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An update from INTUITION for 7 September 2004

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Welcome to an Article Update and words of

Wisdom shared from INTUITION for 7 September 2004


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Hi there

I hope you have been keeping well.

May your week ahead be one filled with tranquillity and Peace...

In thoughts and Love



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" If we were not so single-minded about keeping our lives moving,

and for once could do nothing, perhaps a huge silence might interrupt this

sadness of never understanding ourselves and of threatening ourselves with

death. " Pablo Neruda from " Keeping Quiet "


INTUITION. . . .Awaken to the Journey within.


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Spiritual Ethics

By Mary Phyllis Horn, Med, CMHt, Rev., Shamanic Practitioner



Solitude: Developing Personal Intimacy

By Dan Hunter



" Lazy Person's Guide to Enlightenment "

By Thaddeus Golas.


Sounds from Outer Space, beyond the solour System:

The complex interaction of the cosmic plasma,the very sounds of the universe



Sounds from the Voyager Spacecraft, A 2 minutes 45 second sound journey

" These sounds were derived and created from the transmitted signals by

converting the electronic waves to audible frequency.

The resulting sounds are fascinating and haunting. "





Spiritual Ethics

By Mary Phyllis Horn, Med, CMHt, Rev., Shamanic Practitioner


How we view ourselves and how we treat others is directly connected to how

we view Spirit. For the sake of clarification, here are my definitions of

Spirit: God, the Universe, Divine Source, or any other term you may use for

the Highest Power of creation. " Spirit " includes the High Self as well--the

highest, purest part of self that is always one with God. It also involves

angels (spirit guides), who are as real, individual and sentient as you and

I; they devote their entire beings to the service of the highest within

Spirit and humanity.


If we treat Spirit with respect and high ethics, any ethical change we

implement will occur with ease. Spiritual ethics involve humility,

forgiveness, recognizing our source of abundance, gratitude, and

surrendering to Divine Will.



Humility is a combination of awe, wonder, recognition of our true strengths

and weaknesses, and the deep knowledge that " I by myself can do nothing. "

That is, it takes self and Spirit to accomplish our full potential.


If we assume we can do all things on our own, and that we can manipulate

Spirit for our own ends, then we view Spirit as a slave to our wishes. If we

operate under this assumption, our angelic guides will merely step aside and

let circumstances prove what we can and cannot do. They will not intervene

on our behalf. This is how karma operates.


Inner work is most productive when approached with humility. In humility, we

recognize our talents as coming from Spirit and that we have a

responsibility to use them wisely for the highest good of all. We neither

belittle our talents nor pose them as being greater than they are. We also

recognize that they need to be used in tandem with Spirit's help.


Humility acknowledges the existence of realms beyond physical awareness.

What is seen inwardly may be metaphorical, but it is not a " figment of the

imagination " (a falsehood) nor an archetype of self. The unseen realm is

real. Imaginative forces are real...a necessary part of creativity and




Forgiveness is the spiritual counterpart to cleaning house: we get rid of

burdens and grudges we're carrying. This leaves space for the Spirit to

enter... and fill us with love and understanding. The change in vibration

allows us to feel Spirit's presence, and hear guidance more clearly.


Recognizing the Source of Abundance

The grateful person recognizes that all abundance, all good fortune, is

brought by Spirit. Think about it: right intent and action deserve good

karma... But who brings that good fortune to us? Who guides the right person

to appear at our doorstep just " by chance? " ... Or causes that serendipitous

circumstance to wondrously manifest without effort?... Or leads us to see

the very words we need? Spirit.



In being grateful, we acknowledge the source of our abundance. In expressing

gratitude, we consciously connect with Spirit, strengthening and expanding

that rapport. The deeper the rapport, the easier it is to hear guidance and

to be ethical.


How do you feel when someone expresses gratitude to you for what you do for

them? Do you want to do more? Do you appreciate your own talents more? Does

it lift your spirits and make you feel more abundant, joyous, loving and

creative? It's that way with Spirit too.


Surrendering to Divine Will

In gratitude, we strive to surrender our personal will to Divine Will. With

an attitude of surrender, we may approach Spirit with such thoughts as: " I

come here with my heart open... I honour, love and respect Spirit... I am

deeply grateful for my angels' willingness to help and for their wisdom in

guiding me... I surrender my personal will to Divine Will... I, by myself,

can do nothing... From the depths of my being, I desire to know the truth...

I know that Spirit will not deceive me, but will guide me rightly... I am

open and vulnerable, trusting in your good will, Spirit... With respect,

humility and a loving heart, I ask for your help. "


Spirit knows what is in the heart, fake or real. Heart-felt true intent

demonstrates a receptivity that allows Spirit to help us the moment we ask

for it.


Healthy Skepticism

Spiritual ethics may involve healthy skepticism concerning reality, to

assure right discernment and to keep on our chosen path. It is also

necessary when first contacting spirit guides, to make sure we're not being



However, the skeptical thought pattern may be counter-productive when

contacting the highest within, such as in meditation, psychic work, shamanic

spirit journeying or spiritual healing. A general rule of thumb for working

at these levels is: During the experience itself, assume it is real. If you

analyse it, you push it away, aborting the process. Analyse it only after

you return to ordinary consciousness... Then is the time to decide if it was

real or made up. If it's real, apply the guidance in your life. This last

step is crucial for building rapport with your spirit guides. Guidance that

works in life underscores the truth of their words and strengthens the bond

of trust between you.


Extreme Skepticism

Extreme skepticism, the opposite of humility, constantly negates subtle

information and any variance from the known. The extreme skeptic approaches

inner work with such thoughts as: " This can't be real. It feels like my

imagination, so it isn't true!... This doesn't conform with what I think it

should be, so I reject it... The guide is only an archetype... There is no

guide here for me (perhaps because I think I can do it all myself or I don't

trust Spirit?). " The extreme skeptic may also deliberately make things up

rather than go with what appears spontaneously...or may discount information

given by Spirit.


Sometimes extreme skepticism comes from fear. It may be fear of Spirit or

the unknown. It may be based on a deep-seated mistrust of personal

perceptions, feelings and self-worth -- all of which may be conditioned

responses from childhood or the result of soul loss. They are not in

themselves unethical. Nevertheless, they do create a distance between us and

Spirit. If we want that close rapport, it is important to work on ourselves

and release the barriers.


Extreme skepticism based on arrogance may say, " Everything I need to know is

already within me, " in the sense that " I don't need to hear it from anyone

else, much less Spirit! "


Skeptical thoughts are from the head, not the heart. They sabotage

self-discovery, block guidance, and are a sure-fire way of gaining nothing

from the effort. Symptoms of this within inner work include: not being able

to contact spirit guides...a sense of distance form the guides...the image

clouds over...you see the guide's lips moving but you can't hear or

understand anything...the guide is unresponsive and appears frozen in place.


Consider this: How would you feel if someone came to you for help and then

commenced to discount and " yes, but " to everything you offer? Wouldn't that

turn you off and make you not want to offer more help? Spirit reacts the

same way; it backs off if we do that. It will not force on us what we

obviously do not want.


Spirit Respects Us

Spirit respects us and will not violate our free will. If we want help and

guidance, we must be open to it. Spirit will wait patiently and lovingly

until we are ready to take the first step. It also sets boundaries for how

it will be treated. If we treat it like swine, we'll not be thrown the

pearls... But the pearls are always there anytime we choose right spiritual



We use right spiritual ethics when we approach Spirit with humility and

respect, give spirit our love, express gratitude to Spirit for all it gives

us, view self as a servant of Spirit while also honouring, respecting and

using our own talents, and apply Spirit's guidance in our lives.


Spiritual ethics require that we honour, love and respect both Spirit and

Self...in balance.


About the Author:

" Maryphyllis Horn, Shamanic Practitioner, M.Ed, CMHt, CTFT, CP-LRt, Rev.,

has a spiritual counselling practice in Pittsboro, NC. Her specialties

include Soul Retrieval, Shamanic Counselling and Healing, Past-Life

Regression, Spiritual Hypnotherapy, Thought Field Therapy and Genonetics.

For information phone 919-542-0260,

email soulshaman or go to her website: www.soulshaman.com "




Solitude: Developing Personal Intimacy

By Dan Hunter


Many of us who grew up in neglectful, invalidating, and abusive households

never learned to appreciate ourselves. Instead of being taught that we were

important, deserving, capable, lovable, good, and valid, we were taught the



Because of these conditions, we developed a negative inner perspective of

ourselves. We came to believe that somehow, we were " never enough " because

we did not receive enough validation to develop a positive attitude toward

ourselves and those around us. We came to project being invalidated and

rejected instead of being appreciated and accepted. Because of this feeling

of " not fitting in " , many of us ended up doing one of three things:


1) retreating from the world (withdrawing/denying/sedating/distracting)

2) rebelling against it or dominating (rebelling/controlling)

3) complying with whatever it was others wanted us to be so as to become

" acceptable " (submitting)


The problem with all 3 of these " defensive " measures is that all of them

reject the reality of what is and result in either our own isolation,

self-rejection or abuse of others. We never realized we could validate

ourselves whether others did or not and that our own opinions of ourselves

and our sense of personal dignity was not dependant upon what others thought

of us, but upon what we thought of ourselves. We could choose to approve of

ourselves whether others did or not though for many of us, to do so would

usually result in " punishment " which was really a nice way of saying abuse.

Our spirits were broken and most of us had little choice but to conform at

least until it was possible to leave our homes (prisons) in one way or

another. We were virtually treated as slaves - comply or else! We submitted

out of fear and shame.


It is difficult to want to be any part of a world when one's perspective of

it is that it is unsupportive, abusive, and neglectful. It is said that many

alcoholics for instance are the only people who treat loneliness with

isolation. My reply to this is that the reason for this is that they do this

because they perceive it as better to be alone than to be abused. They have

not been supported in life so they have naturally developed the belief that

they will not be. Simple experience has taught them that others are not

validating, trustable and supportive so they simply give up trusting.


Learning to trust and appreciate ourselves and our own worthiness is key to

developing an inner sense of Serenity - something that most of us were never

taught how to do. We can learn to do this by developing creative outlets for

our self-expression which can allow us to mirror back to ourselves and

others our innate Talents and Truths. This self-validation is important if

we are ever going to learn how to develop an inner calm and emotional

security within ourselves.


Support groups are very important in filling our human need for love and in

serving as the supportive family structure many of us never had. It can be

very helpful to get us started in developing personal validation, but

eventually, learning how to love ourselves even without the help of others

can provide us with a way to feel valid even when these groups are not

available. Developing an unconditionally loving and supportive Higher Power

connection via meditation is another very powerful way to self-validate and

is what I choose to do on a daily basis to feel grounded, secure, safe, and

supported within myself. All I need do is close my eyes and connect with

this Source whenever I need it. I cannot tell you how important this has

been to me in developing a sense of Inner Serenity.




" Lazy Person's Guide to Enlightenment "

By Thaddeus Golas.

Since the book is out of print and difficult to obtain,

I thought you would enjoy the summary below:


~What am I doing on a level of consciousness where this is real?

~We are equal beings and the universe is our relations with each other

~No resistance.

~Love it the way it is.

~Love as much as you can from wherever you are.

~Whether I am conscious of it or not, I am one with the cause of all that


~Whether I feel it or not, I am one with all the love in the universe.

~Love is the only dimension that needs to be changed.

~Go beyond reason to love: it is safe. It is the only safety.

~All states of consciousness are available right now.

~It's always within us to relate this way.

~Enlightenment doesn't care how you get there.

~Whatever you are doing, love yourself for doing it.

~There is nothing you need to do first in order to be enlightened.

~This, too, can be experienced with a completely expanded awareness.

~I wouldn't deny this experience to the One Mind.

~What did you think it was that needed to be loved?

~When you learn to love hell, you will be in heaven.





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