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Getting out of Heavy Places

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maybe your Relationship ended

maybe a loved one died or a pet

maybe your having panic attacks

maybe you have a serious illness

maybe you lost your job

maybe you lost your temper and regret it

maybe the IRS is after your ass

maybe your business failed

maybe you cant get any more credit

maybe you failed out of school

maybe you have no friends

maybe you gave up drinking and drugs and fear a relapse


maybe you're just plain depressed

maybe your anti-depressants are not working

maybe your thinking of ending your life


Have those mental state/s that ensued, because of the above experiences ever lasted?

Dont you know that for sure by examining previous heavy places you've been stuck in?


What about sanctioning whatever emotions you are experiencing and

letting them continue as long as they appear?


How long would they last? What would happen to you?


Like, are you not the knower of what is happening and not what is happening?


Hasn't the knower of experiences been You since you can remember?


How can experiences be you if they are appearances on the screen of consciousness?


Can those unpleasant mental states be you?,

because you witness them and they appear and expire in each moment.


If you wrote down exactly how you are feeling and any thoughts about the heavy place

Would that offer some relief?


If you answered these repetitive questions and have a friend/s acknowledge them, what would happen

to you.?


Tell me something about the heavy place, that I am unwilling to experience?

Tell me something about the heavy place, I that I am willing to experience?


Substitute any other meaningful word for heavy place that you chose.


Any answer that comes to mind is fine. Keep repeating the questions and answers,

by either having a partner that listens and acknowledges or type them in the computer and

post them on a group. See how your mental state changes and possibly disappears.

There are no silly or wrong answers.


Dont you think that if you really did the above process for any length of time, you would become so tired of doing it that the heavy place would disappear? Try it and see for yourself.


Watch what is happening in your mind and body like your life depends on it or like when

you are driving where kids are playing in the street.


Of try this. Put what you are experiencing into a few words and meditate on it.

See if you can keep concentrating on those words. For example. "My partner left me and I am going batty".

I'll bet you cant keep that as your meditation object.


Do you believe as I do, that anything you are unwilling to experience at least in your mind, you are stuck with?


What is it in you that wants to hold on to the heavy place you are caught up with?


















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thank you for these. they motivate me not to get stuck in those heavy places. Namaste

tyroneKomo Kasha <unbound wrote:


maybe your Relationship ended

maybe a loved one died or a pet

maybe your having panic attacks

maybe you have a serious illness

maybe you lost your job

maybe you lost your temper and regret it

maybe the IRS is after your ass

maybe your business failed

maybe you cant get any more credit

maybe you failed out of school

maybe you have no friends

maybe you gave up drinking and drugs and fear a relapse


maybe you're just plain depressed

maybe your anti-depressants are not working

maybe your thinking of ending your life


Have those mental state/s that ensued, because of the above experiences ever lasted?

Dont you know that for sure by examining previous heavy places you've been stuck in?


What about sanctioning whatever emotions you are experiencing and

letting them continue as long as they appear?


How long would they last? What would happen to you?


Like, are you not the knower of what is happening and not what is happening?


Hasn't the knower of experiences been You since you can remember?


How can experiences be you if they are appearances on the screen of consciousness?


Can those unpleasant mental states be you?,

because you witness them and they appear and expire in each moment.


If you wrote down exactly how you are feeling and any thoughts about the heavy place

Would that offer some relief?


If you answered these repetitive questions and have a friend/s acknowledge them, what would happen

to you.?


Tell me something about the heavy place, that I am unwilling to experience?

Tell me something about the heavy place, I that I am willing to experience?


Substitute any other meaningful word for heavy place that you chose.


Any answer that comes to mind is fine. Keep repeating the questions and answers,

by either having a partner that listens and acknowledges or type them in the computer and

post them on a group. See how your mental state changes and possibly disappears.

There are no silly or wrong answers.


Dont you think that if you really did the above process for any length of time, you would become so tired of doing it that the heavy place would disappear? Try it and see for yourself.


Watch what is happening in your mind and body like your life depends on it or like when

you are driving where kids are playing in the street.


Of try this. Put what you are experiencing into a few words and meditate on it.

See if you can keep concentrating on those words. For example. "My partner left me and I am going batty".

I'll bet you cant keep that as your meditation object.


Do you believe as I do, that anything you are unwilling to experience at least in your mind, you are stuck with?


What is it in you that wants to hold on to the heavy place you are caught up with?

















..........INFORMATION ABOUT THIS LIST..........Email addresses: Post message: Realization Un: Realization- Our web address: http://www.realization.orgBy sending a message to this list, you are givingpermission to have it reproduced as a letter onhttp://www.realization.org................................................ Post your free ad now! Canada Personals

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Realization , tyrone martin

<arunachala_1008> wrote:

> thank you for these. they motivate me not to get stuck in those

heavy places. Namaste

> tyrone


Your welcome Tyrone:

You are the only one that commented on this on the groups that I

posted it at. My deluded view is that is was the best thing that

came through me.


At least Rob did not have a Kanipsion. (fit) in Yiddish


Anyway I dont think members left the group like the other ones.




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ya im not sure but most people on spiritual groups are listeners rather than talkers; a good trait to keep. Namaste

tyroneKomo Kasha <lostnfoundation wrote:

Realization , tyrone martin <arunachala_1008> wrote:> thank you for these. they motivate me not to get stuck in those heavy places. Namaste> tyroneYour welcome Tyrone:You are the only one that commented on this on the groups that I posted it at. My deluded view is that is was the best thing that came through me. At least Rob did not have a Kanipsion. (fit) in YiddishAnyway I dont think members left the group like the other ones.Aloha,KK..........INFORMATION ABOUT THIS LIST..........Email addresses: Post message: Realization Un: Realization- Our web address: http://www.realization.orgBy sending a

message to this list, you are givingpermission to have it reproduced as a letter onhttp://www.realization.org................................................ Post your free ad now! Canada Personals

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Realization , tyrone martin

<arunachala_1008> wrote:

> ya im not sure but most people on spiritual groups are listeners

rather than talkers; a good trait to keep. Namaste

> tyrone




If this group is like the one I moderate than most members are not

on email or digest, so who can tell how many actually read any posts

and the ones that do read mine are not aware that their reactions

are projections from their own unpleasant and pleasant mental

recordings. Neurtalizing reactivity is the task of spiritual



Metta and Namate,


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