately.

In seeking the spiritual we may become attached to the bridge rather than

crossing over it.

~ Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D.


INTUITION. . . .Awaken to the Journey within.


Cape Town South Africa


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Spiritual Bonding

By John Paul




By Rinatta Paries



Steps to Intuitive Development....





Spiritual Bonding

By John Paul


There will be times when someone special will walk into your life and a

bonding of the spirits will take place. This means that both people are

compatible, and that their inner spirits are harmonious with each other.

Because of this, a kinship is started first, followed by deep inner

emotional feelings for each other, all because the spirits are harmonious.

At this point we say that we have an attraction for each other, or that the

chemistry is right. The true understanding of relationships is in the divine

human spirit, which is the foundation of all happy and good relationships.

Sometimes we allow reason to cloud our judgment so that we are unable to

become aware of our true feelings. We feel through our mind instead of our

hearts, and become confused. When that special person enters your life, and

you sense the bonding of the spirits, then hold on tight and don't let go,

because unions such as this do not happen all the time.


How Will I Know?


You will ask, how do I know when my spirit has bonded with another person?

You will feel or sense it, because you find this person easy to talk to, and

you are comfortable when you are in their presence. Your face lights up with

a smile when you see them, talking to each other becomes easy, you will

discover that you have much in common and hold many of the same interests.

The joining of two spirits is a beautiful thing because it means that two

compatible souls have found each other and can now walk down the path of

life together.


Sometimes we, through reasons of fault finding, refused to accept this

bonding, because of minor human defects such as " he's not handsome " or

" she's not pretty " , and refused to allow the heart to guide us. Other times

we may think we are unworthy of that other person's affection. Many times we

have tried to hang on to or tried to salvage an old or bad relationship, but

this sometimes may not work out. It could be because the other person may

refuse to bond with you, or, karmically speaking, it may be time for it to

end. Only when the spirits bond and " both " people accept this bonding can

any relationship be a happy one.


As we are creatures endowed with the divine freedom of choice and free will,

this can make spiritual bonding painful at times. The pain comes when one

person recognizes the bonding and the other person, for one reason or

another, does not. No matter how old or mature we are, we can never ease

this pain. But there is hope! Through understanding and with time we learn

to heal our emotional hurt, and we become a better person because of this

experience. The only sad thing is that the other person may not have

suffered the pain that you did, but they lost the great opportunity of

having a happy life with you, and this is what is sad. On the other hand, if

that other person did suffer pain, it was because they did care for you and

did recognize the spiritual bonding, but for some reason could not allow

this bonding to grow and blossom into something beautiful.


Growing Together


The bonding of two spirits can be a time of joy or a time of sorrow and

pain. When it is a time of pain, we must give the pain meaning, and through

prayer or meditation, we allow it to be released from our being and allow it

to transform into a new energy of love. One that is pure and clean and free

of all hurts and pain, free to be used by someone else that may benefit from

your experience. No one can change what has happened except the person who

has refused your spiritual bonding, and being human, we always cling to that

last star of hope, that the other person may open their eyes and see what

they are throwing away.


If you are in a relationship where the person you love is unwilling to

spiritually bond and someone else comes along who wants to bond, there could

be a reason why. It could be a divine message from above. If you understand

this, then that new person who entered your life has now become that special

person, maybe even specially chosen for you. If true, what are you going to

do about it? Lives always cross for a reason, and we as humans don't always

see that reason, nor do we always understand it and will not understand it

until we are ready.


You may ask, why is our spirit so important to us and our human

relationships? It is important because our spirit is part of our nature - it

makes up who and what we are. It allows us to sense and be aware of things.

We are able to sense danger, evil, good, and sad and happy times. As our

physical body has the sense of touch on the physical level, our spirit is

our sixth sense, by which we are able to perceive the world around us on a

spiritual level. By sensing things through our spirit, we become aware of

many wonderful things such as spiritual bonding.


At the time of spiritual bonding, you must continue to interact between

yourself and the other person with whom you are bonding. This will allow the

other person time to sense the bonding, and to allow the bonding to grow and

become strong. Once both persons accept the bonding, then both of their

spirits are held together with a white light.


Keep A Clear Mind


During this time, we can become aware, through our spirit, when our partner

is in danger or troubled, or is in need of more love, caring, and

understanding. We can now better sense these things because the two spirits

are sealed. There is a word of warning.


If we allow the wrong kind of emotions to enter our thinking, such as

mistrust, envy, jealousy, egotism, vanity and self pride, and allow them to

dominate our feelings and the way we think, we can break the seal which

holds the two spirits together. The same rule applies to people who

spiritually bond with someone if the other person does not accept the

bonding, the spiritual bonding is incomplete.


Types of Bonding


The most common type of spiritual bonding is the bonding between a mother

and her child during the time of her pregnancy. It is also very important

for the father to spiritually bond with the child during its nine months

before birth, especially at the time of birth. Both the mother and the

father should be together on the bed, holding the child between them for the

first hour so that the bonding can continue to grow and become strong. Then

the hospital can weigh and measure the child.


Another type of spiritual bonding is the love between two friends which we

call our " best " friends. All spiritual activities and bonding are recorded

in heaven or into the universal archives.


A true lasting relationship begins to grow when it is spiritually bonded. At

times we talk about searching for our soul mate as if there is a soul out

there created just for us and we have to find it, in order to have that

perfect match. Soul mates are not something you look for, they are those

which you create when two people spiritually bond. Don't go looking for a

soul mate. Go out and spiritually bond with someone and create your perfect

soul mate, and find true happiness.


About The Author

John Paul has studied various religions and their spiritual theology, both

Christian and Judaism, plus has 15 years experience in metaphysics and

Eastern Philosophy. He has also written several spiritual and enlightenment

courses. You may contact him at: New Life Center, 15959 Asland Dr., Brook

Park, Ohio 44142.





By Rinatta Paries


Is someone you care about going through an ending or a difficult transition,

feeling sad or grieving? Are you?


Everyone experiences changes in life. With most endings and transitions --

such as job changes, the ending of a relationship, or the death of a loved

one -- grief and sadness are a normal part of the process.


Unfortunately, people experiencing grief and sadness are often given the

message that they should do so in seclusion. While in public, they're

encouraged to hide their emotions, put on a happy face, get on with life,

etc. This is mostly because the rest of us are not comfortable with and

don't know how to deal with grief and sadness in others.


Think about the last time you had a conversation with someone experiencing

sadness or grief. Once the person started sharing his or her emotions,

didn't you immediately want to offer encouragement, inspiration or a

solution? Most of us do, and we believe we are being supportive by doing



But while we are busy fixing the person's problems, he or she has just lost

the opportunity to be listened to. Telling his or her story and being

listened to is vital during times of transition.


The following are some ideas to really help someone experiencing the grief

or sadness of a transition. Follow the steps outlined below and you will be

giving those you cherish a priceless gift.


If you are the one experiencing an ending, grief or transition, share these

ideas with your friends and family to create a supportive environment for



1. Listen Without Judgment.

If your friend told you he lost a job, has financial problems or just ended

a relationship, would you automatically assume it was his fault? And perhaps

it was. However, even if your friend did cause the change, pointing out who

is at a fault does not make it any easier to bear. He knows who is at cause.

Your contribution is to listen while trusting that he will own the

responsibility in time.


2. Listen Without Telling Your Story.

When people are in transition, they need to talk about emotions, thoughts

and concerns. It's possible you may have had a similar experience and have

great ideas to share. But the transitioning person is not ready for these

just yet. He or she first needs to talk and be heard. No matter how close

you are to the person undergoing sadness or grief, it is not your place to

provide unsolicited solutions or stop his or her pain. Share your

experiences only if asked.


3. Handle Yourself in the Face of Sadness or Grief.

Emotions are not contagious. If someone is sad, there is no requirement for

you to also feel sad. If you take on the sadness of others, you take away

their opportunity to experience their own feelings. If you become sad as a

result of listening to grief, the grieving person will immediately feel

guilty and try to make you feel better. Listen to another's grief without

taking it on and feeling it yourself.


4. Be Prepared to Deal with Your Fears.

When listening to another's difficult emotions, you may experience fear. You

may become afraid of someday having to deal with a similar situation and

wonder how you will handle it. You may not want to hear what is being said

because of this fear. If this situation were to happen to you one day, you

would deal with it to the best of your ability. Meanwhile, listening to

another does not make it any more or less likely that something like this

will happen to you.


5. Take Responsibility for Yourself.

If you feel emotionally full after listening to a grieving person, ask him

or her to stop sharing. Simply saying, " I care about you and want to listen,

but now is not a good time. Can I listen [give possible time]? " will do the

trick. Unless you let others know you are not ready to listen, you are

sending a message that could be easily misconstrued. If you force yourself

to listen when you can't, the grieving person will sense your inability to

be fully present. He or she may interpret your " vibe " as a message,

something like: " Your sadness or grief is not ok. No one wants to hear about

it, not even me. Please put on a happy face. " He or she will likely shut

down negative emotions to accommodate you. This is not good for either of

you, as it makes the grief last longer.


6. Allow Sadness.

Emotions are not deadly. And unless your emotions are of a clinical

intensity, they cause no harm and are a good and natural part of life. If

you suspect clinical depression or any other mental health issue, please get

help from a qualified professional. Most dark emotions, such as sadness and

grief, are just as natural and healing as joy and laughter. Allow the

person undergoing change to feel sad; it is good for the soul. It's also his

or her right.


7. Don't Determine the Time Limit on Another's Emotions.

We often want others to hurry up and get over their emotions so that our

life can get back to normal. It is not up to you to determine when it's time

for another to get over his or her emotions. Emotions have their own time



If someone you care about is going through a transition and feeling sad or

grieving, simply listen. By listening you will be giving him or her a vital



If you are the one going through a difficult transition and feeling sad,

grieving, find supportive people to simply listen to you.


Your relationships will be richer and fuller for the experience.


Your Relationship Coach,

Rinatta Paries



Copyright Rinatta Paries, 1998-02. Permission is granted to reprint the

following article in your electronic or print publication(s) as long as no

changes are made and the byline is included. About the Author

© Rinatta Paries, 1998-2002. Do you know how to attract your ideal mate?

Do you know how to build a fulfilling relationship, or how to reinvent yours

to meet your needs? Relationship Coach Rinatta Paries can teach you the

skills and techniques to attract and sustain long-term, healthy

partnerships. Visit www.WhatItTakes.com where you'll find quizzes, classes,

advice and a free weekly ezine. Become a " true love magnet! "





Steps to Intuitive Development


Spiritual practices. Intuition develops naturally as a result of our

spiritual development. Meditating, praying, setting ideals, and working with

others on a spiritual path are all important tools for spiritual growth.


Ask questions during meditation and listen for the answers. If an answer

isn't forthcoming, consider that there may be other underlying questions

that need to be answered first.


Pay attention to the impressions you receive as you fall asleep or first

awaken. Insights will come as a result of asking questions during

meditation, through inner reflection, or as you are falling asleep. Write

these down, and find a positive way to act on them.


Trust your inner self as much as your analytical self. This can take

practice, as it is easy to brush aside our intuitive promptings. Give

yourself permission to give voice to the intuitive.


Have an insatiable curiosity. Discover those things you are drawn to and

follow them.


Inspirational writing after a period of meditation or attunement. While in

the meditative state, write down your thoughts, feelings, and impressions.


Spend time in nature. We can learn about our own natural balance and harmony

by attuning to those primordial aspects of God's creation.


Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet. If the physical body is not

in equilibrium, our intuitive development is inhibited.


Listen to uplifting music and read inspiring literature. This positive

engagement of our mental and emotional selves nourishes us spiritually.


Develop your creative imagination. Spend time expressing talents and

activities for which you have a passion.





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